Volume 4

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016

International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 1

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 1, February 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Against the Stream
◦The Future of Unemployment. Unemployment and the Labor Market
◦Unemployment and Accumulation
◦Unemployment and the Unemployed
•Literature on Unemployment
•Planning New Depression (from the book “Karl Marx” by Karl Korsch)
•The Right to Work
•Marxism and Psychology / [Anton Pannekoek]
•Book Reviews
◦Reuben Osborn, Freud and Marx
◦Upton Sinclair, The Flivver King
◦Bruce Minton and John Stuart, Men Who Led Labor



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 2

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 2, March 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Welcome the Depression
•A Bird in the Hand. Thurman W. Arnolds The Folklore of Capitalism
•The Marxist Ideology in Russia / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•The Simple and the Complex / H.
•What can the Unemployed do? (to be continued)
◦Unemployment and the Labor Movement in American History
◦Welfare and the Unemployed
◦“Self-Help” – The American Way
•Book Reviews
Spy Overhead, the Story of Industrial Espionage, by Clinch Calkins. The Labor Spy Racker, by Leo Huberman
Japan and Asia, by W.H. Chamberlin
Forty Years of American-Japanese Relations, by Foster Rhea Dulles
The Origin of American Intervention in North Russia (1918), by Leonid J. Strakhovsky
A Real New Deal, by Charles E. Carpenter
Science in the Light of Marxism (Die Wissenschaft im Lichte des Marxismus), by H. Wallon, M. Prenant, H. Mineur, J. Baby and others



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 3

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 3, May 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•German Fascism on the Offensive/ S.P.
•The Lorelei
•Economics and Politics in Revolutionary Spain / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•The Dominican Republic Solves its Unemployment Problem/ Fritz Hennsler
•What can the Unemployed Do? (to be continued)
◦Bootlegging of Coal in Pennsylvania
◦Beyond the Confines of Private Property
◦The Struggle against Bootlegging
◦The meaning of it all
◦What Bootlegging means for the Workers
◦Nationalization of Coal
•Book Reviews
America’s Stake in International Investments, The Brooking Institution
Caste and Class in a Southern Town, by John Dollard
America on Relief, by Marie Dresden Lane and Francis Steegmuller. Trends in Relief Expenditures, Works Progress Administration
This Question of Relief, Public Affairs Pamphlets



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 4

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 4, August 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Organizations of the Unemployed (to be continued)
•The Masses and the Vanguard
•Communist Production and Distribution
•Marxism and the Present Task of the Proletarian Class Struggle / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•Southern Negroes
•Book Reviews
Eagle Forgotten. The Life of John Peter Altgeld, by Harry Barnard



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 5

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 5, November 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The World War in the Making
◦Czechoslovakia – the Stepping Stone
◦The Future of the Danube
◦“They Dress Like Mourners, Yet Rejoice”
◦American “Isolation”
◦We Are All Marxists Now
•Lenin’s Philosophy (Some additional remarks to J. Harper’s recent criticism of Lenin’s book Materialism and Empirio-Ctiticism) / l.h. [=Karl Korsch
◦Leninism Goes West
◦Leninism versus Machism
◦The Present Impact of Lenin’s Materialistic Philosophy
•General Remarks on the Question of Organization / J. Harper [=Anton Pannekoek]
•A “Marxian” Approach to the Jewish Question
•The Workers' Alliance



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 6

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 6, April 1939

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The Jitterbugs (“Their Ecstacy is without content”, T.W. Adorno)
◦Hitler Lied!
◦Stalin and Hitler
◦The Peoples’ Front
◦Officials make Escape
•Union Unity?
•The Concentration Camp Grows
•Collectivization in Spain / Karl Korsch
•Marxism and Marginal Utility Economics
•Book Reviews
Karl Marx, by Karl Korsch
The School for Dictators, by Ignazio Silone / K.K. [=Karl Korsch]
The Story of the C.I.O., by Benjamin Stolberg. Labor’s New Millions, by Mary Heaton Vorse
Life of a rebel, by Angelica Balabanoff



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 7

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 7, June 1939

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Karl Kautsky, From Marx to Hitler
•The Struggle for Democracy
•Curbing Big Business? / P.W.
•Discussion. On the Impotence of Revolutionary Groups / Sam Moss
•Book Reviews
The State and the Socialist Revolution, by Martov
Mussolini’s Roman Empire, by Geoffroy T. Garrat
Apostles of Revolution, by Max Nomad
The Origin of the Inequality of the Social Classes, by Gunnar Landtman
American Labor, by Herbert Harris. Union of Their Own Choosing, by Robert R.R. Brooks
The New Deal in Action, by A.M. Schlesinger



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 8

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 8, September 1939

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Security With 403’s/ Paul Mattick and Walter Auerbach
◦What you ought to know about relief and WPA
◦The dream was short
◦The wonders of WPA
◦Why do these things happen?
◦Divide and rule
◦And your organizations?
◦What is to be done?
•On the Economic Theory of Socialism
•The Struggle against Fascism begins with the Struggle against Bolshevism/ Otto Ruehle
•Book Reviews
World Communism, a History of the Communist International, by F. Borkenau

