Cop watch link dump

Blog post for people to post links to stories about police brutality and violence. Trigger warning for police violence and sexual violence.

Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2012

For a while I have thought it would be good for someone to have a blog on libcom dedicated to keeping track of police violence.

However, in the absence of anyone volunteering to do that I thought I could put up this blog post and then anyone can post links with short summaries in the comments below as a kind of repository of news of police brutality and abuse of their power.

Even though I have no faith in the police as an institution there to protect us in any way, I have been shocked by the sheer number and sheer outrageousness of police abuses recently that it has prompted me to actually post this up.

So, please post your links and summaries below, and if somebody wants to take on contributing this sort of thing to libcom on a running basis please let me know.



8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Schmoopie on July 7, 2016

White cops are beaten by Black football fans and players whilst the whole scenario is captured on the big screen.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Schmoopie on July 7, 2016

Police shoot and kill proletarian after stopping him for a routine traffic violation.


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 7, 2016

07/07/16, Minnesota: can't believe it (although sadly I can) but it has happened yet again. White officer shoots and kills an innocent black school employee after pulling him over for a broken taillight. Filmed and live cast by his girlfriend:


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on July 8, 2016


07/07/16, Indianapolis: can't believe it (although sadly I can) but it has happened yet again. White officer shoots and kills an innocent black school employee after pulling him over for a broken taillight. Filmed and live cast by his girlfriend:

Just to clarify, this murder occurred in Minnesota. The girlfirend of the victim is from Indianapolis.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Schmoopie on July 24, 2016

Edit: Five police officers have been assassinated and eleven by-standers killed by stray return police fire in Dallas, Texas, in an act of retaliation at murders by US police forces. [7/7]


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on July 24, 2016

Applications to join the Dallas Police Department have reportedly increased by 344 percent percent since the killing of five Dallas PD cops by Micah Johnson on July 7, 2016.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 24, 2016

Officials in Austin are investigating the violent arrest of a black elementary school teacher who was body-slammed by a white police officer during a traffic stop.

The investigation comes after the emergence of police video footage showing not only the June 2015 arrest but also a scene afterward, when another white officer told the teacher that cops are wary of blacks because of their “violent tendencies” and “intimidating” appearance.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 24, 2016

Ackal, who was indicted in U.S. federal court for allegedly ordering the beatings of multiple pre-trial inmates, filed an appeal Monday to allow him to carry a gun, and argued that as the parish's chief law enforcement officer and a 50-year veteran, he feels like a "sitting duck" without one.

Ackal and his second-in-command, Lt. Col. Gerald "Bubba" Savoy, in March pleaded not guilty in federal court. After recordings were released of Ackal threatening to shoot a federal prosecutor right between his "Jewish eyes" after the prosecutor vowed to send him to prison, he was prohibited from carrying a weapon.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 25, 2016


White cops are beaten by Black football fans and players whilst the whole scenario is captured on the big screen.

er, everyone I could see in that video was white.

BTW appreciate some of the other comments but this thread is for a link dump on articles of police brutality, not resistance to it. If someone wants to start a new thread about that please feel free. Future off topic comments will be unpublished.


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 15, 2016

UK, 15/08/16: police tase and kill an unarmed 48-year-old black former Aston Villa player:


8 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 16, 2016

24/05/15, Virginia: from last year but only just seen this. White police taser, then pepper spray, then threaten to murder, then run over an innocent black man who had just had a stroke and crashed his car:


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 25, 2016

22/08/16, North Carolina: police shooting kill an unarmed deaf man who was trying to communicate by sign language:

23/08/16, Indianapolis: black man shot by police in his own home for finding them to report a carjacking which was taking place in front of his house:


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by ELF on August 26, 2016

UK: Simley Culture

The United Families and Friends Campaign hold a demo every year about their family and loved ones who have been killed by the police. They have a long list on their website.

Also, outside Brixton police station is a tree dedicated to Sean Rigg who was killed by the police.

There's also Charles De Menezes, shot by undercovers on the tube.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by ELF on August 26, 2016

List of 3180 people who have died in custody in the UK from 1969-2011.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 11, 2016

While serving as a St. Louis officer, Eddie Boyd III pistol-whipped a 12-year-old girl in the face in 2006, and in 2007 struck a child in the face with his gun or handcuffs before falsifying a police report, according to Missouri Department of Public Safety records.

