The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
R Totale wrote: bad fanfic of
R Totale
If this is your cup of tea, I have several unpublished novels you can read.
A Scottish woman's reaction
A Scottish woman's reaction to the death of Margaret Thatcher
Red Guards Austin attack
Red Guards Austin attack WWP/PSL:
The video is about 2 and a
The video is about 2 and a bit minutes, but gets weirder by the second.
PSL/WWP Vs Red Guards Austin
Got to be Donald Tusk musing
Got to be Donald Tusk musing about a place in hell for mad Brexeteers.
I enjoyed the DUP's calm and
I enjoyed the DUP's calm and measured response.
Also, sounds like fash infighting in the Portland area is threatening to reach Texas Leninist levels:

The response from Patriot Prayer's Russell Schultz is quite special.
More updates from the world
More updates from the world of the Red Guards: I don't pretend to understand the current beef between Red Guards LA/Defend Boyle Heights and the Ovas, but it's spawned two instagram accounts dedicated to clowning on them:
This whole Twitter thread.
This whole Twitter thread.
Thanks! Would check out the
Thanks! Would check out the whole Twitter thread right now.
Patriarchy Chicken
William Happer claiming that
William Happer claiming that portraying carbon dioxide as something bad is just as terrible as the demonization of Jews in Nazi Germany
not from 1984 but from 2019
Corbyn looked in the mirror, and pronounced “capitalist”.
Gotta be
Gotta be this:
probably not funny at all,
probably not funny at all, Caleb Maupin discoveres the revolutionary potential of Julius Caesar:
some Scottish people: "Hold a referendum on England leaving the United Kingdom."
Zinoviev on
Zinoviev on Bordiga:
(He's like a telegraph pole. Where you place him, there you'll find him ten years later.)
The world's first invariance joke!
Q: How does a Bordigist
Q: How does a Bordigist change a lightbulb?
A: Bordigists don't have to change lightbulbs, theirs are invariant!
£6.99 for 54 pages

Just another naive
Just another naive libertarian who loves capitalism but knows nothing about it. I know "capitalism is when people agree to do a thing and then do it" is not the most original silly take but it tickled me. Sadly the sex worker responding to him has blocked him so he's just sat there being wrong.
To be fair, this actually looks pretty good!
Proof, as if any further is needed, of the accuracy of the old saying “politics makes strange bedfellows”.
Maybe we could see a further alliance between the commie part and Comrade Galloway?!!!
Noah Fence
Noah Fence
this 2018 tweet from Elon
this 2018 tweet from Elon Musk calling himself a socialist that I'm just now seeing
oh and this
Quote: British Trotskyists
Leftists who think not
Leftists who think not boycotting makes you a scab
I am enjoying this inventive
I am enjoying this inventive approach to fundraising:
"On September 20th, we're taking our horses to Area 51 to see them aliens.
If we can raise $100,000 before then, we are going to book Lil Nas X to perform, on horseback, just outside of the compound. The concert will be free to every brave bastard who made the trip.
If we cannot raise the full amount to book Lil Nas X, or if he is unavailable, all funds raised will be donated to Casa Carmelita, a new community space in El Paso, TX that provides support to migrant families."
Brexit = Workers Europe?
But in this case the workers are on strike, so isn't it a form of scabbing to shop there while the strike is ongoing? That's how I see it but maybe I'm missing something.
R Totale
LOL, awesome!
Definitely one of the
Definitely one of the stranger mainstream media articles on anarchism I've seen.
Enough With Crumbs, I want the Cake, by Mona Eltahawy: Power is anarchy. It dismantles patriarchal social structures and allows us to rebuild them with equity at their foundation.
(No subject)
Electoralism vs Direct Action
Electoralism vs Direct Action
Antifa x
Antifa x edm
A woke NASA engineer
A woke NASA engineer concluded that sending a bunch of microorganisms to the Moon was "imperialism", and only white dudes would disagree:
Speaking of right-wing trolls
Speaking of right-wing trolls – I've been flipping through Michael Heinrich's new biography of Marx (recently uploaded to the Libcom library), and apparently, Ludwig Feuerbach wrote this back in 1839:
Sounds an awful lot like "facts don't care about your feelings". Is Ben Shapiro a young Hegelian?!
