General US prison revolt and struggle thread

Submitted by R Totale on May 1, 2018

Nymphalis Antiopa

6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Nymphalis Antiopa on May 4, 2018

R Totale

6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 4, 2018

Sean Swain Calls for Campaign to Get His Communication Turned Back On

"I’m hoping to generate 50 phone calls to each of the following numbers, where folks generally say what’s written below. So, feel free to call and to share this with anyone else who might call, in hopes that we can pressure the fascists to restore my communications…

Kevin O’Donnell Stanek, Asst. Chief Counsel to Governor Kasich: (614) 466- 3555;

State Representative Doug Green (614) 644-6034;

State Representative Hearcel F. Craig (614) 466-8010;

State Representative Greta Johnson (614) 466-6037. (Not on House Directory – 81st District is blank – I wonder if that’s she?)


General idea of what to say:

I’m calling to bring to your attention an illegal effort by prison officials to terrorize an Ohio prisoner. The prisoner, Sean Swain, is a model prisoner, a published writer and a radio personality on a globally-syndicated radio show. Because Sean exposed how prison employees who were directed by ODRC Counsel Trevor Clark intercepted and stole Sean’s mail from courts to hide their crimes, prison officials have shut down all of Sean’s communication to the outside world…to his family, his friends, and even to the courts. Prison officials are blocking Sean’s phone, email, and even regular mail. Their goal is not just to silence him, but to cut him off from everyone who loves him and drive him to suicide.

I want you to know that I’m signing an online petition that has 50,000 signatures already, demanding that the director of prisons resign, and I’m urging your office to make arrangements to speak with Sean. You can contact him by phone at the prison by calling his Case Manager K. Baessler at: (513) 932-3388, ext. 84405 or ext. 84410. Please know that if anything happens to Sean while he’s being illegally silenced, I know a lot of registered voters, including me, who will hold your office responsible. The eyes of the world are watching.“

He adds:

“I really need a lawyer. It seems that officials intend to silence me, to stop my social existence beyond the prison fence… FOREVER.They intend to stop me from EVER communicating with ANYONE for the rest of my life.I can’t even sue these people because they steal all incoming legal mail making it impossible to proceed.”

R Totale

6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 8, 2018

Not much info about this yet, but:

BREAKING - Work Stoppage at Largest Maximum Security Prison in the U.S. C-Block prisoners at Louisiana State Penitentiary launched a non-violent work stoppage to demand an end to prison slavery. Prison administrators transported prisoners refusing to work to an unknown location

R Totale

6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 9, 2018

List of demands for the Angola strike here:

Mike Harman

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on June 20, 2018

Debbie Sims Africa was just released after 40 years:

R Totale

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on June 28, 2018

Call-In Against Racist Discrimination and Retaliation at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility

Not America, but: Bulgaria: Urgent Call for Solidarity Actions from the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association


The Bulgarian Ministry of Justice has taken repressive measures agaisnt members and suspected members of the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

The Ministry of Justice is openly giving false punishments and harrassing members and suspected members of our union after a report by us was sent to the European Council of Ministries exposing the lies in a fake report given by the Bulgarian government

We are in need of instant support and solidarity

Please organise rallies and protests at your closest Bulgarian embassy or consulate

Demand that the Ministry of Justice stop their repression of the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

Our slogan for the cause is
«When injustice becomes law
Resistance becomes duty»

(report can be found here )


(via Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association)

If anyone's interested, there's a Bulgarian embassy at

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
186-188 Queen’s Gate
London SW7 5HL

R Totale

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 8, 2018

All Hands on Deck: Get Malik Washington out of Ad-Seg!

Update and call to support IWOC member and long time prison organizer, Malik Washington.

Several weeks ago, friends and supporters of incarcerated freedom fighter Comrade Malik Washington were overjoyed to hear that he was getting released, finally, from Administrative Segregation (solitary confinement) at Eastham Unit in Texas–until TDCJ pulled a fast one, falsely claiming that he refused to participate in the Ad-Seg Transition Program to get him released back to general population.

This is a complete lie: Malik has been fighting to get out of Ad-Seg from the moment he was thrown in there two years ago on a bogus riot charge (which was, itself, retaliation for prison strike organizing and agitating against inhumane, discriminatory conditions).

Here’s what actually happened: when Malik arrived at Ramsey Unit on June 21, he was assigned to a top bunk, which is prohibited by his medical restrictions as a seizure patient. TDCJ had failed to transfer his medical restrictions records, or had erased them, and are now claiming no record of these restrictions, which have been on file and in place for the past ten years. Malik wrote a detailed statement requesting to be placed on a lower bunk in order to avoid injury; later that night, he was abruptly transferred back to Ad-Seg at a new Unit (McConnell).

Malik was told that Ramsey staff claimed he refused to participate in the Ad-Seg Transition program–this is NOT true, and he needs to be re-instated to the program immediately! He also urgently needs his medical restrictions put back into his records!

We are extremely concerned for Malik’s safety, and urgently need the help of everyone reading this. Please take one or more of the following actions, and get a couple friends to do the same!

Call Senior Warden Phillip Sifuentes at Malik’s current facility (McConnell) and tell them Keith Washington (#1487958) must be transferred out of McConnell and re-admitted to the Ad-Seg Transition Program!

Phone #: (361) 362-2300 (**048) 00 — ask to be connected to the senior warden’s office/receptionist–try to talk to someone, but also can leave a message.

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m calling because I’m concerned about Keith H. Washington (#1487958) who was recently transferred to your facility. I understand he was transferred there from Ramsey Unit, because he supposedly refused to participate in the Ad-Seg transition program there, but this is not true; Malik never refused to participate, and he needs to be re-admitted to the transition program immediately! I am also concerned that his heat restrictions seem to have been removed from his records. He is a seizure patient and has been on heat and work restriction for years, and these restrictions must be reinstated immediately.”

Please let us know how your call goes at [email protected]

Flood TDCJ Executive Director Bryan Collier with calls/emails!You can use the above phone script as a guide for emails.

[email protected]

(936) 437-2101 / (936) 437-2123

Flood TDCJ with emails demanding that Malik’s health restrictions and work restrictions be restored: [email protected]

You can use the call script above as a guide; you don’t need to mention the Ad-Seg situation, but just focus on the need to restore his heat and work restrictions!

