The guillotine at work, part 2: data and documents

Prisoners arrive at the Solovetsky Camp (1927)
Prisoners arrive at the Solovetsky Camp (1927)

This is part 2 of the The Guillotine at Work, containing documentation of the Bolshevik "Red Terror" in the wake of the Russian revolution, edited by Russian anarchist Gregori Maximov.

Submitted by Karetelnik on April 5, 2014



10 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Karetelnik on April 6, 2014

The photo above is a still from a propaganda film commissioned by the OGPU (Soviet Secret Police) and made in 1927–1928. [See] This documentary was produced in response to the international campaign against the treatment of prisoners in the USSR, including anarchist prisoners. Despite the fact that it greatly embellished the living conditions of prisoners, it is impossible to avoid the oppressive experience shown of extreme poverty and crowding, frightened people toiling, and armed guards grinning .


10 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 6, 2014

Hey, thanks so much for posting this, it's great!

Kate Sharpley

10 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Kate Sharpley on April 7, 2014

Here is some data in the form of an index. NB you will find place and personal names vary (different transcription systems) - also, some of the entries may be for pages in part one. But hopefully you will find it useful.

Kate Sharpley

8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Kate Sharpley on June 23, 2016

Name Details1 Details2 page or number
17 anarchists transferred Archangel 522
20+ anarchists arrested moscow 8/3/1921 more elsewhere 361
360 plus anarchists arrested Kharkov 452
400 anarchists arrested April 1918 388
A. and I. November 1936 622
A. mentioned by S. sick, operation april 1932 611-12
A. K talks about. She has a bad hand November 1936 622-3
Abram comrade of Maximoff Kharkov 426
Abram arrested Ekaterinburg 446
Afanassiev exiled, but kept in archangel camp 525
Akhrameyev, I. bio 562
Akhtirsky, Ivan bio, where now? 531
Akhtirsky, Ivan asume shot 536
Akhtirsky, Ivan shot long since' 543
Akimov, D. Kara-Kirhiz republic 562
Alexandrov polit-isolator 599
Alexandrov 599
Alexandrovitch anarcho-Bolshevik' 421
Alexandrovitch fate unknown 619
Alimov Narim 562
Altshuler exiled, but kept in archangel camp 525
Altshuler, Jean testify v. universalists? 504
Altshuler, L. sick after hunger strike 526
Anarchists st petersburg arrested 217
Anarchists hunger strike ; beaten ; shipped to concentration camps. Strike lasts 16 days see 'a letter from arkhangelsk' 220
Anarchists hunger strike Archangel 524
Anarchists in Archangelsk on way to Kholmogory 525
Anarchists 41 arrested Petrograd 527
Anarchists 30 on Solovki 539
Anarchists 9 others violently exiled from Arkhangel for getting aid from abroad 547
Anarchists arrested Turkestan 1927with Petrovsky Turkestan 560
Anarchists 9 arrested Petrograd 1925, finish terms in Yaorslavl PI. Four exiled. 581
Anarchists seven in Kharkov 15/09/1926 544-5
Anatoly Taganka, Black Cross appeal (is this Gorelik, G., repeated?) - probably, Anatoly was a pseud of Gorelik. 473
Andina, Alexandra (Shura) Ivanovna op without anaesthetics Urals 575
Andina, Alexandra (Shura) Ivanovna from Irbit, where being treated for serious illness Kudimkor 580
Andina, Alexandra (Shura) Ivanovna 580
Andreyev, Andrei photo (Andrey Nikiforovich) 32
Andreyev, Andrei liberated 592
Andreyev, Andrei hunger strike/ protest to GPU Astrakhan 616
Andreyev, Andrei Novosibirsk 601-2
Andreyev, Andrei hunger strike/ protest to GPU 614-5
Anon freed from prison/camps but under surveillance. Btn of russian a's 2, June 1924 538
Anon city of M. TB & eczema. Sees V (male) November 1936 622
Anon political conditions Btn of russian a's 2, June 1924 538-9
Anon report on prisoners in exile: K, S, Student girl, Man with lung trouble, one with heart trouble, M, L, N, R bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
Anon hospital sister april 1932 607-8
Ansonov fate unknown, photo 341
Ansonov volga river workers anarcho-syndicalist 367
Applebaum obit of Rogdayev Epplebaum? 617-18
Archangelsky Yenisseisk 601
Arendarenko Beresov 596
Arkhangeltzi (=nickname?) (or Arkhangelsk, Mikhail in mem list?) 571
Arkhangeltzi not writing, mentioned by Sergeyev 569-71
Artemenko, Konstantin village of Unkino, Kolpashevo, Tomsk 562
Askaroff, G.K. universalist, hunger strike, taken to Archangel, taken to Moscow 520
Askarov 17 years in mvt 504
Askarov, (Herman?) universalist, arrested 503
Askarov, Herman House of anarchy' speaker (no 1st name given) 406
Askarov, Herman arrested 619
Askarov, Herman prison and exile since 1921 341, 528
Astunin, P. Archangel 562
Atabekian, A.A., Dr died in exile, photo 341
Atabekian, A.A., Dr pamphlet on house committees 348
Avrutskaya, Fanya asked after by Tarasiuk 462
Axelrod Tobolsk accused of attacking a screw 554
Axelrod accused of attacking a screw sent to Solovki 555
B. exile, bad conditions april 1932 609
B. no news, no work December 1936 623
B. food/ shop conditions april 1932 610-11
Badins, Alexander (Badin) Djambetta, Urals 580
Badins, Michael (Badin, Mikhail) Djambetta, Urals 580
Balunkevich worker arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Baranovsky (in connection with underground a's attacks) tortured and shot 106
Baranovsky tortured 248
Barmash lead opposition in Kostroma 140
Barmash, (Vladimir?) universalist, arrested 503
Barmash, Vladimir prison and exile since 1921 photo 341
Barmash, Vladimir House of Anarchy' speaker 406
Barmash, Vladimir Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Barmash, Vladimir Anarchist rep in Butrirky 517
Barmash, Vladimir exiled 592
Barmash, Vladimir ill, Butirky, sent Verkhne Uralsk 596
Barmash, Vladimir Yenisseisk 601
Baron, Aron 18 years, Kharkov, disappeared 8
Baron, Aron protest against moscow bombing 359
Baron, Aron with Kiev bakers 367
Baron, Aron arrested 442
Baron, Aron in prison 510
Baron, Aron shot at in cell Orel isolator 511
Baron, Aron probably shot 1937, photo 512
Baron, Aron finishes his term in Solovki, sent to Moscow GPU 540
Baron, Aron transferred Eniseisk to Tururkhansky Kray 549
Baron, Aron bio Turkhansky 562
Baron, Aron Yenisseisk 575
Baron, Aron arrested 588
Baron, Aron exiled Tobolsk 619
Baron, Aron disappears 624
Baron, Aron bio, ex-solovki, to Altai 542-3
Baron, Fanya arrested 190
Baron, Fanya Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Baron, Fanya shot 510
Baron, Fanya shot, photo 512
Basevich Bassevich, Aida Minusinsk 580
Baturin a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Baturo, A.I. [Batura] IWW? Ex-US, exiled Viatka 569
Bayev, Artem 562
Bayev, Nikolai bio 562