Anyone fancy an anarchist
Anyone fancy an anarchist meet up? This is actually serious - they genuinely consider themselves anarchists.
So, an "anarachist" Fyre
So, an "anarachist" Fyre festival?
Khawaga wrote: So, an
Well not really - apparently it’s gone off successfully for several years. I’m guessing it’s a sort of business seminar for edgy conservatives.
(No subject)
In a previous iteration they tried setting up an ancap paradise in Mexico, pissed off the cartels, with not unsurprising results.
Burger king's answer to mcdonald's happy meals, "depression meals"...
Damn, that daily beast
Damn, that daily beast article was a weird, but good, read.
Not really something I read
Not really something I read as such, but just had a dream where I was watching a documentary that talked about a police operation directed by "the famous French police chief Henri Simon". Not really sure what made my subconscious slander him that way.
When asked what evidence
When asked what evidence there was that Corbyn would repeal UC, the pro Corbyn ‘anarchist’ replied...
Well that’s cleared that up then!
Got sucked into reading some
Got sucked into reading some election coverage on Vice and this quite tickled me:
I actually saw a comment on
I actually saw a comment on Facebook stating that if you didn’t vote Labour in the forthcoming election you couldn’t seriously consider yourself an anarchist!
One deeply impressive attribute of the Corbyn supporter is their ability to repeatedly swerve questions pertaining to the attacks on the homeless and social cleansing policies of Labour councils! Ask once they’ll ignore it, another two or three times and they’ll do the same. Around the fifth time they’ll accuse you of privilege or or having no knowledge of how it is to be sick or poor(which is hilarious consider my experiences) and by the sixth or seventh you get called a boomer and banned from the group!
Amazingly, this is just as likely to happen on an anarchist group as a liberal one. Fucking hell.
Noah Fence wrote: I actually
Noah Fence
I think this somehow illustrates that the term anarchist has now come to just be a name for a generally activist, Leftoid type.
e-mail I got on my workplace
e-mail I got on my workplace address:
Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire. Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated to the great Illuminati empire. Once you are initiated to the illuminati empire you will get numerous benefits and reward.
Note: that this email message was created solely for the purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this offer is for unique ones only, if you are not serious on joining the illuminati empire, then you are advise not to contact us at all. This is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our organization.
Do you agree to be a member of the illuminati new world order? If YES!. Then kindly reply us back on our direct recruitment email only at: [email protected] Please note, Kindly make sure all your response are send directly to the email stated above only at:> [email protected] For more instructions on our membership process.
Note: Some email providers incorrectly place official Illuminati messages in their spam / junk folder or promotion folder. This can divert and exclude our responses to your emails.
The Illuminati.
In Defense of Kenny G
In Defense of Kenny G (Jacobin)
Before we can get to the
Before we can get to the funny, here's the (very unfunny) OP for context
Now here's the good stuff. This is the top comment on the post:
Also this reply comment
These small working-class victories with a mild dose of vengeance give me a warm fuzzy glow and a great big smile.
That's is bets funniest
That's is bets funniest things.
I am, um, not completely
I am, um, not completely convinced that the IWW's new branding is a good idea.
This might have been posted
This might have been posted already but I came across it today.
(No subject)
Massive Mohammed is a much
Massive Mohammed is a much better name, tho.
jef costello wrote: This
jef costello
Fond memories.
This was an event that
This was an event that happened. Props to Kliman btw for challenging Rick (and other Stalin apologists) on there having been socialist countries.
Not something I read but came
Not something I read but came across on TV, quite a while ago with either CNN or MSNBC on in the background. One of the news personalities was fiddling with those large interactive screens displaying all sorts of data. He was breaking down for the viewers some state district by district to preview a Democratic primary and how votes may be distributed among the candidates. He casually employed the term "gritty" as an adjective for the working class, presumably Sander's support base.
Self-depreciating humour from
Self-depreciating humour from myself
The SPGB have been self-isolating since 1904
Not on here they haven't. But
Not on here they haven't. But they don't seem at all contagious.
^ Above two posts are
^ Above two posts are top-quality leftist humor. :D
I still remember Chilli Sauce's joke...