File a complaint with the Ombudsman’s Office (the office in charge of investigating departmental misconduct); you can use the above phone script as a guide for emails.

[email protected]

Write to Malik! Every letter he receives lifts his spirit and PROTECTS him, because prison officials know he has people around him, watching for what happens to him.

Keith H. Washington


McConnell Unit

3100 South Emily Drive

Beeville, TX 78103

R Totale

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 8, 2018

Latest update from the campaign to keep the Bay View in print:

It's been six months since we posted this campaign and, thanks to you, the Bay View newspaper is still alive ... but once again we're in urgent need of your help to stay in print. The company that prints our paper not only does great work but has always given us lots of credit. Now, however, they're insisting on our catching them up. We were three papers behind, have now paid for one but have $7,000 still to raise before we can print another paper. Please help if you can and, even if you can't, please spread the word.

Enjoy this drawing by Jose Villarreal, then a prisoner in the notorious Pelican Bay State Prison Security Housing Unit (SHU), where prisoners were held indefinitely, some for decades, in total isolation; their way out was through the three largest hunger strikes in history, with 30,000 participants at their peak. Jose and others drew pictures and wrote stories to keep spirits up during the months the prisoners starved themselves, and the Bay View published them. We're so proud of their victory, and especially of Jose, who's back home now in San Jose, working as a dishwasher and spending all the rest of his time as an activist, helping and advocating for the most needy. That's some of the work the Bay View does, and we're very grateful for your help.

I'd really recommend people donate to their fundraiser if you're able to, with the August prison strikes coming up, a pro-strike newspaper getting into prisons around the country this July/August would make a huge amount of difference.

R Totale

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 10, 2018

Final Straw podcast interview on the prison strike

Week of International Support in Lead Up to Nationwide Prison Strike: This is a challenge to every anarchist, abolitionist, rebel and determined fighter against prison society and white supremacy in Amerikkka: Between Monday, July 16 and Saturday, July 21, we’re calling on you to help unleash a concerted and spectacular array of solidarity actions before the upcoming prison strikes!

Some new graphics and stuff here:

R Totale

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 28, 2018

There's a lot of stuff going on in the lead-up to August, but this seems especially important:

Imam Hasan, a Lucasville prisoner and major organiser in the 2016 strike who was sent to solitary on clearly bogus charges that he tried to get someone to carry out a suicide bombing in support of the strike(!) has just been thrown into solitary again, phone zap called for Monday 30th to try and get him out.

Outspoken prison rebel and organizer Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan was transferred to the hole Friday evening. Reports from other prisoners are saying that staff is doing the same thing to him they did in 2016, when guards worked with an outside faith leader to manufacture blatantly false and racist accusations that Hasan tried to recruit him into a suicide bombing plot. (

We are digging for more information now, but please be prepared for a phone zap Monday morning. This event will be updated with more details and a call in script by then.

In the meantime, write letters of support to Hasan and get them in the mail today so that he and the staff who have targeted him know that we are mobilizing in his defense.

Siddique Abdullah Hasan
878 Coitsville-Hubbard rd
Youngstown OH 44505

Call OSP: 330-743-0700 (Fax: 330-743-0841) Warden: Richard A. Bowen, Jr. [email protected]

Call NW Regional Director David Bobby: 614-752-1736 [email protected]

R Totale

6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 31, 2018

Call-In: Demand Holman Prisoners Put in Solitary Be Released to General Population

Please call ADOC Commissioner Jefferson Dunn and Holman Warden Cynthia Stewart and demand that the eight prisoners locked up on July 19th be returned to general population.

Commissioner Jefferson Dunn
(334) 353-3870

Warden Cynthia Stewart
(251) 368-8173

(emails should be [email protected] and [email protected])

Support Baltimore Rebel Allen Bullock

Donate to his commissary here

You can also write to Allen at:

Allen Bullock, SID # 3880939, ID #457790
Eastern Correctional Institution
30420 Revells Neck Rd
Westover MD 21890

R Totale

6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on August 7, 2018

Imam Hasan is still on hunger strike:

ACTION ALERT: Phone Zap to #FreeHasan, 614-752-1153

Ahead of the 2018 National Prison Strike, the State of Ohio has launched a campaign of repression against prison rebels including outspoken organizer Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan. Imam Hasan was transferred to the hole on July, 27, 2018. He began a hunger strike on the morning of July 28, 2018 to protest a conduct report signed by Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) Bureau of Classification Chief Brian Wittrup which referred to his receiving information about the upcoming National Prison Strike. The report charges Imam Hasan with violations of the following rules of conduct:

(15) Rioting or causing others to riot;
(16) Engaging in or encouraging a group demonstration or work stoppage;
(46) Conducting business operations with any person or entity outside the institution, whether or not for profit, without specific permission from the managing officer;
(56) Use of telephone or mail in furtherance of any criminal activity;
(61) Any violation of any published institutional rules, regulations or procedures.

Imam Hasan told us that most of his property has been confiscated. He has no pen, paper, kites, envelopes, stamps, or legal work. A security barrier with sandbags is outside his cell door (presumably to prevent anyone from passing anything to him).

Call Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) Director Gary Mohr at 614-752-1153

SUGGESTED SCRIPT: "Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan (R130559) has been on hunger strike since July 28, 2018 to protest the conduct report he was issued by Brian Wittrup. We support Imam Hasan because speaking about a strike over the phone is not a "business operation" or inciting a "riot". We need you to drop the charges, meet his demands, return his property and reinstitute his previously earned privileges."

Send letters of opposition to the ODRC Director's home address:

Gary C. Mohr
221 St Clair Dr
Chillicothe, OH 45601

Send emails to [email protected]

Send letters of support to:

Siddique Abdullah Hasan, R130559
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, OH 44505

- #August21 Strike Demands Drafted by Incarcerated People in Ohio

- In 2016, ODRC manufactured blatantly false and racist accusations about Imam Hasan attempting to recruit an outside faith leader for a suicide bombing plot

R Totale

6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on August 11, 2018

In Ohio, Imam Hasan's hunger strike has entered a second week, and Greg Curry reports that a spontaneous work stoppage broke out, and he's asking people to challenge the conditions he's held in:
"Meanwhile, the low wage cops harassing us looking to create problems. So Enough prisoners that recognized this decided to start protest that include refusing to work! of course the cops went to there SPECIAL INMATES to get them to cross the Pickett line but that was frowned upon so the pod is looking like we're HELD AGAINST OUR WILL! IMAGINE THAT...

