Antoni, Voldemar Genrikhovich aka Volodya aka Zaruthustra aka Grigori Andreivich Lyapunov, 1886-1974 A short biography of Voldemar Antoni, mentor of revolutionary leader Nestor Makhno…
The Russian anarchists - Paul Avrich Paul Avrich's classic, and impeccably researched, study of the history of anarchism in Russia.
On the socialist origins of International Women's Day - Temma Kaplan Temma Kaplan explains the origins of International women's day in the workers' movement in the USA,…
Subsistence riots in Russia during World War I - Barbara Engel Article on food riots, mostly by women, during World War I which helped spark the Russian revolution…
Moscow And Us - Otto Rühle Brief notes on the Russian revolution, the third International and their relationship with the German proletariat by council communist Otto Ruhle.
Barmash, Vladimir Vladimirovich aka Gorbonos aka Valya aka Lonya, 1879-1938+ A short biography of Vladimir Barmash, prominent anarchist communist in Russia who perished in the…
Bolshevik Razverstka and War Communism Lars T. Lih on the Bolshevik policies of war communism and what they meant for workers and peasants.
Political Testament of Lenin and Bukharin and the Meaning of NEP Lars T. Lih on Lenin, Bukharin and the new economic policy of the Bolsheviks. In PDF format.
Rybin, Piotr (Rivkin; Zonov; Rybin-Zonov) (? - 1920) A short biography of Piotr Rybin (Zonov) anarchist worker murdered by the Bolsheviks
Veretelnik, Boris, c,1889?-1919 A short biography of Boris Veretelnik , Left Socialist Revolutionary and then anarchist and Makhnovist
Popov, Dimitri Ivanovich, 1892-1921 A short biography of Dimitri Popov, sailor, Left Socialist Revolutionary and then anarchist and Makhnovist
Anti-Semitism and the Makhnovists Malet finds that - despite false allegations - Makhno was not anti-Semitic and that incidents of anti-Semitism among the Makhnovists were less…