Bedyukov, Mikhail Parabe[l], Narim 588
Belaev, Nikolai arrested for overseas contacts (getting money) via Moscow 547
Belash, V. Tashkent 563
Belayev Tobolsk (Brother of Nikolai) 555
Belayev, Nikolai Turkestan, exile 555
Belayev, Nikolai arrested after Sacco-Vanzetti protest, exiled 574
Belayev, Nikolai (Nikolas?) Minusinsk 580
Belayev, Nikolai arrested Minusinsk 588
Belayev, Nikolai Simferopol 597
Belayev, Volody (Vladimir) exiled Narim 581
Belyaev, N. (Belayev, N.?) arrested Simferopol 600
Belyaev, N. 600
Bernis a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Beziazikov a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Bianemin, L. Beresov 563
Birulin Biriulin, Michail arrested with A. Baron 543
Birulin Biriulin, Michail arrested nov 1920 549
Birulin Biriulin, Michil Kem 563
Blagoveshchensk arrests 10 April see footnotes for Golos Truzhenika articles no 220, 8 sept. 1923 in 'a letter from russia'. 237-8
Bleichman arrested Petrograd 1918 396
Blumin Tobolsk 601
Blumin, Lev Perm 562
Bobr, I. peasant, arrested 1924 arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Bogush anarchist, buford (bio) ex-us shot. "Anarchist; emigrant from the United States, from where he was deported together with Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. During the period when the accord with the Makhno troops was in force, that is, in November 1921, Bogush went to the district held by the Makhno troops in order to familiarize himself with the situation and conditions prevailing there. After a week's stay in that region he returned to Kharkov where he was arrested and shot on June 2, that is, in less than a year after he had come from America." 176
Bondarev communication worker, anarcho-synd 367
Borisovich, Efred [Efram?] protest against administrative exile 540-1
Borovikov, A. arrested Vladivostok 561
Borovikov, A. 563
Borovnikov, A. 597
Borovnikov, A. Archangel 597
Borovoy, Alexey professor lost 9
Borovoy, Alexey exiled 363
Borovoy, Alexey sign protest 470
Borovoy, Alexey exiled Viatka 592
Borovoy, Alexey was re-exiled 601
Borovoy, Alexey died in exile 1936, photo (Prof) 341, 512
Borovoy, Alexey bio, die Viatka 594-5
Bozhko Boshko, D.S. north west of Siberia, hundred of miles from any railroad' Khodzheilakh 581
Breinin Tobolsk 555
Breinin Tobolsk 563
Bronzev transferred Mesen 548
Bronziv Archangel 563
Broverman, Joseph Braverman, Iosif Melitopol 581
Budanov Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Budarin, I. Novosibirsk 563
Burbiga Makhnovist shot 108
Burbiga Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Butirsky 193
Charin, Ivan arrested with A, Baron 543
Charin, Ivan bio Odessa province 566
Charin, Ivan bio, freed because in a dying condition 566

Charin, Vanya ill. Need 160 roubles (80 dollars) / month for sanatorium 548
Chekeres, L. arrested 491
Chekeres, N. arrested 491
Chekmasov, Elena exiled Irbit. With sick child 576
Cheliabinsky cheka 1 anarchists, 6LSRs escape 254
Cherepok, N. clerk arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Cherniak moscow prison hunger strike, joined by comrades. 15/1/22 anarchists carted off. 220
Cherniak Hunger strike (11 years in USA: 1906-17?) Butirky 517
Cherniak, M [MC] ex-chicago (ME: writing to AB or EG?), repression. Supporting Rose, Esther, boy. Before jan 1924. [Rose is wife, Esther is daughter?] Narimsky Kray 533
Cherniak, Maxim fight whites, partisan 352
Chernyi, Lev framed 190
Chernyi, Lev died under torture? 248
Chernyi, Lev Anarchist Fed, control buildings 407
Chernyi, Lev mentioned 504
Chernyi, Lev shot/ tortured 510
Chernyi, Lev shot moscow 1921 photo (Turchaninov) 341, 512
Chimkent arrested May 1926 560-1
Chuchkov, S. (woman) from Ukhta to Izhma 575
D., P. august 22, 1923. Aid Soc? Absent from K, not in north? behind the bars 1924 532
Death group raided April 1918 384
Dobroliubov Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Dolenko-Chekeres arrested 442
Dolenko-Chekeres old anarcho-synd, arrested, Husband of Tinovitzkaya, Elizaveta Husband of Tinovitzkaya 448
Dolensky, Efim to Upper Uralsk from Tashkent 548
Dolinsky, Effim Upper Uralsk 563
Dolinsky, Effim (Yefim) Parabe[l], Narim 588
Dorushakin Siberia 592
Dotzenko Tobolsk 555
Dotzenko Tobolsk 563
Drikker from Kiev arrested Kharkov 448
Dukelsky hostage 106
Dvumjantsev rail workers anarcho-syndicalist 406
Dyakov Diakov Tobolsk 555
Dyakov Diakov Tobolsk 563
Eliseev transferred Shenkursk (from exile in Arkhangel) 548
Eliseyeva, L. Archangel 563
Epstein, Benjamin ('Nemka Belenky') shot by whites, photo 528
Esther Narimsky Kray 534
exile with heart trouble exiled bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
F., L. couldn't read german book; bloke who could dies of malnutrition April 1932 609
Federmeer, Clara Narim 581
Federmer (son of Clara) died Stalingrad 602
Federmeyer wife of Pokrovsky hunger strike 303
Fedorov (Uncle Kostya) Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Fedorov [(Uncle Kostya)?] exiled Tomsk 596
Fedorov [(Uncle Kostya)?] minus six 596
Feldman Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Feodorov-Puntzov, A. Yaroslavl 563
Fiedorov prefers expulsion after hunger strike 488
Fiedorov deported with children 491
Fiedorov child dies 497
Fiodorov, Konstantin Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Fissun Tobolsk 555
Fissun Tobolsk 563
Fissun, P. prison Ust-Sisolsk 597
Fleshin, Senya support hunger strike by Steimer and Veger 527
Fleshin, Senya bio deported abroad. "active as an Anarchist in the United States, and since 1917 in Russia with "Golos Trouda" and the "Nabat" in the Ukraine; repeatedly arrested by the Whites for underground work; since 1920 employed by the Petrograd Museum of the Revolution; repeatedly arrested by the Bolsheviks as an Anarchist; exiled from Russia forever." 528
Frenkel from Kiev, arrested Moscow for carrying A. lit. 446
Freydlin (Olga's Sister) arrested 491
Freydlin, Olga wife of maximov hostage 106
Freydlin, Olga support Taganka hunger strikers 482
Freydlin, Olga chief supporter of hunger strikers 484
Freydlin, Olga arrested 491
Frolov a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Furlet, S. arrested Vladivostok 561
Furmet, C. bio 563
G. male. Seen by T 623
G. companion of S? takes trousers for potatoes april 1932 612-13
Gaggi [Wife of] 619
Gaggi, Otello bio Yarensk 619
Gaidovsky plus wife, esperantists, arrested 548
Gaidovsky, S. with wife Ural 563
Gaidovsky, Sergei Djambetta, Urals 574
Gandlevskaya, Zora Borisovna hunger strike/ protest to GPU Astrakhan 616
Gandlevskaya, Zora Borisovna hunger strike/ protest to GPU 614-15
Ganshina young anarchist students, female exiled Arkhangelsk district 198
Ganshina, E. bio Narim 563
Ganshina, Helena Moscow Aid Soc. 530
Gavrilin, Tikhon Severo-Dvinsk 592
Gavrilov Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Gavrilov, Ivan arrested 190
Geraseva, Tatyana exiled. Ill. Turkestan 580
Gerasimchuk anarchist petrograd 194
Gerasimchuk, P. Beresov 596
Gerassimov Upper Uralsk 574
Gerassimov, E. (Effim?) Ulianovsk 597
Gerassimov, Yefim Narim 588
German reader with LF, dies of malnutrion 609
Ghe, Alexander anarchist-communist faction, protests repression (he was a Chekist) (or Ge) 389
Ghe, Alexander ask about arrested anarchists 391
Ghezzi, Francesco bio Suzdal 593
Ghezzi, Francesco bio, condemmned 592
Glasgon (in connection with underground a's attacks) tortured and shot 106
Gogelia (Orgeiani) arrested 491
Goghelia, Lidia fate unknown, photo 341
Goldberg hunger strike 451
Goldenberg hunger strike 360
Goldenberg hunger strike after arrest 447
Golounikov, [A.G.?] arrested summer 1926 563
Golounikov, [A.G.?] Tiumen 563