Though Officer Boyd subsequently resigned, he was soon hired by the police department in nearby St. Ann, Mo., before he found a job with the troubled force in Ferguson, Mo., where Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African-American, was fatally shot by a white officer in 2014.

Officer Boyd is being sued by a woman in Ferguson who said he arrested her after she asked for his name at the scene of a traffic accident. He declined an interview request.


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 18, 2016

17/09/16, London: psychopathic police officer pulls over young black driver for no reason, tries to order him out of the car and then start smashing and stabbing his windscreen. All caught on camera, but he is not even suspended


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 19, 2016

"The ACLU of Connecticut is suing state police for fabricating retaliatory criminal charges against a protester after troopers were recorded discussing how to trump up charges against him. In what seems like an unlikely stroke of cosmic karma, the recording came about after a camera belonging to the protester, Michael Picard, was illegally seized by a trooper who didn’t know that it was recording and carried it back to his patrol car, where it then captured the troopers’ plotting.

“Let’s give him something,” one trooper declared. Another suggested, “we can hit him with creating a public disturbance.” “Gotta cover our ass,” remarked a third."


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 20, 2016

19/09/16, Tulsa: police tase, shoot and kill black motorist who was unarmed and stranded in the road


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on September 22, 2016

I hope I'm not posting something redundant, but earlier today (Wednesday, September 21) a protestor was shot and killed in Charlotte, North Carolina during the second day of rioting over the police killing of Keith L. Scott, a 43-year-d black man. He was killed yesterday while sitting in his parked car. The pigs allege he had a gun, while his family claims he had a book.

The man shot at the protest at around 4:00 p.m. today has yet to be identified, but his death has been confirmed. The pigs are saying the death tonight was from a "civilian on civilian confrontation."

This shit eases up, then the fucking pigs go on a rampage again. Sorry to get emotional, but "Fuck the police!"

Here's a New York Times account:

EDIT: reports now say the protestor shot today didn't die and is on "life-support." Also, North Carolina's Governor Pat McCrory is sending in the National Guard at the request of the local police.


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on September 22, 2016

This shit eases up, then the fucking pigs go on a rampage again. Sorry to get emotional, but "Fuck the police!"


NC Governor has declared a State of Emergency due to a 2nd night of protests. One protestor was allegedly shot, but not by the police (per the police). Not much else is known about the circumstances of this shooting, atm. As H stated above, the National Guard have been called-in.

The Tulsa shooting is so egregious that even Donald Trump is questioning the cop's judgement.


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 26, 2016

A police officer has resigned after surveillance video captured him beating a Houston man with a baton during an arrest


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 4, 2016

The confrontation between Yourse, who is black, and the white officer, Travis Cole — captured in body cameras — started out as a cordial conversation, but it escalated after only a few minutes. The June incident resulted in an internal affairs investigation by the Greensboro Police Department, which found that Cole used excessive force on Yourse and violated other agency rules when he punched and violently arrested the 36-year-old man, who had not committed a crime.

Last August, two months after the incident, Cole resigned. The other officer involved in the incident, Officer C.N. Jackson, left her post last week, according to media reports.

jef costello

8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on October 17, 2016

And if you survive the violence then you have a greater chance of staying locked up for longer.
The algorithm used to calculate re-offeding risk and to decide how long your sentence is in Wisconsin doesn't ask about race, which they claim means it is unbiased, but as it uses previous arrests etc it will obviously perpetuate existing discrimination. And it's already been shown to give 45% longer sentences to black males.


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 18, 2016

17/10/16, police officer manhandles 13-year-old schoolgirl in East London following incident at school:


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 24, 2016

5/10/16, Texas/Arkansas border: a black father of four was killed after being pepper sprayed by private prison guards in jail while he begs them for help and tells them "I can't breathe". His death was ruled from "natural causes":


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by petey on November 16, 2016

Prosecutors in Minnesota said Wednesday that they had charged the police officer who fatally shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minn. with second-degree manslaughter for the shooting.

