further reading guide

Illustration by Clifford Harper
Illustration by Clifford Harper's reading guides, organised by subject, including other media like film and photographs.

Submitted by Steven. on January 26, 2010

This guide is always being expanded, so please check back.

Some of these guides have been adapted from Chris Wright's revolutionary reading guide


Using this guide

Submitted by Steven. on May 5, 2011

Please note that this is a further reading guide. For your first point of call on a subject, visit the tag of the subject on This is linked to at the top of each guide, and contains all contents that we have on the subject on, as well as often key introductory texts.

- Many of the texts listed in the guide are already hosted on libcom, so if there is not an active hyperlink just search the site for the text first. If there is a hyperlink missing, please feel free to edit the guide to insert the missing link, or mention it in the comments.
- particularly recommended texts are denoted with an asterisk*
- if you would like to recommend another texts to be included in any of the guides, please post a comment with the details.
- if you would like to compile a guide for a topic which we do not have covered yet, please feel free. Just click "add a child page" on the front page of the reading guide and fill it in.


Afghanistan - further reading guide

Soviet troops in Afghanistan, 1979

libcom's guide to further reading on the history of Afghanistan, and war and working class struggles there.

Submitted by Steven. on February 1, 2010

Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan - O. Roy
The Hidden War - A. Borovik
The Tragedy of Afghanistan - R. Anwar
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and Afghan Response, 1979-82 – K. Hassan
Out of Afghanistan: The History of the Soviet Withdrawal – Cordovez/Harrison
TALIBAN: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia - A. Rashid
Unholy Wars – J. Cooley
Holy War, Unholy Victory: Eyewitness to the CIA's Secret War in Afghanistan - Kurt Lohbeck


Algeria - reading guide

The FLN war as depicted in the film Battle of Algiers

libcom's guide to further reading about class struggle and history in Algeria.

Submitted by Steven. on February 1, 2010

General Histories
Charles Robert Ageron, Modern Algeria: a history from 1830 to the present (1991)
Samir Amin, The Maghreb in the Modern World: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco (1970)
Mahfoud Bennoune, The Making of Contemporary Algeria, 1830-1987 (1988)
John P. Entelis, Algeria: The Revolution Institutionalized (1986)
James McDougall, A History of Algeria (2017)
John Ruedy, Modern Algeria: The Origins and Development of a Nation (2005)
Benjamin Stora, Algeria, 1830-2000: A Short History (2004)

Algerian War of Independence - Histories
Abder-Rahmane Derradji, The Algerian Guerrilla Campaign: Strategy and Tactics (1997)
Martin Evans, Algeria: France's Undeclared War (2012)
Alistair Horne, A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962 (1978)
Todd Shepard, The Invention of Decolonization: The Algerian War and the Remaking of France (2008)

War of Independence Period – Primary Sources
Hamou Amirouche – Memoirs of a Mujahed: Algeria’s Struggle for Freedom, 1945-1952 (2014)
Henri Alleg, The Question (1958)
Paul Aussaresses. The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Algeria 1955-1957 (2004)
Simone de Beauvoir and Gisele Halimi, Djamila Boupacha : the story of the torture of a young Algerian girl which shocked liberal French opinion (1962)
Mohammed Bedjaoui – Law and the Algerian Revolution (1961)
Pierre Bourdieu, Algerian Sketches (2013)
Pierre Bourdieu, Picturing Algeria (2012)
Albert Camus, Algerian Chronicles (2006)
Gerald Davis, Algerian Diary: Frank Kearns & the “Impossible Assignment” for CBS News (2016)
Zohra Drif, Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter (2013)
Frantz Fanon, A Dying Colonialism
Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks
Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of The Earth
Frantz Fanon, Towards the African Revolution
Mouloud Feraoun, Journal, 1955-1962: Reflections on the French-Algerian War (2000)
David Gaula, [url=]Pacification in Algeria, 1956-1958[/url] (1963)
Pierre Leulliette, St Michael and the Dragon (1964)
Robert Merle (ed.), Ahmed Ben Bella (1967)
Ted Morgan, My Battle of Algiers: A Memoir
Jules Roy, The War in Algeria (1961)
Jean-Paul Sartre, Colonialism and Neocolonialism (1964)
Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, Lieutenant in Algeria (1957)
Germaine Tillion, France and Algeria: Complementary Enemies (1961)

The Far Right in the War of Independence
Alexandr Harrison, Challenging De Gaulle: The O.A.S. and the Counterrevolution in Algeria, 1954-1962 (1989)
Paul Henissart, Wolves in the City: The Death of French Algeria (1970)
Joachim Joesten, The Red Hand: The Sinister account of the Terrorist Arm of the French Right Wing 'Ultras' - in Algeria and on the Continent (1962)

Independent, Socialist Period (Autogestion Era)
Thomas L. Blair, “The Land to Those Who Work It”: Algeria’s Experiment in Workers’ Management (1970)
Ian Clegg, Workers' Self-Management in Algeria (1971)
Ben Bella on "national liberation"

State-Capitalist Period (Boumediene Era)
Christian Andersson, Peasant or Proletarian?: Wage Labour and Peasant Economy During Industrialization : The Algerian Experience (1985)
Karen Pfeifer, Agrarian Reform Under State Capitalism in Algeria (1985)
Rachid Tlemcani, State and Revolution in Algeria (1986)

Civil War period (1990s)
Youcef Bedjaoui, Abbas Aroua, Meziane Ait-Larbi (eds.) – An Inquiry into the Algerian Massacres (1999, with a forward by Noam Chomsky)
Karina Bennoune, Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism
Mahfoud Bennoune, How Fundamentalism Produced a Terrorism Without Precedent (1994)
Martin Evans and John Phillips, Algeria: Anger of the Dispossessed (2007)
Robert Fisk, Robert Fisk on Algeria: Why Algeria’s Tragedy Matters (2015)
Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East (2005)
Luis Martinez, The Algerian Civil War

Anarchists texts
David Porter, Eyes to the South: French Anarchists & Algeria
Sail Mohamed, Algeria: The Kayble Mentality (1951)
Lucien Van Der Walt & Michael Schmidt, [i]The Anarchist Movement in North Africa: 1877-1951[/i]
Mohamed, Sail, 1894-1953 (biography)
Camus, Albert and the anarchists
The Algeria of Daniel Guérin, Libertarian
Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries – Khayati (S.I.)
Class Struggles in Algeria Khayati (S.I.)
Guigui-Theral, Albert, 1903-1982 alias Varlin

Other Recommendations
Osama W. Abi-Mershed, Apostles of Modernity: Saint-Simonians and the Civilizing Mission in Algeria (2010)
Henri Alleg, The Algerian Memoirs: Days of Hope and Combat (2011)
Henri Alleg, Red Star and Green Crescent (1985)
Pierre Bourideu, Algeria 1960: The Disenchantment of the World: The Sense of Honour: The Kabyle House or the World Reversed: Essays (1979)
Pierre Bourdieu, The Algerians (1962)
Zeynep Çelik, Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French Rule (1997)
Julia A. Clancy-Smith, Rebel and Saint: Muslim Notables, Populist Protest, Colonial Encounters (1997)
Allison Drew, We are no longer in France: Communists in Colonial Algeria (2014)
Patricia Lorcin, Imperial Identies: Stereotypes, Prejudice and Race in Colonial Algeria (1999)
Pamela Pilbeam, Saint-Simonians in Nineteenth-Century France: From Free Love to Algeria (2013)
Abdelmalek Sayd, The Suffering of the Immigrant (2004)
Letters from Algeria: the situation after the uprising - The Red Menace (1988)
Germaine Tillion, Algeria: The Realities (1976)
Eric R. Wolf, Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century


Anarchism - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading around the subject of anarchism.

Submitted by Steven. on October 11, 2008

- An Anarchist FAQ
- Anarchist communism - an introduction
- Anarcho-syndicalism - an introduction
- Libertarian communism, capitalism and direct action - an introduction
- Primitivism, anarcho-primitivism and anti-civilisationism - criticism

- No Gods, No Masters
- Anarchism: An Introduction

Murray Bookchin
- Listen, Marxist!
- Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism
- Post-Scarcity Anarchism
- Anarchism, Marxism and The Future of The Left
- Anarchist Papers
- Re-Enchanting Humanity: A Defense of the Human Spirit Against Antihumanism, Misanthropy, Mysticism and Primitivism
- The Murray Bookchin Reader
- The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years 1868-1936
- From Urbanization to Cities: Toward a New Politics of Citizenship
- The Ecology of Freedom
- Defending the Earth: A Dialogue Between Murray Bookchin and Dave Forman
- The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Dialectical Naturalism
- The Politics of Social Ecology - Janet Biehl, w/ Murray Bookchin
- Toward an Ecological Society
- Limits of the City
- The Third Revolution: Popular Movements in the Revolutionary Era
- Hip Culture
- Modern Crisis
- Urbanization Without Cities: The Rise and Decline of Citizenship
- The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship

Errico Malatesta
- Anarchy
- Fra Contadini: A Dialogue on Anarchy
- Selected Writings
- Malatesta's Anarchy

Emma Goldman
- Anarchism and Other Essays
- Red Emma
- Living My Life, 2 Vols.

Mikhail Bakunin
- God and State
- The Basic Bakunin
- Bakunin on Anarchism

Peter Kropotkin:
- The Conquest of Bread and Other Writings: The Conquest of Bread and Other Writings
- Anarchism; & Anarchist communism: [two essays]
- The Essential Kropotkin
- Memoirs of a Revolutionist
- The State--Its Historic Role
- Act for Yourselves: Articles from Freedom 1886-1907
- Fields, Factories and Workshops
- The Modern State
- Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution

Pierre Proudhon
- The Philosophy of Poverty
- What is Property?
- The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century
- The Principle of Federation

Alexander Berkman
- ABC of Anarchism
- The Bolshevik Myth
- The Anti-climax
- The Kronstadt Rebellion

Rudolf Rocker
- Anarcho-syndicalism
- Anarchism and Anarcho-syndicalism
- Nationalism and Culture
- The Truth About Spain
- The Tragedy of Spain

Max Nettlau
- A Short history of Anarchism
- Anarchy Through The Times
- Errico Malatesta: Men and Movements in The History and Philosophy of Anarchism
- History of Anarchism: Men and Movements in The History and Philosophy of Anarchism
- Unfolding of Anarchism: Its Origins and Historical Development to the Year 1864

Noam Chomsky (Note: There is no one book where Chomsky lays out his anarchism, but that is his political conclusion, so to speak. He is also super-prolific!)
- Class Warfare
- Manufacturing Consent
- Chronicles of Dissent
- Keeping the Rabble in Line
- Language and Mind
- Language and Politics
- Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies
- Power and Prospects
- The Essential Chomsky: Political Writings of Noam Chomsky
- Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
- Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship

- Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism- Schmidt/ van der Walt
- How Shall We Bring About the Revolution? : Syndicalism and the Co-Operative Commonwealth - Pataud/Pouget
- Sabotage - Emile Pouget
- Beware Anarchist a Life for Freedom : An Autobiography - Augustin Souchy
- The Unknown Revolution : 1917-1921 - Voline
- 1917. The Russian Revolution Betrayed - Voline
- Chomsky's Politics - Rai
- Chomsky's Revolution: Cognitivism and Anarchism
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: his revolutionary life, mind and works - Hyams
- Pierre Joseph Proudhon: his life and work - Woodcock
- Errico Malatesta, His Life and Ideas - Vernon Richards (ed.)
- Nationalism and the International Labor Movement: The Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory - Michael Forman
- To Die on Your Feet: The Life, Times, and Writings of Praxedis G. Guerrero - Ward S. Albro, ed.
- 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution: Ideas and Resources for Self-Liberation, Monkey - Wrenching and Preparedness - Claire Wolfe
- Anarchism and Anarchists - George Woodcock
- Anarchy in Action - Colin Ward
- Bakunin : The Philosophy of Freedom - Brain Morris
- Facing the Enemy: A History of Anarchism Organization from Proudhon to May 68 - Alexandre Skirda
- Gramsci and the Anarchists - Carl Levy
- Anarchism: Left, Right, and Green - Ulrike Heider

Adapted from Chris Wright's Revolutionary Reading Guide



16 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Diagoras on October 29, 2008

"101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution: Ideas and Resources for Self-Liberation, Monkey - Wrenching and Preparedness - Claire Wolfe"

I remember glancing through this book in a library once, and perhaps I missed something, but she seemed to be writing from a rather firmly libertarian-survivalist-capitalist position... the archetypal "gun toting redneck" of the American south. I don't really think an author that mentions Ayn Rand in her inspirations should really be considered in any serious discussion of anarchism ;).


14 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by rbgraham on October 12, 2010

Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas includes a wide variety of original texts, some translated into English for the first time, in a three volume anthology of anarchist writings from ancient China to the present day. Volume One, subtitled From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), begins with a text from 300CE by the Daoist sage, Bao Jingyan, and covers the English and French Revolutions, the origins of the European anarchist movement, the conflict between the proto-anarchist elements and Marxists in the First International, the development of anarchist communism, the rise of anarcho-syndicalism, the Mexican and Russian Revolutions, anarchism in China, Japan and Korea, the Platform and its critics, the struggle against fascism and the Spanish Revolution and Civil War. Many of the selections have not appeared in English translation before.
Volume Two, subtitled The Emergence of the New Anarchism (1939-1977), documents the remarkable resurgence of anarchism following the tragic defeat of the Spanish anarchists in the Spanish Civil War. Contributions include Daniel Guerin on libertarian communism, Noam Chomsky on anarchism, Diego Abad de Santillan on anarchism without adjectives, Philip Sansom and Maurice Joyeaux on the relevance of syndicalism, Marie Louise Berneri, Jean Sauliere and Voline on war and resistance, André Prudhommeaux, Louis Mercier Vega and Jacobo Prince on rebuilding the anarchist movement, Murray Bookchin on ecology and anarchy, the Cohn-Bendit brothers and the Provos on the student and youth revolution, plus material on science and technology, anarcha-feminism, bureaucracy and organization, and gay liberation.
Volume Three, which covers the period from the mid-1970s to the present day, includes material on especifismo, the horizontalidad movement in Argentina, global justice movements against neo-liberalism, the modern day Magonistas and Zapatistas in Mexico, contemporary syndicalism, libertarian economic alternatives, anti-capitalism, the revolt in Greece, direct action, eco-anarchism, sexual liberation, the Cuban anarchist movement, anarchism and indigenous movements, post-anarchism and libertarian democracy.

Argentina - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on Argentine history and class struggle.

Submitted by Steven. on February 1, 2010

*Argentina: The Malvinas and The End of Military Rule - Dabat/Lorenzano
Nunca Mas: A Report by Argentinas National Committee on Disappeared People
*The Communist Movement - F. Claudin
The Battle for the Falklands - Hastings/Jenkins
Argentina, 1943-76 - D.C. Hodges
Revolutionizing Motherhood - Bouvard
Anarchism and violence: Severino di Giovanni in Argentina, 1923-1931 Osvaldo Bayer
Argentina: From Anarchism to Peronism - R. Munck
Reversal of Development in Argentina - Waisman
The Socialist Party of Argentina, 1890-1930 - Walter
Argentina: From Anarchism to Peronism - Munck


Art - reading guide

Painting by Mark Rothko's guide to further reading around the subject of art, film, music and literature.

Submitted by Steven. on October 12, 2008


- *Privatising culture - Chin Tao Wu
- What is Art? - Leo Tolstoy
- Art and Society -William Morris
- Allan Antliff - Anarchy and Art: From the Paris Commune to the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Art as a Weapon: Franz Seiwert and the Cologne Progressives - Martyn Everett

General Problems of Culture

- Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture – Nelson/Grossberg, Eds.
- Recapturing Marxism – Levine/Lembcke, Eds.