I thought this was
I thought this was funny
This article on the Irish
This article on the Irish cement strike has a bunch of great sections like this:
From a Facebook
From a Facebook Anarchist-Communist group...
Amazingly, a number of people took this seriously and took the time to deconstruct the author’s position!
Fozzie wrote: This article on
This bit was mint too:
Also, this cartoon is
Also, this cartoon is certainly, um, something. I think my favourite detail is the guy with an icepick having a flat cap so you can tell he's a real proper working class hero.
“Former Morning Star
“Former Morning Star cartoonist” woah.
Yeah, that's one of those
Yeah, that's one of those sentences that seems like it has a bit of backstory to it, and I'm simultaneously kind of curious but also really don't want to know what it is.
Well it's not like he was
Well it's not like he was kicked out for having better politics than the Morning Star, is it? ;-)
I'm gonna carefully replace that rock and get back to my day I think. :p
If he's joined the CPGB-ML he
If he's joined the CPGB-ML he may have ditched his gig himself. I remember stumbling upon their official blog account and it was really gunning for the revisionists at the CPB and its propaganda rag. Though that didn't stop them advertising their own news paper in it. :tongue:
(No subject)
Hah! Had a brief look and
Hah! Had a brief look and found this as well:

A group of yuppies join
A group of yuppies join together to shout at a 5G pole and tell it to go away
Labour Transformed and Momentum quoting Durruti and May '68
Surely the anarcho Labourites and Plan C elements? Either way.... for fuck sake.
It's a very niche genre, but
It's a very niche genre, but for those who have fond memories of Charlottesville organizer Jason Kessler getting yelled at by his dad in the middle of doing a video, a new competitor has appeared:
Just need a few more before we can compile the "top 10 fascists accidentally broadcasting themselves getting told off by their parents".
The price of this... one wonders who it is written for.
Academic books are often
Academic books are often priced like that. I'm sure it'll be on libgen in no time
I like the photo-collage
I like the photo-collage they've made at the top there, and as rhetorical flourishes go, I'm not sure "it is time for a long overdue rejection of Libcom, their “Working Class History” front, and everything it represents from our timelines and our movement" works quite as well as intended.
R Totale wrote: I like the
R Totale
"Peace, Jobs, and Socialism" is such an awful slogan...
Same poop different year
Solid work from the K-Pop fan
Solid work from the K-Pop fan community there.
Attention, "anteefa" in NW
Attention, "anteefa" in NW Georgia - your plans to burn down churches have been foiled
Historian David Osoluga's
Historian David Osoluga's series is on TogetherTv
Liverpool went full confederacy while the white working-class in Lancashire then suffering during the cotton famine showed solidarity with black slaves in America.
While checking on the
While checking on the availability of various useful documents, enjoyed the wording of this Parliamentary EDM, which would be a great source of blurb quotes for the next print edition.
"Marxist" David Harvey
"Marxist" David Harvey arguing that capitalism is too big to fail, that we must not attack capital accumulation, we need to give up our outdated fantasies of revolution, and keep the circulation of capital in motion or we'll all starve.
Quote: "Marxist" David Harvey
While his comments have been taken a bit out of context, even with the context it's pretty much the same argument. Harvey is now another Richard Wolff, someone who wants capitalism with some minor modifications.
Unrest continues for a
Unrest continues for a seventh day in former British colony
I appreciate Wolff as someone who helps push people to the left; he's such a powerful speaker. But yeah, that co-op capitalism shit (market "socialism") is weak sauce.
wojtek wrote: Unrest
What's so funny about unrest in some poor third world...
Quote: I appreciate Wolff as
He is an incredible speaker, which confused me the first time I saw him speak because how he said things were so much better than what he said; I thought I wasn't hearing things properly, but then I realized that is was Wolff speaking...
Not so sure he's pushing people to the left. In the places I've seen him speak, the effect of his talks would be to push people to the right.
While we're on the topic of
While we're on the topic of the struggle of some academics to research what they're talking about, here's a college-level economics textbook by Greg Mankiw:
which might have something to do with why students walked out of his class in 2011 (though I guess not as shocking since he's a right-winger who advised Bush on economic policy)...