The shooting’s aftermath was broadcast on Facebook Live by Diamond Reynolds, Castile’s girlfriend, footage that quickly spread across social media and cable news.


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on November 17, 2016


Prosecutors in Minnesota said Wednesday that they had charged the police officer who fatally shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minn. with second-degree manslaughter for the shooting.

The shooting’s aftermath was broadcast on Facebook Live by Diamond Reynolds, Castile’s girlfriend, footage that quickly spread across social media and cable news.

Yet another story which shows how wrong those people were who said that rioting was counter-productive and wouldn't achieve anything after all the killings in the past couple of years


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by petey on December 15, 2016

"A former correction officer on Rikers Island was convicted on Wednesday of violating the civil rights of a seriously ill inmate who died after the officer kicked him repeatedly in the head while other officers pinned him facedown on the floor.

The former officer, Brian Coll, 47, was also convicted of obstruction of justice and falsifying records and conspiring with others in a cover-up of the death of the inmate, Ronald Spear, 52."

Chilli Sauce

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on December 23, 2016

Woman and her teenage daughter roughed up and arrested after reporting assault on her young son in Texas. Assault suspect goes free. Contains all the racial dynamics you expect.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by petey on March 28, 2017

LOUISVILLE — A woman who was exonerated for a homicide after spending more than six years behind bars can sue the Kentucky State Police detective she says framed her.

The U.S Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Monday reinstated a lawsuit alleging malicious prosecution filed by Susan Jean King against Lt. Todd Harwood.

King alleges that Harwood, then a sergeant, lied before a grand jury that indicted her on a murder charge in the death of Kyle Breeden by falsely testifying that it was impossible to determine if the bullets found in King’s floor and the ones found in Breeden’s skull were a match. In fact, Judge Danny Boggs of Louisville wrote for a three-judge appellate panel, a state police forensic examiner had told Harwood the bullets didn’t match.

Boggs also noted that Harwood omitted from his testimony that King had only one leg, which would have undercut his claim that she dragged Breeden from her home and threw him off a bridge.

jef costello

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on March 28, 2017

Police kill a chinese man in PAris.

Liu Shaoyo, 56, was shot dead by Police on Sunday night.
According to the police they were responding to a 'family dispute' and Mr Shaoyo attacked them with a bladed weapon, injuring an officer.

According to the family there was no dispute. The police began to knock loudly at the door without identifying themselves. The son called out "calm down, leave the door alone". Mr Shaoyo, who was holding scissors he had been using to gut fish, went towards the door, the police smashed it in, firing on Mr Shaoyo as the door opened.

The family were then herded into another room while paramedics tended to Mr Shaoyo. Keeping the family away from Mr Shaoyo would also have allowed the police to more easily fabricate an injury. The raid was carried out by the BAC, who are notoriously violent, aggressive and racist. They also feature fairly regularly in accusations of corruption due to involvement in the drug trade.

There was a demonstration with some 150 people at the police station in the district (19th).
Large numbers of riot police were present. 35 arrests were made, police claim 3 injuries to officers, reports that a car was burned or that four were damaged. The police are probably saying 4 damaged so people will conflate that with burning.

The chinese community in France has been a bit more vocal recently, after Shaolin Zhang was killed during a mugging last year there was a large march by residents.

About 30 seconds it you can see a cop point a firearm point blank in someone's face.

jef costello

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on April 11, 2017

And man is face down on the floor, handcuffed and with a cop sat on his back, so another one boots himin the face. Two weeks after being cleared in a shooting of a black man last year.

Cop attacking a jaywalker (stupidest crime ever, I don't even understand why it exists)


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on April 12, 2017



7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by petey on April 12, 2017

The Sacramento Police Department on Tuesday announced a formal investigation into the actions of one of their officers who was seen slamming a black man to the ground and beating him — all sparked by an alleged case of jaywalking.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on April 12, 2017

Armed police in Birmingham lead Muslim children out of their house at gunpoint, forcing them to lie in the road before handcuffing them.

No arrests were made and nothing incriminating was found.