Golounikov, A.G. arrested summer 1926, Leningrad 559
Golounikov, A.G. arrested Leningrad Novosibirsk 559
Golubeva ABC appeal 439
Golubeva, Anna arrested summer 1926 Novosibirsk 563
Golubkov Samara anarchist 438
Golubov, F. Sverdlovsk 597
Gomeniuk, Sasha exiled Surgout 580
Gorbitch metal worker, bio "a metal worker; an Anarchist since 1916; deported from the United States in 1920 for pro-Soviet propaganda; former member of the Union of Russian Workers in U. S. A.; exiled from Petrograd Province and forbidden to live in Moscow, Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, in ports and border cities; sentenced to two years exile." sentenced exile 528
Gorbova, Katia Ekatarinodar anarcho-synd 366
Gordeyev anarchist, Izhevsk arms factory shot 136
Gordeyev shot for indiscipline, Izhevsk plant 370
Gordeyev executed 510
Gordin brothers hostage 106
Gordin, A. House of anarchy' speaker 406
Gorelik deported with children 491
Gorelik, G. Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Gottman, Lea arrested with A, Baron 543
Gottman, Lia photo 32
Gottman, Lia bio well-known case; arrested in November 1920 in Kharkov during the legally held Anarchist Conference. Had suffered persecution as a revolutionist under the Tzar. Since 1920 in various prisons. Now an exile in the town of Zinovievsk. 564
Goumeniuk, Alexander exiled Tobolsk 574
Gourov arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Gousev, A 581
Gousev, A Minusinsk 581
Govar, K. arrested 1924 arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Grechanikov (in connection with underground a's attacks) tortured and shot 106
Grigoriev peasant anarchist attempt suicide by fire 303
Grigoryev attempt suicide (by fire) 556
Grigoryev bio. Peasant. Attempt suicide Yaroslavl 563
Gromov Tobolsk 555
Gromov Tobolsk 563
Gurevich Tobolsk accused of attacking a screw 554
Gurevich accused of attacking a screw sent to Solovki 555
Gurevich, Boris suspicious death Kharkov 602
Gurevich, Boris 602
Gusev peasant Tobolsk 563
Gutman, Lea Moscow Aid Soc, arrested, exiled 530
Gutman, Lea arrested nov 1920 549
Guyevsky released after hunger strike ['a worker from the Kharkov Railway shops'?] 488
Guyevsky, A. Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Hurricane group raided April 1918 384
I. and A. November 1936 622
Ilovaysky-Kaydanov see Kaydanov lost 9
Immediate socialists group raided April 1918 384
Independents group raided April 1918 384
Isayeva young anarchist students, female exiled Arkhangelsk district 198
Isebskaia, Sofia arrested Leningrad 559
Isebskaia, Sofia bio arrested summer 1926. Narim 564
Ivanchenok, M. Klintzi 422
Izhma five anarchists 575
Izhma unjust distribution of stipend - try to divide anarchists (who got it) from Zionists (not) 546-7
Izhma prison beatings 302
K alive, poor health bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
K. earns 30 roubles/ month - sends packets to prison. Exile? Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
K. receives food. A has bad hand November 1936 622-3
Kabas arrested Kharkov 435
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Ivan Kokchatev 588
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Ivan Tashkent 592
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Ivan 592
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Ivan arrested Tashkent 597
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Ivan 597
Kabas-Tarasiuk, Vanya arrested for overseas contacts (getting money) via Moscow 547
Kalimasov, A Altay 581
Kalimasov, Alexander details/bio Turukhansky 587
Kamkhi, M. bio Moscow prison 564
Kanashevich, Elena died Kudimkor 602
Karandashvilli fight whites, partisan 352
Karasik, [Alexander Moyseevich?] beaten, sent to Kholmogory 525
Karasik, Alexander Moyseevich convicted 1922 518
Karelin loyal to CP, edite Volnaya zhizn 358
Karelin, A. CP account 456
Karenev, A. arrested Vladivostok 561
Kasena, Yelena 560
Kasena, Yelena Tula 560
Kasenniy, S. arrested Vladivostok 561
Kasenniy, V. bio 564
Kashena exiled Cherdin 548
Kashina, Ekaterina Tula 564
Kashirin, [T.?] escaped from exile arrested 190
Kashirin, Tikhon beaten 248
Kashirin, Tikhon beaten at Butirky 469
Kaydanov Moscow black guards 406
Kaydanov (Ilovaysky) bio Orenburg 592
Kaydnov-Ilovaysky 602
Kaydnov-Ilovaysky just 'Ilovaisky' in original bulletin (jan 1933) Orel 602
Keburye arrested April 1918 387
Kevrik, Vera dead? 547
Kevrik, Vera unknown 556
Kevrik, Vera dead? 564
Khanyenko anarchist tried vladivostok 237
Kharkhardin Suzdal 592
Kharkhardin 601
Kharkhardin Alma-Ata 601
Kharkov arrests 361
Kharkov arrests 447
Kharkov prison no. 1 15/09/1926 544-5
Khodounov anarchist killed by cheka 57
Khodounov killed 'trying to escape' moscow 357
Khodounov telephone worker, shot. Bio (in Texts) 388
Khodounov accused banditry 410
Khodounov executed 510
Kholpunov, R. Psychic derangement Orel isolator 464
Khotkhova Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Khramova, N. ABC appeal 439
Khudoley Suzdal 592
Khudoley 601
Khudoley Altay 601
Kirilev anarchist acquitted banditry Gorodetz 404
Kisselev exiled, but kept in archangel camp 525
Kizliakov, F. T. author. Foreign contacts. Djambetta, Urals 580
Klintzi paper suppressed 416
Kluchevsky, Boris to Upper Uralsk [Klichevsky?] from Tashkent 548
Klysiev Solovietsky (not A.?) 535
Kniasiev accused banditry 410
Kogan, David 'little christ' Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Kogan, David 'little christ' shot, photo 528
Kogan, David 'little christ' bio, where now? (Lev Rubin) "Comrade David Kogan (Lev Rubin), an attractive persionality, a man of high integrity and renown as a revolutionary Anarchist, (he spent many months in Denikin's prisons), was arrested, together with another Anarchist Ivan Akhtirsky, by the G.P.U. in Moscow. Since then, noth of these comrades vanished. All the attempts of our comrades to find them have been in vain. Very significant is the fact that Kogan's sister, the wife of one of the big-wigs in the Communist party and the Soviet Government, Khybishev - People's Commissar and mener of the Politbureau), also tried unsucessfully to discover his whereabouts. | Comrade Kogan is afflicted with heart neurosis; both he and Akhtirsky, lived of late under very distressing conditions. Our comrades in Russia are are greatly alarmed over the fate of those teo revolutionists, who vanished without leaving any trace behind them. We are convinced that the International WOrkingmen's Association will use its influence, as it did in the case of comrade A.M. Shapiro, in order to enable us at least to locate these two comrades. The complete disappearance of both, is an outrage of the kind which does not even happen under Mussolini's regime." (letter from United Committee for Defense, 15th Nov.) 531
Kogan, David 'little christ' asume shot 536
Kogan, David 'little christ' shot long since' 543
Kolemasov? Kolomasov sailor, attempt escape, bio, from Moscow 560
Kolemasov? Kolomasov sailor, attempt escape, bio, from Moscow 560
Kolia [Nikolai] (=first name?, for 'Nikolai') in touch with Sergeyev transmitted request for reading matter to Moscow, all I got was Kropotkin's Ethics. 571
Kolia [Nikolai] request books, mentioned by Sergeyev 569-71
Kolimasov, A. Vladimir 597
Kologriv bio, ex-USA 600
Konse, Anatoly Kursk 601
Kordao (Cordao) fate unknown 619
Kordao, [A.?] unknown fate Solovietsky 600
Kordao, A. 597
Kordao, A. Archangel 597
Korenev, A. bio 564
Korobko Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Koroloevich Altay 581
Kosov Sverdlovsk 596
Kosov, V. Verkhne-Uralsk 564
Kosov, Vassily Kudimkor 580
Kostin Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Kovalchuk arrested Ekaterinburg 446
Kovalenko, A report 1919 Odessa repression 434
Kovalevich House of anarchy' speaker 406
Kovalevich rail workers anarcho-syndicalist 406
Kovalevich, Kasimir underground anarchist killed 105
Kovalevich, Kasimir bomb CP, blow self up not surrender 359
Kozlovtzeva pregnant, beaten Orel isolator 464
Krasavchik, Fedor Artemovich convicted 1922 518
Krasavin Beresov 596
Krasavin, [Sergei?] Surgut 592
Krasavin, Sergei Obdorsk 580
Krasnov student Guriev (only political there) 581
Krichevsky, Boris Upper Uralsk 564
Kritskaya Moscow anarcho-synd 366
Kronstadt rebels exiled 196
Kronstadters 1500 out of 5000 remain alive Archangel 523
Krotus, A. prison Ust-Sisolsk 597
Krouglov, Ivan exiled Tobolsk 581
Krouglov, Ivan 581
Kruglov exiled Surgut 592
Kruglov, Ivan unknown exile 596
Krupenin House of anarchy' speaker 406
Kulikov Kazakhstan 564
Kumanov unknown fate Solovietsky 600
Kurbatov Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Kurganskaia, N. bio. 2 children. 564
Kurganskaia, N. bio Tula 564