Literature and Art

- The Dada Painters and Poets – Motherwell, Ed.
- The Dada Almanac – Huelsenbeck, Ed.
- The Situationist International Anthology – Knabb, Ed.
- A Cavalier History of Surrealism - Vaneigem
- Dada: Art and Anti-Art – Richter
- Flight Out of Time – H. Ball
- Dada and Surrealism – M. Gale
- History of the Surrealist Movement – Durozoi
- Surrealism: Desire Unbound – Mundy, Ed.
- A Book of Surrealist Games – Brotchie
- The History of Surrealism – Nadeau, et al., Eds.
- The Social Significance of Modern Drama - Goldman
- To The Distant Observer - Burch (Japanese film)
- Cinema And Revolution - Schnitzer (Soviet film)
- Surrealist Women – Rosemont
- Manifesto of Surrealist Subversion
- Adorno’s Aesthetics of Music – Paddison
- Art, Class and Cleavage – Watson
- Frank Zappa: The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play – Watson
- New Musical Figurations - Radano
- The Invention of Art - Shiner
- Art, an Enemy of the People - Taylor

*C.L.R. James:
- Cricket
- Mariners, Renegades and Castaways
- Beyond a Boundary

*Arnold Hauser:
- A Social History of Art (Vol. 1-4)
- Mannerism
- The Philosophy of Art History
- The Sociology of Art
- *Ernst Bloch:
- Aesthetics and Politics
- Essays on the Philosophy of Music
- Heritage of Our Times
- Literary Essays

*Walter Benjamin:
- Illuminations
- Reflections
- Selected Writings (2 vols)
- The origin of German tragic Drama
- Charles Baudelaire
- Understanding Brecht

*Mikhail M. Bahktin:
- Art and Answerability
- Problems of Dostoeyevsky’s Poetics
- Rabelais and His World
- The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship

*Gyorgy Lukacs:
- The Historical Novel
- German Realists of the Nineteenth Century
- Goethe and His Age
- Studies in European Realism
- Essays on Realism
- Realism in Our Time
- Solzhenitsyn
- The Meaning of Contemporary Realism

*Theodore Adorno:
- Notes to Literature
- In Search of Wagner
- Quasi una Fantasia
- Introduction to the Sociology of Music
- Culture Industry
- Composing for the Films
- Sound Figures
- Minima Moralia
- Mahler: A Musical Physiognomy

Problems of Everyday Life - Trotsky
Selected Cultural Writings - Gramsci
Their Morals and Ours – Trotsky
Literature and Revolution - Trotsky
Art and Literature - Trotsky
Marxism and Art – Solomon
Marxism and Literature - Raymond Williams
Red Shelley - P. Foot (SWP-GB)
Shelley's Revolutionary Year - P. Foot (SWP-GB)
Revolution and The 20th Century Novel - Siegel
The Gathering Storm: Shakespeare's Histories - Siegel
The Necessity of Art – Fischer

*Terry Eagleton:
William Shakespeare
Marxist Literary Theory
The Function of Criticism
Against the Grain
The Ideology of the Aesthetic
The Rape of Clarissa
Literary Theory: An Introduction
Heathcliff and the Great Hunger: Studies in Irish Culture
Crisis of Contemporary Culture
Scholars and Rebels in 19th Century Ireland
Walter Benjamin
Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature (w/ Said)

Slavoj Zizek:
The Ticklish Subject
The Metastases of Enjoyment
The Indivisible Remainder
The Plague of Fantasies

Jacques Lacan:
Mind in Society
Thought and Language
The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky
Educational Psychology
The Concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology
Mind as Action
Vygotsky and The Social Formation of Mind
Foundations of Mind
Sociocultural Studies of Mind
Voices of the Mind
Culture Communication and Cognition
Vygotsky Today
Marxism and the Philosophy of Language
The Dialogic Imagination



16 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Shorty on December 15, 2008

I would have thought Herbert Read's 'To Hell With Culture' would have been included in this? Despite the knighthood. :p…

15 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by… on May 31, 2009

Antonin Artaud, Theatre and its Double is a must read


15 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 31, 2009

If you want to edit and update the reading list, please feel free. And yes, putting some of that stuff on the site would be great.


12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Standfield on March 18, 2012

Chin Tao Wu - Privatising Culture
Leo Tolstoy - What is Art?
William Morris - Art and Society
Allan Antliff - Anarchy and Art: From the Paris Commune to the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Martyn Everett - Art as a Weapon: Franz Seiwert and the Cologne Progressives


12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Volia on March 18, 2012

Eric Hobsbawm-How to change the World:Tales of Marx and Marxism


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Standfield on May 10, 2012

John Green - Ken Sprague: People's Artist

Had a search for Ken Sprague on Libcom, and I'm surprised there is no mention of him, despite him being a member of the Communist Party in the UK, as his work has influenced me (especially his lino prints) and many others who directed their efforts in producing political art works. Might write something on him to put on here, because he was an interesting character who grew up on a council estate opposite mine. He created many famous works including this one:


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Standfield on May 10, 2012

I can't seem to edit the above post, but I meant I was surprised there was no mention of him on Libcom, EVEN THOUGH he was a member of the Communist Party and had some other slightly dodgy political moments. Still, his work was great.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Standfield on April 6, 2013

Neo-Impressionism and Anarchism in Fin-de-Siècle France: Painting, Politics and Landscape - Robyn Roslak

Very interesting, hefty book.

Bolivia - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading around Bolivian history and workers' struggles.

Submitted by Steven. on February 1, 2010

*Rebellion in the Veins - J. Dunkerley
*Let Me Speak - Domitila
The Bolivian Revolution and U.S. Aid Since 1952 - J.W. Wilkie
Bolivia: The Evolution of a Multi-Ethnic Society - H.S. Klein
The United States and Bolivia, A Case of Neo-colonialism - L. Whitehead
A History of the Bolivian Labour Movement - G. Lora
Politics of the Bolivian Military - J. Dunkerley
The Latin American Military as a Socio-political Force: Case Studies of Bolivia and Argentina - C.D. Corbett
We Eat the Mines and the Mines Eat Us - Nash


Capitalism - further reading guide

Pyramid of the capitalist system
Pyramid of the capitalist system

libcom's guide to further reading on capitalist economics, crisis and the history of capitalism.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Capitalist economics and critique of political economy

*Karl Marx:
Wage-Labor and Capital
Value, Price, and Profit
Capital, Vol. 1-3
A Critique of Political Economy
The Poverty of Philosophy
Capital, Vol. 4 (Theories of Surplus Value)
1844 Manuscripts (Alan Freeman's web site, lots of TSS conference materials)
*Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class – Lebowitz
*Open Marxism, 3 Vols. – Bonefeld, et al.
*Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics – Freeman/Carchedi
*The Limits to Capital – Harvey
*Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money – Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
*Reading Capital Politically - Cleaver
*'Decadence': The Theory of Decline or The Decline of Theory?, 3 parts - Aufheben Web Site
The Invention of Capitalism – M. Perelman
Marx's method in 'Capital': A Reexamination - Moseley, Ed.
New Investigations of Marx's Method - Moseley, et al, Eds.
Marx and Keynes: The Limits of The Mixed Economy – Mattick
Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory – Mattick
Essays on Marx's Theory of Value - Rubin
Marx’s Theory of Crisis – Clarke
Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology - Clarke
Capital and Exploitation - John Weeks
Women, Men and the International Division of Labor – Nash/Fernandez-Kelly, Eds.
Outlines of a Critique of Technology - P. Slater

The Transition to Capitalism

Arcane of Reproduction – L. Fortunati
Caliban and the Witch – S. Federicci
The Work of Love – dalla Costa
Man's Worldly Goods - Huberman
The Age of Revolution - Hobsbawm
The Age of Capital - Hobsbawm
The Age of Empire or Industry and Empire – Hobsbawm
*The Brenner Debate – Philpin/Aston, Eds.
The Origin of Capitalism – Wood
The Pristine Culture of Capitalism – Wood
*The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism – Holton, Sweezey, Dobb, et al.
The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture - D. B. Davis
The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution - D. B. Davis
*Capitalism and Slavery – Williams
*The Many-Headed Hydra – Linnebaugh/Rediker
The Making of New World Slavery – Blackburn
Studies in The Development of Capitalism - M. Dobb
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Development - B. Moore, Jr.
The Rise and Fall Of The Great Powers - P. Kennedy
Absolutism and Revolution in Germany, 1525-1848 - Mehring
*Europe and The People Without History - Wolf
Religion and The Rise of Capitalism - R. H. Tawney
The Colonizer’s Model of the World – Blaut
The Invention of Capitalism – M. Perelman
A History of Capitalism – M. Beaud
The Structures of Everyday Life: Civilization and Capitalism - Fernand Braudel
The Wheels of Commerce: Civilization and Capitalism – Fernand Braudel
The Perspective of the World: Civilization and Capitalism – Fernand Braudel
Modern World System I-III – I. Wallerstein
The Capitalist World Economy - Wallerstein

Class Composition, Overaccumulation and Crisis (and related materials)

*The Politics of Change – Bonefeld, Ed.
*The Politics of Europe – Bonefeld/Psychopedis, Eds.
*Keynsianism, Monetarism and the Crisis of the State – Clarke
*Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money – Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
*Historical Materialism, Issues #4, 5 (Critique of Brenner)
*The Remaking of the American Working Class, The Restructuring of Global Capital and the Recomposition of Class Terrain – L. Goldner (on website w/ debate on document)
Working Class Autonomy and the Crisis - Red Notes
Autonomous Struggles and the Capitalist Crisis
*Capital and Class, Issues #52, 67
Accumulation Crisis - J. O'Connor
From Capitalist Crisis to Proletarian Slavery - George Caffentzis
Midnight Oil: Work, Capitalism, Energy – Midnight Notes Collective
Cyber-Marx – Dyer-Witherford
Socialism or Barbarism – I. Meszaros
Empire – Negri
In Praise of Hard Industries – E. Fingleton

“Marxist” Political Economy of the Crisis (and related materials)

*Uneven Development and the Long Downturn - Robert Brenner, New Left Review #229
The Boom and the Bubble – Brenner
Turbulence and the World Economy - Brenner
Late Capitalism - Mandel
The Second Slump - Mandel
The Crisis - Mandel
Restructuring the World Economy - J. Kolko
The Falling Rate of Profit in the Post-War United States Economy – Moseley
After Liberalism – I. Wallerstein
The New Imperialism - Biel
Globalization: The Critique of a New Orthodoxy, Chris Harman, ISJ #73
Explaining the Crisis - Chris Harman
The Faltering Economy - Foster/Szlajfer, Eds.
The Limits of Capital - Harvey
U.S. Capitalism in Crisis – David M. Gordon
Super-Profits and Crises! - V. Perlo
Turbulence in Economics: An Evolutionary Appraisal of Cycles and Complexity in Historical Processes - Francisco Louca
Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age - J. Goldstein
Two Crises: Latin America and Asia 1929-38 and 1973-83 – A. Maddison
The Dynamics of U.S. Capitalism
The End of Prosperity
The Deepening Crisis of U.S. Capitalism
Stagnation and the Financial Explosion
The Irreversible Crisis



11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by GeorgeZinn on October 27, 2013

The above link isn't working.

Chilli Sauce

11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on October 27, 2013

I noticed Forces of Labour wasn't on this list....

Education - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on education.

Submitted by Steven. on October 12, 2008

*Jonathan Kozol:
- Savage Inequalities
- Illiterate America
- On Being A Teacher
- The Night Is Dark And I Am Far From Home
- Death At An Early Age
- Rachael and Her Children
- Free Schools
- Children of the Revolution
- Prisoners of Silence

*Michael Apple:
- Ideology and Curriculum
- Ideology and Practice in Schooling - w/Weiss
- Cultural and Economic Reproduction in Education: Essays on Class, Ideology and the State
- Official Knowledge
- The Politics of the Textbook
- Education and Power
- Democratic Schools
- Teachers and Texts

- *Schooling In Capitalist America - Bowles/Gintis
- *Power And Ideology In Education - Karabel/Halsey, Eds.
- *The Education of The Future - Castles/Wustenberg
- *The Long Haul: An Autobiography - M. Horton
- *Inequality: A Reassessment of the Family and School in America - Gintis/Jencks/Smith, et al, Eds.
- *Racism in American Education - Sedlacek/Brooks
- *The Politics of Education - O'Malley/Rosen/Vogt, Eds.
- The Imperfect Panacea: American Faith in Education, 1865-1895 - H.J. Perkinson
- New Assault on Equality - Gartner, Ed.
- Children of the Dispossessed - Nurcombe
- The Student as Nigger - J. Farber
- Education For Alienation - N. Hickerson
- The Culture and Politics of Literacy - Winterowd

*Paulo Freire:
- Pedagogy of The Oppressed
- The Politics of Education
- Education For Critical Consciousness
- A Pedagogy For Liberation
- Ira Shore:
- Culture Wars: School and Society in The Conservative Restoration, 1969-84
- Critical Teaching and Everyday Life
- Freire for the Classroom

- Lives On The Boundary - M. Rose
- The Way It Spozed To Be - J. Herndon
- There Are No Children Here - A. Kotlowitz
- Education Under Socialism and Capitalism - C. Rosenberg (ISO)
- Working Class Without Work - Weis
- Beyond Silenced Voices - Weis/Fine
- Crossing The Tracks - A. Wheelock
- Working Class Women in the Academy - Tokaezyk/Fay
- Education, Democracy and Public Knowledge
- The Process of Education - J. Bruner
- The Politics of Literacy - M. Hoyles, Ed.
- The Bell Curve Wars - S. Fraser, Ed.
- The Education of Black People - W.E.B. DuBois
- Deschooling Society - I. Illich

Adapted by libcom from Chris Wright's revolutionary reading guide


Environment - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on ecology, pollution and the environment.

Submitted by Steven. on October 24, 2008

Murray Bookchin:
The Ecology of Freedom
Defending the Earth: A Dialogue Between Murray Bookchin and Dave Forman
The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Dialectical Naturalism
The Politics of Social Ecology - Janet Biehl, w/ Murray Bookchin
Toward an Ecological Society
The Heat is On - Gelbspan
Social Ecology After Bookchin - Light, ed.
Finding Our Way: Rethinking Eco-Feminism - Biehl
Ecofascism: Lessons From the German Experience - Biehl
Global Warming: The Complete Briefing - Houghton
Laboratory Earth - S. Schneider
Global Warming - S. Schneider
Greenhouse: The 200-Year Story of Global Warming - Christianson
Against the Tide - Dean
Our Ecological Footprint - Rees, et al.
The Greening of Marxism - Benton, ed.
The Invasion of Indian Country in the 20th Century: American Capitalism and Tribal natural Resources - Fixico
Capitalism, Democracy and Ecology: Departing from Marx - Luke
Ecological Politics and Policy in Developing Countries - Desai, ed.
Marx and Nature - Burkett
Is Capitalism Sustainable? - O'Connor, ed.
Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism - J. O'Connor
Work, Health and Environment - Levenstein, ed.
The Struggle for Ecological Democracy - Faber, ed.
Biodiversity and Democracy - Wood
Minding Nature: The Philosophers of Ecology - McAuley, ed.
Earth For Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash - Tokar
The War Against the Greens: The 'Wise-Use' Movement, the New Right, and Anti-Environmental Violence - D. Helvarg
Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism - S. Beder
Dying from Dioxin: A Citizen's Guide to Reclaiming Our Health and Rebuilding Democracy - L. Gibbs
Unequal Protection: Environmental Justice and Communities of Color - R. Bullard, ed.
Toxic Deception - Fagin, et al.
Divided Planet - Athanasiou
The Corporate Planet – Karliner
Ecology and Historical Materialism - Hughes
Environmental injustices, Political Struggles - Camacho, ed.
Corporate Predators - Mokhiber, et al.
Living Downstream - Steingraber
Our Children's Toxic Legacy - Wargo
Our Stolen Future - Colborn, et al.
Black Lung - Derickson
Chemical Exposures - Miller/Ashford
Hormonal Chaos - Krimsky
Generations at Risk - Schettler, ed.
No Safe Place: Toxic Waste, Leukemia and Community Action - Brown
Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class and Environmental Quality - Bullard
A Hazardous Inquiry: The Rashomon Effect at Love Canal - Mazur


Redwinged Blackbird

13 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Redwinged Blackbird on January 14, 2012

I think The Natural Alien by Neil Evernden and The Fallacy of Wildlife Conservation by John Livingston would be badass contributions to this list you got goin' on here.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by woooo on August 3, 2013

"the environmentalism of the poor" - guha etc
critical reading of vandana shiva,
works by
ariel salleh

kolya abramsky

uri gordon

eco-class-war discussion list!forum/socialwar-energy-climatewar

eco-class-war zine

reading articles

Climate, Capitalism, Growth, Development And Social Movements

Fascism - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading around the far right, fascism and Nazism.

Submitted by Steven. on October 24, 2008

*Under the Axe of Fascism – Salvemini
*Germany: 1929-1933 – Revolutionary History
*Fascism Without Revision - Agnoli
*The Rise of Italian Fascism – Tosca
The Fascist Movement in Britain - R. Benewick
Illusions of Grandeur: Mosley, Fascism and British Fascism, 1931-81 - D.S. Lewis
British Fascism - Lunn/Thurlow
The Mass Psychology of Fascism - Wilhelm Reich
Ecofascism: Lessons From the German Experience - Biehl
"The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" - Otto Rühle
Myth and Memory in the Mediterranean: Remebering Fascism’s Empire – Doumanis
The Struggle against Fascism in Germany - Trotsky
The Struggle Against Fascism in Germany - Trotsky
Fascism and Big Business - Guerin
Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight It - Trotsky
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich – Shirer
The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany – Guerin
The First Five Years of the Communist International - Trotsky
Nazism, Fascism and The Working Class – T. Mason
Social Policy and the Third Reich – T. Mason
The German Workers and The Nazis – Carsten
Hitler’s Foreign Workers – Herbert
Inside Nazi Germany – Peukert
From Kaisserreich to Third Reich: Elements of Continuity in German History, 1871-1945 - Fischer
The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town -W.S. Allen
Beating The Fascists? - E. Rosenhaft
Marxism in The Face of Fascism - D. Beetham
German Big Business and The Rise of Hitler - H.A. Turner, Jr.
Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition and Racism in Everyday Life - D. Peukert
The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany - G. Lewy
Pius XII and The Third Reich: A Documentation - S. Friedlander
The Cross and The Fasces - R. Webster
The Seizure of Power: Fascism in Italy - A. Lyttleton
Hitler and the Peasants – Corni
Italian Fascism - G. Carocci
Scenes From the Anti-Nazi War - Davidson
Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism - Sohn-Rethel
Who Financed Hitler - Pool/Pool
Fascism and Dictatorship - Poulantzas
Political Economy of Human Rights: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism - Chomsky
Imperialism and Fascism in Uganda - M. Mamdani
Washington and Third World Fascism - N. Chomsky

*The Seventh Cross - Seghers
*Bread and Wine - Silone
*Fontamara - Silone
The Garden of The Fitzi-Continis - Bassani
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui - Brecht (drama)



12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by S-J on November 1, 2012

Are any of these available online or in the Libcom library? I have a copy of Rühle's "The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" that I could scan and upload if its not on here anywhere.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on November 1, 2012

On a similar note, does anybody know if the Johannes Agnoli text "Fascism without revision" exists in English?