Serge Forward

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 12, 2017


Armed police in Birmingham lead Muslim children out of their house at gunpoint, forcing them to lie in the road before handcuffing them.

No arrests were made and nothing incriminating was found.

Unless I missed it, that article doesn't say anything about the children's religion.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by petey on April 14, 2017

"Hours after a Georgia police officer was fired over a recording that caught him kicking a handcuffed man in the face, a second video emerged and prompted the dismissal of another officer."

jef costello

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on April 14, 2017

Off-duty french police officer pulls over a car driving too close to him and then draws his gun (during the state of emergency officers are allowed to carry arms when they are off-duty, a state of affairsd that the police unions are demanding be made permanent).
The driver and passenger then attempted to disarm the cop and druing the struggle the passenger and the cop were hit by a car, the passenger died immediately and the cope is gravely injured.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by petey on April 14, 2017


The Sacramento Police Department on Tuesday announced a formal investigation into the actions of one of their officers who was seen slamming a black man to the ground and beating him — all sparked by an alleged case of jaywalking.

further on this in a good article

Sacramento PD’s statement maintained that Cain was jaywalking, but it turns out that his only offense was walking while black. Systemic Failure breaks down the dashcam footage that preceded the stop:


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by petey on April 16, 2017


"Hours after a Georgia police officer was fired over a recording that caught him kicking a handcuffed man in the face, a second video emerged and prompted the dismissal of another officer."

further on this too

Days after two officers in suburban Atlanta were fired when videos surfaced showing them kicking and punching a motorist, authorities have reportedly dismissed nearly 90 cases involving the pair.

The Gwinnett County Solicitor said she is dropping all cases in which Robert McDonald or Michael Bongiovanni were either the principal officer or a necessary witness.


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 2, 2017

CHARLESTON, S.C. — The former South Carolina police officer who was recorded on video when he opened fire on a fleeing black motorist, killing him, in 2015 will plead guilty on Tuesday, people familiar with the case said.


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 2, 2017

As family and friends mourned the death of a 15-year-old boy shot in the head by a police officer in a Dallas suburb over the weekend, the police chief said Monday that new evidence showed the killing did not unfold the way the authorities had originally claimed.

The Police Department in Balch Springs, Tex., said Sunday that the officer, whose name has not been released, fired on a car carrying the teenager, Jordan Edwards, a freshman at Mesquite High School in nearby Mesquite, Tex., because the car was reversing down a street toward the officer in an “aggressive manner.”

But Jonathan Haber, the police chief, told reporters at a news conference on Monday afternoon that video showed the opposite. He said the officer fired when the car was “moving forward as the officers approached,” according to The Associated Press. The Dallas County medical examiner’s report ruled the death a homicide caused by a “rifle wound” to the head.

Lee Merritt, a lawyer for the Edwards family, praised the police chief for his willingness to admit the department’s mistake and called the new account “a big deal.”


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 6, 2017


As family and friends mourned the death of a 15-year-old boy shot in the head by a police officer in a Dallas suburb over the weekend, the police chief said Monday that new evidence showed the killing did not unfold the way the authorities had originally claimed.

The Police Department in Balch Springs, Tex., said Sunday that the officer, whose name has not been released, fired on a car carrying the teenager, Jordan Edwards, a freshman at Mesquite High School in nearby Mesquite, Tex., because the car was reversing down a street toward the officer in an “aggressive manner.”

But Jonathan Haber, the police chief, told reporters at a news conference on Monday afternoon that video showed the opposite. He said the officer fired when the car was “moving forward as the officers approached,” according to The Associated Press. The Dallas County medical examiner’s report ruled the death a homicide caused by a “rifle wound” to the head.

Lee Merritt, a lawyer for the Edwards family, praised the police chief for his willingness to admit the department’s mistake and called the new account “a big deal.”


A police officer in a Dallas suburb was charged with murder on Friday, six days after he fired his rifle into a car full of teenagers leaving a party, killing a black 15-year-old in the front passenger seat.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 27, 2017

17/01/17, London: three police officers launch violent unprovoked attack on man going home


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 27, 2017

26/5/17: cops attack a group of kids hanging out in a park in England, filmed on Facebook


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 31, 2017

"At least three different unarmed 15-year-old black boys have been shot and killed by law enforcement in this past month alone. As far back as I can research, we've never had a single month in this country's history where three different unarmed black boys this young have been shot and killed by police in three different incidents in the same month.