From another forum The HMS
From another forum
The HMS Holdomor
I am the very model of an online Marxist-Leninist
My enemies are anarchists and Ess-Jay-Dub degenerates
I know the crimes of capital and for my turn I cannot wait
To threaten random workers on the internet, I stay up late
I'm very well-acquainted, too, with matters dialectical
though I prefer my fantasies to anything material
About the Uyghur genocide I toe the Jinping party line
it isn't really happening but also it is very fine
Defending a dictatorship, I like to help out where I can
Imperial expansion's good unless it is American
My org has split a dozen times whenever somebody gets pissed
I am the very model of an online Marxist-Leninist!
There is also a dramatic reading
I made this and its a video
I made this and its a video so its technically cheating, but that Harvey clip got on my nerves so I made this
Labour PM Harold Wilson may
Labour PM Harold Wilson may have chose not to attend MLK'S funeral, because he had a routine dentist appointment.
Pg 184
(No subject)
Avant garde composer becomes
Avant garde composer becomes Maoist/Hoxhaist, then decides avant garde music is bourgeois and devotes his time to making the world's worst pop songs
Quote: Avant garde composer
Wow, that is some of the shitest music I've heard.
I love the run on sentences,
I love the run on sentences, it's like he had some good lines but they didn't fit, so instead of cutting down the words he just made the melodies needlessly longer.
I like to think this is what would have played over public loudspeakers if England became a Soviet Republic
These are the vanguard.
These are the vanguard.
Khawaga wrote: Quote: Avant
my favourite worst song of Cardew ... strong similarities to Christian pop songs of that period
IslamQA: is it permissible to
IslamQA: is it permissible to eat mermaids?
Quote: Khawaga
The lyrics and the singing, just what was he thinking? Really funny tho
I'm a Tankie now. Sorry not sorry.
The US Libertarian Party has
The US Libertarian Party has a Libertarian Socialist Caucus.
Maybe between them they can figure out what Aleppo is. It's kind of funny the US right appropriated the term "libertarian" for themselves (as Rothbard says himself) and now "libertarian socialist" caucuses are forming inside their party.
Quote: Between 2007 and
Russian investors: welcome to Londongrad
I'm pretty sure classical economics and its derivatives, all taking a capitalist commodity-exchanging economy as their eternal sacred basis, "won" and is why you see Smith's and Malthus's ideas praised in textbooks and Marx's condemned. Not sure what there is to revive, kind of like people saying this isn't genuine capitalism but crony capitalism.
This is also awful but expected coming from the billionaire's website
And the gold medal in Mental Gymnastics goes to...
So bad it's good!
A football presenter just
A football presenter just named and quoted Mikhail Bakunin (all property is theft) on talksport radio. Unexpected.
At the risk of pedantry, I'm
At the risk of pedantry, I'm almost sure that line was Proudhon rather than Bakunin. Still an interesting choice of reference though.
Also, I think this story is one that's likely to remain stuck in my head for a while: Gun Enthusiasts Celebrate Man Who Shot Himself in the Balls as Their King
That reminds me, several
That reminds me, several years ago I ended up watching an car race that took place in Catalonia, the program started about an hour before the race did, and curiously they chose to fill much of the time with a mini documentary about Anarchism in Barcelona, I don't remember it very well but I do remember they superimposed black and white film footage of the CNT and Durruti over footage of cars racing about and the narrator a scruffy fellow with a bushy but dishevelled beard reading a passage from the Spanish civil war and declaring "Anarchism... I love it!"
I actually changed the channel once the race started but I'd love to know what race that was and if its coverage has been uploaded anywhere, that would be strange addition to film archive.
But who would win out of
But who would win out of Andreas Kalbitz versus Mike Hookem? There's only one way to settle this!
*Taunts Albanian irrendist Dua Lipa*
Can I be in Class War now?
If you want to read George
If you want to read George Padmore's book 'White Man's Duty', it is £150-250.
Apparently supporting the
Apparently supporting the British Raj in India and restoring Euro colonialism in Vietnam and Indonesia were the least worst options and criticising them makes me a nationalist baddie.