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by guadia on November 1, 2012

banaji´s introduction into rosenberg´s book seems to be useful because it stresses that fascist movement in germany had wider social base then just petty bourgeoisie.

i don´t know if rosenberg´s work itself is somewhere on internet.

also, behemoth by neumann (it was translated into english by dauve if i remember well) is good.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on November 1, 2012


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by guadia on November 1, 2012

thanks. but the "fascism as a mass-movement" itself? or is this piece somehow extract of "a history of the german republic"?


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on November 1, 2012


banaji´s introduction into rosenberg´s book seems to be useful because it stresses that fascist movement in germany had wider social base then just petty bourgeoisie.

i don´t know if rosenberg´s work itself is somewhere on internet.

Rosenberg: Fascism as a Mass-Movement

The translation that Banaji introduction prefaced in HM 20.1.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on November 1, 2012

another pretty influential piece (e.g. on Mason and Kühnl): August Thalheimer On Fascism (1930)


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by ocelot on November 1, 2012

Is there any mileage in trying to come up with some kind of categorisation scheme to try and group the various texts?

For e.g. that Thalheimer piece is in the Bonapartist/Petty bourgeois family of theories of fascist origins (like Trotsky, for e.g. and no doubt a number of the others in the above), of the kind that Rosenberg was writing against.

Perhaps - Economistic, Culturalist, etc? Ideas?


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on November 2, 2012

Yo, so I've not read a lot of these (though a few I have) and I'm not really sure how best to do it but I would say perhaps something along the lines of the other libcom reading guides (obviously not exactly coz lots of those are historical).. so, for instance, maybe:

Key Texts - a few key general ones, intros, explanations of fascism in simple terms etc
Then some different topics i.e. fascism and class struggle; fascism and women; psychology of fascism; resistance to fascism etc etc..

Would need people to write little intros to those that they know to help people have an idea of what these texts are.. any help would be well appreciated.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on November 3, 2012


Are any of these available online or in the Libcom library? I have a copy of Rühle's "The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" that I could scan and upload if its not on here anywhere.

thanks very much for the offer, but we have it here:

please feel free to scan anything you have which we don't have in our library though!


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by drowsy on May 4, 2013

Here's some more books on:


Gotz Aly, 'The planning intelligentsia and the "Final Solution"'

Gotz Aly, Architects of annihilation: Auschwitz and the logic of destruction

Gotz Aly, Final Solution: Nazi Population Policy and the Murder of the European Jews

Gotz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries: How the Nazis Bought the German People

Shelley Baranovski, Nazi Empire: German Colonialism and Imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler

Philippe Burrin, Hitler and the Jews: the Genesis of the Holocaust

Philippe Burrin, Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust

Ulrich Herbert, National Socialist Extermination Policies: Contemporary German Perspectives and Controversies

Ian Kershaw, Hitler: A Biography

Emanuel Sarkisyanz, From Imperialism to Fascism; Why Hitler’s "India" was to be Russia

Adam Tooze, Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy

Feudalism - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on feudalism and feudal systems.

Submitted by Steven. on October 25, 2008

*Passages From Antiquity to Feudalism - Anderson
*Lineages of The Absolutist State - Anderson
*Transition From Feudalism to Capitalism - Hilton, Ed.
*Feudal Society, Vol. 1 and 2 – Bloch
Europe and A People Without History - Wolf
The Brenner Debate - Brenner, Et Al.
History of The Middle Ages - H. Pirenne
Thomas Moore and His Utopia - Kautsky

Novels:The Abyss - Yourcenar


Gay liberation - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on gay liberation, and gay and lesbian oppression.

Submitted by Steven. on October 25, 2008

*Fear of a Queer Planet – Warner
Homosexuality: Power and politics – Weeks
Sex, Politics and Society – Weeks
*The Material Queer – Morton
Foucault and Queer Theory - Tamsin Spargo
The History of Sexuality - Foucault



15 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Riot_Queer on June 8, 2009

May I also add:

Speaking Sex to Power: The Politics of Queer Sex by Patrick Califia

General strike 1926 - further reading guides

libcom's guide to further reading around the UK general strike of 1926.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

On Britain - Trotsky
Writings on Britain - Trotsky (3 Vols.)
Marxism and Trade Union Struggle: The General Strike of 1926 - Cliff/Gluckstein (SWPGB)
The General Strike - Skelley, Ed.
The General Strike - J. Symons
Nine Days - A.J. Cook
British Socialism - Anthony Wright
Communism in Britain - Woodhouse/Pearce
A Lost Left - Howell



13 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Picket on October 12, 2011

Browsing my Dad's Socialism bookshelf, I found:

[color=red]MAY 1926[/color] "The General Strike"
[color=red]Britain's Aborted Revolution?[/color]
[font=times]Christopher Farman[/font]
[font=times](Panther, 1974)[/font]
I've flicked through it, it doesn't impress me...

Anyone know it? Read or burn?


12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Kronstadt_Kid on March 22, 2012

Hi Pikel, I just finished reading Chris Farman's book.

It does not give a 'LibCom' perspective but I learnt much through the book and in certain chapters it does provide a history 'from below'.

Globalisation - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on globalisation and the struggle against it.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy - Noreena Hertz
Globalization and Its Discontents - Joseph E. Stiglitz
Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture - David Held, et al
The Globalization Syndrome - James H. Mittelman
The World Bank - Cheryl Payer
Panic Rules! Everything You Need to Know About the Global Economy – Hahnel
False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism – Gray
The World’s Money: International Banking from Bretton Woods to the Brink of Insolvency - Michael Moffit
The WTO After Seattle - Jeffrey Schott
Whose Trade Organization? - Wallach, et al.
The Political Economy of the World Trading System : From GATT to WTO - Bernard Hoekman/Michael Kostecki
The WTO: Five Years of Reasons to Resist Corporate Globalization - Wallach, et al.
The End of Globalization : Why Global Strategy Is a Myth & How to Profit from the Realities of Regional Markets - Alan M. Rugman
Global Sex - Dennis Altman
Servants of Globalization : Women, Migration and Domestic Work - Rhacel Salazar Parrenas
Organising Labour in Globalising Asia - Jane Hutchison/Andrew Brown, Eds.
Naming the Enemy : Anti-Corporate Movements Confront Globalization - Amory Starr
Globalization : Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses - Robert Wentz
Workers Without Frontiers : The Impact of Globalization on International Migration - Peter Stalker
A Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights : The New Enclosures? - Christopher May
The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World – L. Lessig
Code - L. Lessig

Kevin Danaher:
Fifty Years is Enough
Globalize This!
Democratizing the Global Economy


IWMA - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on the International Working Men's Association (IWMA), or First International.

Submitted by Steven. on October 25, 2008

*On The First International - Marx
*The First Four Internationals - George Novack
Anarchism - Marx/Engels/Lenin
The History of Socialist Thought, vol. 2 - G.D.H. Cole
A Short History of The European Working Class - Abendroth
Collected Works - Marx/Engels
Karl Marx: Man and Fighter - Nicolaievsky
Karl Marx - Otto Ruhle
*Karl Marx - Franz Mehring
*Friedrich Engels: His Life and Thought – Carver
*Engels After Marx – Carver
Marx and Engels: A Conceptual Concordance – Carver
Marx and Engels: The Intellectual Relationship – Carver
The Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels – Hunley
Engels and The Formation of Marxism - Rigby
The Letters of Karl Marx - Saul Padover, Ed.
The Revolutionary Ideas of Friederich Engels (International Socialism #65, 1994)


Imperialism - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on empire and imperialism.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

A. Orthodox Imperialism
Imperialism – Lenin
Against the Current – Lenin/Zinoviev
Leon Trotsky:
On China
Results and Prospects/Permanent Revolution

Finance Capital - R. Hilferding
The Accumulation of Capital - R. Luxemburg
The Accumulation of Capital: An Anti-Critique - R. Luxemburg
Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital - N. Bukharin
Imperialism and the World Economy - N. Bukharin
Labor and Monopoly Capital - H. Braverman
Late Capitalism - E. Mandel
Monopoly Capital - P. Baran/P. Sweezy
Marxism and the New Imperialism, SWP(GB)

B. Imperialism: Dependency and World-Systems Theory
C. Imperialism as Practice
Angus Maddison:
C. Imperialism as Practice
Oil and The Class Struggle - Joe Stork
A Fate Worse Than Debt - George
Bread and Guns - Harris
The End of the Third World - Harris
Peasants and Proletarians - Cohen
Imperialism and Underdevelopment - Rhodes, Ed.
Corporate Imperialism - Girvan
Pentagon Capitalism - Melman
Peasant Wars of the 20th Century - Wolf
Development, Crises and Alternative Visions - Sen/Grown
Western Capitalism since the War - Kidron
The New State of the World Atlas - M. Kidron
Industrialization and Development in the Third World - R. Chandra
Transnational Corporations - R. Jenkins
Killing Hope – Blum
Neocolonialism – Vakhrushev
An Introduction to Neo-Colonialism – Woddis
The Meaning of the Second World War - Ernest Mandel

D. Global Capital Vs. Global Labor: Critique of Theories of Imperialism
*'Decadence': The Theory of Decline or The Decline of Theory?, 3 parts - Aufheben Web Site
Empire – Negri
The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism – F. Perlman



8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by darstellung1991 on September 16, 2016

Hm, so why no additions of texts like Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century, Gunder Frank, or Samir Amin? Also, I think Neil Smith's text on uneven and combined development would be good to add. two cents. Adding Marx's Volume 2 of Capital would be a good theoretical framework to add as well for understanding extension of markets through the political coercion tied to territorialism and spatial control (the core at decrypting imperialism), which does supplement Arrighi's extended riffs off of Volume 2.

Impossibilism - Jon White's reading guide

A guide to further reading around the subject of impossibilism.

Submitted by jondwhite on September 16, 2017

Economics for Beginners, 1935, John Keracher

The Policy of the Socialist League, June 1888, Commonweal
We Don't Want Full Employment, 1998, Ken Knabb
Beyond Capitalism, June 1993, Socialist Standard

The Rise and Fall of the I.L.P., October 2009, Socialist Standard
Syndicalism: Its Origin and Weakness, October 1986, Socialist Standard
The General Strike Fiasco: Its Causes and Effects, June 1926, Socialist Standard
Commodity Struggle or Class Struggle, November 1920, Socialist Standard
Remember Tonypandy, December 1910, Socialist Standard
As to Politics, 1907, Daniel De Leon

Anyone know a Lifestyle Anarchist? July 2011, Socialist Standard
Robert Owen: Paternalist utopian, December 2008, Socialist Standard
Looking Backward, 22 June 1889, Commonweal

Politicians Promise and Things Get Worse, Why? 1997, SLP (US)
The Futility of Reformism, 1984, Samuel Leight
The Futility of Reform, October 1904, Socialist Standard
Reform or Revolution, 1896, Daniel De Leon
Reforms and Reforms, January 5 1896, Daniel De Leon, The People

The Myth of the Transitional Society, 1975, Critique 5
Stepping Stones to Nowhere, June 1996, Socialist Standard
Fabian Essays in Socialism, 25 January 1890

State Capitalism, April 1987, Socialist Standard
State Socialism, Feb 17 1911, Daniel De Leon, The People

Morris and the Problem of Reform or Revolution, February 1984, Socialist Standard
What is Anarchism?, December 1967, Socialist Standard
The Practical and Logical Impossibility of Anarchism, Socialist Studies
Socialism and Politics, July 1885, Commonweal

Is the SPGB Sectarian?, Summer 2001, Socialist Studies 40
How the SPGB is different
What's the Difference between the SLP (and other Socialists)?
The Birth of the Socialist Party, September 1954, Socialist Standard
Requirements for Membership, June 1953, Forum SPGB Discussion journal
Is there Room for Differences of Opinion in a Socialist Party?, March 1960, Forum SPGB Discussion journal.
The Socialist Party of Great Britain, September 1904, Socialist Standard
Where Are We Now?, 15 November 1890, Commonweal

Minimum program
Chapter 4, Impossibilism, Steve Coleman, Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries ed. Max Rubel and John Crump (1987)


Juan Conatz

12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on November 19, 2012

Edited ''s' out of description. This isn't from us. Also unpublished, since this is all outside links. Going to ask what the deal is.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on November 19, 2012

I thought this was the way guides are contributed?


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 7, 2013

Renamed and re-published. Cheers


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on January 7, 2013

I don't have a problem with this list being included under this title but it is of course heavily SPGB weighted. There is much more which could have been added from the SLP in both N.America and the UK plus some of the internal critical publications that appeared from time to time over the lengthy period of both organisations existence and some further links to other external critical publications, otherwise it is little more than a bit of very selective self-promotion from those organisations formally approved sources. Nothing here really gets to grips with the historical origins and limitations of 'impossibilism' . Reading a bit more than Chapter 4 of the book 'Non-Market Socialism in the 19th and 20th Century..' is to be recomended for starters.... and are there not some anarchist versions of 'impossibilism' perhaps?


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on January 7, 2013

Thanks for keeping this up. I've historically enjoyed seeing this stuff. Another spot to catch some of this was in the old "Discussion Bulletin" Frank Girad (ex-SLP) used to publish: Also, more stuff by London Solidarity, coming out of that tradition is always great to see.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Android on January 7, 2013


more stuff by London Solidarity, coming out of that tradition is always great to see.

I don't think the old Solidarity group (London) was related to impossibilism? At least as it is commonly understood.

For a critical perspective on SPGB I would recommend J. Crump's resignation letter. AJJ sent it to me a while back whilst helping a friend/comrade do some research. If people want I will add it to the library.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on January 7, 2013



more stuff by London Solidarity, coming out of that tradition is always great to see.

I don't think the old Solidarity group (London) was related to impossibilism? At least as it is commonly understood.

For a critical perspective on SPGB I would recommend J. Crump's resignation letter. AJJ sent it to me a while back whilst helping a friend/comrade do some research. If people want I will add it to the library.

Android, fair enough on London Solidarity.

I guess since many of their origins were SPGB, I kinda lump them together in a broader libertarian socialism. But there seems to be so many long and small lines that criss cross as succeeding movements away from the original parties, electoralist ideas and so forth where I sorta put bunches into a not so neat box for my own (barely) intellectual and historical reference. Sorta an SPGB, SLP foundation with bunches of more "modern"off-shoots and ties to libertarian socialism, on the hand. And on the other, those who have come out of a "third camp" socialism, with their own origins elsewhere.

OK, I'll zip it on this, before I confuse everyone with my own internal cataloging system.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Android on January 7, 2013

Don't worry about it, syndicalist. I thought that might have been what you meant.

I just don't find the concept of libertarian socialism in the broad, all encompassing, sense all that useful. Although it does catch a certain political reflex I suppose. It is more useful in the narrower sense, i.e. Solidarity group.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 7, 2013

Android, posting that letter to the library would be great!


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by fnbrill on January 7, 2013

I would advocate libcom setting up some uniform protocol for Introduction Readings. Let's make sure in Introductions to Anarcho-Syndicalism, Anarcho-Communism, the IWW, etc there include criticisms.

I agree that this is a bit too skewed to the SPGB. Their theoretical work is very good, but we need to include work by and about both the SPC and OBU in Canada. Both of these organizations had a much more active participation in class struggles than the SPGB has had and give a different glimpse as to what Impossibilism advocates. Juan C has posted a number of articles by/about them and I'll be funneling some more to him.

As for DeLeonists, should WIIU ("Detroit IWW") materials be included?


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Android on January 7, 2013


Android, posting that letter to the library would be great!



12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by fnbrill on January 8, 2013

The Petard piece is crap. It doesn't deal with SPGB's real politics just holds up a mirror for Petard to confirm his own views.