And, in each incident, what we have seen is the police make drastic changes to their initial narratives of why they were forced to shoot and kill these young boys."


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 8, 2017

A group of New Jersey cops was caught on cell phone video kicking and beating an innocent bystander who had been burnt by a car that crashed while trying to flee police.


The victim, who has not been identified, suffered severe burns and is fighting for his life at the hospital, a friend of the victim told


The bystander, who has not been identified, was driving along Tonnelle Ave. at that time and was badly injured by the flames, NBCNewYork reported. Cops were seen on the video kicking the man, who was on fire, after he rolled out of his car.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 17, 2017

Minnesota Officer Acquitted in Killing of Philando Castile


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on June 17, 2017


Minnesota Officer Acquitted in Killing of Philando Castile

Unfortunately, with the amount of latitude the law in the united states gives police to use deadly force against the public the outcome of this trial is none too surprising.


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 9, 2017

29/09/16: California police Taser and shoot unarmed man:


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 10, 2017

03/11/15: Marksville police kill autistic boy:

28/09/16, Baltimore: black man calls police for help. When they arrive they beat him to death:


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 10, 2017

31/08/16, Oklahoma: 84-year-old black woman pepper sprayed in her own home by police

22/08/16, Charlotte: police shoot and kill deaf black man for signing after he was pulled over for speeding

07/14, UK: police arrest deaf man for using sign language


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 17, 2017

10/07/17, Oklahoma: retired white police officer shoots and kills daughter's black boyfriend as he tries to shake his hand. Just had his third mistrial…


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 17, 2017


10/07/17, Oklahoma: retired white police officer shoots and kills daughter's black boyfriend as he tries to shake his hand. Just had his third mistrial…

i hadn't heard of that at all.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 18, 2017

A white former police officer in a Dallas suburb was indicted by a grand jury on a murder charge for fatally shooting an unarmed black high school freshman in April with a high-powered rifle as the teenager and four others drove away from a house party, prosecutors said Monday.

The former officer, Roy D. Oliver II, an Iraq war veteran who was on the police force in the working-class city of Balch Springs, was also indicted on four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon by a public servant.

The charges were announced by the Dallas County district attorney, Faith Johnson. If convicted of murder, Mr. Oliver, 37, could face a prison term of five to 99 years or life, the same range as the aggravated assault charges.

“These types of multiple charges against a police officer are historic in Dallas County,” said Daryl Washington, a lawyer for Jordan’s family in a lawsuit against Balch Springs and Mr. Oliver. “It sends a message to bad cops that you can no longer kill an unarmed person and get no billed.”

we'll see about that.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on July 18, 2017


10/07/17, Oklahoma: retired white police officer shoots and kills daughter's black boyfriend as he tries to shake his hand. Just had his third mistrial…

Third mistrial, unbelievable, except that it's america and the victim was black and unarmed and the killer is white cop and though off duty and out of uniform was obviously just exercising his 2nd amendment rights, so it isn't entirely that unbelievable. It would be interesting to know the racial identity of the jurors in each case and whether they opted for conviction or acquittal.

Kepler was a 24-year-police veteran who retired after he was charged with murder. According to Kepler, he was trying to protect his daughter, who was living in a homeless shelter.

Kinda begs the question, that if the father was so concerned about "protecting" his teenage daughter then why did she feel compelled t seek accommodation in a homeless shelter? Did her father not have a home that she could have stayed in?


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 18, 2017

this one is on every newscast.

An Australian woman who called 911 to report what she believed to be an active sexual assault was shot and killed by a Minneapolis police officer in a case that has left many relatives and neighbors searching for answers.


