Door knocking guide

Tips for effectively carrying out door-knocking visits and talking to people in your local area.

Submitted by Steven. on October 13, 2006

In community politics, door knocking plays an essential role. From just getting to know your neighbours better, to carrying out a local survey or trying to sign people up to a local campaign or petition talking to people at home is a valuable exercise, due to its face-to-face nature,

However, it can be a daunting task, so we put together a set of tips to help you on your way, with pre-planning and then how to act on people’s doorsteps.

Before you go

  • Never go out on a rainy day, people are put off if you look like a drowned rat or are covered with a hood, hat or umbrella
  • Similarly, avoid going out if you are ill.
  • Dress smartly; not necessarily suited but ironed and clean. Don't look like a burglar or bailiff - people are less likely to answer the door to someone wandering up their drive with a big hood or black hat and scarf...
  • It's best to start organising with your closer neighbours, so you have a basic trust already.
  • The best time to go knocking is during daylight hours. It is best not to go around dinner time. Yes people will be home, but they won’t be happy to talk. Similarly, don't go just after work, people need at least half an hour to relax before doing anything like talking to strangers.
  • It's always good to have a clip board in you hand - even if you don't really need it, take one with some leaflets on.
  • The resident’s first point of eye contact is either your face or the clipboard so always make sure that your group or campaign’s header is present and clearly visible on the board.
  • Depending what sort of thing you're doing it could be useful to have two sets of leaflets, one for people who are out or answer the door and tell you they've got no time and a separate one for people who are more interested.
  • If you have enough time it is worth calling back to houses that didn’t answer the first time. Just make sure that you keep an accurate record of which houses you spoke to people in or else you'll end up calling on the same person several times and they'll get pissed off.....
  • Bring a sheet to note down the contact details of particularly interested people.
  • Some people have put a card through the doors of the areas to be visited announcing the time they'll be along - if people don't want to talk they can just put the card in the window to indicate they're not interested. While time-consuming this can be worthwhile.
  • If you're leafleting for a 'controversial' issue (e.g. anti-fascist) then start at the top of a tower block, otherwise you may have to walk down past hostile people who might have been alerted by your leaflets.

At the door

  • Say the most important thing first. Avoid apologising for bothering them in the first sentence – people prefer you get to the point of why you're calling.
  • The person opening the door won't want to hear too much complicated stuff in the first minute or so leave aside complicated explanations in favour of making a good first impression
  • If you seem confident and relaxed, so will they - if you're nervous and tense then they will also tend to react defensively.
  • Use inclusive gestures, open stance - never cross arms while you speak, or stand like you are about to leave for example.
  • Don't be intimidating, and don't approach the door in a big group. Knocking in pairs is usually the best format, for not overwhelming people, for your security and also so you have some company and can get feedback from each other on how it went.
  • Remember to smile; don't go if you're in a bad mood. People always pick up on it.
  • Look people in the eye, use a strong handshake – it makes you seem more trustworthy.
  • Always be honest about what you know and don't know - don't flannel to sound more informed.
  • Know your script, and answers to frequently asked questions, so you don't fumble your words when asked.
  • It sounds silly, but your knocking style is important. If you sound too official, people may not come to the door.
  • Behave from the moment you touch the gate - people often hear it and will check you through the curtains. Close the gate behind you, and don't walk on the grass. Close the gate behind you when you leave as well.


You shouldn't be nervous about knocking on people’s doors. Most people are very nice even if they're not interested in what you have to say. It helps if you have a leaflet to give people because then you can refer to it, point out the date and venue of a meeting etc. Also if what you're trying to organise is local and for the good of the community then you have an immediate advantage over most people who are door-knocking for other reasons.

Once you've knocked on a few doors and got some feedback it's plain sailing usually, although don't be disappointed if all the people who seemed enthusiastic don't actually turn up to a meeting or event.

Last of all, enjoy it! It's a great buzz when you get into it, and a great way to get to know people in your community.
With tips from the users of and the Festival of Dissent, 2005



9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by boomerang on April 13, 2015

Good advice. Just a note on this

Don’t be intimidating, and don’t approach people’s doors in groups.

I know people who did or do charity canvassing, and from them I've learned that two people at the door usually works better than one, even if one person does most of the talking. Maybe it's because people feel more embarrassed to tell you to go away if there's another person there as a witness. Or maybe it's because your cause seems more legitimate if you can have at least one other person there with you (so you don't just seem like a lone weirdo).

Agreed though that three or more people would be too intimidating and a bad idea.


9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on April 14, 2015

Having spent a couple years canvassing in my youth (in an Alinskyite organization), I've got to agree with boomerang. Also, an old radical I used to cover the city leafleting with (including on public transit) made it a point of principle to always do it in pairs. There were many reasons for this, including back up in case something turns sour (like having the cops called or dealing with a gun-toting reactionary -- which isn't unknown in the U.S.), for keeping up morale, and simply for giving each other feedback.

Otherwise, this door knocking guide has excellent advice.

Noah Fence

9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on April 13, 2015

I had some JWs knock on my door yesterday - they were pretty young and seemed really nice. I told them that they really didn't want to talk to me but they said they really did. 15 minutes later I don't think I had convinced them about their misguided religious ideas but they were definitely converted in regard to my original statement!


9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on April 13, 2015

Can I add a small practical tip for posting leaflets when people are out? Not an issue with outdoor US-type mailboxes but with letterboxes in front doors, watch your fingers, I've had them nipped by dogs. I found the noisy barking ones to be less of a problem, more the stealthy little buggers, lurking by the door, waiting to take your hand off.

You should swap tactics with my partner. He invites them in for a cup of tea and discussion. We've had the full range of religions in at one time or another.

gram negative

9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by gram negative on April 14, 2015

Yeah, the benefits of door-knocking in pairs far surpasses any benefit from doing it alone - the morale and emotional support to keep going on is enough to make pairs the best plan.


9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Pennoid on April 14, 2015

Went door-knocking in once for a solnet. The nice couple brought us in and fed us cheeseburgers. Was righteous.


9 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 14, 2015

Thanks guys I've updated it with your suggestions

Sokami Mashibe

9 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Sokami Mashibe on August 9, 2015

Comrades, i'm an anarchist communist that lives in a very small isolated town along the coast of California. I could very well be the only anarchist here. I want to change that with local community based organizing, education and propaganda! These tips will help me do it.

Maclane Horton

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Maclane Horton on November 8, 2015

I always try to get people talking. If something has happened in the area, I ask them if they saw it or heard about it. Or I just ask if there have been any problems locally.

And, of course, ask them what they think. But this has to be done carefully or they will feel intimidated. You can directly or indirectly suggest an answer eg "Some people say ....., I don't know what you think about that........."

Of course once you do that the problem is to somehow get them to stop so you can get away politely.

James MacBryde

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by James MacBryde on November 8, 2015

James MacBryde

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by James MacBryde on November 9, 2015

Yeah, the benefits of door-knocking in pairs far surpasses any benefit from doing it alone - the morale and emotional support to keep going on is enough to make pairs the best plan.

Even better if you can co-opt a child and make it a trinity...

James MacBryde

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by James MacBryde on November 9, 2015

No offence mates, if you've got the balls to stand up and be counted, good on you. If its the Anarchist Federation you're with and they're the group that publish Organise! I still remember the issue with the old woman washing dishes with the caption, Another Tory government and still f#%k all for the working class! It's been something I've carried with me throughout all these years of struggle.