This issue mixed in wide-ranging theoretical works abut the welfare state and neo-liberalism, along with highly specific interviews with the organisers of large cultural events such as the anarchist bookfair. It's rounded off with the first of a new series - Breathing Utopia, offering a view of how people would see their jobs change in a post revolutionary world.

This issue, Brighton SolFed writes in Black Flag about the class logic behind the destruction of the post war social contract...
- Cover story: Examining the new welfare bill and why its regressive politics must be fought
- Theory: Exploring the roots of anarchist economics
- Overview: The history and present of the anarchist bookfair, by one of the founders of the event
- Breathing Utopia: Our new series on how society’s essential functions might work after a revolution, starting with journalism
- In Focus: Part two of Tom Gaynor’s look at the ideology and legacy of New Labour
- Theory: Examining neoliberalism
- Debate: Nicholas Evans argues the case for a new kind of Wikipedia
- Reportage: The secrets of Oaxaca
- Theory: Was Nietzsche an anarchist?
- Report: The Anarchist Conference 2009 and moves towards another in 2010
- Debate:Manchester No Borders on the need for solidarity with Calais migrants
- Biography: The story of Ethel MacDonald
- Radical Reprint: Ethel and the Civil War
- Ethel MacDonald: An anarchist’s story
- Black Flame: The class politics of anarchism and syndicalism
- The Battle for Spain: 1936-1939
- The Resistible rise of Benito Mussolini
- Plus our regular pamphlet reviews column: Hob’s Choice
Black Flag is stocked in radical bookshops across the UK and available from AK Distribution and Active Distro. The editorial address is Black Flag, BM Hurricane, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. Each issue costs £3 + £1 p&p. UK cheques payable 'Black Flag'. Email blackflagmag AT for more information
For other issues of Black Flag, go to:
Black Flag 229 (Mid 2009)
Black Flag 228 (Late 2008)
Black Flag 227 (Mid 2008)
Black Flag 226 (Late 2007)
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This is a really great
This is a really great article. I was wondering if there is source information that might be easily made available?
I can probably add a
I can probably add a footnoted version here, there were quite a lot of references and space was short so they were chopped from the print version.
Its an interesting article -
Its an interesting article - is the title a typo though?
A footnoted version would
A footnoted version would make me happy. I've read this a second time--and passed it on--and it really is good.
sorry all, i just remembered
sorry all, i just remembered this but i can't seem to find the footnoted version. i have a different draft, and a preceding section on post-war social democracy. we really should tidy up the draft stuff we have and serialise it in DA. this out? this out?
Yep, it launched at the
Yep, it launched at the London bookfair. You can get hold of one via the blackflagmag at email address
Sent an email back in March,
Sent an email back in March, still no reply (that I noticed).
Hmm Iain may not be picking
Hmm Iain may not be picking them up regularly atm, if you pm me details I can chase him up about it, alternatively it's up on's online shop.