Workers at the Linamar plant in Swansea are set to strike this Thursday in support of sacked union convenor Rob Williams.

Following recent news that workers in Swansea's Linamar (formerly Visteon) plant had overwhelmingly voted in favour of industrial action in support of sacked union convenor Rob Williams, it was announced last week that the indefinite all-out strike is set to begin at 6am Thursday 11 June.
Tony Woodley, UNITE General Secretary said last Thursday:
This is the action needs as much support as possible and is vital to get Rob reinstated.
Rob is flying out to Kansas, USA, today to discuss with the Auto workers union at the Ford car plant which uses the Swansea components. Everyone who can make it should commit themselves to visiting outside the picket line on Thursday morning, 5am.
Williams was originally sacked on 28 April due to an "irretrievable breakdown of trust". Bosses at the Linamar plant were said to have forced him off the premises after he had locked himself in his office, refusing to leave. Rob was initially called back to work, but later that week was sacked for good.
Workers at the Swansea plant had voted 139 to 19 in favour of an indefinite all-out strike in support of Williams, with a vote turnout of 88%. Workers have indicated that they intend to strike until Williams is reinstated.
Plans were also announced of a demo in Swansea town centre on the Saturday (13th June) following the beginning of the planned strike.
I did some googleing on this
I did some googleing on this company and below are links which may be of interest to some
National Shop Stewards Network
Workers at Swansea auto parts plant vote to strike
Linamar Corp
CEO: Linda S. Hasenfratz
Employees: 11017
Issue Type: CS
Market Capital: $573,905,640
Linamar acquires U.K. plant
Monday, July 7, 2008
Linamar target of anarchist collective
August 15, 2007
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Fasten seatbelts and ride storm, parts makers told
May 28, 2009
Linamar freezes wages, cuts benefits
(Canada) November 12, 2008
Unions circling Linamar plants
(Canada) December 14, 2007