I need people to call the BUREAU OF CLASSIFICATION, MR. WITTRUP. Ask him why am I being held on a disciplinary version of population without the full privileges of my level such as a rec. yard, gym, chow hall, and many privileges at the same level anywhere else are rule violations here. Ask him what's the plan what's the timeline for moving me out of here. As most of you know it's been 20 plus years stuck here it's time I go!

Remind Mr. Wittrup of that: [email protected]
[you can cc to: [email protected], and to the regional director, [email protected] - AP]

thank you.

Write to Greg via Jpay or directly via snail:
Greg Curry #213-159
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Road,
Youngstown, OH 44505

In Alabama, anarchist rebel Michael Kimble seems to have been severely beaten by staff:

"We've just received word that Michael was beaten by guards and is currently in lock up. No other information at this time, but we will keep this space updated with what information we get.

Please call Holman Prison at 251-368-8173 to ask about Michael's whereabouts and demand his release. It's important that prison guards and management get reminded that they can't abuse people unnoticed or with impunity. The warden is named Cynthia Stewart.

Just received word that Michael is in "severe condition." More when we know it. Please keep calling the prison!

Holman Correctional Facility is not releasing his condition, let us flood the Commissioner of Prisons lines and demand that they release Michael to an actual hospital that will help him. The # to the commissioner's office is 334-353-3870, ask to release Michael Kimble from Holman Correctional, AIS 00138017. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS, RAZE THE WALLS"

Pre-strike statement from Jailhouse Lawyers Speak

New audio on the strike from Rustbelt Abolition Radio and Kite Line (Kite Line's hosts seem to not be GDPR compliant or something, so EU people will need to use a proxy to listen to the latter).

Black Panther/Black Liberation prisoner Robert Seth Hayes makes parole, having been held since 1973 and faced serious medical issues in recent years.

Official strike fundraiser page

Strike promo video

R Totale

6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on August 18, 2018

Allow People in McCormick Prison to Wear Clothes

People in prison at the McCormick facility in South Carolina are already being targeted. Please call Agency Director Bryan P. Stirling at 803-896-8555

Suggested Phone Script

"I'm understanding that people in segregation at McCormick prison are being humiliated and being forced to walk around a metal pole with just their boxers on and being paraded around even in front of women officers. Even the Muslims who are religiously required to cover certain parts of their bodies are being denied any way to cover themselves. It is causing a lot of tension and creating a dangerous situation."

Should also be possible to email him at [email protected].

See also Hunger Strike Launched Inside Sterling Correctional Facility in Colorado


6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on August 19, 2018

R Totale

5 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on January 2, 2019

Updates on Mumia's case here:

R Totale

5 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on January 13, 2019

Eric King’s Communication Restricted: Call in to Help!

Eric is still being held at USP Leavenworth after being assaulted by staff at FCI Florence. He still is being held without charges, disciplinary write-ups, or any disciplinary hearings for more than 140 days. He is still under the jurisdiction of FCI Florence and this month when he tried to call his wife for his one phone call a month he found that their communication was restricted and he was unable to call. EK remains without an explanation as everyone refuses to provide any information as to why his phone communication has been cut off.

This is incredibly problematic not only for Eric and his family for all political prisoners. If the BOP is able to block communication with Eric despite laws and regulations what is to stop them from restricting communication of other political prisoners from their support and family.

Eric is being held in absolute segregation without even a cellmate at USP Leavenworth and has been now for over 137 days now. This added to his previous time in isolation makes his time served about a year of his total prison time which is very traumatic and triggering. Eric is still dealing with the emotions that have resulted from the incidents that took place in Florence as well as that he has been unable to see his family for over 4 months now. He has missed holidays and birthdays. The day he was attacked was the day following his wife’s surgery for cancer therefore he has missed being able to process subsequent medical problems with her. He is faced with the realization that for the remainder of his sentence he will be far from his wife and kids. The letters and support he has received has been amazing and he is so thankful. While he processes the trauma and grief we ask that you stand with him and continue to show support.

We ask that folks call as often as they can and to as many offices as they can. Take a block of time and call the same number over and over, request difference staff’s voicemail. Get creative but show them that we are watching and ready to protect our friend and comrade.

We got word that Eric was planning on going on a hunger strike beginning yesterday if he didn’t have answers. As there is a prolonged delay in mail right now he may have already began. If this is the case it is so important that we hit the phone lines as hard as possible on Monday.

FCI Florence
Call: 719-784-9100
Ask for: The warden/assistant warden, the legal department, Counselor Quintana, Counselor Rivera. If denied demand the person answering the phone take down a message.

Email: FLF/[email protected]

BOP North Central Regional Office
Call: 913-621-3939
Ask for: Director Jeffrey Krueger. If denied ask to speak with his assistant. If denied again, demand the person answering the phone take down a message.

Email: NCRO/[email protected]

Sample Script:

Hi I am calling about Eric King, #27090045 to demand that his phone restriction be lifted. It is unacceptable to take away a prisoner’s calls to his wife and family without any notice and without him being brought up on any charges.

Thank you for all of your help and continued support!
Until all are free.
-EK Support Crew
Category : Uncategorized

R Totale

5 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on January 17, 2019

Further updates on hunger-striking anarchist prisoner Eric King:
"Update 1/16/19: On the fourth day of his hunger strike Eric was able to get a five minute call to his wife in exchange for eating dinner on 1/14/19 by negotiating with the prison. He has been standing strong and is in good spirits. He has definitely sent the message to the prison that he is backed up by our support on the outside. He has shown them that he is motivated and that he will see this out. The lower level administration is desperately trying to find answers for him as to why Leavenworth restricted his communication with his partner. It was explained to him (as our research showed) that for a prison to restrict a spouse’s communication there is a complicated process that must be followed; we know that this was 100% not done.Yesterday the executive assistant at Leavenworth gave false information saying that Eric was informed on November 20th, 2018 at 12pm (an oddly specific and arbitrary time and date) that the communication restriction was being put in place and why. This is a blatant lie. Both Eric and his Lieutenant were shocked by this information because no one else at Leavenworth seems to have this same understanding. It seems that the warden, the executive assistant and only upper-level staff at Leavenworth have this information and they are doing whatever they can to keep it and cover it up (likely because they know that the proper processes were not followed). They have gone so far as to ‘lose’ two of the grievances EK filed in the last two months trying to get information.Their time is up. We are sending (with your help!) an effective message to the prison that we are watching and we are going to make their lives hell until this is fixed. That Eric is not standing alone in this. They know now, after negotiating with him and getting him to eat only in exchange for a 5 minute phone call with his wife, that he will continue the hunger strike until the lines of communication are open again. Eric resumed the hunger strike the next morning. We need the community to continue to stand strong with Eric and keep making phone calls. Thank you all for your continued help and support."
Contact details as above.

