A report and audio recordings of the rally of hundreds of supporters of the Ford Visteon workers occupying their plant against their redundancies with no pay.

Over 200 people marched today from Andersonstown to the factory in Finachy for a rally, which was addressed by Unite Shop Stewards Charlie Maxwell and John Maxwell, including representatives from the SDLP and Sinn Fein.
Young and old, workers and their families and trade unionists joined the march to protect the rights of Visteon/Ford workers in a display of working class solidarity and resistance. Morale and unity to beat the bosses remains strong amongst the workers with speaker after speaker highlighting the level of support from the wider community and other factory sit ins in the UK sustaining the occupation.
Over a week has passed since the occupation. In this time the sit in has been managed on a shift basis with successful family fun day for their families and various talks and debates.
Meanwhile, unions representing ford workers across the UK have confirmed they will be refusing the handling of car parts from South Africa until the dispute is resolved. 1 This week, Basildon Visteon workers paid a visit to their former managing director’s mansion in the countryside demanding justice.
Belfast Unite Branch secretary, Michael McGovern said: “Their message is one of defiance and workers solidarity, and steadfast in their determination to win their demands. It is time to seize the moment to prevent the bosses and politicians from making us pay for the crisis in capitalism.”
Gangster capitalists are using the global recession to undermine our working conditions which have been won through struggle, Adding: “Members of WSM took part in the rally today and have visited workers at the occupation. They have shown that we are far from powerless when we utilise the weapon of direct action. A victory for visteon workers is a victory for workers everywhere.”
Send messages of support to Davy McMurray [email protected]
Or text John Maguire (Unite convenor) on 07816590380
Audio recordings
Recordings of the rally, and interviews with workers conducted by the Workers Solidarity Movement:
- 1 libcom note - we are unsure of the accuracy of this statement. We have heard rumours of Ford workers in Southampton blacking other Visteon parts. Anyone with further information please post it here.