The Star Tribune, citing three people with knowledge of the shooting, said the officers pulled into the alley in a single squad car, and Damond talked to the driver. The newspaper's sources, which it did not name, said the officer in the passenger seat shot Damond through the driver's-side door. A BCA spokeswoman did not return messages seeking to confirm that account.

the cops have been stone silent.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 22, 2017


the cops have been stone silent.

copper is refusing to talk to investigators, per NBC.

e2a he "thought he was being ambushed."


e4a lot of politics going on here


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 23, 2017

01/04/16, New York: black Bronx teenager dies in police custody


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on August 11, 2017

A jury on Wednesday acquitted a Texas man charged with felony disarming a peace officer after video showed two Minneapolis police officers tasering and kicking the man.


As officers Russell Cragin and Anthony Rodin took Lopez through a corridor in the stadium, they said he began to fight with them, grabbed onto one of their duty belts and attempted to grab a Taser, the charges alleged. Lopez was charged with a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Security video shown to the jury shows that as the officers walked Lopez through the corridor, they took him to the ground, then tasered, kicked and punched him. The jury deliberated for about a day before acquitting Lopez.

The officers' body cameras were not turned on until after the incident.


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 1, 2017

"The Georgia police officer who was captured on camera telling a woman during a traffic stop that law enforcement personnel “only kill black people” says he’ll retire amid the backlash.


It is unclear whether officials would accept Abbott’s resignation or follow through with their plan to terminate him."

Red Marriott

7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on September 3, 2017


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 9, 2017

A New York City agency that investigates police misconduct has found that the officer who put his arm around the neck of Eric Garner before his death did use a chokehold and restricted Mr. Garner’s breathing, a person familiar with the case said on Friday.

The findings, reported earlier Friday by Rolling Stone, represent an oversight body’s first formal attempt to seek discipline for the officer, Daniel Pantaleo, in the three years since Mr. Garner died as a result of the violent arrest on a Staten Island sidewalk. But the disciplinary process will now enter another standstill because the Police Department says it will not hold an administrative trial on the allegations until the United States Department of Justice decides whether the officers involved in the case violated Mr. Garner’s civil rights.

The city agency, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, recommended the stiffest punishment against Officer Pantaleo: departmental charges that could lead to suspension or dismissal. Officer Pantaleo was notified of the recommendation last week. The person familiar with the case requested anonymity to speak about confidential disciplinary matters.

jef costello

7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on September 12, 2017

Man killed by police who fired 15 shots at him after he drove away, claiming 'legitimate self-defence'.
The man had been receiving treatment for paranoid schizophrenia.
In the two videos you can see the police shooting tear gas and repeatedly striking and failing to break his windscreen. It looks as if they are hitting the side window too, but they might be hitting him.
At this point there are a large number of people around, most them laughing at the police.
As the man drives off the police fire into the back of the vehicle causing fatal injuries.

Police seem to have been forced to be a little more honest by the videos, but it doesn't look as if anyone will face any consequences for killing him.

jef costello

7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on September 14, 2017

He was a sk8ter cop
but he's still in the co-op
reformism's good enough for them

Now he's a class traitor
slammin' on the workers
but he'll be first against the wall


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 29, 2017

A Brooklyn grand jury has handed up an indictment in the case of an 18-year-old woman who said she was raped by two New York City police officers after they took her into custody and searched her for drugs, a person familiar with the case said on Friday.

At least one of the detectives has been charged by the grand jury, which has been hearing evidence since the alleged assault on Sept. 15, said the person familiar with the case, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the charges have not been formally announced.


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on November 11, 2017

a career civil rights lawyer has been elected DA in Philadelphia and the police don't like it at all.


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by petey on December 7, 2017

Former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager was sentenced to 19 to 24 years in prison on Thursday in the shooting death of Walter Scott, who was struck in the back while running from a traffic stop.
A federal judge ruled that Slager committed second-degree murder and obstruction of justice.

Red Marriott

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on July 30, 2018


17/09/16, London: psychopathic police officer pulls over young black driver for no reason, tries to order him out of the car and then start smashing and stabbing his windscreen. All caught on camera, but he is not even suspended

The aptly named PC Joshua Savage was last week found not guilty by a jury on all charges on the grounds he was taking "pre-emptive" action to protect himself and the public. It was also established that it's legal for cops to carry their own personal knives and use them as he did. The Metropolitan Police also had to be forced by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) to hold a forthcoming misconduct hearing on Savage's behaviour.