On the Anniversary of #OperationPUSH, Support Prison Strikers Facing Repression

"We are taking a next step in that struggle, bringing in power from supporters outside to cancel prison labor contracts with government agencies. Will you join us again?

On Jan 22, we will pack the Alachua County Commission in defense of their decision to end their contracts with FDOC slave labor. Details here:

Even if you can't make it out on Jan 22, you can send commissioners an email right now to help us build momentum, by using and sharing this link:

You can also help by spreading this FAQ on Ending Florida Prison Slavery far and wide: "

R Totale

5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on February 4, 2019

This looks like a really impressive resource:

R Totale

5 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on March 10, 2019

Urgent Phone Zap: Support Hunger Striker Kinetic Justice

Civil Rights Defense Fund for Jason Walker

"In his most recent assault by racist guards on Nov. 23, 2018 at the Ellis Unit, a bogus disciplinary assault case was written against him to conceal the event. On Aug 23 2018 while at the Telford Unit, he was written a false report for threatening to assault staff. He was locked up in solitary the day of the hearing which prevented him from attending the hearing. This case was ultimately overturned and expunged but he was written a second false case and was never notified he’d received the charge. During an investigation by the Houston Chronicle it was exposed that the prison counsel substitute Shelia Forte falsified records to frame Jason with the case. She was fired for this act and faces criminal felony charges. Jason has a pending lawsuit on many of these issues.

He is seeking donations in effort to obtain meaningful legal assistance to better his chances of battling the defendants, their legal team, and the judge who are acting in concert to get his claims dismissed. Even though his civil rights have been clearly violated, attorneys in Texas have no interest in justice, only in collecting fees for legal help. With the help of a lawyer, Jason will have a fighting chance."

The SF Bay View is still in need of donations to stay afloat

R Totale

5 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 11, 2019

An anti-racist/IWOC organizer who's spent years in solitary for strike organizing has just got out and really needs some financial help:

Hello folks, my name is Josh. Several years ago I was jumped by two white supremacists because I'd started working with anti-racist activists in my hometown. While defending myself, I ended up injuring one of the attackers and while in the hospital he told the police that I was the one who initiated the fight. Confident in my innocence I went to trial and lost. I was convicted of assault and given 9 years in prison.

Now consider, if you will, life as an anti-racist activist in prison. I'll spare all the details, but while in prison I became heavily involved in other forms of activism; working to overcome gang violence and racism, working for prisoner's rights and restorative justice as alternatives to incarceration, among other things. Because of my activism I spent more than four years in solitary confinement.

My planned release date was in 2020, but after 6 years I finally won my appeal, my conviction was overturned and I was released without warning from solitary confinement directly onto the streets of Portland, Oregon. After my release I struggled for a few months trying to gain some stability and to make sense of everything that had happened, but before long I found myself back in prison for another year.

As I write this, I've been out exactly one month. I'm determined to break this cycle and become successful again, and I was convinced by a dear friend that I need to humble myself and ask for help.

Success, in this case, means paying off my legal fees, owning a work vehicle and enough tools to restart my construction/landscaping business, while maintaining my involvement in social justice work.

I'm currently, at least, not homeless thanks to a person who risks eviction for having an "unapproved house-guest", but beyond that I have only one way to go and that's UP.

I'm also doing different types of work, some art related, to reach my goals, and any questions or conversation is also welcome. Thank you so much for any love and support.

Wishing everyone out there beauty in your lives.

Once again, just to plug that the only unaffiliated national prison abolitionist newspaper needs donations to keep getting its print edition into the hands of people behind bars.

R Totale

5 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 22, 2019

Some kind-of positive news in Mumia Abu-Jamal's case, the DA's office are withdrawing their appeal against his appeal. Legal stuff is complex and messy but that's a step in the right direction.

Phonezap on Tuesday to Support Alabama Hungerstriker, Kenneth Traywick

"Our friend and fellow soldier in struggle Kenneth Traywick (#177252) has been on a hunger strike since April 11, 2019 when he was placed in solitary for bogus reasons and no disciplinary. The Alabama Department of Corrections has been “force feeding” him via I.V. He has made it clear that he will continue to hunger strike once off of the I.V. until a set of five demands are met (see below or here:


Suggested Call Script:

Hello, my name is…and I’m calling from… I am calling in support of Kenneth Traywick AIS#177252 who has been and will continue to stay on hunger strike until his demands are met. I am very concerned about his safety at Limestone and the pattern of retaliation staff and officials continue to use against him. I demand that his voice be heard, that his five demands be met immediately, among them that he be transferred and ADOC refrain from further retaliatory action.

When does ADOC plan on recognizing and acting on these demands? Who else may I speak to about this? I will keep calling until these demands are met!"
Contact details in link

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak: One Year Since Seven Fell in South Carolina

R Totale

5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 24, 2019

Vaughn 17 defendant Roman Shankaras just beat his charges, only about two defendants left to go now:

R Totale

5 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on June 8, 2019

Anyone interested in the subject might want to check the new issue of Field Notes, which is a prison labo(u)r special:

R Totale

5 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 30, 2019

Ramsey Orta, the person who filmed the death of Eric Garner, is coming up before the parole board and could use some help:

R Totale

5 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 30, 2019

North Carolina hunger strike to begin on July 31st:

R Totale

5 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on August 1, 2019

The SF Bay View is desperately asking for donations to get their Black August issue out:

R Totale

5 years ago

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Submitted by R Totale on October 23, 2019

More here:
Today, October 23, human rights activist in New York City, Washington DC, London, U.K., and Kingston, Jamaica are delivering a request for humanitarian intervention to the United Nations drafted by US prisoners in South Carolina.

