Solidarity: a union which betrays its name Next week Solidarity will organize its anniversary festival in Gdansk. It will be punctuated by such events as a huge mass in a grand cathedral…
What Kind Of Solidarity Forever? A piece exploring how organizing on the shopfloor and activism outside the shopfloor are different and how they compliment each other.
Review: “Solidarity unionism” is a beginning, not an ending A review by Lou Rinaldi of Staughton Lynd's Solidarity Unionism: Rebuilding the Labor Movement from…
BNP scab union set for launch The British National Party is set to formally launch its scab union on the 24 February at an undisclosed venue in central London.
Confidence and Solidarity A follow-up to 'What kind of solidarity forever?' which claims that activism wins out over workplace organizing due to lack of confidence.
Solidarity 1913 A reprint – within Solidarity for Workers’ Power, vol. 2, no. 1 (1962) – of a passage from the first issue of Solidarity: A Monthly Journal of Militant Trade Unionism produced by the…
Do solidarity unions need to ‘go public’? Marianne Garneau and MK Lees reexamine the value of the "Going Public" step in solidarity union organizing drives.
The binds that tie: unions, ‘solidarity’, civil society and foreign policy in Bangladesh A look at the new unions emerging as part of the reforms of the garment industry –…
Longview, occupy, and beyond: rank and file and the 89% unite! Black Orchid Collective's look at the Occupy movement, the West Coast port shutdowns and the various…
Solidarity Unionism, Occupy, and the moral right of the working class to control the workplace An article on the west coast Occupy port shutdowns and the IWW's model of …
Out of the frying pan - a critical look at works councils Works Councils, far from empowering people, act as a tool by which management can control and pacify…
Learning from our mistakes: IWWs criticize and reflect on their organizing Adam Weaver, in response to an insinuation that the IWW criticizes every union but itself, lists…
What is the International Workers’ Association and why should you join it? A recent article written by Leeds SolFed on the 99th anniversary of the International Workers'…
WSLB's Workers' Convergence: Strength in Solidarity during Adverse Times IWA-YAS is an independent publication launched in April 2023 by IWA Yangon Initiative.
The strike at Neupack and the question of strike solidarity Translation of article from wildcat collective on strike at packaging manufacturer in Germany in…
West Virginia: Extend the Strike, Build Long Term Power What follows is a proposal for how to extend the strike unfolding in West Virginia. To hear an…
The Power of Working Class Solidarity Pamphlet by the Madison IWW branch. Intended as a follow-up to Kill the Bill:The Power of a General Strike.
Visiting the Freie ArbeiterInnen Union (FAU) in Berlin An account by a Solidarity Federation member of a visit with FAU members in Germany.
Potentials for Solidarity Unionism Todd Hamilton elaborates on the IWW's usual mode of organizing, 'solidarity unionism'.
Reviews: “Singlejack Solidarity” teaches valuable lessons for the working class Patrick McGuire's review of Stan Weir's book, Singlejack Solidarity.
A short history of British anarcho-syndicalism Short pamphlet by the Solidarity Federation on the history of anarcho-syndicalism in the UK.
The ILWU longshore struggle in Longview and beyond: a class struggle critique This article from August 10th, 2012 is an important rebuttal to accounts of the Longview struggle…
Direct Action Movement becomes Solidarity Federation An article from 1994 responding to the Direct Action Movement's change of name to the Solidarity Federation, published in the Workers Solidarity Movement magazine Red and Black Revolution.
The class fight back: solidarity networks spread as a new alternative to 'alternative labour’ Portland Solidarity Network is entering a new phase of their wage theft campaign,…
Anarchy, precarity, and the revenge of the IWW: An interview with Starbucks union organiser Daniel Gross Interview with IWW organizer Daniel Gross where he discusses 'solidarity unionism,'…
Reviews: a primer on anarcho-syndicalism for all to read Lou Rinaldi reviews Solidarity Federation's Fighting For Ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the…
A Union at Amazon?: Organize the Class, not the Shop An Amazon worker in the United States reflects on the strategic point of the company in the global economy and the new social composition it has…
Withered aristocracy #2 - heavy construction and critical faculties An attempt at an explanation for the long absence of the Withered Aristocracy blog.
