An overview of the American Communist Party from the time right before the Popular Front era until World War II and the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Copied to clipboard Attachments Communist Party of the United States from the Depression to World War II, The - Fraser M. (2.62 MB) United States 1940s state socialism World War II 1930s Leninism Great Depression mobi Communist Party (USA) Fraser Ottanelli Comments Hey, this cat is the history Hey, this cat is the history department head at my school (USF). About to graduate and I've never even met him!
Hey, this cat is the history Hey, this cat is the history department head at my school (USF). About to graduate and I've never even met him!
Left out: reds and America's industrial unions This study discusses the legacy of the Communist Party USA in the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) from the 1930s through the 1950s.
"Who gets the bird?" or, How the Communists won power and trust in America's unions: the relative autonomy of intraclass political struggles An essay on the American Communist Party's efforts in the CIO.
Personal histories of the early CIO Transcript of a talk given by 5 people who were involved in CIO organizing in the 1930s.
The roots of American communism - Theodore Draper Theodore Draper's incredibly detailed book about the many groups, factions and individuals that would form what became the Communist Party USA…
Where is Juliet Stuart Poyntz? An article by Carlo Tresca on Juliet Stuart Poyntz, a Communist Party USA member who is believed to have been abducted and murdered by a Soviet…
Ghosts of Leninist past: a review of The Roots of American Communism A review and some comments from Juan Conatz on Theodore Draper’s history of the various factions…
Hey, this cat is the history
Hey, this cat is the history department head at my school (USF). About to graduate and I've never even met him!