For years, prisoners and their families have been decrying the notoriously bad conditions within South Carolina prisons, as the US Department of Justice has demonstrated through reports and consent decrees with states in violation of basic human rights protections. However, this process has not produced notable improvements in prison conditions.

The UN has been many steps ahead of the United States in its recognition of human rights globally, and prisoner’s rights in particular. The UN recognizes that solitary confinement is torture after 15 days, even though long-term solitary confinement remains common in the US. A recent study has suggested that any period of time in “restrictive housing,” increases the likelihood of a former prisoner’s death following their release. These are common conditions throughout US prisons that have an impact on the brains of prisoners and impair their ability to survive.

After the deadliest day in US prisons in a quarter century at Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina in 2018, prisoners led a call for a national prison strike against their repressive conditions. They issued ten demands, none of which have been met to date.

Beyond their national demands, there are certain conditions specific to South Carolina that are particularly repressive. The blocking of sunlight with metal plates, has been one of the key conditions that prisoners have decried in recent years. This practice combined with long lockdowns, the adding of meal slots in general population cell doors, denial of outdoor recreation, and limited access to showers, has produced solitary-like conditions across the whole of the general population at high security prisons in the state.

These practices deny the basic humanity of prisoners by the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC). These are the conditions that produced the violence at Lee Correctional Institution in 2018. They are reflected in this NBC News report about South Carolina prisoner Allen “AJ” Capers, which shows Capers being dragged out on to the yard and left to die by two SCDC guards. SCDC have produced a record high suicide rate. They led to the drowning of Sinetra Geter-Johnson’s baby in her prison cell, as guards neglected to help. In 2014, a Judge found that SCDC routinely violates basic rights of prisoners to mental health care.

Prisoners have attempted to find support through the legislature, they’ve sought lawyers willing to sue over the conditions, and they’ve organized national protests. None of their calls have been heard. The conditions within South Carolina prisons continue to get progressively worse and hopelessness has set in, as reflected by the record numbers of deaths and suicides in recent years. In Alabama, another state that has had similarly horrendous conditions, even a DOJ report and major coverage in national newspapers have not improved the conditions for prisoners. There is no reliable process for redress for human rights violations within the US system.

When incarcerated people can no longer find a basis for hope they struggle to see a path forward. South Carolina’s prison system has reached a breaking point, and right now it is breaking the mind, bodies, and spirits of human beings. Today, these prisoners have reached out to the world to urge international humanitarian intervention by the UN, in an attempt to ease the harsh conditions in South Carolina prisons. They take this step because they see no other path of redress.

Media Contact- Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons

[email protected]


5 years ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 23, 2019

Just to add another individual American prisoner deserving of our solidarity World Socialist Party of the United States member, Joe Hopkins.

Joe has been incarcerated in a Florida prison for the past 15 years or so, serving a life sentence. The sentence bears no relation to the crime he committed in my view and reflects the cruelty and inhumanity of the legal system there. Stephen Shenfield, the GenSec of WSPUS, has set up a website dedicated to freeing Joe (see below). It contains some useful information about Joe including an account by Joe himself of his early upbringing and the horrendous experiences he went through.

R Totale

5 years ago

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Submitted by R Totale on October 24, 2019

Thanks for sharing that! I would strongly recommend that you or Stephen get in touch with Gainesville Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, who will be able to help provide some level of support to Joe and help connect him to other politicised/class conscious prisoners: [email protected] I believe Fight Toxic Prisons are also Florida-based, you can contact them at [email protected]

Oh, and while I remember, it looks like Mumia Abu-Jamal might be on the verge of winning his freedom:

R Totale

4 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on October 27, 2019

Have now passed Joe's details on to Florida comrades who should hopefully be in touch with him soon.
Also, wanted to plug this excellent site that's been set up for a NY antifascist who's set to do 18 months for a fight with alt-righters - notable features include an online form so you can write to him without having to mess about with stamps and stuff, a list of his interests to help people write to him, and this reading list - if you feel like sending him something from the list, you can order it to be delivered to
David Campbell #3101900657
Eric M. Taylor Center
10-10 Hazen Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11370
and drop them a line at [email protected] so they know to remove it from the list.


4 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 28, 2019

Very much appreciated. If only we could all show as much solidarity on other aspects of our politics

R Totale

4 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on November 10, 2019

Phone Zap for Comrade Keith Malik Washington

Comrade Malik is currently being held in solitary confinement after being attacked at USP Beaumont. Other prisoners had previously warned that he was in danger at Beaumont and it is clear that he is being targeted because of his activism.

Malik urgently needs to get out of this dangerous environment, and to get moved to an institution in California so it will be be easier for him to start work at the Bay View right away when he gets released. There is no reason for him to be at Beaumont, given his security status and his upcoming parole status in California. A show of public solidarity and support is crucial in letting the prison officials know that we are watching out for him and they can’t get away with any more dirty tricks.

Please take a few minutes to help make sure our comrade gets transferred safely:
Who to Call:

USP Beaumont- 409-727-8188

(if you only have time to make 1 call, call USP Beaumont!)

When calling Beaumont, ask to speak with:

– Larry Schultz- Warden

– Mr. Tenner- Unit Manager ext.4551

– Mr. Odstrcil- Case Manager

Fax: 409-626-3700

BOP Director, Kathleen Hawk Sawyer- 202-307-3250

BOP South Central Regional Office, Grand Prairie- 972-730-8600

Important emails:

Designation and Computation: GRA-DSC/PolicyCorrespondence&[email protected]

Jay Tenner: Beaumont: BMP/[email protected]

Suggested Call Script:

“Hello, I am contacting you on behalf of Keith Washington (#34481037), a prisoner who was recently assaulted while being held at USP Beaumont. It is my understanding that Mr. Washington is hurt and being held in the SHU with restricted access to the outside world and that an investigation is currently underway. I demand that you expedite this investigation as swiftly as possible, that Keith Washington be transferred to a lower security facility in California (where he will be living and working upon release) and that no further disciplinary measures are taken against Mr. Washington, a man who has no history of violence other than what he has been exposed to in your institution.