Kurganskaya, Apolina Arnoldova convicted 1922 518
Kurganskaya, Polia [Apolina Arnoldova] two children undernourished 576
Kurganskaya, Polia [Apolina Arnoldova] Krasnaya Poliana 576

Kurganskaya, Polya [Apolina Arnoldova] bio: died, had two kids. See also French text in Flechine 89 (544-9) which has more text than that printed in the English Bulletin. In particlar, ‘K.’ is ‘Nicolas’ie Nikolai. Krasnaya Polyana (Tula) 589-90
Kurganskaya, Polya [Apolina Arnoldova] letter to Fleshin 590-1

Kusiailn (Kusialin?) Narim 564
Kuznetsov Archangel 564
L. has very little. Exile? Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
L. in polit-isolator bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
Lang, Yakob (not anarchist?) Lepinsk 581
Lavrentev transferred Shenkursk (from exile in Arkhangel) 548
Lavrentiev 565
Lazarevitch, Nicholas syndicalist arrested. Hunt lasts three days. 541
Lazarevitch, Nicholas 549
Lazarevitch, Nicholas expelled 549
Lebedeff, N.K. died in Moscow, photo 341
Lebedev, Leonid bio 565
Lebedev, Yossif Kazakhstan 565
Lebediev, N.K. Moscow anarcho-synd 366
Lebedov, L. arrested with A, Baron 543
Lepetit CP account 460
Levandovsky, Alexander exiled uppermost North 548
Levandovsky, Alexander exiled North 548
Levandovsky, Alexander bio esperantist, arrested with wife 565
Liakh, Ekaterina bio student. 564
Likhachev factory worker, bio "factory worker; old Anarchist; persecuted under the Tzar; exiled to place of birth for one year." sentenced exile 528
Likhachev Yefim ? worker, bio, remand. "a workingman in the factory of the Petrograd Consumers' League; had been repeatedly arrested under the Tzar; active Anarchist all through the Revolution; awaiting sentence in the House of Preliminary Detention in Petrograd." 529
Likhachev Yefim ? Petrograd Consumers League; 'T. Ratchet' in tragic reprint of joint cttee bulletin 1. which is wrong but probably Likhachev. 529
Likhtenko arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Lilienthal, Alya bio, arrested for overseas contacts 576
Lilienthal, Alya sent by etape. Breaks down on the way. 576

Lilov Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Linchevsky, David bio 600
Linitzky Zyrianski 564
Lipovetsky, [Boris?] Dnepropetrovsk 597
Lipovetsky, Boris Uralsk 581
Lipsker, Boris commit suicide 572
Lisitzin Tobolsk 555
Lisitzin Tobolsk 565
Litvinov-Grusdev put in insane ward 218
Litzkevich, A. peasant arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Lobe, Arthur Tobolsk 555
Lobe, Arthur Tobolsk 565
Loginova, Klavdia died Irbit 602
Lopatin transferred Onega (from exile in Arkhangel) 548
Lopatin Archangel 565
Loseva, Irene Samarovo 580
Loshkov lynched for anti-war propaganda, 1917 347
Lukianchikov Narim 565
Lukin sentenced Archangel concentration camp 519
Lukin beaten, sent to Kholmogory 525
Lyakh, Ekaterina (or Liakh) deaf 591
M. not earning. Exile? Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
M. conditions. Locksmith in far north (maksimov 18 7196) april 1932 608
M. expected after Solovietzky, Uralsk & - bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
M. expected after Solovietzky, Uralsk & - 550-1
Makariantz Tobolsk 601
Makarov, Vassily Obdorsk 596
Makharov died Obdorsk 602
Makhonin polit-isolator 599
Makhonin 599
Makhov, Vasya Parabel, Tomsk 576
Malinovsky, Alexei Vologda 597
Malov Odessa prison 565
Malov, V. Chadrinsk, Ural 596
man with lung trouble exiled bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
Markov, Vasily Dmitrovich convicted 1922 518
Markova, Ekaterina Akmolinsky 565
Markus, S. died in Moscow, photo 341
Markus, S. sign appeal 446
Markus, S. sign protest 449
Markus, S. sign protest 470
Markus, S. arrested 491
Martinov Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Maximoff, G.P. hostage 106
Maximoff, G.P. intervene for Voline 121
Maximoff, G.P. 6 arrests in 1920-1 187
Maximoff, G.P. deported 1921, photo 341
Maximoff, G.P. arrested moscow 1918 409
Maximoff, G.P. sign appeal 446
Maximoff, G.P. sign protest 449
Maximoff, G.P. hunger strike Taganka 469
Maximoff, G.P. May protest 471
Maximoff, G.P. Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Maximoff, G.P. arrested 477
Maximoff, G.P. sign protest 508
Maximoff, G.P. look for Marcus 490-1
Maximov, [A.B.?] Surgut 592
Maximov, [A.B.?] Sverdlovsk 596
Maximov, A.B. geographer and syndicalist 576
Maximov, A.B. exiled Tobolsk 576