Obviously, I still think gun
Obviously, I still think gun fetishism is bad, the power of an insurrection is social not military etc, but I thought these Australian posters were pretty funny:

Quote: Apparently supporting
Well, duh ;)
anarchist jurisdictions
WhAts yOuR sTrAtErGy
WhAts yOuR sTrAtErGy
I quite enjoyed these:
I quite enjoyed these:

I’ve just found out that “the
I’ve just found out that “the trots” is slang for diarrhea :D. I always thought it was just a harmless political abbreviation, like “anarchos” or “commies”.
Novara being indifferent to
Novara being indifferent to Trump dying but hoping Johnson recovered, because he's a worker.
been consoling myself that
been consoling myself that Trump might pull a Bolsonaro, rather than a Herman Cain, in this clip of Pence getting closer to god...
I'm triggered
Joma Sison, supreme leader of
Joma Sison, supreme leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) performing a love song
I found this
I found this funny:
Both in the article itself and in the idea of a group of left communists sitting down to angrily type a critique of a small, money-losing publisher most leftists have never heard of
sherbu-kteer wrote: I found
Attention Workers! Parasites out there!
Is it too dark to say that I
Is it too dark to say that I immediately thought of:
Ah, the other Northern
Ah, the other Northern Alliance.
Not really funny, but I
Not really funny, but I learned Sean Lennon is an ancap recently. I guess a working class hero's not actually something to be...
I already knew about Lord…
Apparently there's a Disney miniseries on the Sex Pistols. I guess punk is officially dead, if it ever had a pulse to begin with?
Slightly morbid humor, but…
Slightly morbid humor, but Engels snapping at Marx, for having (essentially) asked for money after Engels had just informed him of the death of his lover Mary Burns, is sort of funny,
Marx went on to apologize and attempt to take Engels' mind off Mary... of course by talking about Das Kapital (or rather his Economic Manuscripts of 1861-63, which would later be incorporated into Capital Vol. I). In Marx's defense, Engels was sort of overreacting; the wholesome Marx did, after all, try to console Engels by expressing his wish that his mother would have died instead of Engels' lover,
See pages 441-446 here.
That's great - the…
That's great - the arithmemtic AND the drive to a cashless society. Truly demanding the impossible!…
Some awful work/anti-welfare…
Some awful pro-work/anti-welfare propaganda music from the 90s...
And to cleanse your ears, here's The Fauves with "I'll work when I'm dead."…
"Go to now, ye rich men,…
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days." James 5:1-3
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!" Marx 4:11
I'm of course an atheist, but it's sort of funny/inaccurate how Engels and others described das Kapital as the "Bible of the working class" when many workers had attacked capitalism through a religious lens early on (e.g. workers in Massachusetts, various utopian socialists, Flora Tristan etc.).
"Go to now, ye rich men,…
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries..."
"Let the ruling class tremble at the communist revolution."
"And all who shared the faith owned everything in common; they sold their goods and possessions and distributed the proceeds among themselves according to what each one needed."
"...the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!"
So said, so done.
There's also the bit about…
There's also the bit about people being condemned to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow (which capitalists violate by living in idleness off the labor of others!),
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Genesis 3:19
Marx references it in Capital at various points (such as here and here),
"Englishmen, always well up in the Bible, knew well enough that man, unless by elective grace [they be] a capitalist, or landlord, or sinecurist, is commanded to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow, but they did not know that he had to eat daily in his bread a certain quantity of human perspiration mixed with the discharge of abscesses, cobwebs, dead black-beetles, and putrid German yeast, without counting alum, sand, and other agreeable mineral ingredients."
"This primitive accumulation plays in political economy about the same part as original sin in theology. Adam bit the apple, and thereupon sin fell on the human race. Its origin is supposed to be explained when it is told as an anecdote of the past. In times long gone by there were two sorts of people; one, the diligent, intelligent, and, above all, frugal élite; the other, lazy rascals, spending their substance, and more, in riotous living. The legend of theological original sin tells us certainly how man came to be condemned to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow; but the history of economic original sin reveals to us that there are people to whom this is by no means essential."
"In the sweat of thy face…
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Genesis 3:19
In the introduction to his book (The living fields: our agricultural heritage) on the origin and evolution of agriculture, Jack R Harlan contrasts this passage from Genesis with accounts of agriculture in other ancient religious texts. He says that it stands out for the fact that it describes agriculture as a curse not a blessing. However, we must remember that the verse from Genesis refers to agriculture carried out after Man's fall from grace or exile from Eden, which I interpret to mean our "life" outside of primitive communism, when class rule has been imposed.