Can you confirm who the specific Designator currently working on Mr. Washington’s case is? Please be advised that we are currently seeking to pursue legal action to redress the harm that Mr. Washington has suffered as a result of your negligence, and will continue to contact you until he is transferred.”

Hunger Strike Day 11: Support Kinetik Justice!

Our Comrade Kinetik Justice is still at Limestone Correctional Facility, one of the most repressive prisons in Alabama. Kinetik was sent to solitary confinement after drugs were planted in his cell, and has been on a hunger strike since October 29th 2019. He is currently housed in the infirmary at Limestone CF, (the same infirmary where a nurse told him she hoped he would drop dead last time he was on a hunger strike).

Kinetik is a founder of the Free Alabama Movement. He was also instrumental to the founding of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee and George Jackson University, and the 2016 and 2018 National Prison Strikes. He has put his life on the line to support fellow incarcerated people countless times. For that reason he’s continually targeted and it’s important that we show the system that we have his back.

We ask that you take a moment out of your day to support this incredible human-
Who To Call:

Limestone CF, Warden Estes: (256) 233-4600
ADOC Commissioner Jeff Dunn: 334-353-3883
ADOC Intelligence & Investigations, Arnaldo Mercado: 334-353-3883
ADOC Fax #: 334 353 8922

(Faxing is extremely effective! Here is a 100 page pdf to fax to ADOC: )

Call Script:

“Hello, I’m calling about Robert Earl Council (AIS#181418). I understand he is on hunger strike and being sentenced to segregation on trumped up charges as retaliation for exposing corruption going on at Limestone. I demand his immediate transfer to another facility, the removal of his fraudulent disciplinary charge, and to know what you are doing about the illegal gambling and extortion being promoted by Captain McKinsey and Mr. Pelzer. I will keep calling until we have answers.

R Totale

4 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on February 25, 2020

Been really neglecting this of late, but two really important fundraisers for the legal costs of two US comrades:

"Michael Kimble is a passionate freedom fighter who has been held captive by the Alabama Department of Corrections for nearly 33 years. After defending himself during a homophobic attack by a known white supremacist in 1987, Michael was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. His trial was typical of what could be expected from a racist criminal justice system in Jefferson County, Alabama.

Since his conviction, Michael has been fervently involved in efforts to free himself and others, assisting in legal defense for fellow inmates, organizing reading groups and Black History events, speaking up for queer folks behind bars, and helping to organize and agitate alongside the Free Alabama Movement for the historic national prison strike of September 2016.

The Alabama prison system has recently come under fire from the federal government for its abhorrent conditions, and Holman Prison, where Michael is incarcerated, is being decommissioned and largely shut down. In this context, many Alabama prisoners have been successfully challenging the length of their original sentences. A group of Michael’s supporters on the outside have recently joined forces to hire a new legal team to help him push for a sentence reduction. Given the amount of time already served, we are hoping this could result in his release."

"Eric King is an imprisoned parent, artist, poet, and partner who needs support defending himself as he faces serious federal charges from the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

Eric is currently serving a ten year sentence in BOP for Use of Explosive Materials to Commit Arson. On September 11, 2014, Eric threw two molotov cocktails and a hammer through a window of an unoccupied Kansas City congressional building. Eric was charged in the federal court in Kansas City; in 2016 he accepted a non-cooperating guilty plea and a mandatory minimum 10-year federal sentence for the case. As part of his plea and sentencing Eric publicly and proudly acknowledged that his intent was to take direct political action in solidarity with the community of Ferguson, Missouri following the August 2014 police killing of Michael Brown, Jr. He has been in BOP custody since he was sentenced in 2016.

Even in prison, Eric is committed to using his poetry, art, and writing for liberation and a world free from domination and oppression.

Learn more about Eric, read his writing, share his struggle here:

Follow Eric's support team on twitter: @SupportEricKing

August 17, 2018

In 2017 Eric was transferred to FCI Florence, part of the notorious federal prison complex in Florence, Colorado. On August 17, 2018 an Administrative Lieutenant from FCI Florence ordered Eric to attend a private "interview" in a prison storage room. BOP officers who removed Eric from the storage room heard him say that the Administrative Lieutenant attacked him and that Eric was defending himself. Officers took Eric out of the storage room and to the Special Housing Unit (SHU) where they stripped him, shackled him to a bed, and held him in isolation without ability to communicate with his loved ones or a lawyer for three days. Eric had visible injuries when he was transferred out of Florence to USP Leavenworth on August 20, 2018, and he has experienced tingling in his limbs, headaches, blurred vision, and nausea daily since August 17, 2018.

The New Federal Charge

In May 2019 Eric was indicted by a grand jury in the District Court of Colorado for a new federal felony charge of Assaulting a Federal Official. The charge is based on what the government says happened during the interview in the Florence storage room with the Administrative Lieutenant. Eric now faces up to 20 additional years in federal prison, and is fighting this charge while still in the custody of his accusers.

What will funds be used for?

All funds will be held in trust by the law office and used to pay legal costs and fees associated with defending Eric, his principles, and the rights Eric and every prisoner has to live without fear of harassment, abuse, and deprivation at the hands of the state."

R Totale

4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 7, 2020

Huge list of phone zaps here:


4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on April 10, 2020

Prisoners in Lansing correctional in Kansas rioted yesterday over Coronavirus fears. A dozen inmates have already tested positive.

Here's some video from one of the inmates

Haven't found a good right up yet,

R Totale

4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 10, 2020

Do you know Perilous Chronicle? They're usually pretty solid on covering prison stuff: I see they don't seem to have a write-up of this one yet, but their twitter links to this local news story, which is unfortunately EU-walled so you'll need a proxy to look at it:
ETA: this might work, turns out the story is very short and hasn't got much in it though.


4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on April 10, 2020

I wasn't aware, thank you for the link. But yeah that seems to follow what else I've found, I decided to borrow from the Guardian which covered it, but most of that article was focusing on general prison conditions in the USA. Not irrelevant and quite important information, but there wasn't much information about the events in the headline.

