An archive of Love & Rage, a newspaper during the 1990s by what became the federation of the same name.
Love & Rage newspaper

Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 1, April 1990

The first issue of Love & Rage, with articles on the fall of apartheid, international news, remembering Malcolm X, a killer cop convicted after riots in Miami, a meeting of the anti-racist skinhead group The Syndicate, the defeat of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, anarchist action in Warsaw, direct actions for Earth Day, the invasion of Panama, a raid on a squatted community centre in New York, prisoner news including John Perotti and Spanish political prisoners both going on hunger strikes, a misogynist massacre in Montreal, feminist organising in the East Bay, ACT UP, and the "On Gogol Boulevard" column of news from the collapsing Eastern Bloc.
This one has a great letter from one of the Demolition Derby people, published under the title "Pessimist Unenthusiastic", basically just saying "I hear you're starting a new paper, I'm expecting it'll probably be shit, whatever."
Also, on pages 10 & 11 there's an article "East Bay Women's Community Gets Rolling: Smashing scales, wielding speculums, and demanding much more than our rights," with a photo of a creative demonstration at the UC Berkeley campus in 1990. I was there and it was pretty fun, except the campus pigs arrested 3 of the core organizers that night before. Yet women wielded sledge hammers and smashed diet products and bathroom scales, having previously discussed "fat liberation, anorexia, and the portrayal of women by the mass media." The event was themed as a "positive body image" event, but that didn't stop the the university pigs from sending a phalanx in full riot gear. There had been 3-4 riots down the adjacent business district along Telegraph Avenue that year, so I guess the cops were ready for another. A lasting pleasant memory for me, seeing my comrades smash that shit up in the heart of the campus in the noonday sun.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 2, May 1990

Issue 2 of Love & Rage, with letters including a resignation from the ISO, international news, a police attack on a squat in Berkely, a review of a film adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale, Earth Day action on Wall Street, ACT UP and the AIDS movement, the end of a miners' strike in Pittston, Virginia, action against McDonalds, prisoner news including John Perotti ending his hunger strike and the continuing hunger strike in Spain, Public Enemy, squatting and repression in Chicago, Lithuanian independence, the On Gogol Boulevard column of international news, the UK Poll Tax riot, and more.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 3, June 1990

Issue 3 of Love & Rage, with letters and articles including squatting in Vancouver, an early black bloc at a St Paul Salvador demonstration, a report from the Wall Street Earth Day action and other events elsewhere, a student strike in Berkeley, a Greenpeace demonstration in New Jersey attacked by police, prison news including an uprising at Clallam Bay and anarchist prisoner Ojore N. Lutalo, Chippewa struggles over fishing rights, riots after a police killing in New Jersey, crack and the war on drugs, two reviews of Fear of a Black Planet, a demonstration for AIDS healthcare in Chicago, and a mayday riot at Tompkins Square Park in New York.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 4, July 1990

Issue 4 of Love & Rage, with letters, a call to defend the redwoods of California, the bombing of Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney's car, bi women in the lesbian community, the Radical Faeries, international news including the ANC torturing alleged anarchists, prison news including a hunger striker dying in Spain, an article on imperialism and national liberation, the On Gogol Boulevard column with news of a Russian syndicalist's murder, workers' autonomy in the Soviet Union and a Russian anarchist held in a psychiatric hospital, squatters' news from France, Denmark and Holland, women's health, and antifascist reports from San Francisco and Ohio.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 5, August 1990

Issue 5 of Love & Rage, with articles on the Mohawk revolt in Canada, letters on the anti-poll tax movement and imperialism, a critique of L&R's macho imagery, anarchists confronting Operation Rescue in New York, a proposed biotech lab on the site of Malcolm X's assassination, a Stonewall commemoration organised by the Radical Faeries, Mandela and the ANC, torture by Chicago cops, anarchist movement news, prison news including a John Perotti update, news about the Polish anarchist movement from On Gogol Boulevard, a report from a L&R editorial council meeting, a revolutionary anarchist primer, and coverage of Earth First!'s Redwood Summer.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 6, October 1990

Issue 6 of Love & Rage, with articles on the first Gulf War, letters, a report from a Young Greens conference addressed by Murray Bookchin, a relief effort after a hurricane in Puerto Rico, the Canadian government sending troops in against the Mohawk rebellion, prison news including a profile of Larry Giddings, the On Gogol Boulevard column with news of Soviet anarcho-syndicalists and Eastern Bloc solidarity with Native American struggles, strategies for resisting the war, an open letter about love and anarchy, an article from the Anarchist Workers Group about organising for anarchy, notes of revolt and more.
Love & Rage Vol. 1 No. 7, November 1990