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 18, 2017

And check out the text 'monument or movement' in the 'Subversion' library listing for an entertaining internal critique of the spgb by an old Glasgow member. It has it's limitations but reflected one part an ongoing internal discussion amongst some members of the spgb at that time, see here:


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on January 16, 2013

wasn't Jules Guesde and his gang in the SFIO considered to be Impossibilists ... before everything changed in August 1914? ... and has anyone said Austria?


12 years ago

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Submitted by alb on February 19, 2013

I think the confusion about whether or not Solidarity is "impossibilist" (when it wasn't) may be due to the fact that some SPGB members, expelled in 1974, ended up in Solidarity. They didn't last long there though as they soon found out that Solidarity stood for the "self-management" of a market economy, as set out in this article from 1973. Something else to put in the library? Chris Pallis wrote a reply which someone must have. Maybe I have. I'll have to check.

I don't understand either why Larry Gambone's pamphlet on the SPC and OBU, The Impossibilists, is not on the list.

There's also this from a French site (but the articles are in many languages).


12 years ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on February 20, 2013

alb might be right about the confusion in relation to the UK 'Solidarity' group which a (very!) few people have expressed.

It is noteable that it took two years of negotiation between the 'Social Revolution' group, that had it's origins in expelled members of the SPGB (but by then including various other individuals), and the Solidarity group, to get some significant changes to the original Solidarity 'Where We Stand' and 'Where We Don't Stand' statements (in the library here). Unfortunately there was never wholehearted support from everyone in Solidarity for these and other changes made in the final fusion of the two groups and it eventually fell apart - though not entirely due only to the wavering of original Solidarity members (there was a general drift into swampy politics preceding this). To be fair however Solidarity, at it's best, did make some useful theoretical and practical contributions to our milieu more especially when it was not following a strictly Cardanite (Castoriadis) analysis.


12 years ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on February 21, 2013

Thanks for this link:


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 17, 2017

This link to archived DeLeonist material was previously supplied on a related discussion thread:

Interest in the origins and work of the former SLP in Scotland was briefly revived by The Communist Organisation in the British Isles who republished a book by William Paul on 'The State - its origin and function' together with an introduction from Harry McShane in 1974.

I still have a 1980's to 2000 selection of the old duplicated Discussion Bulletin organised by Frank Girard which has a surprisingly wide variety of both direct and indirect contributors across the genuinely communist political spectrum beyond just the spgb and slp. Perhaps libcom provides something of a modern day version of this.


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 18, 2017

Just had another look at that original list put up by Jon White and it struck me that for an SPGB member it was still strangely selective. Without retracting any of my own continuing criticism of the SPGB, I thought he could usefully have included this particular issue of the Socialist Standard as their own attempt at a bit of 'internal' history of their organisation. It has some inaccuracies and is still open to criticism of course, some of that reflected in later editions 'Letters' but still of interest to some of us historians of these tiny socialist groups.
Also in the library here.

Red Marriott

7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on September 20, 2017


The Petard piece is crap. It doesn't deal with SPGB's real politics just holds up a mirror for Petard to confirm his own views.

"Crap..." is a pretty crap critique. Considering SPGB's historical eagerness to debate with everyone from leninists to fascists, perhaps surprising that the 'official' SPGB apparently never publicly responded - though the 'reconstituted' Socialist Studies splitter bunch did, not very convincingly;


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on September 21, 2017


Just had another look at that original list put up by Jon White and it struck me that for an SPGB member it was still strangely selective. Without retracting any of my own continuing criticism of the SPGB, I thought he could usefully have included this particular issue of the Socialist Standard as their own attempt at a bit of 'internal' history of their organisation. It has some inaccuracies and is still open to criticism of course, some of that reflected in later editions 'Letters' but still of interest to some of us historians of these tiny socialist groups.
Also in the library here.

Thanks, I think this piece is an attempt to articulate an impossibilism not limited to the SPGB so including SPGB internal history might run counter to that but I will give it some thought.


4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by swaminetero on January 2, 2021

great reading list!


4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by swaminetero on January 3, 2021

i've wondered the same question Spikymike, whether a tendecy's sprung from the anarchist tradition that takes the impossibilist stance of building a supermajority of class-conscious workers and only voting for genuinely socialist candidates to either: a) disarm the ruling class by winning and thus having legitimate control over the military, or b) call liberal democracy's bluff

darren p

2 years 10 months ago

Submitted by darren p on April 21, 2022

No idea why Ken Knabb turns up in this list.

Steve Coleman's PhD thesis 'The origin and meaning of the political theory of impossibilism', which contains much of the background research for the chapter in 'Non-Market Socialism' can be read online here:

Also, there's Peter E Newell's study of the Socialist Party of Canada, 'The Impossibilists'. Published 2008 by Athena Press.

Karl Marx - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to reading Marx by subject.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

A. Communist critique
Wage-Labor and Capital
Value, Price, and Profit
Capital, Vol. 1-3
A Critique of Political Economy
The Poverty of Philosophy
Capital, Vol. 4 (Theories of Surplus Value)
1844 Manuscripts

B. Critique of the State
Critique of the Gotha Program
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
The Class Struggle in France
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napolean Bonaparte
The Civil War in France
Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy

C. Marxism and Philosophy
*Intro to Grundrisse
Preface to The Critique of Political Economy
The Holy Family (or The Critique of Critical Criticism)
*Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
The Poverty of Philosophy
The German Ideology

*Marx on Colonialism and Modernization
*Ireland and The Irish Question - Marx/Engels


Kenya - reading guide

Reading guide on Kenya.

Submitted by Mike Harman on August 22, 2018

Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau, 1905-63 - Tabitha Kanogo

Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya - Caroline Elkins

The Nairobi General Strike, 1950: From Protest to Insurgency - David Hyde

The East African Railway Strike, 1959-60: labour’s challenge of inter-territorialism - David Hyde


Marxism - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on Marxism and Marxist critique.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Critique of Political Economy

*Karl Marx:
Wage-Labor and Capital
Value, Price, and Profit
Capital, Vol. 1-3
A Critique of Political Economy
The Poverty of Philosophy
Capital, Vol. 4 (Theories of Surplus Value)
1844 Manuscripts (Alan Freeman's web site, lots of TSS conference materials)
*Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class – Lebowitz
*Open Marxism, 3 Vols. – Bonefeld, et al.
*Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics – Freeman/Carchedi
*The Limits to Capital – Harvey
*Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money – Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
*Reading Capital Politically - Cleaver
*'Decadence': The Theory of Decline or The Decline of Theory?, 3 parts - Aufheben Web Site
The Invention of Capitalism – M. Perelman
Marx's method in 'Capital': A Reexamination - Moseley, Ed.
New Investigations of Marx's Method - Moseley, et al, Eds.
Marx and Keynes: The Limits of The Mixed Economy – Mattick
Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory – Mattick
Essays on Marx's Theory of Value - Rubin
Marx’s Theory of Crisis – Clarke
Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology - Clarke
Capital and Exploitation - John Weeks
Women, Men and the International Division of Labor – Nash/Fernandez-Kelly, Eds.
Outlines of a Critique of Technology - P. Slater

Critique of the State

Critique of the Gotha Program
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
The Class Struggle in France
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napolean Bonaparte
The Civil War in France
Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy
*Open Marxism:
Post-Fordism and Social Form: A Marxist Debate on the Post-Fordist State - Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
State and Capital: A Debate – Holloway/Picciotto, Eds.
The State Debate - Clarke, Ed.
Open Marxism, 3 Vols.
God and State
Statism and Anarchy
Marxism, Freedom and the State
The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State
Stateless Socialism: Anarchism

Reform or Revolution - R. Luxemburg
*The Mass Strike, The Party and The Trade Unions - R. Luxemburg
* Law and Marxism – Pashukanis
The Idea of Good Government – Malatesta
The Struggle Against the State – Makhno
The State: It’s Historic Role - Kropotkin

See the journal Common Sense
Discipline and Punish - Foucault
Also see section VI

On organisation

Marx and Engels:
The Communist Manifesto
The Cologne Communist Trial
History of the Communist League - Engels
Critique of the Erfurt Program - Engels
Critique of the Gotha Program
Marx on the First International - Padover, Ed.
Marx/Engels Collected Works

Social Democracy:
The Road to Power – Kautsky
The Class Struggle – Kautsky
The Mass Strike, The Political Party and The Trade Unions - Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg Speaks
Selected Writings - R. Luxemburg

What Is To Be Done?
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Two Tactics of Russian Social Democracy
Lenin's Collected Works, esp. 1905-09 and 1917-23
On The Trade Unions - Lenin
Left-wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder
Better Fewer, but Better
Lenin’s Political Thought, 2 Vols. – Neil Harding
Lenin, 4 Vols. - Tony Cliff
Leninism Under Lenin - Lieberman

Post-Lenin Leninism:
Lenin: A Study in the Unity of His Thought - Lukacs
The Modern Prince - Antonio Gramsci
Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci
Selected Writings Political Writings - Antonio Gramsci
The Antonio Gramsci Reader

Trotsky, Leninism and Trotskyism:
Our Political Tasks - Trotsky
The Challenge of the Left Opposition, 3 Vols.
Writings of Leon Trotsky, 1929-1940
On The Trade Unions - Trotsky
On The Labor Party - Trotsky
The Spanish Revolution, 1936-39
The Crisis of the French Section, 1935-36
Transitional Program of the Fourth International
Lenin and The Revolutionary Party – P. LeBlanc
The Struggle For A Proletarian Party, 1938-40 - J. Cannon
Documents of the Founding of the Fourth International
Toward a New Beginning – On Another Road – H. Draper
The Myth of “Lenin’s Concept of the Party” – H. Draper
Marxism and the Party - Molyneaux

Council Communism:
Open Letter to Comrade Lenin - Gorter
Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism
Trade Unions - Pannekoek
Party and Working Class - Pannekoek
General Remarks on the Question of Organization - Pannekoek
Marxism: Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie - Mattick
Anti-Bolshevik Communism - Mattick

Open Marxism:
Marxism for Our Times: CLR James on Revolutionary Organization – Glaberman, ed.
Facing Reality - James/Lee
Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution - Dunayevskaya
Marxism and Freedom - Dunayevskaya
The Philosophic Moment of Marxist-Humanism - Dunayevskaya
Social and Political Writings, 3 Vols. - Castoriadas
Situationist International Anthology
The Veritable Split in the International - The Situationist International
The Society of the Spectacle - Debord

Historical Documents and Documentation:
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 1-4 - Cole
Theses, Resolutions and Manifestos pf the First Four Congresses of the Third International
Workers of the World and Oppressed Peoples, Unite!, 2nd Congress of the 3rd International
Lenin's Struggle for a Revolutionary International, 1907-1916
The German Revolution and the Debate on Soviet Power
To See The Dawn
A Documentary History of Communism - Daniels
Pannekoek and the Workers' Councils

Marxism in the International Workers' Movement

Early Working Class History, through 1864
*The Making Of The English Working Class - Thompson
*The Condition of the Working Class in England - Engels
History of The Labor Movement in the U.S., Vol.1 - Foner
Marx and Engels on Chartism
The Chartists - G.D.H. Cole
Labouring Men - E.J. Hobsbawm

The Communist League and The Revolutions of 1848-49
*The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Marx
*Class Struggles in France - Marx
*Revolution and Counter-revolution in Germany - Engels
The Cologne Communist Trial - Marx
*The History of the Communist League (Intro to Cologne Communist Trial) - Engels
Marx: The Revolutions of 1848 (Penguin Publishers)
The Red 48ers - Hammen
History of Socialist Thought, Vol. 1 - G.D.H. Cole


Nationalism - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on nationalism and national liberation.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

*Against Nationalism – Anarchist Federation
*The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism – F. Perlman
*Marx on Colonialism and Modernization
*Ireland and The Irish Question - Marx/Engels
Race, Nation, Class – I. Wallerstein/Balibar
Nationalism and Culture - Rudolf Rocker

Frantz Fanon:
Black Skin, White Masks
The Wretched of the Earth
Towards the African Revolution
A Dying Colonialism


Juan Conatz

15 years ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on February 3, 2010

Wasn't Imagined Communitites on here before? The reason I asked is because I recently bought it, saw it on this page and decided to put it at the top of the que for reading.


10 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on October 22, 2014

I added a few links and also added a PDF of Race, Nation, Class and the stuff by Frantz Fanon, though I haven't read any of them yet so if anyone wants to add more tags or a more comprehensive intro (I'm copying and pasting from the site I got them from) to them be my guest.

I also think this guide could do with some expanded since Nationalism is and will continue to be a major obstacle even within the International Labour movement.

Edit: I've read the intro's to the Frantz Fanon stuff and I think it might be a good idea to get some clarification since on the surface it seems pretty pro third world nationalism, are the blurbs misguided or was his worked listed for reference or the few pieces of useful info mixed in?


10 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on October 22, 2014

Juan Conatz

Wasn't Imagined Communitites on here before? The reason I asked is because I recently bought it, saw it on this page and decided to put it at the top of the que for reading.

It certainly ought to be there. Maybe also Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Jewish People:


10 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Tyrion on October 22, 2014

I added Rudolf Rocker's excellent Nationalism and Culture.

Noam Chomsky: reading guide

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is such a prolific writer that it is hard to know where to start when reading his writings. What’s more, useful criticisms of these writings can be difficult to find among all the largely useless right-wing comments on the internet. So here is a list of Chomsky’s major - largely political - writings followed by a list of the more useful critiques of his thought. Please suggest any others that we've missed.

Submitted by hedgehog on February 7, 2016


The Essential Chomsky
- A collection of his best articles.

Understanding Power
- A selection of Chomsky’s interviews on everything from linguistics to anarchism.

American Power and the New Mandarins
- Chomsky's first political book, including his take on the Spanish Revolution.

The Fateful Triangle
- The classic analysis of the USA’s relationship with Israel and the Palestinians.

Manufacturing Consent
- Another classic, this time on the US media.

Year 501
- A damning history of US imperialism.

Hegemony or Survival
- Chomsky’s view of US foreign policy at the time of the disastrous occupation of Iraq. Hugo Chavez displayed this book during his 2006 speech at the UN.

Noam Chomsky, Michael Albert and Hugo Chavez

After the Cataclysm
- Probably Chomsky’s most controversial book. (For a critique of this book see: ‘Chomsky on Cambodia’. For Chomsky’s response to his critics, see: Steven Lukes’ website. For further clarification of Chomsky’s reluctance to criticise national liberation movements, see his 1974 comment about the London Solidarity group.)

The Architecture of Language
- A short summary of Chomsky’s linguistics.

The Science of Language
- The clearest exposition of Chomsky’s latest theories on language and philosophy. (For a critique of this book see: Journal of Linguistics, 'A 'Galilean' Science of language' by Christina Behme.)

Zellig Harris’ influence on both Chomsky’s linguistics and his politics was ‘enormous’. Zellig Harris is pictured here, on the left, next to his friend, the council-communist Paul Mattick. Chomsky had a number of discussions with Mattick but says he was ‘too orthodox a Marxist for my tastes’.


Noam Chomsky, A Life of Dissent - Robert Barsky
- The most thorough biography of Chomsky.

Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals- Neil Smith
- The most thorough summary of Chomsky’s linguistics.

‘Chomsky on the Nod’ - Bob Black
- A harsh critique of Chomsky by the polemical anarchist author.

‘Language, Mind and Society’ - Brian Bamford
- Did Chomsky have this issue of the anarchist journal, The Raven, banned? Decide for yourself.

‘The Interpreter’ - John Colapinto
- An useful journalistic introduction to the most recent controversies in the ‘language wars’.

‘There is No Language Instinct’ - Yvyvan Evans
- A clear description of what some linguists believe is wrong with Chomskyan linguistics. (Evans’ recent book, The Language Myth, goes into more detail.)

Decoding Chomsky - science and revolutionary politics - Chris Knight
- This book explores the tension between Chomsky's Pentagon funding and his role as linchpin of the political left and the way that tension led him to establish a radical disconnect between science on the one hand and politics on the other.



8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by hedgehog on August 18, 2016

Chris Knight's Decoding Chomsky - science and revolutionary politics is out soon.

This website includes the first chapter and other links on Chomsky:

Also, despite it's many flaws Tom Wolfe's new book on Darwin and Chomsky, The Kingdom of Speech will introduce a wider audience to the debates around Chomsky's linguistics.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by rat on August 18, 2016

I liked Chomsky's
Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World.

Jelle Amsterdam

8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jelle Amsterdam on September 4, 2016

Are we now promoting anti-evolutionary conservatives (Wolfe) to take down Chomsky? Aren't reviews in the NY Times (2), Financial Times, Washington Post, etc., enough promotion for this guy?

There are dozens of better sources on "the debates around Chomsky's linguistics" than Wolfe's or Knight's books.

For a discussion of the sheer deceit in the Wolfe and Knight books, and all the euphoric mainstream reviews that cheerfully join in this latest round of The Chomsky Takedown, see e.g.:

(Unsurprisingly, long-standing 'anti-radical' conservative Wolfe also featured to take down Chomsky's media analysis in the classic Manufacturing Consent documentary: [min. 5.50].)

