Book documenting the historical context of the Italian operaista tradition, and the development of the category of class composition.

Libcom also hosts the following reviews of this book:
- From Operaismo to 'Autonomist Marxism' - Aufheben
- Review of Storming Heaven - Sergio Bologna
- Red and Black Notes
There is also an interview with the author about the book by the German group Wildcat here.
Than you whoever uploaded
Than you whoever uploaded this! Been wanting to read it for ages and it's pricey to buy in New Zealand.
Yeah, that's brilliant,
Yeah, that's brilliant, thanks!
If you have any other texts like this in PDF please bang them up as well
Ok, so I'm gonna get started
Ok, so I'm gonna get started on adding this to the library in text. Gonna take a while, since it all needs to be reformatted from PDF, which is a hassle...pretty much going to read the whole book again!
That would be awesome. To
That would be awesome. To save time formatting text I use things like Word auto complete to mass replace errors and extra line breaks and things like that. Also, a couple of small chunks of it have been done already and are here so you could just copy and paste those bits.
Just learned there was a
Just learned there was a blockquote function :P so, I'll be using that instead of italics for quotes....someone shoulda told me!
Sorry mate, thought you knew
Sorry mate, thought you knew and had made a deliberate choice. If you've used italics so far you could just keep it the same, although block quote would be better
you can always use ctrl-F to
you can always use ctrl-F to find italics tags, and paste blockquote ones in their place.
The project of me putting
The project of me putting this into the library in text form has been on halt due to me being busy, but now it is on halt because it is too difficult to do on a netbook without a mouse (all the reformatting neccesary, etc).
If someone else wants to take this on, go head, otherwise, I'll get to it when I get my desktop back or get a mouse (neither will happen for at least a month probably)
No worries mate, thanks for
No worries mate, thanks for your efforts so far!
7 months later (and still
7 months later (and still without desktop or a mouse...), I think I'll start this back up.
Juan you're a hero, thank you
Juan you're a hero, thank you so so much!
Anyone have time to finish
Anyone have time to finish turning this into text? I never ended up finishing it...
Thanks for putting this up.
Thanks for putting this up. Have heard about the book, now I can actually read it!
Probably worth mentioning
Probably worth mentioning that I never finished this. Copy and pasting, reformating, etc this much was a bigger task than I thought when I began it.
Pluto Press has republished
Pluto Press has republished this:
All the text is here now,…
All the text is here now, except the bibliography and index which are in the PDF.
Fozzie wrote: All the text…
Thanks for finishing this,…
Thanks for finishing this, all these years later!