The April 1938 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Emma Goldman, Sidney Solomon and Rudolf Rocker.

-Labor solidarity and the Spanish tragedy by Senex (a.k.a. Mark Schmidt)
-What the Moscow trials mean to us
-The persecution of Marcus Graham and MAN! must stop
-Seamen fight state control by Jack White
-Why Austria went Nazi by Peter Groot
-A note on libertarian communism: part II by S. Morrison (a.k.a. Sidney Solomon)
-Is Canada going fascist? by Jack Fitzgerald
-Japanese anarchists oppose war
-Emma Goldman greets Vanguard group
-G.P.U. intrigues in America
-The student in politics by Stephen Craig
-The First International by Rudolf Rocker
-A letter from a clothing worker
Vanguard (Vol. 4, No. 3, April 1938).pdf
(487.18 KB)