Good thing the video exists though, I've seen some outlets claim there was no reason for the riot and authorities are baffled, when they clearly say why they're trashing the offices in the video.

R Totale

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on June 29, 2020

From Critical Resistance: Help SF Bay View Newspaper STAY ALIVE!: One of the Only Black-Led & Prisoner-Led National Newspapers in the U.S.!

The SF BayView National Black Newspaper is an online and print newspaper, published in San Francisco and read widely by people, both free and caged. It is one of the only Black-led and prisoner-led newspapers in the country, and covers issues and events both inside and outside of prisons from a Black radical perspective, with a focus on Black liberation and coverage of worldwide racial inequality and political repression.
The SF BayView is completely volunteer-run and they are struggling to make ends meet. All donations would help to support: production costs, printing costs, publishing costs, stamps and shipping costs, and the salary of Keith Washington, fondly known as Comrade Malik, Assistant Editor of the SF Bay View. Malik is a journalist, freedom fighter, and a prisoner at USP Pollock in Louisiana. He plans to move to the Bay and transition into the Editor role when he is released in September 2020.
The viability of The BayView is directly linked to the material and economic stability Malik has upon his return home. Can you pitch in $3 or more to support his transition home and keep this vital resource alive for our people?
For over 45 years, the SF BayView has been unapologetic in calling out injustice and repression that targets Black and brown communities and people in jails, prisons and detention centers. In the nineties, when no one else had the courage to report on rampant police brutality, The BayView stepped up for their community, and suffered backlash because of it.
In the late eighties, SF BayView exposed and helped shut down the oldest and largest power plant in California, owned by PG&E, for emitting toxic smoke that impacted the respiratory health of thousands of Black and brown children and families.
In 2011-2013, the SF BayView, mailed to thousands of prisoners and helped to spread the word about the California Prisoner Hunger Strikes Against Solitary Confinement, drawing 30,000 participants at their peak. Reflecting back on these historic hunger strikes that rocked and swayed the US prison system, Comrade Keith ‘Malik’ Washington shares: “The strikes succeeded [partly] because the Bay View is a network of freedom fighters connecting prisoners with each other and allies in the outside world.”

The SF BayView gives prisoners a platform to share their stories and collective strategies and build up solidarity for inside-outside organizing. It keeps prisoners informed of their impact on the political landscape and fuels prisoners to keep fighting by highlighting the nationwide solidarity against violations to their human and civil rights.
Undaunted, The BayView continues to report on injustices like police terrorism, the impact of COVID-19 on prisoners, and stories of black resilience in this time. At a time when so much of the media landscape is owned by corporate interests, we ask that you donate to keep this lifeline open for prisoners and Black communities. We ask you to invest in black futures now. We ask you to invest in people returning home.
Below is a message from Comrade Malik, the soon-to-be Editor of the SF Bay View:

Dear Comrades,

Please help save The San Francisco BayView National Black Newspaper. The Bay View’s current editor Mary Ratcliff and her husband and publisher Dr. Willie Ratcliff are both in their 80s and have volunteered 30 years of their lives and hard-earned money to sustain and preserve this historic national Black newspaper. They have chosen me, Keith “Malik” Washington, a regular contributor to the paper, to continue the legacy of the BayView. I accept this gift with honor and respect for what has been laid before me. As a very soon to be returning community member, who will have spent 13 years caged within both the state and federal prison systems, I look forward to the opportunity and platform to center and link the issues of currently and formerly incarcerated people with the Bay Area community through the lens of my lived experience.

There are a few things that set the BayView apart from other newspapers. First and foremost, we seek to serve the people and set the captives free! The BayView has always amplified prisoners’ call for decarceration. The BayView also provides a unique opportunity and platform for incarcerated people to share their stories, insights and commentary on their experiences inside, and their relationship to the free-world community. Finally, I’d like to illuminate the BayView’s commitment to reporting on environmental racism and political repression. It is my intention to expand the readership as well as the breadth and scope of our work.

At this time, the BayView desperately needs financial assistance in order to support operating expenses and to provide me a modest salary. We currently have no money to pay additional staff and rely on a cadre of dedicated community volunteers to get our paper out. Still, the BayView continues to squeeze out issue after issue, to provide voice to the voiceless.

We humbly request that you visit our website,, in order to see exactly what kind of journalism and activism we are engaged in. We are confident that you will agree that it is absolutely necessary to help us save this one-of-a-kind newspaper. I encourage everyone to donate generously to this cause. Too many people returning to their communities are faced with thousands of barriers to a successful start to their new life. Helping to fund the BayView also helps me to overcome one of those barriers — meaningful employment. I truly hope you will aid us in our fundraising efforts.

In solidarity,


R Totale

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 19, 2020

Stop the retaliatory abuse against Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson now!

Phone and email zap script for Comrade Rashid

Hi, my name is _______ and I am calling to voice concern over the treatment of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson. It has come to my attention that Rashid and a neighbor have been refused their commissary, confined to their cells, and are being denied the ability to make phone calls without due process including phone calls to Rashid’s attorney*. I understand further that Rashid has not had a working tablet** through which to communicate since early May, when it was broken in retaliation for speaking out on the conditions there at Pendleton amid the COVID-19 pandemic and that these current actions taken against him and his neighbor are retaliatory in nature. I want these punitive and coercive actions taken against Rashid and his neighbor to cease immediately and for Rashid’s tablet to be replaced and returned to him. I want you to know that Rashid has my full support and that the world is watching in hopes that you will do the right thing. Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

Please begin the zap on Friday, July 17, 2020. Contact the following officials:

John Adam Ferguson, Chief Legal Officer, [email protected], 317-460-6307 (mobile), 317-233-8861 (office)

Charlene A. Burkett, Ombudsman, [email protected], 317-234-3190

Joseph Walters, Deputy Director VADOC, [email protected], proxy for Harold W. Clarke, Director of Department of Corrections, 804-887-7982

James Parks, Interstate Compact Administrator, [email protected], 804-887-7991

*Rashid has been denied contact with his lawyer, Dustin McDaniel of the Abolitionist Law Center, since being at Pendleton. This is illegal and violates his right to legal counsel

**Per the rules and guidelines at Pendleton regarding the tablet devices that are issued to the prisoners for communication purposes, it is the prisoners’ responsibility to replace said tablets if they are lost or broken. These devices cost around $250 each and we do not believe that Rashid should replace something that was purposefully destroyed by the pigs.