Jelle Amsterdam

8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Jelle Amsterdam on September 4, 2016

Also, it seems "hedgehog" is just Chris Knight's pseudonym, here promoting his own book, and some pernicious lies about Chomsky.

This LibCom reading list is exactly the same as on Knight's website, published first on LibCom (Feb. 7) and then on Knight's website (July 9): So either Knight is plagiarizing LibCom without reference, or 'hedgehog' is 'Chris Knight'. Moreover, nearly all of 'hedgehog's posts are promotions of Chris Knight talks, and so on and so forth. So Chris, please just publish under your own name.

That makes the reading list more transparent, and makes it more clear you are directly to blame for, e.g., the disingenuous intro line for the Brian Bamford Raven publication ("Did Chomsky have this issue of the anarchist journal, The Raven, banned? Decide for yourself."). That ridiculous claim goes beyond anything what Bamford himself claims (claims that are themselves based on the flimsiest of evidence, as becomes clear from his own description of the events).

Enjoy your talks with your comrades at the Communist Party of Great Britain (

Open Marxism - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading around the Open Marxism school, which drew on anarchist criticism of the state.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

*Open Marxism, 3 Vols. – Bonefeld, et al.
*Post-Fordism and Social Form: A Marxist Debate on the Post-Fordist State - Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
*State and Capital: A Debate – Holloway/Picciotto, Eds.
The State Debate - Clarke, Ed.
*Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money – Bonefeld/Holloway, Eds.
*Reading Capital Politically – Cleaver
Working Class Autonomy and the Crisis - Red Notes
Autonomous Struggles and the Capitalist Crisis
Operai e Capitale – Tronti (most chapters in English from Telos or Red Notes)
*Origins of Modern Leftism - Gombin
At the Rendezvous of Victory – CLR James
State Capitalism and World Revolution - James/Dunayaevskaya/Lee
*Facing Reality - James/Lee
The Future in the Present – CLR James
Sphere of Existence – CLR James
*Marxism and Freedom from 1776 Until Today – Dunayevskaya
*Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation and Marx’s Philosophy of revolution – Dunayaevskaya
*Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and From Marx to Mao - Dunayevskaya
*Political and Social Writings, 3 Vols. - Castoriadas
*Revolution Retrieved – Negri
The Politics of Subversion – Negri
Marx Beyond Marx – Negri
*Fascism Without Revision – Agnoli
The Veritable Split in the International - Debord
The Revolution of Everyday life - Vaneigem
*The Society of the Spectacle - Debord
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle – Debord
The Most Radical Gesture - Plant
At Dusk – Jacobs/Winks
*Marxism and Law - Pashukanis
Beyond Capital - Meszaros
The Power of Ideology - Meszaros
Midnight Oil - Midnight Notes
The Principle of Hope, 3 Vols. - E. Bloch
The Spirit of Utopia - E. Bloch
*Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - M Rubel
Marxism and council communism - Peter J. Rachleff
*History and Class Consciousness - Lukacs
*Marxism and Philosophy - Korsch
Marx at the Millenium - Smith
Public Secrets - Knabb
*Situationist International Anthology - Knabb, ed.
Radical Political Thought in Italy – Virno/Hardt, Eds.
Carry On Recruiting: Why the SWP dumped the ‘downturn’ in a ‘dash for growth’ – Trotwatch
*The Revolution is Not a Party Affair – Ruhle
*From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution – Ruhle
Report from Moscow – Ruhle

*Paul Mattick:
Anti-Bolshevik Communism
Marxism: Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie
Economics, Politics and the Age of Inflation
Critique of Marcuse

*Anton Pannekoek:
Workers’ Councils
Marx and Darwin
Pannekoek and Gorter’s Marxism
Lenin as Philosopher
Trade Unions
Party and Working Class
General Remarks on the Question of Organization

see Journals
Capital and Class
Common Sense
Historical Materialism
International Socialist Forum


Philosophy - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on philosophy, materialism and dialectics.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Karl Marx:
*Intro to Grundrisse
Preface to The Critique of Political Economy
The Holy Family (or The Critique of Critical Criticism)
*Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
The Poverty of Philosophy
The German Ideology

Jean Hyppolite:
Logic and Existence
Genesis and Structure of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy of History
Studies on Marx and Hegel

*Theodore Adorno:
Dialectic of Enlightenment (w/ Horkheimer)
Hegel: Three Studies
Negative Dialectics
Against Epistemology
The Jargon of Authenticity
Critical Models
The Stars Down to Earth
Minima Moralia

*Max Horkheimer:
Critical Theory
Eclipse of Reason
Between philosophy and Social Science
Critique of instrumental reason

*Gyorgy Lukacs:
*History and Class Consciousness

*Ernst Bloch
Aesthetics and Politics
Essays on the Philosophy of Music
Heritage of Our Times
The Principle of Hope, 3 Vols.
The Utopian Function of Art and Literature : Selected Essays

*Open Marxism, 3 vols. – Bonefeld, et al.
*Notes on Dialectics – C.L.R. James
*Marxism and Philosophy – Korsch
*Marx’s Grundrisse and Hegel’s Logic – Uchida
Reason and Revolution – H. Marcuse
Towards A Critical Theory of Society - Marcuse
Dialectic of the Concrete - Karl Kosik
*Philosophy and Revolution – Dunayevskaya
The Marxist-Humanist Philosophical moment – Dunayevskaya
Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism – K. Anderson
The Origin of Negative Dialectics – S. Buck-Morss
The Dialectical Imagination : A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950 – M. Jay
Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas – M. Jay
Adorno – M. Jay
Permanent Exiles – M. Jay
Marx, The Young Hegelians and the Origins of Radical Social Theory – W. Breckman
The Poverty of Theory – E. P. Thompson
Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch - Jamie Owen Daniel
The Condition of Postmodernity – Harvey
*Notebooks on Dialectics - Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 38

Non-Dialectical Philosophy Relevant to Marx’s Critique of Philosophy

Schelling and Modern European Philosophy – A. Bowie
On The History of Modern Philosophy – Schelling
Aesthetics and Subjectivity: From Kant to Nietzsche – A. Bowie
The Myth of the Other: Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze, Bataille - Franco Rella

The Critique of Pure Reason
The Critique of Practical Reason
The Critique of Judgment

On Friedrich Nietzsche:
The Gay Science
Beyond Good and Evil
Twighlight of the Idols
On the Genealogy of Morals/Ecce Homo
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Human, All Too Human
The Anti-Christ
The Birth of Tragedy
Nietzsche and Philosophy – Deleuze
Why We are not Nietzscheans – Ferry, Ed.
Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle – Klossowski
Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy – M. Clark
Nietzsche and Postmodernism - Robinson
Nietzsche: The Man and His Philosophy – R. J. Hollingdale
Nietzsche’s Case – B. Magnus
Nietzsche: Life as Literature - Nehamas
Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics – S. Houlgate
*Nietzsche’s Corp/se – Geoff Waites
The Adventures of Difference – G. Vattimo

On Spinoza:
A Spinoza Reader (The Ethics and other works)
A Theologico-Political Treatise
The Savage Anomaly – Negri/Hardt
Spinoza, Practical Philosophy – Deleuze
Spinoza and Politics – Balibar

On Martin Heidegger:
Being and Nothingness
The Ticklish Subject - Zizek

On Deleuze and Guattari:
A Thousand Plateaus
What Is Philosophy?
Pure Immanence - Deleuze
Bergsonism - Deleuze
Foucault – Deleuze
Soft Subversions – Guattari
Chaosophy - Guattari
Gilles Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in Philosophy – M. Hardt
Deleuze: A Critical Reader – P. Patton, Ed.
Deleuze and the Political – P. Patton
The Myth of the Other: Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze, Bataille – F. Rella

Slavoj Zizek:
Tarrying with the Negative
The Ticklish Subject
Lacanian Ink
Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left – w/Butler and Laclau

On Michel Foucault:
Archeology of Knowledge
The Order of Things
Madness and Civilization
Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus, Paul Rabinow
Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977- 1984
Foucault Live
Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization - Ladelle McWhorter

Capital and Class
Common Sense
Historical Materialism

Dialectical Materialism

George Novack:
Polemics in Marxist Philosophy
The Origins of Materialism
Existentialism versus Marxism
An Introduction to The Logic of Marxism

Perry Anderson:
In The Tracks of Historical Materialism
Western Marxism
The Question of Europe
A Zone of Engagement
Arguments Within English Marxism
The Origins of Post-Modernity

Friedrich Engels:
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Ludwig Feuerbach and The Outcome of

Classical German Philosophy
On Historical Materialism
The Dialectics of Nature

V. I. Lenin:
*Notebooks on Dialectics - Lenin, Collected

Works, Vol. 38
Marxism and Empirio-Criticism
Marx, Engels, Marxism - Lenin

On Historical Materialism - F. Mehring
The Development of the Monist View of

History – Plekhanov
Fundamental Problems of Marxism - Plekhanov
Socialism and Philosophy - Antonio Labriola
Essays on the Materialist Conception of

History - A. Labriola
Historical Materialism - N. Bukharin
Four Lectures on Marxism - Paul Sweezy
Freedom and Determination in History - J.

Post-Modernism - A. Callinicos
Algebra of Revolution – A. Callinicos
Marxism in the Post-Modern Age –

For Marx – Althusser
Lenin and Philosophy – Althusser
The Philosophy of Marx – Balibar
Masses, Classes, Ideas: Studies on Politics

and Philosophy Before and After Marx -


Gyorgy Lukacs:
In Defense of History and Class

Ontology of Being (Hegel)
Ontology of Being (Marx)
Destruction of Reason



15 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by back2front on January 30, 2010

That's some reading list and by the time I scrolled down to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" I was well and truely scared - you need a degree to understand that book alone!!!


15 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by s.nappalos on February 3, 2010

Personally I would add some of the pillars of analytic philosophy who were radical in their own right, and offer perhaps a more proletarian methodology for the presentation, engagement, and construction of philosophy than say... hegel. Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein come to mind. You could add early communists coming out of the anglo-american philosophical tradition too like Thompson. Bakunin had his own critique of metaphysics and philosophical works.

on the dialectical side, you're missing Dietzgen.


15 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 3, 2010

thanks for those comments - could you list particular books please that we could add?


15 years ago

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Submitted by back2front on February 4, 2010

Agreed about Wittgenstein...

... the 'duck-rabbit' and how we perceive for example, the 'cliff edge of language' etc

Particular books: "Tracatus Logico-philosophicus" which should be augmented with "The Blue and Brown Books" (and perhaps "Wittgenstein for Beginners" for plebs like me).

Hegel, Shopenhauer and Goethe are useful for a better understanding of Nietzsche

Hegel "Phenomenology of Spirit" (1807) and "Elements of the Philosophy of Right" (1822)
Shopenhaur "The World as Will and Representation" (1818)

Gottlob Frege would be important from an analytical perspective:

"Function and Concept" (1891)
"Logical Investigations" (1924)

You might also consider Peter Singer

"Animal Liberation" (1975)
"Practical Ethics" (1979)


15 years ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on February 4, 2010

some ancient but in parts still interesting stuff:

- Laozi: Daodejing
- Zhuangzi
- Liezi
- Epicurus: Letters
- Lucretius: De rerum natura

Yorkie Bar

15 years ago

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Submitted by Yorkie Bar on February 4, 2010

You rockin' out the Daoist mystics I see ;-). Have you read the LeGuin transcription of the Daodejing (afaik the only version assembled by an anarchist).


15 years ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on February 8, 2010

the old taoist philosphers displayed both dialectical thinking and a criticism of institutions and (confuzianist) culture ... must have a look at the LeGuin translation

Yorkie Bar

15 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Yorkie Bar on February 8, 2010

the old taoist philosphers displayed both dialectical thinking and a criticism of institutions and (confuzianist) culture

This is true, but actually dialectics is common to many cultures. Plus, the Daoist critique of property, the state etc. is entirely mystical and highly regressive, stressing 'returning' rather than progress or advancement. I was very struck when reading it by what DeBord said about cyclical time in Ch. 5 of SoS:


From this moment on, the succession of the generations left the natural realm of the purely cyclical and became a purposeful succession of events, a mechanism for the transmisiion of power. Irreversible time was the prerogative of whoever ruled,

I think the Daoists represented a reaction against this movement away from the primal, cyclical time - this would be borne out by the rejection of modernity (writing, tool use) evidenced in the penultimate chapter of the Book of De. Confucianism, on the other hand, represented a more 'civilised', sophisticated and rational way of viewing the world, which is probably why it eventually became the dominant belief system in Chinese civil society.


15 years ago

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Submitted by posi on February 9, 2010

For more modern stuff on knowledge, reality, mind, etc. John McDowell is the best.

Mind, Value and Reality *
Meaning, Knowledge and Reality
Mind and World


Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics


15 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by 888 on February 9, 2010



13 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by sabot on September 2, 2011

Yeah, to echo what s.nappalos said:

Joseph Dietzgen's Nature of Human Brain Work: An Introduction to Dialectics
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell's Principia Mathematica
Bertrand Russell's The Principles of Mathematics
Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations


13 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Auld-bod on September 3, 2011

If you’re interested in the ideas of Kant and need a great introduction, read Roger Scruton’s ‘Kant’, Oxford, 1985. A right wing git writes the best book (I know of) on Kant. Don’t buy it get it from your library.


12 years 7 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Valdyr on July 22, 2012

I have some comments I'd like to make on this list.

First, a simple mistake. Under the section for Heidegger, it says "Being and Nothingness." Being and Nothingness is one of Sartre's main books, not Heidegger's. Heidegger's opus is Being and Time (Sein und Zeit).

Anyway, on to more substantive comments. First, I think the amount of material dedicated to "dialectical materialism" critical or otherwise is out of proportion to how important that ideology is. Engelsian/Leninist diamat is shit and is also not that relevant today other than the insistence upon it by Stalinists and some Trots. For anarchism and communism, I think a better grounding in modern and contemporary thought is a lot more useful in terms of illuminating or at least providing context for current debates. Some works I think are sorely missing, even if we don't endorse what is said within them:

Being and Nothingness - Sartre
Critique of Dialectical Reason - Sartre
The Age of Reason - Sartre
Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology - Husserl
Creative Evolution - Bergson
Duration and Simultaneity - Bergson
Matter and Memory - Bergson
Time and Free Will - Bergson
Existence and Existents - Levinas
Otherwise than Being - Levinas
Totality and Infinity - Levinas
Time and the Other - Levinas
Knowledge and Human Interests - Habermas
The Gift - Mauss
Given Time I. Counterfeit Money - Derrida
Margins of Philosophy - Derrida
Writing and Difference - Derrida
Who's afraid of philosophy? - Derrida
In Praise of Philosophy - Merleau-Ponty
Phenomenology of Perception - Merleau-Ponty
Signs - Merleau Ponty
Ideology: An Introduction - Terry Eagleton
After Theory - Terry Eagleton
Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism - Fredric Jameson
Valences of the Dialectic - Fredric Jameson

I also find the Zizek selection sorely lacking. The selections presented won't even make as much sense without some other works. I'd suggest adding:

The Sublime Object of Ideology (MANDATORY)
Looking Awry
The Fragile Absolute
In Defense of Lost Causes
First as Tragedy, Then as Farce
The Metastases of Enjoyment
The Indivisible Remainder
Welcome to the Desert of the Real
The Parallax View (which is in the library)
Less Than Nothing

To the collection of Marxist stuff I highly recommend:

Intellectual and Manual Labor - Alfred Sohn-Rethel
The Concept of Nature in Marx - Alfred Schmidt

And finally, in terms of journals, definitely add Radical Philosophy.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by 888 on July 26, 2012

First, I think the amount of material dedicated to "dialectical materialism" critical or otherwise is out of proportion to how important that ideology is.

Totally agree.

Joseph Kay

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 27, 2012

Do people find these guides useful? I'm wondering if they need at least a sentence about each one explaining why it's of interest to libertarian communists, otherwise it's kinda just a list of ALL THE BOOKS.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Android on July 27, 2012

Joseph Kay

Do people find these guides useful? I'm wondering if they need at least a sentence about each one explaining why it's of interest to libertarian communists, otherwise it's kinda just a list of ALL THE BOOKS.

I have found them useful enough. In that, I know if I want to read on something I can look at relevant guide. Obviously it would be better if there were a short description with each one similar to intros on library article, but that is a massive task.

Joseph Kay

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 27, 2012

Yeah it's a genuine question. Personally I haven't really used them, but I'm interested how/if others do.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on July 27, 2012

I use them, just for book ideas. Not sure a specific intro is needed, should be obvious that it's books of interest to readers of the site, and it's clear that it's a libertarian communist site, I suppose it's no biggie either way.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Ethos on March 31, 2013

I saw some comments suggesting more analytic philosophy for this list. So, I'll suggest some that may have been overlooked:

forallx by P.D. Magnus
An excellent introduction into formal logic for the absolute beginner and the author has made it available for free (link below).

An Introduction to Modal Logic by G.E. Hughes and M.J. Cresswell
If you read the text above you should transition pretty well into this one.