Mazourin exiled Tomsk 596
Mazourin 596
Mechnikov, L.A. Tolstoyan Turt-Kul 581
Mikhailov Orel 601
Mikhailov Ufa 592
Mikhailov-Garin, F. G. blacksmith, arrested, bio released after TU international delegates ask 559
Mikhailov-Garin, F. G. blacksmith, arrested, bio sent southern Siberia because of 'letter from exiled friend' 559
Mikhailov-Garin, F. G. blacksmith, arrested, bio sent southern Siberia because of 'letter from exiled friend' 559
Mikhalev communication worker, anarcho-synd 367
Mikhalev-Pavlenkov Makhnovist shot 108
Mikhalev-Pavlenkov anarchist, executed Kharkov 423
Mikhalkov Surgout 580
Mikhalkov = Michalkov Stcheglovsk 596
Minusinsk nine comrades, only one working 581
Minusinsk conditions 578-80
Mirov writer (anarchist?) exiled. Author of 'the death of Isador lutov' 589
Mochanovsky Butyrki in solitary, ill. 550
Mochanovsky Butirky 1922-27, in isolation 565
Mochanovsky Butirky, where now? 577
Moglia, P. Makhnovist, arrested Ekatarinoslav, Feb 1919 Letter 413-15
Mokhov beaten, sent to Kholmogory 525
Mokroyusov fight whites, partisan 352
Morev anarchist acquitted banditry Gorodetz 404
Moscow four anarchists sent to Moscow from Tobolsk prison 574
Moscow Golos Trouda arrests 469-70
Moshin Shenkursk 565
Mratchny] Mark arrested 442
Mratchny] Mark Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Mratchny] Mark sign protest 508
Mudrov Kazakhstan 592
Mukha, Nikolas Minusinsk 580
N. woman. In Turkhan with husband and child, conditions bad, severe climate Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
N. bio: sailor, syndicalist, unemployed agitator, Jewish. Arrested and taken Kharkov, Aug 1928. 'a comrade of long standing and activity in the movement. In 1912, when still a youth he left Russia to work as a sailor. He visited almost every maritime country in South America, as well as Portugal and other South European lands. A Revolutionary Syndicalist, he presently became the object of persecution by the authorities of Argentine, Brazil, Portugal etc. from which countries he was deported at various times. After fifteen years of that life, Comrade N. finally decided to return to Russia, visit his parents, and find permanent work and rest. bulletin/ relief fund. May 1929 583
N. in polit-isolator bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
N. mentioned by S. sick, vegetarian april 1932 611-12
Nakhamkes Nakhamkin, M. malaria Orel isolator 464
Nakhamkes, Mark Kirgisia 565
Naumov Tobolsk 565
Naumov, Alexander died Tomsk 602
Naumov, Alexander obit/bio, ex-Komsomol, exile 602-7

Naumov, Alexander ill (letter from friend) 608-9
Nekhamin, Mark Saratov to Khirgisia 548
Nekhamkin, A. (not anarchist?) Lepinsk 581
Nemeritzkaya Kursk 601
Nemeritzky, Boris Narim 565
Neousipov fight whites, partisan 352
Ney Beresov 596
Nikiforova, Marusia arrested Taganrog 1918 400
Nikolayev (in connection with underground a's attacks) tortured and shot 106
Nikolayev, Mikhail tortured by cheka 218
nine anarchists from Riazan prison, escapees, arrested in Moscow, shot arrested 190
Novikov, Ivan Kudimkor 597
Novomirsky arrested 619
Novozhilov, Vladimir anarchist petrograd 194
O. comrades in, arrested 1923 behind the bars 1924 533
Odessa anarchists shot 195
Oleinik Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Olonetzky, [Alexei?] student Tashkent 565
Olonetzky, Alexei sign Vladimir protest 468
Olonetzky, Alexei Tobolsk PI, ill 549
Olonetzky, Alexei (Olonetsky) Turkestan 560
Orlov Tobolsk 574
Oserov, Yakov Vasilievich Makhnovist, shot 435
Otverzhenny [ie Bulychev NG] Kazakhstan 592
Ouspensky Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Ozerov Makhnovist shot 108
P., P. Aid Soc? From behind the bars 1924 534
Panfilov, Mikhail Minusinsk 579
Pankratov, Artem arrested after Sacco-Vanzetti protest, exiled 574
Pavlov repented in exile, photo 341
Pavlov ABC appeal 439
Pavlov, N.I. bakers union, recants anarcho-syndicalist 368
peasants two in sympathy with anarchists, transferred Arkhangel to Onega 548
Perepelkin kronstadter shot 168
Pertominsk anarchists attempt suicide by fire 225
Petkevich a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Petnev, S. Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Petrini, [Alfonso] Italian anarchist, extradited to fascist italy 619
Petrini, [Alfonso] 619
Petrograd Golos Trouda arrests 469-70
Petrosin Tobolsk 555
Petrosin Tobolsk 565
Petrosova, Maria Varshanova convicted 1922 518
Petrosova, Maria Varshanova re-exiled in same place Yenisseisk 602
Petrov Red Army sentenced exile 528
Petrovski, A. bio (from Moscow) Turkestan 560
Petrovsky fate unknown, photo 341
Pilpenko Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Piro exile since 1926, photo 341
Piro House of anarchy' speaker 406
Piro register art treaures 408
Piro arrested Moscow 589
Pisarevskaya, E. woman student Tver 565
Pisarevskaya, Lelya ill Tver 575
Plotnikov Central Asia 601
Plotnikov, Timosha bio Solovietsky 588
Pochepnia arrested Vladivostok 561
Pochepnia unknown 68 y.o. 565
poet already arrived from Tobolsk? 569
Pokrovski, Alexander 581
Pokrovski, Alexander Narim 581
Pokrovsky husb of Federmeyer hunger srike 303
Pokrovsky hunger strike 22 days, to be exiled with wife 558
Pokrovsky, A. student Kara-Kirhiz republic 565
Poliakov Beresov 566
Poliakova, Maria transferred Uralsk, with her child. place with 4 huts and post reaches once a year. 548
Poliakova, Maria student Turukhansky Kray 565
Poliakova, Maria plus 2 kids Yenisseisk 575
Polikalov peasant Archangel 565
Polikalov transferred Onega (from exile in Arkhangel) 548
Polounin Makhnovist peasant of Gouliay-Polie, shot 423
Polozova [Polosova], Tatiana [Tatyana] Golos Trouda/ Moscow Aid Soc arrested 529
Polozova [Polosova], Tatiana [Tatyana] exiled Tver 546
Polozova [Polosova], Tatiana [Tatyana] ex-Golos Truda Tver 565
Polozova [Polosova], Tatiana [Tatyana] with her child from Tver to Poltava. Ex-Golod Truda 576
Ponomarev student, remand, hunger strike 529
Popov shot 128
Popov, Victor makhnovist (bio) shot. "ex-member of the left Social-Revolutionists. Signed on behalf of the Makhno army the pact with the Bolsheviks. During the campaign against Wrangel, Popov, in his capacity as an official representative of the insurrection army, stayed in Kharkov where he was arrested, forwarded to Moscow and put into prison (the Butirki prison). No one expected thathe would be shot; nevertheless, he was shot by the All Russian Che-Ka toward the end of 1921." 176
Posdnishev Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Potekhin Potiekhin arrested 190
Pravda ABC appeal 439
Preferansov Moscow anarcho-synd 366
pregnant woman arrested 448
Prianishnikov Samarovo 580
Prianishnikov Beresov 596
Protsenko Protzenko, A prison Ust-Sisolsk 597
Pryanishnikov metal worker, bio "metal worker; old Anarchist; very active under the Tzar and in the Revolution; awaiting sentence in the House of Preliminary Detention in Petrograd. Pryanishnikow and Ponomarev declared a hunger strike on August 18, 1923, demanding liberation, were forcibly fed." hunger strike 528
R. expecting child. Exile? Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
R. in siberia bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
Rabinovich, Lev Orel 597
Rabinovich, Lev 597
Rakhmankulova, S. woman revolutionist, exiled uppermost north. 548
Rayevsky Yenisseisk 601
Razin exiled Tomsk 596
Reydman Reidman, Iuda after years of imprisonment Parabel, Narim 566
Ribin-Zonov, Piotr makhnovist (bio), (or Rybin-) shot. "Anarchist; returned in 1917 to Russia from the United States. Worked in the Union of Metal Workers. In 1920 he fought against Denikin at the approaches to the city of Kharkov; was in the regiment made upof responsible workers of the trade union movement. Following Denikin's defeat he joined the Makhno movement and took an active part in effecting the accord between the Bolsheviks and Makhno troops. Was arrested in Kharkov in January 1921 and shot in the same month." 176
Ribin-Zonov, Piotr shot 1921 Kharkov, photo (or Rybin-) (Peter) 348
Riss, S. Narim 566
Ritkovsky? Rikovsky, O. arrested Simferopol 600
Ritkovsky? Rikovsky, O. 600
Ritovsky wife sent to Tulunski 578
Ritovsky [wife of] 579
Ritovsky, Otto [Rotovsky in mem list] attempt suicide Minusinsk 578, 580
Rode in prison 510
Rodkevich student arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Rogdaev, Nikolai (Nicolay Rogdayev) lost 9
Rogdaev, Nikolai photo 32
Rogdaev, Nikolai lectures in Samara (anarchist fed) 437
Rogdaev, Nikolai Tashkent 601
Rogdaev, Nikolai 601
Rogdaev, Nikolai death 615
Rogdaev, Nikolai bio 617-18
Rogdayev Orenburg or Suzdal 592
Rogdayev obit 617-18
Romanova, Olga anarchist. 18 years old. river Khenga 236
Rose bad leg Narimsky Kray 534
Roshtchin (Judah Grossman-Roshchin ) hostage 106
Roshtchin intervene for Voline 121
Roshtchin anarcho-Bolshevik' 421
Rosova, Anna hunger strike Solovietsky 588
Rosova, Anna hunger strike 43 days 588

