A pamphlet put out by the Twin Cities IWW branch for the purpose of promoting the development of workplace organisers, based on their experiences of organising at work. It offers the sort of practical advice we could all be implementing in our own workplaces.

Just for the record I
Just for the record I suggested we read this in SF before it was officially published as pamphlet. So there :-p
Yeah, I really liked this. I
Yeah, I really liked this. I didn't even know it existed until I got here. There's a PDF of the print version somewhere out there, but haven't been able to track it down.
Jim, Chili, Juan, glad you
Jim, Chili, Juan, glad you like it, your folk whose opinions I rate highly. If SLSF does do a discussion on please do me a favor and take notes on the conversation and email them to me to share with the Twin Cities GMB. And Juan thanks for posting it up.
yeah this is awesome and i
yeah this is awesome and i will be sharing it with the pvd gmb
providence, rhode island.
providence, rhode island. sorry. like "pdx"
Yo, so any luck trying to
Yo, so any luck trying to hunt down that pdf version?
here's a very simple .pdf pamphlet layout.
I found a PDF, but it is of a
I found a PDF, but it is of a earlier version. It has all the text, I believe, but is not in pamphlet format and has different images and cover graphics. I can email it, but I'm not going to upload it online since it is not the current version that is being distributed through our branch.
FInal version of PDF, which
FInal version of PDF, which is what the Twin Cities IWW printed out has been added.
I was told to:
I like to think this would
I like to think this would pair nicely with a more robust OT 101 within the I.W.W. As some kind of guide text. If the OT 101 were broken down by modules and done in stages with workers being brought in from the job.
Have the authors much revisited these thoughts? How long has it been?
Added Zabalaza version of the
Added Zabalaza version of the pamphlet