Auxiliary forces using boots and truncheons attacked the peaceful sit-in outside the Moroccan Parliament building last Friday.

The protest was organised by the Moroccan association for human rights (AMDH) after a call by the National Solidarity group for the Mayday Detainees (INSAD), those arrested at May Day include workers, unionists, students and the unemployed.
The sit-in was attacked, outside without warning by auxiliary forces. The head of the AMDH and two deputies were singled out, one of them being dragged by his feet away from the building before receiving a heavy beating in a nearby street. Between 15 and 30 demonstrators were hospitalised as a result of their injuries, the AMDH has denounced the attacks.
Protesters were chased through the streets and when some tried to hide in the Moroccan National Press Union (SPNM) building but they were followed in and attacked. A 24 hour hunger strike being held in the SNPM building was also broken up by police.
On Mayday itself seven were arrested at Agadir and Ksar el Kebir, they have since been sentenced to several years inprisonment for 'attacking the monarchy' as a result of slogans they chanted. 10 arrests followed at a solidarity sit-in at Beni Melllal on June 5th. Journalists, unionists and political militants have reported an increase in repression in recent years.