"This primitive accumulation plays in political economy about the same part as original sin in theology."
Marx's theology is off the mark. Original sin, a concoction of Paul (formerly Saul), is anathema to the Hebrew mindset of Genesis, which does not view "human nature as irrevocably tainted by some sort of original sin". Marx is half right. Genesis does record the advent of primitive accumulation, the expropriation of a surplus product by an expropriating class, when it tells of the slaying of Abel by Cain and the expulsion of Cain to the Land of Nod, east of Eden.
Our species, homo, evolved in the forest region. Adam lived in his peaceful habitation on the African savana gathering what He needed. The movement to the highlands resulted in adoption of the hoe to till the ground to sustain Cain. Seth's movement down the river Nile resulted in the adoption of accumulative methods of agriculture, the development of the plough and adoption of beasts of burden in the process.
The prehistoric, i.e. pre-class society, subsistence farming of Africa (a land analogous with the geographic description of Eden in Genesis 2:10-14) stands in stark contrast with historic, commercial, accumulative farming that developed around the Nile basin approximately twelve thousand years ago. One misunderstanding regarding subsistence farming is that it did not produce a surplus. It did, according to Harlan, but the surplus was retained by the producer, not expropriated by another.
This is a big topic and I'm not retaining Marx's ascerbic wit to explain it but then I don't have his bugbears to use as the object of humour.
Lenin was a Slytherin! Found…
Lenin was a Slytherin!
Found the following on a reddit AITA post:
"I actually got married in Feb, but for some reason people are still upset over this. My husband and I are very into Harry Potter. I am a proud Ravenclaw, he’s a Hufflepuff, so let me start by saying I don’t believe any Harry Potter house is “bad.”
We had a Harry Potter theme wedding. It was small (65 people) so we were close enough with everyone to reasonably know where they’d be at Hogwarts. This was NOT “Jane is a jerk therefore she’s a Slytherin.” We thought long and hard about this and even had a few fights (which I naturally won with logic due to being a Ravenclaw lol)
Anyway, guests were assigned seats based on their Hogwarts houses. We thought this would be fun. Yes. Couples were separated, but only for dinner. We didn’t sort the children because I feel like all children lean Slytherin for a while and you see very few Ravenclaw toddlers tbh it just wasn’t worth doing.
Shockingly though the adults were...offended? Nearly every Slytherin was mad because their asses just think it means “bad guys” and forget to realize that Lenin was a Slytherin, it’s for sure NOT an insult! Even the people who read Harry Potter wanted to argue over how they should have been Gryffindor.
I obviously wouldn’t do it again if I knew everyone would be so mad, but since I was the bride I really didn’t see the big deal? Even if you disagree that you’re a Hufflepuff (not surprisingly tho, they were the most docile) is it so bad to be one for...a day??"
Work Visa Requirements……
Quote: "The spectre of revolution is haunting Britain – the spectre of socialist revolution."
Entdinglichung wrote: https:…
Believe it or not these people still publish a daily paper!
Yes the Situationists in…
The Yippie invasion of Disneyland in 1970 to liberate Minnie Mouse from the capitalist patriarchy (oh yeah—and to also try and stop the American War in Vietnam).
They didn't liberate Minnie,…
They didn't liberate Minnie, but some were apparently successful[1] in capturing Tom Sawyer Island, after which they then proceeded to replace a US flag on Fort Wilderness with a NLF flag, all while chanting things like "free Charlie Manson" and "legalize marijuana." FFS Yippies, this is why the Situationists were cooler than us!
1. Original article by "Aunt Syph" here
After looking at the image,…
After looking at the image, it doesn't even seem to actually be a NLF flag they're holding, but rather a North Vietnamese flag.
Hope you’ve all seen this:…
Hope you’ve all seen this:
On second thought, maybe…
On second thought, maybe white people shouldn't have a riot of their own. (Clash reference there... They're even claiming the song as their own in the video comment section!)
Some good news for a change:…
Some good news for a change:
Well there goes our good…
Well there goes our good news. Back to doom and gloom I guess...
Taking legal advice from a…
Cutrone: https://www…