The dialectic of exploitation and repression, forms of self-organization, and the avoidance of vulgar workerism Gayge Operaista writes about some of the strengths and weaknesses of anarchist…
Solidarity is key to win Northwest Airline strike - Jon Bekken An article by Jon Bekken about the 2005 Northwest Airlines strike. Originally appeared in the…
Strategy and struggle - anarcho-syndicalism in the 21st century A pamphlet produced in January 2009 by Brighton Solidarity Federation as a clarification of the…
Joe Burns: What the labor movement needs Industrial Worker interview with Joe Burns, author of Reviving the Strike
Review of Fighting for ourselves - Anarchist Federation A review of the Solidarity Federation's booklet Fighting For Ourselves in issue 80 of the Anarchist Federation's magazine Organise!
Trade unionism or socialism: the revolt against work - John Zerzan 'Trade Unionism or Socialism - the revolt against work' was published by Solidarity in 1976. …
Chicago Couriers Union: a lesson for IWW solidarity union organizers An in-depth article by Colin Bossen, about the IWW affiliated Chicago Couriers Union, which modeled…
Spokes on a Wheel: Some Labor Notes on Intersecting Struggles With the recent Labor Notes Troublemaker's School in mind, how can labor begin to further tie into…
Solidarity motor bulletin #02: UAW scab union Issue of Solidarity's car industry bulletin from March 22, 1974, looking at the behaviour of the US auto workers' industrial union the UAW and how it was sabotaging and scabbing on struggles of its members at the time.
Statement of the IWW for the international syndicalist reunion March 22 – 24 2013 Paris A statement answering questions presented to the IWW in lead up to and presented at a conference on "alternative unionism" hosted by the SUD in France.
On the frontline: anarchists at work Workplace Strategy of the Anarchist Federation The following text is the official workplace strategy of the Anarchist Federation, adopted…
Direct unionism in practice: undermining service industry barriers to worker solidarity This response is primarily written with the intention of facilitating an introduction to Direct Unionism for service workers who are very new to labour. We hope to participate in the DU discussion, and share with those interested how we have been affected by these conversations and also how we are practicing and implementing these ideas.
WSA statement of solidarity with Wisconsin Workers Solidarity statement from the North American based Workers Solidarity Alliance.
Appeal to join the solidarity caravan to Longview, Washington For the full, original article, feel free to visit the Trial by Fire. Appeal to Join the Solidarity…
Marx and Makhno Meet McDonald's An account of the French "Solidarity Collective" group. Casualised workers in Paris win several strikes, honorably lose another with combined…
New Zealand: Meat workers locked out for 9 weeks Since 19th October meat workers at the Canterbury Meat Processors Rangitikei lamb-processing plant have been locked out by the company in a bid…
Workplace Conflicts, Protest and Resistance: Actions of the lWA in 2015 (Part One) A look at some of the actions of the lWA Sections and Friends in 2015. Fighting through direct…
IWA struggles and victories in 2014 A brief account of some of the workplace conflicts, international actions and social struggles of IWA Sections.
Kingston: Community Picket at Canada Post Facility A report on a community picket at a Canada Post facility in Kingston, defying the recent back-to-work legislation brought in to break a postal…
Day of Solidarity: Portland, Seattle & San Francisco On 29 April 2011 pickets took place in 3 West Coast cities in solidarity with workers at San…
After the First of Many Last Resorts: on ports and activists A brief piece critiquing activists' attempted management of the #Occupy "West Coast Port Shut Down"…
Scab bus blocked at Port of Vancouver On February 26th, 2014, 30 community members and Union supporters confronted and temporarily stalled a bus transporting a scab workforce to the…
Point of view: Solidarity Root and Branch introduce the British libertarian socialist group Solidarity to their American readers, appending the group's statement of principles, As We See It, below.
Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet? The solidarity and determination of the Durham Teaching Assistants has been an inspiration to other workers throughout the North East and beyond…
Ready to fight: Developing a 21st century community syndicalism As we develop new strategies to work on community organizing campaigns, what ideas and strategies…
Education workers’ strike in Slovakia after two weeks – global solidarity welcome! This is a very rough and hardly exhaustive summary of recent two weeks of strike in education sector…
International trade unionism helps weak Indian unions to integrate precarious workers' struggles Analysis of the situation of the working class and their relationship with trade…
Kafr el-Dawwar workers are in the same trench as Ghazl el-Mahalla A very significant statement of solidarity with the Ghazl el-Mahalla workers from the workers at…
What is anarcho-syndicalism? A basic introductory leaflet produced by the Solidarity Federation, also available as a pdf.
Urgent Call for International Solidarity: FAU Berlin Banned As Union As of yesterday, December 11, 2009, FAU Berlin (FAU-B) has essentially been banned as a union. The…
Fighting for ourselves - preview Preview excerpts of the forthcoming text by the Solidarity Federation setting out the background and the tasks ahead for anarcho-syndicalists in…
1984 WSA: Conference for a new national libertarian workers organization Selected documents from the founding conference of the US libertarian workers' organisation, Workers Solidarity Alliance, with some notes added in 2011 by one of the participants.
Attack is the Only Way Forward. The struggle of the GGB (Healthworkers Syndicate) Hannover at the Wahrendorff Clinic An account of workplace organising in a privately run hospital in Germany in 2007.
Solidarity unionism at Starbucks: the IWW uses Section 7 An article from Staughton Lynd and Daniel Gross on the IWW's organizing at Starbucks. Originally…
1980-1: Class Struggle in Poland As a follow up to our recent article about Solidarność (see: we are republishing three of the leaflets that the CWO and Battaglia…
The role and activities of the Ford Visteon Workers (Enfield) Support Group This booklet looks at the effectiveness of the Ford Visteon Workers (Enfield) Support Group (SG)…
Steel workers' strike in Venezuela attacked by Chavez' state Steel workers in Venezuela have been attacked by the Chavez government folowing a series of strikes.
CNT Solidarity With Madison Statement of solidarity with Wisconsin workers from the CNT-AIT, a Spanish anarcho-syndicalist union.
Lindsey: Total’s counter-attack ends in defeat - Mouvement Communiste The second part of Mouvement Communiste's analysis of the Lindsey engineering construction strikes…
Solidarity and the neo-narodniks - Solidarity Solidarity's polemic aimed at Big Flame, following an exchange around the events of the Fisher Bendix occupation.
"Class Power on Zero-Hours": Learning the Hard Way? A review of the recently published book by the Angry Workers of the World "Class Power on Zero-Hours" published by PM Press.
Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement The solidarity against injustice and the self-organisation of the Durham Teaching Assistants was, as…
Why revolutionary syndicalism? An article by Tom Wetzel on his conception of revolutionary syndicalism.
1892 New Orleans General Strike An extract from Life in the Teamsters: The Civil Rights Movement documenting an early example of class solidarity in the segregationist southern…
The struggle at Visteon, the union and the development of class consciousness, 2009 Joe Thorne from The Commune analyses the Ford Visteon workers occupation and dispute, the role of…
Class struggle in Claremont Pomona College is the site of active class struggle. The food service workers of Pomona College are now in open conflict with the corporate…
‘Solidarity’ on the ‘Injection Moulders’ and ‘Punfield and Barstow’ strikes in 1968/69 in west-London
The South African Wobblies: The Origins of Industrial Unions in South Africa - John Philips John Philip’s pioneering, hard-to-get study of syndicalism in South Africa,…
Announcing the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative A statement by U.S.-based Workers Solidarity Alliance about a new project called Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative.
Launching statement of the 'Solidarity Committee with Mahalla Workers' This is the launching statement of the Solidarity Committee with Mahalla Workers from 25th of…
Sorting out the postal strike - Joe Jacobs Joe Jacobs investigates the 1971 United Kingdom postal workers strike, which was the country's first national postal strike. Published as…