Issue 19: April 1987 from Copied to clipboard Attachments processedworld19proc.pdf (5.19 MB) Table of Contents Talking Heads Hot Under The Collar Work's Diminishing Connections Kaiser don't care! SEIU neither! The Kaiser hospitals strike, 1986 Small is not beautiful: Working at the San Francisco Bay Guardian Book traversal links for Processed World #19 How to talk like a Situationist Up Table of Contents Printer-friendly version Processed World Comments
Office workers on strike: San Francisco 1981 A short account of an ongoing strike of Blue Shield clerical workers in San Francisco in 1981, by Lucius Cabins.
The Rise of the Six-Month Worker Chris Carlsson analyses the worldwide growth of temporary agency work in this article for Processed World magazine in 1981.
Drugs: A Corrosive Social Cement Lucius Cabins analyses drug use in contemporary society, and the relationship of the drug industry to the global economy.
Flexing muscles at Flax: Anatomy of service sector organising Maxine Holz and Lucius Cabins interview two workers at a small art supplies firm in San Francisco…
"A Strike By Any Other Name" Natasha Moss-Dedrick analyses the huge, five months strike of 70,000 California grocery workers in 2004 and the role the union played in their defeat.