A Defense of Common Sense by G.E. Moore

On Certainty by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein takes Moore's argument from the essay provided above and expands it a bit.

Political Philosophy:
Why Not Socialism? by G.A. Cohen
While this one is not necessarily up to the standards in the field, because he uses concepts which go on undefined sometimes, doesn't address his opponents, etc, this very factor makes it an easy introductory text into Cohen's socialism/analytical Marxism (I would suggest that, if you've never read Cohen, you read this book and then read the following in order).

On The Currency of Egalitarian Justice by G.A. Cohen
Pretty much his most influential work. From what I've read, everything else he wrote on egalitarianism stemmed from add-ons and re-working of theses' he put forward on this one.

The Structure of Proletarian Unfreedom by G.A. Cohen

Incentives, Inequality and Community by G.A. Cohen

Anarchism: some theoretical foundations by Alan Carter
(This one was free on his page until recently. I don't know what happened.)

Proposed Roads to Freedom by Bertrand Rusell
This one is not really philosophy, it's more political theory of the "political science" variety. However, it does show that Russell was a Guild Socialist with strong leanings towards syndicalism.

The Philosophical Foundations of Private Property by Alan Carter
(He gave me permission to post the entire book here; however, I have it on image files and I'm in the process of transcribing it and progress is slow. So, if anyone is interested in helping me transcribe it, shoot me a private message and I'll send them some files. The book is an excellent demolition of the most common arguments in favor of private property in political philosophy, e.g. Locke, Nozick, Rawls, etc).

Psychology - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on psychology and psychoanalysis.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

Sigmund Freud:
The Complete Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
The Ego and Id
Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis
The Future of an Illusion
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
On Dreams
An Outline of Psychoanalysis
Totem and Taboo
Civilization and Its Discontents
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Beyond The Pleasure Principle
The Interpretation of Dreams

Wilhelm Reich:
The Sexual Revolution
*Character Analysis
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
Reich Speaks of Freud
Selected Writings
The Function of the Orgasm

Herbert Marcuse:
One-Dimensional Man
*Eros and Civilization

Critiques/discussions of sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, modularity
Defenders of the truth - Segerstrale, U.
Vaulting Ambition – Kitcher, P.
Adapting Minds - Buller, D.
Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology - Richardson, RC.
Sociobiology Examined - Montagu, A. (ed)
Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology - Rose/Rose
Not in Our Genes - Lewontin/Rose/Kamin
The Mind Doesn't Work That Way - Jerry Fodor
Modularity of Mind - Jerry Fodor
Why The Mind Is Not A Computer - Tallis, R.
Aping Mankind - Tallis, R.
Getting Darwin Wrong - Brendan Wallace
Can Neuroscience Change Our Minds?- H.Rose/S.Rose

IQ studies critiques
The IQ Myth - Mensh/Mensh
The Genius in All of Us - D Shenk
The Bell Curve Wars – S. Fraser, Ed.
Race & IQ - A.Montagu (ed.)
Education & Class: the irrelevance of IQ genetic studies. Richard Lewontin & Michel Schiff
The Science and Politics of I.Q. - Kamin
Race And Intelligence: The Fallacies Behind The Race Iq Controversy - Ken Richardson
Race, Culture & Intelligence - Richardson, Spears, and Richards (Eds)
Leon Kamin vs Hans Eysenck - Intelligence: the battle for the mind
The Mismeasure of Man - Stephen Jay Gould
The IQ Controversy - N. Block & G. Dworkin (eds)
Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the 21st century - J. Flynn
'IQ: mental measurement for social control', in From Genesis To Genocide - Stephan Chorover
Equality: Language Development, Human Intelligence, and Social Organization - N. Chomsky, in Walter Feinberg (ed), Equality and Social Policy. Reprinted in C.P. Otero (ed) Chomsky On Democracy & Education, and in J. Peck (ed) The Chomsky Reader

Delusions of Gender - Cordelia Fine
Myths of Gender - Anne Fausto-Sterling
Sexing the Body - Anne Fausto-Sterling
Brain Storms - Rebecca Jordan Young



12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by knotwho on March 26, 2012

Yo! Can anyone add some more recent/relevant material to this one? I am not real familiar with the material but I'm personally interested in attachment psychology and developmental psychology.

Also, I noticed the GIF is missing.


12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Choccy on March 26, 2012

The evo.psych and gender stuff was only added a few months ago. Will have a think about some others.

Kamin's stuff on IQ should be on ere too, I'll add it.


12 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 26, 2012

Cheers for that choccy, and for flagging up the broken picture

Race - further reading guide

Civil rights march in Seattle

Libcom's guide to further reading on race, racism and anti-racism.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

*Marx on Colonialism and Modernization
*Ireland and The Irish Question - Marx/Engels
Toward the Abolition of Whiteness – Roediger
*The Wages of Whiteness – Roedier
*The Color of Politics – Goldfield
Congress of the People's of the East at Baku
*The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism – F. Perlman
*Third Worldism or Socialism? – Solidarity (U.K.)
How the Irish Became White – Ignatiev
Racism and the Class Struggle – James Boggs
The Political Economy of Racism – M. Leiman
The Economics of Racism, USA 1 and 2 - Perlo
The Invention of the White Race, 2 Vols. – Theodore Allen
Imagined Communities – B. Anderson
Race, Nation, Class – I. Wallerstein/Balibar
Germans and Jews Since the Holocaust - Rabinbach/Zipes, Eds.
Anti-Semite and Jew - Sartre
Black Corporate Executives: The Making and Breaking of a Black Middle Class - Wallerstein
Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960’s to the 1980’s – Omi/Wynant
Anarchism and the black revolution – Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

*Frantz Fanon:
Black Skin, White Masks
The Wretched of the Earth
Towards the African Revolution
A Dying Colonialism
Adolph Reed, Jr.:
Class Notes
Stirrings in the Jug
W.E.B. DuBois and American Political Thought
The Jesse Jackson Phenomemon

*W.E.B. DuBois:
Selected Writings, 2 vols
Unpublished Writings on Racism
The W.E.B. DuBois Reader

*C.L.R. James:
The CLR James Reader
C.L.R. James on the Negro Question
C.L.R. James and Revolutionary Marxism
Fighting Racism in WWII

Race and IQ studies
Race & IQ - A.Montagu (ed.)
The Science and Politics of I.Q. - Kamin
Race And Intelligence: The Fallacies Behind The Race Iq Controversy - Ken Richardson
Race, Culture & Intelligence - Richardson, Spears, and Richards (Eds)

*Kenan Malik:
Meaning of Race
Strange Fruit
Multiculturalism and Its Discontents



8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on October 20, 2016

I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but there are two books that I would recommend reading -

The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander

An examination of how the criminal justice system and mass incarceration in the US has been deliberately structured as a mechanism of racialized social control. The new (and very good) Netflix film "The 13th" draws very heavily from this book.

Medical Apartheid - Harriet A Washington

A very comprehensive study in how African Americans have been exploited and experimented upon by the medical profession, from slavery times, right up to the present. It's a pretty harrowing read but I think it's really worth it.

Neither of the authors are what you could call "radical." Michelle Alexander is a former ACLU lawyer. However, The New Jim Crow is really good at explaining the process and the consequences of mass incarceration in the US and between them, these two books demonstrate the racist bias of the law, law enforcement and the medical system in the US.


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 21, 2016

Good stuff, thanks


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on October 21, 2016

Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life by Barbara J. Fields and Karen Elise Fields.

I found this 2014 book to be especially helpful in explaining the etymological development of the concept of "race" in the history of America, as well as offering an explanation for the continued pervasiveness of racialized belief and white-supremacist ideas in the everyday life of American society. In this regard, the authors compare the moral panics regarding people of African descent in white American society as analogous to the moral panics surrounding witches and witchcraft in other societies, hence the title of the book.The authors are also well aware of the class ramifications of racism and this aspect of racism is not glossed over as the authors contend that common perceptions of race in America are central to the organization of class-hierarchy in American society. Perhaps where the book is weakest is at the conclusion in which the authors offer proposed solutions to America's racism which are thoroughly reformist.

The first chapter of the book is available as a PDF here.

Religion - further reading guide's guide to further reading on religion.

Submitted by Steven. on October 17, 2013

* The Essence of Christianity - Ludwig Feuerbach
* A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Introduction - Karl Marx
* The Peasant War in Germany - Friedrich Engels
* On Religion - Marx/Engels
* The God Pestilence - Johann Most
* Atheism in Christianity - Ernst Bloch
* Thomas Müntzer as Theologian of Revolution - Ernst Bloch
* Man On His Own: Essays in the Philosophy of Religion - Ernst Bloch
* The Meek and The Militant - Paul Siegel
* Socialism and The Churches - Rosa Luxemburg
* On the So-Called Religious Seekings in Russia - Georgi Plekhanov
* The Rise and Fall of the Anabapists - E. Balfort Bax
* The peasants war in Germany 1525-1526 - E. Balfort Bax
* The Ghost Dance: Origins of Religion - W. La Barre
* The Interpreter's Bible - G. Buttrick, N. Harmon, Eds.
* The Origins of Christianity - A. Robertson
* The Origins of Christianity - Karl Kautsky
* On Religion – Vladimir Iljitsch Lenin
* Problems of Everyday Life - Leo Trotsky
* Selected Cultural Writings - Antonio Gramsci
* Redemption and Utopia. Libertarian Judaism in Central Europe - Michael Löwy
* Marxism and liberation theology - Michael Löwy
* The Hidden God: a study of tragic vision in the Pensees of Pascal and the tragedies of Racine - Lucien Goldmann
* Marxism and the Muslim world - Maxime Rodinson
* Islam and Capitalism - Maxime Rodinson
* The Making of the English Working Class - E. P. Thompson
* Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law - E. P. Thompson
* Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th centuries - Eric Hobsbawm
* The Decadence of the Shamans - Alan Cohen

* God and State
* God or Labor?
* Bakunin’s Writings
* From Out of the Dustbin: Basic Writings of Bakunin, 1869-71


Russia pre-1917 - further reading guide

Bloody Sunday, Russia 1905

libcom's guide to further reading on Russia before 1917, including the Russian revolution of 1905.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

1905 - Trotsky
My Life - Trotsky
The Prophet Unarmed - Deutscher (bio. of Trotsky)
Lenin, Vol. 1,2 - T. Cliff
Roots of Rebellion – Bonnell
The Russian Worker – Bonnell
Moscow, 1905 – L. Engelstein
The Russian Revolution of 1905 – Schwarz
The Making of a Workers’ Revolution: Russian Social Democracy - Wildman
Collected Works of Lenin, Vol. 1-23
On The Eve of 1917 - A. Shlyapnikov
The Balkan Wars - Trotsky
In War's Great Shadow - W. Bruce Lincoln
The Russians Before The Great War - W. Bruce Lincoln
Russian Factory Women – R. Glickman
The Development of Capitalism in Russia – Lenin
Russian Factory Women – R. Glickman
A Radical Worker in Tsarist Russia - Zelnik



1 year 7 months ago

Submitted by adri on July 10, 2023

Boris Gorshkov's works are definitely worth checking out as far as the Russian peasantry goes, especially his Peasants in Russia from Serfdom to Stalin. He's also edited a memoir of a Russian serf entitled A Life under Russian Serfdom: Memoirs of Savva Dmitrievich Purlevskii (1800-1868) (it's available from the publisher here).

Russian Revolution 1917 - further reading guide

Women in the Russian revolution
Women in the Russian revolution

Libcom's guide to further reading around the subject of the Russian revolution and counter-revolution of 1917 to 1921.

Submitted by Steven. on October 22, 2008

The Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-21 (WARNING: No work takes a more ideological and manufactured quality than histories of the Russian Revolution. Among the academics, Rosenberg, McAuley, Rabinowitch, Malle, Smith, Carr and Rigby have significant sympathies with the Bolsheviks; Medvedev, Fitzpatrick, Sirianni, Avrich, Sakwa, Remington, Aves, Lincoln, and Service are more critical, while Leggett, Figes and Shkliarevsky are openly right-wing. This is just a rough ideological guide for the unwary.)

10 Days That Shook the World - Reed
Year One of the Russian Revolution - Serge
History of the Russian Revolution - Trotsky
*The Unknown Revolution : 1917-1921 - Voline
*The Russian Revolution – Luxemburg
*Kronstadt 1917-1921 : The Fate of a Soviet Democracy - Israel Getzler
Forced Labour and Economic Development - S. Swianiewicz's
*Utopia in Power: The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present - Mikhail Heller/Aleksandr Nekrich
Lessons of October - Trotsky
The Russian Revolution, 1917-1921 - R. Kowalski
The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of 1918 - R. Kowalski
The Russian Revolution - Marcel Liebman
Leninism Under Lenin – M. Liebman
The ABC's of Communism - Bukharin/Preobrazhensky
All Volumes for 1917 in Lenin's Collected Works
*The Petrograd Workers and The Fall of The Old Regime - D. Mandel
*The Petrograd Workers and The Soviet Seizure of Power - D. Mandel
*The Bolshevik Revolution, Vol. 1-3 - E.H. Carr
*The Workers Revolution in Russia - S. Smith
Red Petrograd: Revolution in The Factories, 1917-18 - S. Smith
The February Revolution: Petrograd, 1917 – T. Hasegawa
The Workers’ Revolution in Russia in 1917 – Kaiser, Ed.
Moscow Workers and the 1917 Revolution – D. Koenker
The Bolsheviks Come To Power - Rabinowich
Kronstadt and Petrograd - Raskolnikov
Lenin, 3 Vols. - T. Cliff
The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution: Minutes of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (Bolsheviks), August 1917-February 1918 – A. Bonn, Ed.
Red Guards and Workers’ Militias in the Russian Revolution – R. Wade
Class Struggles in the USSR, 1917-1923 - Bettelheim
Red Victory - Lincoln
The Red Army - Wollenberg
The Bolsheviks in Power - Ilyin-Zhenevsky
Lenin's Moscow - Rosmer
Leninism Under Lenin - Marcel Liebman
The Russian Anarchists - Avrich
The Anarchism of Nestor Makhno - M. Palij
Nestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War - M. Malet
Civil War in Russia – D. Footman
Liberty Under the Soviets – R. Baldwin
The Bolshevik Revolution - R. Medvedev
Workers' Control and Socialist Democracy: The Soviet Experience - C. Sirianni
Economic and Industrial Democracy - Sirianni
Building Socialism in Soviet Russia - T. Remington
Party, State and Society in the Russian Civil War - Koenker
Labour in the Russian Revolution - G. Shkliarevsky
Lenin: A Political Life, 3 Vols. - R. Service
The Economic Organisation of War Communism - Malle
Bread and Justice; State and Society in Petrograd 1917-22 - M. McAuley
The Russian Revolution - R. Pipes
Resolutions and Decisions of the CPSU - R. McNeal
The Bolshevik Party in Conflict - R. Kowalski
Lenin's Government - T. Rigby
The Birth of the Propaganda State - P. Kenez
Red Guards and Workers' Militia - R. Wade
The Mensheviks after October - V. Brovkin
Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War - V. Brovkin
Soviet Communists in Power, a Study of Moscow - R. Sakwa
Bolshevik Festivals - J. Von Gelderen
Peasant Russia, Civil War - O. Figes
State within a State - E. Albats
The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police - G. Leggett
Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-21 - Lih
Trotsky Reappraisal - T.Brotherstone
Workers against Lenin - J. Aves
Lenin and the Mensheviks - V. Broido
How the Revolution was Armed - B. Pearce
Our Own People - E. Poretsky
The Origins of the Gulag - M. Jakobson
The Origin of Forced Labour in the Soviet State - J. Bunyan
The Russian Revolution - S. Fitzpatrick
Russia in the Era of the NEP - Fitzpatrick
The Making of the Georgian Nation - G.Suny
Culture and Power in Revolutionary Russia - C. Read
Workers, Soviets - W. Chase
Collected Works - Lenin
The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky - Lenin
Terrorism and Communism - Trotsky
Social Democracy and the Wars of Intervention, 1918-1921 - Trotsky
Military Writings (5 Vols.) - Trotsky
Military Writings - Trotsky
Kronstadt - Lenin/Trotsky
Before Stalinism - Farber

Counter-revolution from Within
*The Bolsheviks and Workers Control - M. Brinton
*The Experience of the Factory Committees in the Russian Revolution - Jones
From Lenin to Stalin - Serge
The New Course - Trotsky
Revolution Betrayed - Trotsky
*State Capitalism and World Revolution – James
*The Marxist-Humanist Theory of State Capitalism - Dunayevskaya
The Workers' State, Thermidor, and Bonapartism - Trotsky's Writings, 1934-35
In Defense of Marxism - Trotsky
The Interregnum - E.H. Carr
Socialism in One Country, Vol. 1, 2, 3a, & 3b - E.H. Carr
Lenin: All Volumes from 1922-23 (Collected Works)
Lenin's Last Struggle – Lewin
Twenty Years After - Serge
The Third International After Lenin - Trotsky
Memoirs of A Revolutionary - Serge
Selected Writings on The Opposition in The USSR - Christian Rakovsky
Challenge of the Left Opposition, Vol. 1-3 - Trotsky
Documents of The 1923 Opposition
Platform of the Joint Opposition, 1927
Stalin School of Falsification - Trotsky
The Case of Leon Trotsky
Soviet Russia Masters The Comintern - Gruber
Foundations of a Planned Economy, Vol. 1-2 - E.H. Carr
Twilight of The Comintern - E.H. Carr
Class Struggles in The USSR, Vol. 1 & 2 - Bettelheim
Russian Peasants and Soviet Power - Lewin
Workers, Society and the Soviet State - W. J. Chase
Lenin, Vol. 4 - T. Cliff
Stalin - Trotsky
Stalin - Deutscher
The Time of Stalin - Antonov-Ovsyenko
The Fate of The Russian Revolution: Lost Texts of Critical Marxism, Vol. 1 – Matgamna, Ed.
State Capitalism in Russia - Tony Cliff
The Bureaucratic Revolution - Max Shactman

adapted from Chris Wright's Revolutionary reading guide



15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Tarwater on January 11, 2010

What do the stars denote? I don't remember seeing them on other reading lists...

mikail firtinaci

15 years 1 month ago

In reply to by

Submitted by mikail firtinaci on January 11, 2010

I think I have this;

The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of 1918 - R. Kowalski

from a 1980's english journal. But I may have lost the first pages. If I can find it I can add it to the Libcom archive by scanning it. It was concentrated on how left communists while being numerically in the majority lost the party struggle... Of course if it is the right article I remember


15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 11, 2010

Mikail, if you could scan it that would be great!

tarwater, the stars indicate recommended texts in particular. We need to make this clearer somewhere in the guide, I was thinking about a way to do this soon

Red Marriott

15 years 1 month ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Red Marriott on January 11, 2010


I may have lost the first pages. If I can find it I can add it to the Libcom archive by scanning it.