Rosova, Anya with her child Nizhnyaia-Zaimka 592
Rottenberg hostage 106
Rubinchik arrested 535
Rubinchik, Meyer repented in exile, photo 341
Rubinchik, Yefrem arrested (Golos Trouda) 531
Rubinchik-Meyer, Efrem Borisovich bio, protest 541-2
Rusyankin student sentenced exile 528
Ruvimsky, [Milia?] Kursk 601
Ruvimsky, Milia died in exile, Kursk 1934, photo 348
Ruvinsky, Samuel Minusinsk 580
S alive, poor health bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
S. April 9 1923. letter/ parcel received. Not hear from comrades in O - some arrested behind the bars 1924 533
S. condition of exiles described, better of YZ 572-3
S. rheumatism, companion: G? G takes trousers for potatoes april 1932 612-13
S. exiled Beresov 1924-7 611-12
S. ex-student, Tolmatchev academy [work Alexandrovsk & Militopolsk, Ukraine: brick making, drugstore] Beresov exile 1924-7, minus six, Perm, arrested 1928, Verkhne-Uralsk. Mentions A & N. met Maximoff 1921. Marx and Lenin in library, mention Trotskyists. April 1932 611-12
S. exiled Beresov 1924-7 611-12
S. 611-12
S. 611-12
S. somewhere 1928-32 611-12
S., M. North with 29 others 532
S., P. September 13, 1923. Aid Soc? Money received divided Moillie [Steimer]/ comrades in North. MS is with them. behind the bars 1924 532
S., P. mechanic. Looking after Naumov in north. Tomsk (april 1932) 608-9
Sablin exiled 589
Sadov, Syril 596
Sadov, Syril Archangel 596
Sandomirsky arrested 619
Sandomirsky, Herman in prison since 1935, photo 341
Sapelov student sentenced exile 528
Savitzki blacksmith, bio "blacksmith; old Anarchist; deported from the United States in 1920 for pro-Soviet agitation; former member of the Union of Russian Workers in the U.S.A.; sentenced to two years exile." sentenced exile 528
Schapiro, A. intervene for Voline 121
Sechkin plus comrade (partner) Minusinsk 592
Sednev, M. worker arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Semin, Sergei TB Tver 575
Sereda makhnovist (bio) shot. "Anarchist; one of the commanders in the Makhno army; in the Fall of 1920, when the Makhno troops made common cause with the Bolsheviks in their struggle against Wrangel, Sereda who participated in many of the battles, was wounded in the chest. He needed a serious operation and was sent to Kharkov for that purpose. A week after the attack of the Bolsheviks upon the Anarchists, Sereda was transferred from the hsopital to the prison and was shot in the month of March." 176
Sergeyev, Victor arrested for overseas contacts. [Bio, wife (Sturmer) - not this page] 548
Sergeyev, Victor arrested for overseas contacts. Bio, wife (Sturmer) to Tiumen, Siberia 548
Sergeyev, Victor bio. Punished for contacts with comrades abroad Tiumen 566
Sergeyev, Victor ill 575
Sergeyev, Victor arrested 591
Sergeyev, Victor letter from 569-71
Sergeyev, Victor letter : Kolia, Vanya, Arkhangeltzi 569-71
Shapiro universalist, arrested 503
Shapiro, A. universalist, prison/exile 1921+, photo 528
Shapiro, A. M. deported 1922, photo 341
Shapiro, A. M. sign protest 470
Shapiro, I. Narim 566
Shapiro, Ilya Isayevich convicted 1922 518
Shapiro, Rachel 547-8
Shapiro, Rachel 547-8
Shapiro, Rachel arrested, released because child ill, must report to GPU, then exiled 547-8
Shapiro, Rachel sent Kazakhstan/Turkestan 547-8
Shapiro, Rachil Turkestan 566
Shapiro, Rakhil Davidovna convicted 1922 518
Shapiro, Tania deported 1922, photo 341
Shatov, Bill becomes bolshevik, shot 351
Sheroshevsky Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Sheroshevsky released after hunger strike 488
Shetzman Tobolsk 555
Shilkin released after hunger strike 488
Shilov Shilow sentenced. Bio (factory worker). Gets minus "a factory worker, with the same sentence." [ie exiled from Petrograd Province and forbidden to live in Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa and all ports for a period of two years.] 528
Shirokov, Vasya exiled Irbit 576
Shkolnikov, Ilya Abramovich convicted 1922 518
Shkolnikov, Isia bio, attempt suicide ex-USA 577
Shkolnikov, Isia goes mad. 577-8

