Last Monday the fascist parastate made a double attack in Greece with the bombing of an antiauthoritatian centre in Salonica, and the pogrom against the arab community of Neos Cosmos in southeast Athens

The fascist para-state has waged a double attack in the two major Greek cities, Athens and Salonica, on the night of Monday 23 November with police providing impunity to the perpetrators and the bourgeois media systematically under and misreporting the events.
In the case of Athens, a mob of fascist thugs attacked the arab community of Neos Cosmos, a southeastern neighbourghood of the metropolis, in the area of the proletarian blocks next to Syngrou avenue after 21:00. The fascists shouted racists slogans while beating the arabs on the street and smashing their shops, looting the tills and destroying their merchandise. The arab community was quick to mobilise a counterattack, chasing the fascists and forcing them to seek refuge in a block. At that moment strong riot police forces arrived which attacked the arabs, and let most of the fascists to escape. The cops then moved to detain 6 arabs and two fascists who claimed to be accidentally in the area playing basketball, and thus set free. Besides, the greek police in an attempt to cover the traces of its para-state accomplishes published a communique that claimed the clashes were between rival arab gangs. For many hours this story monopolised the news, and had to be revised in gross embarrassment after the intervention of left-wing parties and anti-racist organisations. The Radical Left Coalition has accused the police of being "provocatively inert" allowing the fascists to escape. Three arabs are reported to be in hospital wounded. The attack comes as a climax of racist bigotry on the side of the extreme-right, which seems to be losing its ability to control the area of Agios Panteleimonas where with the support of the police it had created a white-only zone through stabbing and beating people of color.
In the case of Salonica, the attack against the antiauthoritarian centre BuenoVentura came in the early hours of the morning, causing only material damage to the premises. Although initially the media reported the story as an anarchist attack against a cafe, once it became obvious it was a fascist bomb attack against an antiauthoritarian centre all reference to it stopped. The centre is located in a central spot of the city and is an active venue of social action and counter-information. What follows is the communique of the centre:
Regarding the ignition of an explosive device at the free social space “Buena Ventura” (Thessaloniki)
At the dawn of November 24, at 03:55 am, the free social space Buena Ventura (which hosts the assembly of the group Solidarity – Antiauthoritarian Movement) came under attack with a strong explosive device.
The way in which the device was placed reveals much about the morality of the perpetrators, a morality of murderers – since they did not just attack Buena Ventura, but the entire neighbourhood. In short, the windows of neighbouring blocks of flats were smashed by the explosion in a radius of 15 meters, while shattered pieces were whammed all around, posing an imminent danger to the lives of neighbours. Shattered pieces also hit three cars, which also highlights the murderous nature of the attack since any random passer-by could have been hit by them too.
The attack comprises the tip of the iceberg – part of the framework of repression and of the blooming of para-statist action over the decades. It begins with the activity of the para-statist group “Karfitsa” in the 1960s and comes all the way to the placing of the explosive device at Buena Ventura.
It becomes painstakingly obvious that free social spaces are being targeted – as approximately six months ago the haunt of the “Struggle Movement” (Sfentona) was also attacked. The method of the attack and the construction of the mechanism reveals that the perpetrators are the same, naturally raising the question of who will be next and – what scale of attack they will come under.
Such attacks comprise expressions of a fascist-type logic that aims at the terrorising of people in struggle; a logic that finds refuge and legitimacy on a practical level in the coordinated attack launched by authority against everything last year’s December has given birth to.
This witch haunt, the zero-tolerance schemes, the demonization of the anti-authoritarian movement both from mass media and from the state (from the mouth of the “Citizen Protector”, Minister Chrisochoidis), offers the strongest alibi for the activity of such circles, within and in parallel to the action of the state.
In our face, the entire movement was attacked, since we consider the choosing of our particular group for the attack entirely random. In our place it could have been anyone who has chosen the paths of struggle and resistance.
It could have been any free social space, haunt or squat. Through us, they attacked all those parts of society that revolted in December, since the symbolism of the date cannot be overlooked: the attack came only days after the mass mobilisations of November 17th and ten days before December 6th, marking a year from the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Our response cannot be other than the one given by society itself during last year’s revolt: The state and its dogs won’t scare us.
Open Assembly: 24/11, 7pm at Buena Ventura
Solidarity – Antiauthoritarian Movement
Update: Today after a press
Update: Today after a press conference by the Buenaventura centre, the bourgeois media made a u-turn, portraying for the first time the attack as "ultra-right paramilitary". Forensics demonstrated that the explosive device was a pipe-bomb filled with metal shrapnel which would have caused certain death to any passer-by. The media claim that the explosion was felt all around the centre of the city and that the police in making investigations amongst extreme-right groups.
That is fuck up.
That is fuck up.
2nd Update: As a response to
2nd Update: As a response to the fascist violence against the arab community of Neos Cosmos in Athens, a protest march took the the streets around the scene of Monday's pogrom. It must be noted that one victim of the racist violence remains in hospital due to a stab in his eye with a knife.
The Greek state is absolutely
The Greek state is absolutely insane.
Do the majority of the population know what's going on? Or is this being completely ignored by the media? (Apart from when they lie about it?)
Unfortunately nothing is being published in the UK about this - your coverage here is the best there is in English. And for that we are very grateful!
The degree to which the media
The degree to which the media in the UK are just blanking the whole situation in Greece atm is genuinely astounding.
Thank you Steven. It is
Thank you Steven. It is striking that reportage in english on the greek social and political upheaval only surfaced briefly during the December uprising (trying to portray it as merely some more riots). One is led to think that the ministry of press has some relation to that strange gap: last month the cnn's main political correspondent in greece was found to be in the pay of that particular ministry for keeping generally silent. No surprise really given the structural corruption that the Greek state is.
In Greece itself the bourgeois media do report all these events regularly and often extensively, of course with their interpretation which varies from "we need more police" to "we need a strong left movement to control things". Consensus to the government's agenda has skyrocketed since the election of the Socialists in power. Mr Chrisochoidis, the Minister of Public Order, is known for his spinning and blackmailing abilities regarding information during his previous term when he mounted a mass propaganda war against the urban guerrilla group November-17. At the same time, the blogsphere has become a second pole of mediated information, providing sometimes pressure to the official media in terms of stories or their interpretation. Athens.indymedia, despite its many problems on various political levels, is now a third pole, and a source often referred to in both newspapers, TV and the bourgeois blogs.