R Totale

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 27, 2020

As an update on Rashid's situation above, there's now some positive news to report:

During May, I was targeted twice in less than 24 hours with two, staged cell searches by guards here at Pendleton Correctional Facility (PCF), where my property was ransacked and damaged, and my state-issued tablet was broken (which I'd have to pay $260 to replace).

Then on July 15 and 18, I was subjected to another round of this harassment. During this second round, I and my neighbor Mark Patterson, who'd spoken up on my behalf about the prior harassment, were both shaken down, put on indefinite cell confinement, and denied our commissary orders which our cellblock received on July 15.

We were told this treatment would continue, which was prompted by my writing published articles exposing the failure of PCF officials to protect prisoners against the spread of Covid-19 at the prison.

I sent word out to my wife, Shupavu wa Kirima, about this July harassment, who initiated a mass call-in campaign against prison officials in response. As a result of the campaign, I and my neighbor were quietly taken off cell confinement and were both delivered our commissary orders.

Then on July 21, I was met with by the now warden of PCF, D. Reagle, who authorized the replacement of my tablet at no cost to me. Reagle admitted the matter was being addressed because of the torrent of call in complaints received from outside people. I was issued a new tablet two days later.

I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to the countless supporters, friends and comrades who took part in the call-in campaign and the following organizations who also took part: Afrofuturist Abolitionists of America; Anarkatas; Autonomous Brown Berets of Oklahoma; Black is Back-Health for the Revolution; IDOC Watch; Fight Toxic Prisons; For the People chapters of Baltimore, Boston, Twin Cities, Chicago, Philly, St Louis, and San Diego; Lucy Parsons Center; Quaker Insurrection; Marilyn Buck Brigade; Third World People's Alliance; People's Revolutionary Party of Long Beach; Roanoke People's Power Network; Upsetting the Upset and others.

Thanks to you all again for your solidarity and unity in this struggle on my behalf, and the testament to people's power that the results of your support have given.

R Totale

4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by R Totale on September 1, 2020

Another update on Rashid's situation, which sounds quite serious:

Comrade Rashid in Imminent Danger at Pendleton Correctional Facility


Just got off of the phone with Rashid and he still has not received his property or the remainder of his life-sustaining medication. He hasn’t had all of his medication since the incident where he was forced to defend himself that occurred on 08.25.2020. This alone is enough but what has me the most concerned is that he stated there are other recent developments in his current situation that he did not feel comfortable sharing with me over the phone as the calls are heavily monitored and recorded.

He did state emphatically that at this point IDOC and the staff at Pendleton Correctional Facility are actively trying to kill him. These were his exact words. I am fearful for the safety of my comrade and partner and am asking everyone to please call and email! The prison and corrections staff must know that we are watching and there will be a serious consequence to pay should anything happen to Kevin Rashid Johnson while in their custody and care.

Officers A. Long and R. Cochoran have been central figures in the continued racist attacks against Rashid and the racially motivated STG label that was attached to him and his political party. We are asking that calls and emails be made to everyone but correspondence to Dennis Reagle (warden) and Joseph Walter’s (Interstate Compact Admin VADOC) should increase. I am including their contact information below. If you have media contacts or resources that can assist us in this fight, then I ask that you please contact me. Day or night. I don’t care the time. We must protect and fiercely defend our political prisoners.

Dare to Struggle Dare to Win!
-Shupavu wa Kirima
[email protected]


Charlene A. Burkett, Ombudsman
[email protected]

Jon Adam Ferguson, Chief Legal Officer
[email protected]
(317)460-6307, mobile
(317)233-8861, office

Dennis Reagle, Warden
[email protected]

Shannon Schott, Admin. Sec. to the Warden
[email protected]

Joseph Walter’s, Deputy Director VADOC
[email protected]
(Proxy for Harold W. Clarke, Director, Department of Corrections as of 11/2018)

R Totale

4 years 1 month ago

In reply to by

Submitted by R Totale on September 9, 2020

Join the Ed Poindexter clemency campaign

Ed’s Story
In April of 1971, Edward Poindexter and Mondo we Langa, formerly David Rice, were sentenced to life in prison for the death of an Omaha police officer- a crime they did not commit. The two were targeted by law enforcement and wrongfully convicted due to their affiliation with the Black Panther Party, a civil rights and anti-fascist political group.
Nearly 50 years later, Ed is still in prison and maintains his innocence. He has earned several college degrees, taught anti-violence classes to youth, authored screenplays, and more. His last chance for freedom is to receive a commutation of sentence from the Nebraska Board of Pardons. At age 75, he is at high risk for COVID related health complications. He must receive an immediate and expedited commutation hearing from the Board.

EMAIL: [email protected]

Take Action Now
Write, email and call the Nebraska Board of Pardons. Request that they expedite Ed’s
application, schedule his hearing for the October 2020 meeting and commute his sentence.

Nebraska Board of Pardons
P.O. Box 95007
Lincoln, NE 68509
*please email a copy of your letter to [email protected]

Sample Letter

Dear Pardons Board:

I am writing in regards to Edward Poindexter, #27767, who has served nearly 50 years in prison with exemplary behavior and many accomplishments. He is 75 years old and at high risk for COVID-19 related medical complications, which have been amplified by the increased COVID transmission rate among prisoners. I am therefore requesting that the Board expedite Ed’s application, schedule his hearing for the October 2020 Board meeting, and commute his sentence to length of time served.

EMAIL: [email protected]

Governor Pete Ricketts 402-471-2244
SoS Robert B. Evnen 402-471-2554
AG Doug Peterson 402-471-2683

Much more background on Ed's case here.


2 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 9, 2021

The World Socialist Party of the United States in a call for support and solidarity for one of its incarcerated members.

R Totale

2 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on November 9, 2021

Think I might have mentioned it before, but I would definitely recommend that Joe, or those working with him, contact Florida Prisoner Solidarity:

P.O. Box 358439, Gainesville, FL 32635
[email protected]


2 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 9, 2021

Yes, you did and it is appreciated it. But I am not sure if I forwarded the link to Stephen who is trying to kick start the campaign. I will definitely do so this time.