Shliakhova?, Basya plus Baby, exiled. Wife of Anton (who's sent to Verkhne Uralsk) Tula 548
Shliakhovoy, A. TB Orel isolator 464
Shliakhovoy, Anton arrested for overseas contacts to Upper Uralsk PI 548
Shliakhovoy, Anton arrested for overseas contacts to Upper Uralsk PI 548
Shliakhovoy, Anton arrested for overseas contacts to Upper Uralsk PI 548
Shliakhovoy, Anton Siberia 591
Shtyurmer Sturmer, [Kira?] young anarchist students, female exiled Arkhangelsk district 198
Shtyurmer Sturmer, Kira arrested summer 1926, Leningrad 559
Shtyurmer Sturmer, Kira arrested Leningrad Upper Uralsk 559
Shtyurmer Sturmer, Kira arrested summer 1926 Upper Uralsk 566
Shulman, [Raya] Belgorod 601
Shulman, Raya to Upper Uralsk from Tashkent 548
Shulman, Raya Parabe[l], Narim 588
Shulman, Raya Nizhnyaia-Zaimka 592
Shulman, Raya Orel 597
Shulman, Raya bio Orel 598
Silayev beaten, sent to Kholmogory 525
Silvestrov polit-isolator 599
Silvestrov 599
Simchin universalist, arrested 503
Simchin, M.V. universalist, hunger strike, taken to Archangel, taken to Moscow 520
Simchin, M.V. universalist, hunger strike, taken to Archangel, taken to Moscow 520
Sinitzin, A. arrested Archangel 548
Sitzenko universalist, arrested 503
Sitzenko, S.A. universalist, hunger strike, taken to Archangel, taken to Moscow 520
Sitzenko, S.A. universalist, hunger strike, taken to Archangel, taken to Moscow 520
Six anarchists Yaroslavl (labour disputes) arrested 186
Skurikhin, Peter arrested, exiled 530
Sluchevsky, Illarion Temezhbekskaya 580
Smolensk anarchists get guards drunk 400
Smoliakov Tobolsk 555
Smoliakov Tobolsk 566
Sobolev underground anarchist killed 105
Sobolev bomb CP, blow self up not surrender 359
Sokolov ex-anarchist, Nikolayev CP 421
Sokolov painter bio. Gets minus. "workingman, painter; an Anarchist since 1918; re¬cently served two years for distributing Anarchist literature in the Red Army; the same sentence." [ie exiled from Petrograd Province and forbidden to live in Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa and all ports for a period of two years.] sentenced exile 528
Sokolov Tobolsk 555
Sokolow Nabat, sign protest 425
Solntzev, N. Teacher. Arrested Vologda. Beresov 566
Solntzeva, E. Arrested Vologda. Workingwoman. Beresov 566
Solonovich Kropotkin museum, imprisoned 602
Solovetsky 1924 (end of year) hunger strike 297
Solovetsky used again for a's 302
Soloviev, B[oris] Kazakhstan 566
Soloviev, Boris arrested summer 1926, Leningrad 559
Soloviev, Boris arrested Leningrad Kazakhstan 559
Sontzev ABC appeal 439
Spilka poisons and hangs self 572
Steimer, Mollie hunger strike for better conditions 527
Steimer, Mollie bio "arrested in 1918 in New York for protesting against American intervention in Russian affairs, and sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment but after serving two years of her term deported to Russia in 1921; arrested by the Bolsheviks twice, for aiding imprisoned Anarchists and corresponding with her comrades abroad, and again for Anarchist propaganda. Exiled from Russia forever." deported abroad 528
Stepnaya, Dora exiled Archangel previously in Tula. With her child. Very ill. 546
Stepnaya, Dora Archangel 566
Stepnaya, Dora died Moscow 602
Stoyanoff, B. arrested 442
Stoyanov from Petrograd, arrested 448
Strokach Tobolsk 566
Student girl exiled bulletin IWMA 1 Dec 1926 550-1
Surkova, Lydia hunger strike at orel: A? 194
Svetlov, Anton with companion Urals 576
Svidovsky, M. (not anarchist?) Lepinsk 581
T. gets money, sees G (male), daughter ill - TB, brother dying 623
T. condition of exiles described, letter of YZ 572-3
T. news from outside/ labour mvt april 1932 613
T., C. money recieved. Ex-prisoner/ exile? Talks of M, L, R, K, N would like books and magazines. Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 573
Taganskaya prison hunger strike 194
Tankov from Kiev, arrested Moscow for carrying A. lit. 446
Tarasiuk, [Ivan?] beaten, sent to Kholmogory 525
Tarasiuk, Isaak 597
Tarasiuk, Isaak Orel 597
Tarasiuk, Ivan Riazan concentration camp (moved from Butirky) 461
Tarasiuk, Ivan arrested Archangel 548
Tarasiuk, Ivan arrested nov 1920 549
Tarasiuk-Kabas, Ivan bio. Well-known case; arrested in Kharkov in November 1920; imprisoned since then in various places, including Solovki. Now in prison in Petropavlovsk, Turkestan. Petropavlovsk/Turkestan 566
Tarassyuk-Kabass, Ivan photo (Ivan [Kabas] Tarasiuk) 32
Taratuta, Olga in prison 510
Taratuta, Olga prison and exile since 1920, photo 512
Taratuta, Olga protest for Varshavsky 567-8
Taratuta, Olga letter to GPU 567-8

