Transgressions #2/3 (1996)

A photography of Canary Wharf at night

Double issue of this psychogeographical journal, including debates on primitivism and the Race Traitor journal.


  • Editorial - Alastair Bonnett
  • Two Walking Days - Jean MacRae
  • Ralph Rumney's Revenge and Other Scams: an account of the psychogeographical warfare conducted during the 1995 Venice Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Arts - Luther Blissett
  • The Transgressive Geographies of Daily Life: Socialist pathways within everyday urban spatial creativity - Alastair Bonnett
  • Shopping for Principles: Writing about Stoke on Trent's "Festival Park" - Martin Parker
  • Old Gotland, New Babylon: Peoples and places in the work of Jorn and Constant - Graham Birtwistle

Debate 1:

  • A response from Race Traitor
  • Race Traitor and the Myth of the “Mulatto" - Fabian Tompsett

Debate 2:

  • City Primeval: Fredy Perlman, Primitivism and Detroit - John Moore
  • From Socialisme ou Barbarie to Communism or Civilisation - Luther Blissett


  • Notes from a “Post-colonial“ State by Amanda Araba Ocran
  • Where's Wally? A personal account of a multiple-use-name entanglement by Nigel Ayers
  • Sleeve Notes: TechNet by Howard Slater and Jason Skeet
  • Transport of Delight, Motorways of Blood by the Roads Advisory Committee
  • Dislocation on the Isle of Dogs by Fabian Tompsett

Review Articles:

  • Detained and Detourned by Peter Suchin (Situationist conference in Manchester)
  • Neutral and Commercial... Just like Everyone by Howard Slater (Club Cultures by Sarah Thornton)
  • Academic Architectures: The Strangely Familiar by Simon Sadler and Benjamin Franks


Guy Debord is Really Dead by Luther Blissett, London Psychogeographical Association newsletter & Manchester Area Psychogeographic, Inventory, Stelarc, Oblivion, Days Between Stations, The Book of Sodom by Paul Hallam, Vermeer II by Stewart Home, Return to the Duplex Planet, Association of Autonomous Astronauts, Break/Flow, Man in a Suitcase, Landranger 168 map, Melancholic Troglodyte, Equi-Phallic Alliance.




11 months ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on April 12, 2024

Thanks for posting this Fozzie and for the countless hours of labour you devote to this archive.

As a parting glass, let's lift this from the dark web:

...The critique of civilisation emerged internationally within this famework, a key protagonist being Jacques Camatte and his comrades in the review Invariance. They developed out of the left communists' insistence on the centrality of the realisation of Gemeinwesen, the human community, as the goal of communism. It was a matter of establishing a society where people treated each other as humans rather than as things. Far from being “post-Marxist“ Camatte is developing themes already addressed by Marx:

'Communism is the positive supersession of private property as human self-estrangement and hence the true appropriation of the human essence through and for Man; it is the complete restoration of man to himself as a social i.e. human being, a restoration which has become conscious and which takes place within the entire wealth of previous periods of development. This communism, as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism, and fully developed humanism equals naturalism; it is the genuine resolution of the conflict between Man and nature, and between human and human, the true resolution of the conflict between existence and being, between objectification and self-affirmation, between freedom and necessity, between individual and species. It is the solution to the riddle of history and knows itself to be that solution.'...

The overthrow of civilisation is the task of communism.