If you don't have it complete but know the original publication details someone else may be able to access it through an existing college or workplace online subscription to the journal.
The library already has;

mikail firtinaci

15 years 1 month ago

In reply to by

Submitted by mikail firtinaci on January 11, 2010

No that is not it. The article I refer to is an article about the 1918 communist left in Russia - probably by Kowalski. I will try to check for it tomorrow. I am going to move soon so everything is in boxes - that is the problem :(

Red Marriott

15 years 1 month ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Red Marriott on January 11, 2010

I wasn't thinking that might be the article - just referring to it as on the same topic.

mikail firtinaci

15 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by mikail firtinaci on January 15, 2010

I found a review of Kowalski in the russian review

Kowalski, Ronald I. The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of 1918. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991. x + 244 pp. $34.95. One of Lenin's many challenges immediately following the October Revolution was the vehement and open opposition by leading figures within his own party to a number of his most important policies. Led by luminaries such as Bukharin and Radek, the Left Commu- nists were a loosely structured group who vigorously protested what they saw as Lenin's abandonment, on the altar of expediency, of socialist principles he had advocated only months earlier. The most important issue was the Left Communists' opposition to a separate peace with Germany, and their advocacy of continuing a "revolutionary war" which they thought would help spark proletarian revolution in Germany and elsewhere. In January and most of February 1918 they had the support of a majority of party members on this issue, although Lenin (just barely) won the debate at the top. They also attacked Lenin in other areas, including his willingness to parcel out land to the peasants, his call for one-man management at the expense of workers' control in industry, his utilization of former officials in the new state bureaucracy, and the eclipse of the autonomy of local soviets. But Lenin generally prevailed, and after the implementation of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, the Left Communists lost much of their grass-roots support. By midsummer the group had disinte- grated. Surprisingly, its former members were to follow very different routes in the 1920s and 1930s, some finding themselves in the so-called "Left Opposition," others in the "Right Opposition," still others becoming pillars of Stalinist orthodoxy. The Left Communist episode raises a number of interesting historical and political questions. Did the program of the Left Communists provide a blueprint for a truly demo- cratic socialist society that, if only implemented, would have prevented the abuses of Lenin- ist and Stalinist Russia? Was their program excellent in theory but doomed to fail owing to the recalcitrant political, social, and economic realities of Russia at the time? Or were the Left Communists emotional and irrational idealists, refusing to face the reality of their hopeless situation? The correct answer is "none of the above," according to Ronald I. Kowalski in this detailed study of Left Communist thought and action. True, they were intensely devoted to their cause and defended their positions with passion. But the author argues that their positions were determined more by cold calculation and logical extensions of long-held theoretical positions than by the passions or emotions of the moment. True, Russian condi- tions of the time were highly unfavorable to their cause. But Kowalski, who is intensely sympathetic to the Left Communists, nonetheless concludes, very reluctantly, that their program itself was fatally flawed. Their adherence to central economic planning and large- scale collectivized farming was inherently incompatible, he argues, with their belief in local economic and political autonomy. Even in the most ideal of circumstances, therefore, their program would have led, no less than Lenin's, to authoritarianism and coercion rather than to democracy and freedom. The author may exaggerate the extent to which his ultimate findings conflict with those
Book Reviews 441 found in the standard Western works that touch on the subject. His exclusive focus on doctrine and policy is somewhat narrow, and some readers may take exception to his linger- ing quasi-Marxism. Nonetheless, because the topic is important and because the book is well written, excellently organized, and tightly argued, The Bolshevik Party in Conflict is both a pleasure to read and a useful contribution to the field.

The article I have is definitely not that but probably a shorter article on the same topic by Kowalski.

Anti War

9 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Anti War on January 18, 2016

'From Tsar to Lenin'
- classic documentary on the Russian Revolution narrated by Max Eastman.

This documentary is now on Youtube HERE. It could have had more on the involvement of women, workers and peasants in 1917 - and could have been more critical of the Bolsheviks. But it still contains some of the most amazing footage from the period.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by herz2 on December 21, 2016

One of the great puzzles of the February revolution is why, having initiated the revolution, working-class women were then unable to maintain this level of organisation in the upheavals of 1917. Bobroff-Hajal's well-researched book is, so far, the most in-depth attempt to understand the roots of this mystery. She vividly discusses women's roles in food riots, street fighting and political activism, as well as in courtship and wedding rituals. She concludes that traditional male-dominated culture tied working-class and peasant women to the nuclear family rather than to each other.

Working Women in Russia under the Hunger Tsars: political activism and daily life, by Anne Bobroff-Hajal

Chapters 1 to 7, Anne Bobroff-Hajal, 'Working Women in Russia Under the Hunger Tsars'

Chapters 8 to 12, Anne Bobroff-Hajal, 'Working Women in Russia Under the Hunger Tsars'

Chapters 12 to 14, Anne Bobroff-Hajal, 'Working Women in Russia Under the Hunger Tsars'


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on March 17, 2017

'From Tsar to Lenin'
- classic documentary on the Russian Revolution narrated by Max Eastman.

I just clicked on the youtube link and it's been removed because of the copyright is held by the Socialist Equality Party. Fucking trots! :p


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 17, 2017


'From Tsar to Lenin'
- classic documentary on the Russian Revolution narrated by Max Eastman.

I just clicked on the youtube link and it's been removed because of the copyright is held by the Socialist Equality Party. Fucking trots! :p

a couple of years ago, they threatened another Trotskyist group with a copyright lawsuit after the latter announced a public screaning of the movie:

Serge Forward

7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 25, 2017

How come the main picture for this article is what looks like a UGT demo?

Science - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on the sciences and the scientific method.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

a. Biology
*Richard Lewontin/Richard Levins/Steven Rose/Leon Kamin:
Dialectical Biologist - Lewontin/Levins
Biology Under the Influence - Lewontin/Levins
Towards A Liberatory Biology - Steven Rose (Ed.)
Against Biological Determinism - Steven Rose (Ed.)
The Radicalisation of Science - Hilary Rose/Steven Rose
The Making of Memory - Steven Rose
21st Century Brain - Steven Rose
The Conscious Brain - Steven Rose
The Chemistry of Life - Steven Rose
Science &Society - Hilary Rose/Steven Rose
Genes, Cells and Brains: Bioscience's Promethean Promises - Hilary Rose/Steven Rose
Can Neuroscience Change Our Minds? - Hilary Rose / Steven Rose
Human Diversity - Richard Lewontin
Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA - Lewontin
The DNA Myth: The Gene As A Cultural Icon. Dorothy Nelkin/MS Lindee

Critiques/discussions of sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, modularity
Defenders of the truth - Segerstrale, U.
Vaulting Ambition – Kitcher, P.
Adapting Minds - Buller, D.
Aping Mankind - Tallis, R.
Why The Mind Is Not A Computer - Tallis, R.
Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology - Richardson, RC.
Sociobiology Examined - Montagu, A. (ed)
Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary Psychology - Hilary Rose/ Steven Rose
Not in Our Genes - Lewontin/Rose/Kamin
The Use & Abuse of Biology - M.Sahlins
The Mind Doesn't Work That Way - Jerry Fodor
Modularity of Mind - Jerry Fodor
Getting Darwin Wrong - Brendan Wallace

Critiques/discussions of IQ studies
The Science and Politics of I.Q. - Kamin
Leon Kamin vs Hans Eysenck: Intelligence: the battle for the mind
The Mismeasure of Man - SJ Gould
From Genesis To Genocide: the meaning of human nature and the power of behavior control - Stephan Chorover
Intelligence, Psychology, and Education: a marxist critique - Brian Simon
*The IQ Myth - Mensh/Mensh
The Genius in All of Us - D Shenk
The Bell Curve Wars – S. Fraser, Ed.
Race & IQ - A.Montagu (ed.)
Education & Class: the irrelevance of IQ genetic studies. Richard Lewontin & Michel Schiff
Are we getting smarter? Rising IQ in the 21st century - J. Flynn
The IQ Controversy - N. Block & G. Dworkin (eds)
Equality: Language Development, Human Intelligence, and Social Organization - N. Chomsky, in Walter Feinberg (ed), Equality and Social Policy. Reprinted in C.P. Otero (ed) Chomsky On Democracy & Education, and in J. Peck (ed) The Chomsky Reader
Race And Intelligence: The Fallacies Behind The Race IQ Controversy - Ken Richardson
Race, Culture & Intelligence - Richardson, Spears, and Richards (Eds)
Genes, Brains, and Human Potential - Ken Richardson

*Stephen J. Gould:
Ever Since Darwin
The Panda's Thumb
Hen's Teeth and Horses Toes
The Flamingo's Smile
Bully For Brontosaurus
Wonderful Life
An Urchin In The Storm
Eight Little Piggies
The Mismeasure of Man
Full House
Leonardo’s Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms
The Richness of Life - collection edited by Paul McGarr & Steven Rose
--- About Gould ---
The Science & Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould - Clark & York
Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of Evolution - DF Prindle
Stephen Jay Gould: Reflections on His View of Life - Warren D. Allmon (Editor), Patricia H. Kelley (Editor), Robert M. Ross

*Niles Eldridge:
The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Creationism
Unfinished Synthesis
The Myths of Human Evolution
Time Frames

Roger Lewin/Richard Leakey:
People of The Lake
Origins Reconsidered
Life at The Edge of Chaos (Lewin)
Complexity (Lewin)

E. Mayr:
Animal Species and Evolution
The Growth of Biological Thought*
Populations, Species and Evolution
The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives On The Unification of Biology (w/ Will Provine)
What Makes Biology Unique?
Towards a New Philosophy of Biology

The Prince of Evolution - Lee Dugatkin
The Undiscovered Mind - John Horgan
The Language of Genes - S. Jones
*Mankind Evolving - Dobzhansky
*Lucy - Donald Johanson
The Seas Around Us - Rachel Carson
The Atheist and the Holy City - G. Klein
Primate Paradigms – Fedigan
The Ontogeny of Information – S. Oyama
Sex and Friendship in Baboons – Smuts
Primate Societies – Smuts, et al. Eds.
Biological Politics – Sayers
Biology: A Self-Teaching Guide – Garber
Biological Science – Keeton

History & philosophy of biology/science
The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine and Reform in Radical London - A. Desmond
Darwin's Sacred Cause - Desmond/Moore
Science on Trial - D. Futuyama
Science Wars - Ross
*Abusing Science - P. Kitcher
Science & Creationism - A.Montagu (ed.)
Free Radicals: the secret anarchy of science - Michael Brooks
Critique of Intelligent Design - Foster, Clark and York
Evolution: history of an idea - P. Bowler
Rebels, Mavericks and Heretics in Biology - Oren Harman / Michael Dietrich
The Price of Altruism: George Price and the Search for the Origins of Kindness - O. Harman

Science & Gender
Myths of Gender – A. Fausto-Sterling
Sexing the body - A.Fausto-Sterling
Delusions of Gender - Cordelia Fine

b. Physics
*Cosmos - Carl Sagan
*Order Out of Chaos - Ilya Prigogene
The Big Bang Never Happened – E. J. Lerner
The Strange Story of the Quantum – Banesh Hoffman
Causality and Chance in Modern Physics – D. Bohm
Making a New Science - Gleick
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Chaos - James Gleick
The Arrow of Time - P. Coveney/R. Highfield
The Quark and the Jaguar - M. Gell-Mann
Complexity - M. Waldrop

*Hannes Alfven:
Cosmic Plasma
On the Origin of the Solar System
Structure and Evolutionary History of the Solar System
Worlds-Antiworlds: Anti-Matter in Cosmology

*Basic Physics – Kuhn
*Physics the Easy Way – Lehrman
*Six Easy Pieces/Six Not-So-Easy Pieces – Feynman, Davies, Ed.
My View of The World – Schrodinger
Space-Time Structure – Schrodinger
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics – Schrodinger
Dreams of a Final Theory – Weinberg
*Science and The Retreat From Reason – Gillot/Kumar
Mathematics for Physicists - Dennery

Albert Einstein:
The Evolution of Physics (with Infeld)
The Meaning of Relativity
Essays in Physics

c. Chemistry
General Chemistry - Linus Pauling
The Development of Chemical Principles – Langford/Beebe
The Historical Background of Chemistry – Leicester
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics – Pauling
Modern Quantum Chemistry – Szabo
Thermodynamics of Irreversible Process – Haase
The Chemistry of Life - Steven Rose
Chemistry the easy Way – Macetta
Chemistry: Concepts and Problems – Houk/Post
Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of College Chemistry - Rosenberg
The Chemistry of Life - S. Rose

d. Geology
Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle - S.J. Gould
Basic Paleontology – Benton/Harper
The Earth: An introduction to Physical Geology – Tarbuck/Lutgens
Origin and Evolution: Principles of Historical Geology – Condie/Sloan

e. Mathematics
*A History of Mathematics - Boyer/Merzbach
A Concise History of Mathematics - Dirk J. Struik
Capitalism and Arithmetic - Swetz
The Art of Mathematics – King
*A-Plus Notes for Algebra – Rong yang
*College Algebra – Leff
*Algebra the Easy Way – Downing/Detrich
*Calculus the easy Way – Downing
Advanced Calculus – Widder
Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to its Role in Science – Hahn
Calculus and Analytic Geometry – Thomas
Geometry – Jacobs, Ed.
Geometry: A Comprehensive Course - Pedoe

*Schaum’s Outlines:
Theory and Problems of Beginning Linear Algebra
Theory and Problems of Matrix Operations
Theory and Problems of Differential Equations
Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
General Topology
Group Theory
Advanced Calculus
Outline of Calculus
Theory and Problems of Beginning Calculus
Theory and Problems of Pre-Calculus

f. Medicine
*Dangerous To Your Health - V. Navarro
*The Second Sickness - H. Waitzkin
The Social Transformation of American Medicine - P. Starr
The Youngest Science - L. Thomas
Bad Science - Ben Goldacre
Bad Pharma - Ben Goldacre

h. Science, Capitalism and Method
*The Political Economy of Science - H. Rose/S. Rose
*Science and Society - H. Rose/S. Rose
Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge – di Leonardo, Ed.
*Marxism and the Philosophy of Science – Sheehan
*Marxism and Modern Science – Alan Wood
Science in History – J. D. Bernal
A People's History of Science: miners, midwives and 'low mechanicks' - C.D. Conner
Reflections on Gender and Science - Keller
Feminism and Science - Tuana
The Revolutionary Ideas of Frederick Engels (International Socialism 65, 1994)
Order Out of Chaos - P. McGarr (International Socialism 48, 1990)
*The Advancement of Science - P. Kitcher
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - T. Kuhn

Martin Gardner:
Science: Good, Bad, Bogus
The New Age


Second International - further reading guide

Karl Kautsky, leading figure in the Second International
Karl Kautsky, leading figure in the Second International

Libcom's guide to further reading on the Second International.