Terekhin exiled Tobolsk 566
Tiamin brothers inform 248
Tiamin brothers bomb CP, collaborate 359
Tikhonravov Cheka agent 437
Tinovitzkaya, Elizaveta old anarcho-synd, arrested with children 448
Tinovitzkaya, Elizaveta Wife of Dolenko-Chekeres 452
Tiurin, A. Narim 566
Tkachenko a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Tobolsk anarchists inc pregnant woman transferred Yaroslavl to Tobolsk 299
Tobolsk four anarchists sent to Moscow from Tobolsk prison 574
Tobolsk 22 comrades sent further north 580
Toumanov attempt escape Solovietsky 574
Triapitzin anarchist, Nikolayevsk on amur shot 237
Troyanov author, bio, suicide GPU Prison = Lubyanka? 589
T's brother dying 623
T's daughter TB 623
Tsoirif, Dina Saratov 588
Tubisman, B. Voronezh 597
Tumanov Solovietsky 588
Turkestan arrested Turkestan 1927with Petrovsky Turkestan 560
Tver several anarchists, only one working 575
Tzigankov a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Tzvetkov sign protest 470
Ukhin Golos Trouda, arrested (for one copy of bakunin memorial) Tashkent 560
universalists arrested 3/11/1921 361
Ustimenko anarchist tried vladivolostok 237
V. male. Sees anon November 1936 622
Vania [Ivan] (=shortened first name for 'Ivan') 571
Vania [Ivan] not writing, mentioned by Sergeyev 569-71
Vasiliev, G. 597
Vasiliev, G. arrested Tashkent 597
Vasilyev anarchist petrograd 194
Veger, Maria hunger strike for better conditions 527
Veger, Maria teacher, bio "teacher; Anarchist since 1914; active in the revolution; arrested in 1921 and sent to Archangel for two years; escaped in 1922; very ill with malaria and scurvy; sentenced to three years in the Concentration Camp, Solovetzki Monastery." to Solovki 528
Veger, Maria teacher, bio to Solovki 528
Veger, Maria was returned from Vologda to the Petrograd Prison - exiled 535
Veger, Maria exiled Archangel 546
Veger, Maria bio Archangel 566
Veger, Maria arrested Tashkent 597
Veger, Maria Vologda to Petrograd, where now? Vegler, Mary' (Veger: see p535) 531
Veger, Tamara Pertominsk with child 529
Veger, Tamara bio Narim 566
Vegorov-Zenzinov sentenced. Bio (factory worker). Gets minus "a workingman in the factory "Skorokhod": an old Anarchist; persecuted under the Tzar; consumptive; very active in the revolution; exiled from Petrograd Province and forbidden to live in Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa and all ports for a period of two years." 527
Verba peasant Butirky 567
Verkhne Uralsk quite a number. One with TB not enough clothes for exercise - solitary 576-7
Verkhovskaja, M. Viatka 567
Victorov, A. [typo for N?] plus wife, exiled Tobolsk 567
Victorov, Nikolai bio Tobolsk 575
Victorov, Nikolai exiled with wife. wife is DI Tsoyrif in mem list. 575
Victorov, Nikolai imprisoned for insulting policeman 'gendarme' 575

Vinogradova sentenced Archangel concentration camp 519
Volchenok, Aron Korelevich convicted 1922 518
Volin arrested 121
Volin arrested 442
Volin arrested 446
Volin Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Vologda anarchists forced out of Hotel Europa 401
Vorobyev, M. Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Voronezh arrests, march 1918 382
Voronina, Ekaterina Turkestan 567
Vouliss ill Minusinsk 596
Warshavsky arrested Odessa re Sacco-Vanzetti 567
Weinstein, A. Orel 597
Y. in extreme north with woman companion. Letter from YZ Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 572-3
Y. or YZ in 60-hut hamlet with woman companion, discusses Jack London, exiles in T.(no work), comrades in S almost starving, no work in Beresov, Surgut, Obdorsk 572-3
Yakovenko kronstadter 252
Yakovleva = Yakoleva, Vera Samarovo 581
Yarchuk, Effim deported 1921, repented, photo 341
Yarchuk, Effim bio ["deported 1921, lived in Paris in great want. … In 1925 he became a Bolshevik and with the aid of Bukharin he returned to Russia"], kronstadt influence 348
Yarchuk, Effim fight Kaledin 352
Yarchuk, Effim arrested moscow 1918 409
Yarchuk, Effim arrested 1920 442
Yarchuk, Effim sign appeal 446
Yarchuk, Effim arrested 448
Yarchuk, Effim arrested 469
Yarchuk, Effim May protest 471
Yarchuk, Effim Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Yarchuk, Effim arrested 477
Yarchuk, Effim sign protest 508
Yarchuk, Effim look for Marcus 490-1
Yaroslavl anarchists inc pregnant woman transferred to Tobolsk 299
Yaroslavl 9 arrested Petrograd 1925, finish terms in Yaorslavl PI. Four exiled. 581
Yaroslavl polit isolator April 1926, 15 A's 546
Yaroslavskaya-Markon, Evgenia 586
Yaroslavsky, Alexander [misprinted as "Yoroslavsky"] 586
Yegelskaya, E. hunger strike at orel: A? 194
Yegerov, [Vladimir?] Yenisseisk 601
Yegerov, Vladimir exiled Tiumen 580
Yegerov, Vladimir arrested 591
Yelensky, B Ekatarinodar anarcho-synd 366
Yetkaterinoslav arrests, march 1918 381
Yetkaterinoslav lecture, paper banned. Feb 1919 arrests 412
Yudin Taganka, Black Cross appeal 473
Yurchenko Yenisseisk 601
Yurchenko, P. worker arrested 'Western part of the country, mid-October 1924' 540
Yurchenko, Peter Archangel 566
Yusia anarcho-Bolshevik' 421
Z., V. arrested taken away from his place of exile, to which he was banished nine months ago after five years of prison confinement, and again placed under arrest, facing the endless rounds of prison, exile and … prison again. 621
Z., Y. letter from talks of Y. Bulletin IWMA4 Nov 1927 572-3
Zabielin a or sr, vladivlostok trial at chita 239
Zabrezhnev arrested moscow 1918 409
Zaidina, G. woman (not anarchist?) Lepinsk 581
Zapechin Solovietsky (not A.?) 535
Zhebenev fight whites, partisan 352
Zhelezniakov, Anatoly fight whites, Kronstadter 352
Zheronkov transferred Shenkursk (from exile in Arkhangel) 548
Zhezlova, Basya ill Tula 591
Zhezlova, Basya (Zheslova) Simferopol 597
Zhmerinka 30-40 anarchists shot 195
Zhuk collectivise Shlisselburg gunpowder mills 351
Zilber Tver 569
Zilber Silber, SM bio, tailor, arrested Tobolsk exile, exiled Samorovo 560
Zolotarev, A. Poltava 597

Tab separated text. 'Bio' indicates page has something - however brief - biographical about them.


9 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on September 18, 2015

Pavlov, the Moscow anarchist baker is listed as having a photo at page 341, but no photos in the PDF. Have you got a copy of the photo, as I am doing some research on him.?


9 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Karetelnik on September 19, 2015

See This photo of Kropotkin's funeral committee can be found in a number of places on the internet.

Kate Sharpley

5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Kate Sharpley on May 11, 2019

In 1937–1938 the last anarchists in the USSR were physically eliminated by Stalin’s terror. One exception was the Ukrainian anarchist Ignaty Vasilevich Arendarenko (1898–after 1953). A native of Poltava, he joined the anarchist movement in 1919, taking part in the Poltava branch of the Nabat Anarchist Confederation and the Makhnovist movement. From 1926 to 1936 Arendarenko was either in prison or serving terms of exile. Possessed of excellent survival skills, when he had the opportunity in 1936 he began to live illegally, spending the next few years in Ukraine. Dodging frst Stalin’s agents, then the Nazis, he was fnally swept up in a raid in 1944 and sent to Austria as a “guest” worker. After the war he lived in Western Europe, contributing articles to the Russian-American journal Dielo Truda-Probuzhdenie (DTP). In 1952 he emigrated to Mexico. In the following article written for DTP, Arendarenko honours the memory of the fellow anarchists (and others) he met in the Soviet justice system.
The article, What I Saw and Experienced by Ignaty Vasilevich Arendarenko (1898–after 1953) can be read at
Big thanks to Malcolm Archibald from Black Cat Press for translation and editing.


5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on May 11, 2019

Thanks KSL. Anyone who adheres to Bolshevik ideas in any shape and form really needs to wake up now.