Issue 7 of Love & Rage, with a review of Refusing to be a Man by John Stoltenberg, letters including a debate on imperialism, the On Gogol Boulevard column with news from the Eastern Bloc, prisoner news, the Mayday 29 case in New York, racism and repression in Miami, anarchist participation in the anti-Gulf War movement, the possibility of a draft, a march on San Francisco's financial district, a reprint from the Anarchist Workers Group on organisation, a disruption of a Meir Kahane speech in Minneapolis, an environmental conference, resistance to US military bases in Crete and more.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 1, January 1991

Vol 2, Issue 1 of Love & Rage.
This issue has letters, an announcement of a L&R organizing conference, a call for an anarchist contingent at a Gulf War demonstration, a debate on UN sanctions, tribunal statements from Leonard Peltier and Larry Giddings, an activist's children being taken into state custody, a twinning project between US and USSR prisoners, the importance of prisoner support, a campaign against a new control unit, On Gogol Boulevard with coverage of Soviet dissidents, Argentine anarchists and Polish ecologists, Larry Giddings on anti-authoritarianism, the Seminole wars, attacks on Berlin squats, a review of Robin Morgan's Demon Lover, Liberation Radio in Minneapolis, the Poll Tax, student riots in Paris, a Klan march in DC and more.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 2, February 1991

Volume 2, Issue 2 of Love and Rage, with articles on the Gulf War and resistance, letters, news about L&R's production and an L&R organizing conference in Minneapolis, Wayne Price on different factions in the anti-war movement, anarchist tactics at mass demonstrations, squat evictions in Vancouver, Christopher Day on anarchism and organisation, indigenous resistance to a hydro-power project in Quebec, the On Gogol Boulevard column with news from Hungary, Lithuania, and anti-war Afghanistan veterans in the USSR, prison news including conscientious objectors in Finland, and the Notes of Revolt column with actions across the US and beyond.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 3, March 1991

Vol 2, Issue 3 of Love & Rage, with letters, Bob McGlynn offering an anarchist critique of "anti-imperialism", an advert for an L&R organizing conference, a report on a black bloc at an anti-Gulf War march, resistance to any possible draft, an introduction to anarcha-feminism and a memorial for victims of the 1989 Montreal massacre, Christopher Day on anarchist organisation, the On Gogol Boulevard column interviewing a Hong Kong anarchist, the ABC column of prisoner news including a report from Leeds ABC and John Perotti launching a hunger strike, and the Notes of Revolt column with miscellaneous news including an invitation to a Class War conference.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 4, April 1991

Vol 2, Issue 4 of Love & Rage, with articles on the Gulf War, letters, a report from an invasion of a Minneapolis TV station, a Queer Nation position paper setting out the "bash back" position, a hunger strike among women prisoners in Canada, the treatment of anarchist prisoner John Perotti, a beating in the Mansfield, Ohio control unit, the On Gogol Boulevard column with a report from an international syndicalist conference organised by the SAC, the Bulgarian Federation of Anarchistic Youth, a letter from the Berlin squats, Chris Day on building local anarchist groups, and notes of revolt with anti-gentrification resistance in New Orleans and more.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 5, May 1991

Vol 2, Issue 5 of Love & Rage, with reports from a student strike at CUNY, letters including criticism of L&R's position on the Gulf War, the beating of Rodney King, the struggle for abortion in Poland, Chris Day on democracy in local groups, the ABC column of prison news including John Perotti's hunger strike and a critique from Bob McGlynn about the lack of prisoner support, a long article on ecology, critical thinking and utopia, notes of revolt including two sailors charged with mutiny and sabotage of the train tracks outside a naval base, and the On Gogol Boulevard column with anarchist news from Poland, Hungary and Slovenia.
Love & Rage Vol. 2 No. 6, June/July 1991

Vol 2 Issue 6 of Love & Rage, with articles on indigenous spear-fishers, letters continuing the debate on the Gulf War, an upcoming Love & Rage conference, a revolt against police violence in DC, a report from an anarchist speaking tour, Wayne Price on the Bookchinite Left Green Network, the ABC column with updates on John Perotti and a graphic about the Irish Murray case, anarchism and AIDS activism, a riot in Tompkins Square Park, a European autonomist congress, Soviet Jews and Israel, an anarchist critique of free trade, the On Gogol Boulevard column with news from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and more.
By the way, my general
By the way, my general tagging policy is to put tags that apply to the whole series (like "Love and Rage") on the parent/series page and then add tags relevant to specific articles (like "ACT UP" or "apartheid") on the particular issue that they're covered in, but thinking about it am I just going to end up adding the Anti-Racist Action tag to every single issue that I upload?