Interview with Robert Kurz - Marcus Peixoto A short interview with Robert Kurz, in which he discusses traditional Marxism (“still chained to the old epoch”), social movements against…
The ignorance of the society of knowledge - Robert Kurz A short 2002 article by Robert Kurz on the hype about the information society, with its “knowledge…
Double devalorization - Robert Kurz In this short article first published in 2012, Robert Kurz discusses developments in finance and real production that point towards the…
Economic euthanasia - Robert Kurz A short article on the crisis of health care under capitalism in crisis by Robert Kurz.
The heyday of corruption and the end of corporatism - Robert Kurz A short article by Robert Kurz on corporate corruption in the context of the decline of “corporatism…
2009 Interview with IHU Online - Robert Kurz A wide-ranging and comprehensive summary of Robert Kurz’s views on capitalism, economic crisis, gender relations, the environmental crisis,…
The stalemate of two economic models - Robert Kurz In this 2012 article, Robert Kurz discusses the crisis management strategies implemented by the US and Europe, their seemingly paradoxical…
Robotics and labor: the nightmares of reified consciousness - Robert Kurz A short 2010 article by Robert Kurz, reflecting on the crisis of abstract labor in capitalism and…
Overproduction - Robert Kurz A short 2009 article in which Robert Kurz briefly discusses overproduction, the financial crisis, public bailouts, and environmental crisis, as…
Labor without value - Robert Kurz In this short 2011 article Robert Kurz discusses the limits and deceptive appearances of Germany’s export-driven growth model with reference to…
Anti-economics and anti-politics: on the reformulation of social emancipation after the end of "marxism" - Robert Kurz In this 1997 essay, Robert Kurz discusses the question of the “embryonic form” of …
The apotheosis of money: the structural limits of capital valorization, casino capitalism and the global financial crisis - Robert Kurz In this 1995 essay, Robert Kurz examines “fictitious capital”, “unproductive labor”…