Riot at asylum seekers detention centre, Christmas Island

Buildings and tents at the Christmas Island detention centre have been destroyed in fires deliberately lit by asylum seekers overnight.

Submitted by Samotnaf on March 18, 2011

Tents used to house asylum seekers were razed, after Australian Federal Police (AFP) used tear gas to quell a group of about 250 protesters attempting to break out of the centre.

A small number of asylum seekers and staff suffered minor effects from tear gas and smoke, the immigration department says.

Two asylum seekers have been taken to hospital, one with chest injuries and another suffering chest pains unrelated to the incident that began about 8pm (local time) on Thursday.

Immigration department spokesman Sandi Logan said the group were "intent on violence and non-compliance".

"They (police) called on the group to stop and to return, they refused and at that point the AFP did what was required of them," he told Sky News, referring to the tear gas.

Christmas Island shire president Gordon Thomson said asylum seekers were being accommodated at a recreation centre, after two large tents were "burnt to the ground".

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd told the Seven Network the protests were "completely unacceptable" and would not influence any visa decision.

Mr Logan said immigration staff had spent "considerable time" engaging with protesters over the past week.

Refugee advocates say the protest was sparked by a letter asylum seekers received from Canberra indicating security checks would be undertaken next month.

But Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul believes it contained other information that led to the protests, and, along with the Australian Greens, he called for restraint.

"It is obvious the use of force by police is leading to escalating tension and confrontation," he said.

Human Rights Commissioner Catherine Branson is concerned about processing delays, urging detention as a last resort.

More than half of the 6500 asylum seekers in detention have been there for more than six months, she said.

"This causes stress levels to rise, it gives rise to problems in centres (including) mental health," she told ABC Television.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison told Fairfax Radio the fire and protests were the direct result of Labor's soft border protection policies.



13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on March 18, 2011

Tried to edit tag so New Zealand is replaced by Australia, but couldn't do even after 3 tries.


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by riot_dude on March 18, 2011

it's all over the news down here in Australia, but just typical media coverage, nothing more interesting than what you've already posted; plus lots of Spectacular footage of buildings burning and whatnot.

The only analysis I've seen has been from Andrew Bolt and others of his ilk demanding we burn them at the stake.


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on March 19, 2011

Thanks for the links.


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on March 19, 2011



13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on March 19, 2011

The only analysis I've seen has been from Andrew Bolt and others of his ilk demanding we burn them at the stake.

Who's Andrew Bolt? And why is he demanding that him and his ilk be burnt at the stake? Wonder what burnt ilk tastes like.


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by riot_dude on March 19, 2011

Me fail english? That's unpossible.
Sorry for my dodgy wording.

Andrew Bolt is a nutbag conservative media commentator.

Here's a good example of the type of commentary covering the issue


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by bastarx on March 19, 2011

Bolt is one of Murdoch's run of the mill spewers of right wing bile.


13 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on March 19, 2011

Wasn't citicalablising your perfekkt inglish - it was obvious what you were saying, just felt like making a joke ho ho.

Submitted by riot_dude on March 20, 2011


Wasn't citicalablising your perfekkt inglish - it was obvious what you were saying, just felt like making a joke ho ho.

i guessed as much 8-)


13 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on April 21, 2011

Supposedly the fire brigade was used to help suppress the protest; not sure if its significant but I think it's the first time they've been used in this context (at least recently, here). Of course this was backed up with plenty of moral outrage when the firefighters copped some roof tiles in return.


13 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on April 21, 2011

Firefighters are often used in riots etc. to put out fires, and often get attacked (to name 2 instances that spring to mind: the various riots in the UK in 1986 and the riots in South Africa in the '80s).


13 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on April 21, 2011

Sure, although in this case it is suggested that the firefighters were trying to forcibly hose the rioters down off the roof (again, perhaps not unheard of elsewhere, but a new development here at least).


13 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on April 25, 2011

More here:

As a protest at Sydney's Villawood detention centre entered its fifth day, immigration officials downplayed reports of a mass hunger strike at Western Australia's Curtin facility.
Three protesters remained on the roof of Villawood detention centre yesterday afternoon.
Two of them had been there since Wednesday, when a riot involving up to 100 detainees broke out, leaving nine buildings gutted by fire.


13 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Rats on April 25, 2011

It was only a matter of time!

Enjoy the light show.


13 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on May 25, 2011

Detention riots cost centres $9m

The Immigration Department says riots at the Christmas Island and Villawood detention centres are estimated to have caused about $9 million in damage.

A number of buildings were destroyed during violent protests at both centres earlier this year....

The Immigration Department also says there were not enough federal police on Christmas Island to arrest asylum seekers who escaped from the detention centre during protests earlier this year.

A large group of asylum seekers broke through the detention centre fence during the riots and the Senate hearing heard they were offered a lift back to the detention centre.

From here.

AEROSOL cans have been banned across the immigration detention network after an attempt to build a home-made bomb at Villawood, and $9 million in damage from fires and riots.

From here.