The September 2006 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
- The general strike by Staughton Lynd
- Starbucks fires 3 IWWs for union organizing
- 8 million U.S. workers may lose union rights
- Readers' soapbox
- Workers celebrate solidarity in Durham and Dorset by Peter Moore
- The IWW and the "Other Campaign" by Patricia Nuno
- War, Wobs and the web by Eric Lee
- Unions condemn bombing
- Sweatshop all stars picket Cooperstown by Sourdough Slim
- Yuengling brewery workers attacked by Walt Weber
- East End Co-op bosses refuse to recognize IWW
- Midwest Wobfest
- The Coors strike looked like a class act by Gary Cox
- Call for international support against Starbucks' union-busting
- The most dangerous song in the world: a rewrite by Len Wallace
- Book review: Solidarity for sale: how corruption destroyed the labor movement and undermined America's promise by Robert Fitch
- 1,400 Mexican strikers fired by David Bacon
- World labor solidarity