Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Industrial Pioneer (May 1923)

The May 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 1) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-The Red Flag by James Connell

-Up with the radical press! by Eugene Debs

-May Day, 1923

-The Barbo Fair by Mary E. Marcy

-Poem: The Cause by Bert Ullad

-The General Strike call by the General Executive Board

-Poem: Marching sing by Berton Braley

-"Organize the unorganized" by H. Van Dorn

-Poem: The struggle for bread by Martin J. Connolly

-In the grip of a dead hand by Vern Smith

-Go east, young man! by A. Sonnefelder, Jr.

-When the master's pocketbook is hit

-Tightline Johnson and efficiency by Wm. Akers

-Forcing the farmers off the farms by Justus Ebert


-The real workers' international by D.W. Latchem

-The railroad container by A Civil Engineer

-Poem: Hail solidarity! by Covington Hall

-An analysis of graft by Hubert Langerock

-The electronic reactions of Abrams by "Observer"


This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (June 1923)

The June 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 2) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-Smashing the chains of slavery by Vern Smith

-The ballad of Sandy McCole by Archie Sinclair

-What is industrial unionism? by Jacob Silbert

-The San Pedro strike by Art Shields

-Under the Iron Heel by R.F. Pettigrew

-The new migration: northward by Alois Sennefelder Jr.

-Poem: Escaped! by Ralph Chaplin

-For a mess of pottage by Henry Van Dorn

-Poem: The logic of today by Ragnar Redbeard

-The Marine Transport Industry by A Marine Worker

-Mr. Kyne joins the head-hitters by John Nicholas Beffel

-"R.U.R." by Rosa A. Knuuti

-On the San Pedro slave market by Fred R. Wedge

-Poem: Tribute to Ricardo Flores Magon by Mortimer Downing

-The electrification of American railroads by A Civil Engineer

-Book Review: "Negro Slavery"


-Poem: Leavenworth by A.E.

-The question box

-Poem: To labor by Charlotte P. Gilman

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (July 1923)

The July 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 3) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-The great agricultural workers' drive

-How to strike by Vern Smith

-A Ford slave speaks up

-Eighty-five days in irons

-The international situation by Henry Van Dorn

-Poem: "O, say, can you see?" by Brent Dow Allinson

-El Proceso Wilckens by Leone Esmond

-The significance of the modern city by George Williams

-Revolutionary history and the workers by Pasquale Russo

-Poem: Caliban in the coal mines by Louis Untermeyer

-Tightline Johnson goes to heaven by William Akers

-Savage survivals in higher peoples by J. Howard Moore

-Poem: A cry from the ghetto by Morris Rosenfeld

-Poem: The people by Tommaso Campanella


-The question box

-Rational living versus Abrams by Benzion Liber, M.D.

-Organization news and views

-Poem: Cry of the people by John G. Neilhardt

-With our readers and contributors

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (August 1923)

The August 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 4) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-Henry Ford for President

-San Pedro General Strike

-110's best drive ever

-The modern Prometheus

-Harding's "Lettre Du Cachet" by Leone Esmond

-Super-power capitalism

-Judge Gary exposed

-The worm turns by Archie Sinclair

-Significance of modern city by George Williams

-Brockton Shoe Workers' Revolt

-How to strike by Vern Smith

-Labor turns to banking by Alois Sennefelder Jr.

-Tintinabulated Jazz band by Wm. Akers

-Interviews with hoboes by Jim Seymour

-Civil liberties in Los Angeles by Upton Sinclair

-Tony the immigrant by Pasquale Russo

-A visit to Liberty Hill

-Wages, prosperity, depression by Philipp Taft

-Industrialist vs statist

-Talking American

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (September 1923)

The September 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 5) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-Steel Workers' awakening by Fred W. Bowerman

-I.W.W. steel drive

-When workwomen organize

-Internationalism at Detroit

-Ford wades in gold by S. Almazov

-Where wealth accumulates by Robert Grayson

-Ballad of the fifty-five by Henry George Weise

-Hell: a review by Ralph Chaplin

-Magnus Johnson

-Review: Parlor Provocateur by J.D.C.

-Whither Russia? by Neil Gordon

-The general strike by John Griffiths

-The passing of a great union by Harry Fisher

-Frank Lindroos

-The white terror in Italy by M. De Ciampis

-Health note

-Building the I.W.W.

-Facts for arguments

-The co-operative fallacy

-Modern science by Wm. T. Brown

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (October 1923)

The October 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 6) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-A modern general strike by Henry Hazard

-R.R. Company Union, Grecian gift by Julian Deuter

-"Rails": heart to heart talk

-Poem: The west is dead by Ralph Chaplin

-Labor hells in Dixie by J.W. Leigh

-Why are we discontented?

-Organizing in steel by Fred W. Bowerman

-In the domain of Standard Oil

-Story of a proletarian life by Justus Ebert

-Coming fuel and transportation trust by Edward E. Anderson

-The lads on the lakes by Card No. 416,897

-A visit to San Quentin by Archie Sinclair

-Immigration and national development by James Williams

-Henry Ford: a peculiar entity by Geo. Williams

-Wm. Mannings's "Key to Liberty" by Phillip Taft

-The man without a country by Covington Hall

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.


Industrial Pioneer (November 1923)

The November 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 7) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 12, 2017

Contents include:

-Packing House Workers' Plight by H.L. Stoddard

-The Great New Orleans' Strike by Sidney Terry

-Berry betrays New York pressmen by M.J.C.

-Social conditions in South by J.W. Leigh

-Minneapolis' amnesty meets by Forrest Edwards

-Tacoma, Lumber Capital of America

-Profit sharing and management sharing

-It's the workers who know by Fred L. Tiffany

-On dividing labor by Alois Sennefelder Jr.

-Making machines of bank clerks

-"Goose-step" in economics. Review by C.B. Ellis

-Joe Hill: a biography by Ralph Chaplin

-Wool, man's first fiber

-Textile worker in trimming industry by Del. U-200

-International drug stores by A Drug Clerk

-Chain stores arouse interest by Tom Duncan

-The next world tragedy by Neil Gordon

-Interesting current history. Review by Phil Taft

-Labor movement and I.W.W. by James Morris

-Portland A.F. of L. convention (Editorial)

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



7 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by syndicalist on April 12, 2017


Industrial Pioneer (December 1923)

The December 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 8) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 12, 2017

Contents include:

-Amnesty by Christmas

-California, beautiful and damned

-Nailing Christ to the cross ahain by H. George Weise

-Hypocritical California by Archie Sinclair

-Centralia Conspiracy by Ralph Chaplin

-Apples by AG-1351

-Out where the Oregon rolls by Fred Pugh

-Steinmetz: a genius who was a friend of labor

-Fairy wand of the ages

-I.W.W. in convention assembled

-Modern industrialism by Justus Ebert

-Boss florists' industrial union by Aaron Weber

-Wreck of the silk special by James Lance

-Revolution in the air by C.M. Ripley

-A farmer sees America first

-Situation in Germany by Louis Bartha

-Retrenchment in Hollywood

-Russia, Europe's savior by Neil Gordon

-Conveyor makes shoe worker appendage

-The lynching of Bud Williams by Adam Noir

-Winter in working class families by J.D.C.

-Workers education: now or for future?

-As Pioneer readers see things

-Last letters of Joe Hill

-War and Christmas by Robert Grayson

-A worker's wanderings by John Ashburn

-Gompers and deportation by Forrest Edwards

-Christmas in Cleveland by Edward Lloyd

This issue scanned for libcom.org as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.



7 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by syndicalist on April 12, 2017

Is there an attachment?