Partial online archive of Insurgent Notes, a journal founded in 2010 and edited by Loren Goldner and John Garvey.

Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto
Editors: J. Garvey, L. Goldner
Associates: A. Barksdale, D. Berchenko, L. Carter, J. Locks, C. Price, R. Scypion, A. Zahedi
Insurgent Notes is a collective-based journal that will publish online several times a year.
That quote is from "The…
That quote is from "The German Ideology", not "The Communist Manifesto"...
The Manifesto of the…
The Manifesto of the communist party was penned solely by Karl Marx and, "The basic thought running through the Manifesto belongs solely and exclusively to Marx", according to Friedrich Engels in 1883. The two men did not share an "intellectual bank account", merely a common stock fund.
Der Kommunismus ist für uns…
Die deutsche Ideologies, Karl Marx, 1932. English translation by (7/2/2024)
Heh! That’s funny. It’s from…
Heh! That’s funny. It’s from the “masthead” page on the Insurgent Notes website.
Three glaring faults with…
Three glaring faults with the mast head. No wonder the hot air went out of its sails.
We insurgents should note the addition of wird, the German word for "will be", to the text of The German Ideology. It is reminiscent of the corruption of the First Letter of John by the addition of the verse, "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one", to fit in with the false teaching—the Trinity—promulgated by Christianity, for which many innocents lost their lives.