Submitted by Steven. on October 26, 2008

*Critique of The Gotha Program - Karl Marx
*Critique of the Erfurt Program - Friedrich Engels
The Second International - James Joll
The First Three Internationals - George Novack
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 2 - G. D. H. Cole
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 3 Part I - G. D. H. Cole
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 3 Part II - G. D. H. Cole
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 4 Part I - G. D. H. Cole
History of Socialist Thought, Vols. 4 Part II - G. D. H. Cole
German Social-Democracy: 1905-1917 - Carl E. Schorske
Lenin's Struggle for a Revolutionary International, 1907-16
Karl Kautsky and the Socialist Revolution - Massimo Salvatori
Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Work – Paul Frolich
A Conflict of Interest: Women in German Social Democracy, 1919-1933 - Renate Pore
Political Profiles - Leon Trotsky
The Mass Strike, The Political Party and The Trade Unions - Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg Speaks
Selected Writings - Rosa Luxemburg
German Essays on Socialism in The 19th Century - The German Library Series, Vol. 41
The Road to Power – Karl Kautsky
The Class Struggle – Karl Kautsky
History of the Bolshevik Party - Grigory Zinoviev
The Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma - Aleksei Badayev
Twenty Years in Underground Russia - Cecilia Bobrovskaya
The Bolsheviks Under Illegality – Solomon Tchernmorodik
Lenin and the Revolutionary Party – Paul LeBlanc
Reminiscences of Lenin – Nadezdha Krupskaya
Memoirs of a Revolutionary – Eva Broido
Leninism Under Lenin - Marcel Liebman
Our Tasks - Leon Trotsky
The Second Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party
A Documentary History of Communism - Robert Vincent Daniels
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union - Leonard Shapiro
My Life as a Rebel - Angelica Balabanoff


Second indochina war: further reading guide

Bombing of Vietnam, 1965, public domain

A compilation of relevant content on the Second Indochina War.

Submitted by adri on January 7, 2023


* War Crimes in Vietnam - Bertrand Russell
* Vietnam: Anatomy of a War, 1940-1975 - Gabriel Kolko
* Vietnam: Anatomy of a Peace - Gabriel Kolko
* At War with Asia: Essays on Indochina - Noam Chomsky
* The Political Economy of Human Rights - Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
* Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact and Propaganda - Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
* Vietnam: Peasant Land, Peasant Revolution: Patriarchy and Collectivity in the Rural Economy - Nancy Wiegersma
* Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam - Gareth Porter
* A People's History of the Vietnam War - Jonathan Neale
* Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture - Noam Chomsky
* Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal - Howard Zinn
* Vietnam: The Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism - Gareth Porter
* The Vietnam Wars, 1945-1990 - Marilyn Young
* Giai Phong!: The Fall and Liberation of Saigon - Tiziano Terzani
* Land Reform in China and North Vietnam: Consolidating the Revolution at the Village Level - Edwin E. Moise
* The "Silent Majority" Speech: Richard Nixon, the Vietnam War, and the Origins of the New Right - Scott Laderman
* In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary - Ngo Van
* The Third Force in the Vietnam Wars: The Elusive Search for Peace 1954-75 - Sophie Quinn-Judge
* The Pol Pot Regime - Ben Kiernan
* How Pol Pot Came to Power - Ben Kiernan
* Viet Nam: A History from Earliest Times to the Present - Ben Kiernan
* Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia - William Shawcross
* The United States and Cambodia, 1872-1969: From Curiosity to Confrontation - Kenton Clymer
* The United States and Cambodia, 1969-2000: A Troubled Relationship - Kenton Clymer
* Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact - Michael Haas
* 1001 Ways to Beat the Draft - Tuli Kupferberg and Robert Bashlow


* Four Decades on: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War - Scott Laderman and Edwin A. Martini
* Coming to Terms: Indochina, the United States, and the War - Douglas B. Allen and Ngo Vinh Long

Primary sources

* Ho Chi Minh: Selected Writings 1920-1969 - Ho Chi Minh
* The Vietnam War: A History in Documents (Pages from History) - Marilyn B. Young, John J. Fitzgerald, A. Tom Grunfeld (eds.)
* Vietnam: A History in Documents - Gareth Porter (ed.)
* Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays - Robert McMahon (ed.)
* The Pentagon Papers
* "Land-to-the-Tiller in South Vietnam: The Tables Turn" - Roy L. Prosterman
* The Military Art of People's War: Selected Writings of General Vo Nguyen Giap - Vo Nguyen Giap (ed. Russell Stetler)
* Pol Pot Plans the Future: Confidential Leadership Documents from Democratic Kampuchea, 1976-1977 - David Chandler, Ben Kiernan, Chanthou Boua (eds.)
* Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea, 1942-1981 - Ben Kiernan and Chanthou Boua (eds.)
* My War with the CIA: The Memoirs of Prince Norodom Sihanouk as Related to Wilfred Burchett - Norodom Sihanouk
* "Memorandum of Conversation: Secretary's Meeting with Foreign Minister Chatichai of Thailand" - Henry Kissinger and Chatichai Choonhavan

Articles, essays, and chapters

* "America's War in Indochina" (in Root & Branch) - Paul Mattick
* "Notes on the War in Vietnam and American Capitalism" (in Root & Branch) - Jorge M. E.
* "Vietnam: Whose Victory?" - Bob Potter
* "The Myth of the Bloodbath: North Vietnam's Land Reform Reconsidered" (in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars) - Gareth Porter
* "The Myth of the Hue Massacre" (in Ramparts) - Edward S. Herman and Gareth Porter
* "Vietnam: The Real Enemy" (in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars) - Ngo Vinh Long
* "Cambodia (Kampuchea): History, Tragedy, and Uncertain Future" - Michael Vickery
* "The United States and Indochina: Far from an Aberration" (in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars) - Noam Chomsky
* "The Impossible Victory: Vietnam" (in A People's History of the United States) - Howard Zinn
* "The 'bloodbath' in Vietnam [is] just a myth" (in The Boston Globe) - Howard Zinn
* "On the Emergence of Bourgeois Society in Indochina" - Kommunistisches Programm
* "The Formation of the Vietnamese Nation-State" - Kommunistisches Programm
* "National Revolution and Downfall of Cambodia" - Kommunistisches Programm
* "A Necessary Salve: The 'Hue Massacre' in History and Memory" (in Theatres of Violence: Massacre, Mass Killing and Atrocity throughout History) - Scott Laderman
* "Land Reform and Land Reform Errors in North Vietnam" - Edwin E. Moise
* "'Before It Is Too Late': Land Reform in South Vietnam, 1956-1968" - David A. Conrad
* "Rural Resettlement in South Viet Nam: The Agroville Program" - Joseph J. Zasloff
* "The American Bombardment of Kampuchea, 1969-1973" (in Vietnam Generation) - Ben Kiernan

Audio and video

* "Remembering Vietnam" - Ngo Vinh Long and Noam Chomsky
* Four Hours in My Lai - Kevin Sim



2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on January 7, 2023

Feel free to modify/change the image if it's too graphic (it's of the My Lai Massacre), and please suggest stuff to add to the reading guide.


2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by Steven. on January 9, 2023

Thanks for getting this started. For now I have moved this into the Further reading guide. Have updated the graphic image, and used the latest Solidarity pamphlet which superseded the earlier one.


2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by sherbu-kteer on January 9, 2023

The German communist left journal Kommunistisches Programm had a three part series that may be relevant, translated by Libri Incogniti:

I found it interesting, bearing in mind the usual Bordigist quirks.


2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on January 10, 2023

The German communist left journal Kommunistisches Programm had a three part series that may be relevant, translated by Libri Incogniti:

Not a bad analysis. I'll add it to the list. There are certainly more works just critiquing American imperialism than there are those critiquing both that and the Lao Dong Party/Vietnamese Communist Party, so it's sort of refreshing to see both. Then again the majority of Vietnamese actually supported Ho and the DRV, as American officials constantly lament throughout the documentary record, and which was also the reason why the Diem government refused to ever hold the reunification elections as specified in the Geneva Accords of 1954. Nonetheless, I agree that there was nothing "socialist/communist" about the Vietnamese Communist Party, whether before or after reunification.


2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by adri on January 10, 2023

Thanks for getting this started. For now I have moved this into the Further reading guide. Have updated the graphic image, and used the latest Solidarity pamphlet which superseded the earlier one.

Np. I'll try to add links for the books and articles and possibly upload some of the content on here. I'll also probably reformat all the entries into proper citations with more info at some point (kind of like the China reading guide).


2 years ago

Submitted by adri on January 29, 2023

It's rather interesting how the term "Viet Cong" was actually a pejorative invented by the Saigon government that the National Liberation Front never used themselves (and which is still not used in Vietnam today). Ngo Vinh Long (who recently passed away) argued that it was coined by Nguyễn Văn Châu as a homonym for "Diệt Cộng" (meaning to "annihilate the communists") and was part of the Diem government's Anti-Communist Denunciation Campaign. See this correspondence here, and also the above "Remembering Vietnam" clip starting at around 14:53. It's sort of a testament to the effectiveness of U.S./Saigon propaganda that virtually everyone in the West, whether intentionally or not, treats it as if it were some "official term" for the NLF (or rather the Vietnamese who rose up against the aggression of the U.S.-backed Diem regime). I'd be interested in other sources discussing the origins of the term; most sources seem to acknowledge that it's a pejorative or slang term, but don't really go into any depth.


1 year 6 months ago

Submitted by adri on August 14, 2023

I feel like it deserves a special mention that Nguyen Cao Ky, the South Vietnamese Prime Minister and later Vice President, expressed an admiration for Hitler on numerous occasions, such as in a 1965 interview with a British journalist. Ky made such comments while American officials attempted to portray "communism" in Vietnam (a peasant country) as an existential threat on the same level as Nazi Germany. War hawks also cited the Western accommodation of Nazi Germany (e.g. the Munich Agreement) as an example of why the U.S. should act more decisively in Southeast Asia. It was thus not very convenient for the U.S. when one of the people they were supporting described Hitler as their only hero! It was reported in a number of different news outlets at the time. Here's the Jewish Telegraphic Agency for example:

A statement by South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky that Adolf Hitler is his personal hero has upset Washington officials committed to the Saigon regime, it was learned here today. Gen. Ky told the London Sunday Mirror, in an interview printed in the Washington Post, that “People ask me who my heroes are. I have only one–Hitler.”

Gen. Ky explained that the basis of his admiration for the Nazi Fuehrer was that Hitler succeeded in unifying a divided Germany around himself. He reportedly added that South Viet Nam should have “four or five Hitlers to deal with subversive elements and unify the Vietnamese nation.”

One official source here said that Gen. Ky may have admired Hitler as a nationalist leader of Germany, but that Washington authorities felt this should not be interpreted as an endorsement of Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies.

Sex and sexuality - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading on sex, gender and sexuality.

Submitted by Steven. on November 28, 2008

Alexandra Kollontai:
*Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle
The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman

The Hypocrisy of Puritanism Emma Goldman
*The Sexual Contract – Carole Pateman
Sex-Pol - W. Reich
The Women, Gender and Development Reader - Visvanatham, Duggan, Nisonoff, Wiegersma, Eds.
Language, Gender and Sex in Comparative Perspective – Goodwin/Goodwin
Familiar Exploitation – Delphy
Promissory Notes – Kruks/Rapp/Young, Eds.
Of Marriage and the Market – K. Young, et al, Eds.
Gender and Power – R. W. Connell
This Bridge Called My Back – Moraga/Anzaldua
Dreams and Dilemmas - Rowbotham
The Body Politic (collection from '60's and '70's)
Eleanor Marx, Vol. 1 & 2 - Kapp
The Sociology of Housework – Oakley
The History of Sexuality – Foucault
Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization - Ladelle McWhorter
Myths of Gender – A. Fausto-Sterling
Delusions of Gender - Cordelia Fine


Soviet Union, China and other Stalinisms - reading guide

Further reading guide about "state socialist" countries. Unlike many books on Stalinist societies, these texts emphasise struggles from below:

Submitted by drowsy on May 4, 2013


Aufheben, 'What was the USSR?' Part I: Trotsky and state capitalism; Part II: Russia as a non-mode of production; Part III: Left communism and the Russian revolution; Part IV: Towards a theory of the deformation of value.

Linda Cook, The Soviet Social Contract and Why It Failed; Welfare Policy and Workers’ Politics from Brezhnev to Yeltsin. Cook shows how the Soviet elite kept power not just with repression but by offering concessions to contain the Soviet working class.

Michael Cox,'The Cold War as a System'. Cox convincingly shows how Stalinism and the Cold War helped stabilise global capitalism for 40 years.

Donald Filtzer, Soviet Workers and Stalinist Industrialization: The Formation of Modern Soviet Production Relations, 1928-1941, and Soviet Workers and De-Stalinization: The Consolidation of the Modern System of Soviet Production Relations, 1953-1964. Filtzer puts the issue of labor discipline at the very heart of his understanding of the antagonistic relationship between the Soviet elite and its work force.

Marcel van der Linden, Western Marxism and the Soviet Union. The most comprehensive summary of the various theories of the nature of the Soviet Union.

Jeffrey Rossman, Worker Resistance under Stalin; Class and Revolution on the Shop Floor. A detailed account and analysis of cotton workers' strikes in 1932, examining class, gender identity politics in Stalin's Russia. The book is summarised here: 'Strikes against Stalin in 1930s Russia'.

Hillel Ticktin, 'Towards a Political Economy of the USSR', Critique No.1;
'The Class Structure of the USSR and the Elite', Critique No.9;
'The Political Economy of Class in the Transitional Epoch', Critique No.20-21. In these classic articles, Hillel Ticktin went beyond all previous Marxist understandings of the Soviet Union which tended to crudely squeeze the complexities of the chaotic Soviet system into preconceived categories such 'state capitalism' or 'degenerated workers state'.

Lynne Viola, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance Includes a chapter on women's riots against collectivization: 'Peasant Women's Protest during Collectivization'.

Wikipedia on Joseph Stalin for introduction to debate on the number of Stalin's victims.


Simon Clarke, Simon Clarke shows how industrial relations in Russian workplaces have changed since the Soviet collapse.
What about the Workers? Workers and the Transition to Capitalism in Russia.
The Workers' Movement in Russia.
Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Post-Communist Russia.
The Development of Capitalism in Russia.

Stephen Crowley, Hot Coal, Cold Steel. Crowley shows how struggles by miners were central to the story of the Soviet Union's collapse.

Donald Filtzer, Soviet Workers and the Collapse of Perestroika: The Soviet Labour Process and Gorbachev's Reforms, 1985-1991. Soviet industry was plagued with high labor turnover, absenteeism, heavy drinking, and slow work which all encouraged the system's eventual collapse. The argument is summarised here: 'Labor discipline and the decline of the soviet system'.

Hillel Ticktin, Origins of the Crisis in the USSR: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System. The argument is summarised here: 'Theories of Disintegration of the USSR' and updated here: 'Political Economy of a Disintegrating Stalinism' Critique Vol.36.

David Mandel, Labour After Communism. Another very useful book on relations between workers and bosses since the Soviet Collapse.


Julie Marie Bunck, Fidel Castro and the Quest for a Revolutionary Culture in Cuba. Bunck may well be a right-winger but she is very good on the popular opposition to Castro's often over-praised regime.

Jeffrey Kopstein, Chipping Away at the State: Workers' Resistance and the Demise of East Germany. Kopstein argues how the everyday resistance of East German workers could wear down a despotic state over four decades until it was eventually overthrown. The book is summarised here: 'Workers' resistance and the demise of East Germany'.

Harold Lydall, Yugoslavia in Crisis. Lydall integrates Yugoslavia's experiments in workers' self-management into his analysis of the decline of the regime created by Tito.


Daniel Kelliher, Peasant Power in China, The Era of Rural Reform, 1979–1989. Like Thaxton, Kelliher uses James C Scott's 'anarchist' ideas of 'everyday resistance' to understand the Chinese peasantry.

Ching Kwan Lee, Against the Law, Labor Protests in China’s Rustbelt and Sunbelt. Lee's book is a brilliant history of the recent changes in the Chinese workplace.

Elizabeth Perry: is a good social historian of the history of the Chinese working class.
Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China;
Proletarian Power: Shanghai in the Cultural Revolution;
Danwei: The Changing Chinese Workplace in Historical and Comparative Perspective;
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict, and Resistance;
Challenging the Mandate of Heaven: Social Protest and State Power in China.

Pun Ngai, Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace.

Ralph A. Thaxton, Catastrophe and Contention in Rural China: Mao's Great Leap Forward Famine and the Origins of Righteous Resistance in Da Fo Village .

Wikipedia on Mao Zedong for introduction to debates on numbers of Mao's victims.



10 years 4 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Comrade on October 28, 2014

this book must be added its very usefull

Spanish Civil War - further reading guide

Libcom's guide to further reading around the Spanish civil war and revolution of 1936-1939.

Submitted by Steven. on November 6, 2008

- Homage to Catalonia - Orwell*
- The Civil War in Spain - Broue/Themin
- Wrong Steps: Errors in the Spanish Revolution - Juan Garcia Oliver
- The Friends of Durruti Group, 1937-9 – A. Guillamon
- We, the Anarchists: A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 - Stuart Christie
- "Nazism and the Working Class, 1933-93" - Sergio Bologna
- "The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" - Otto Rühle
- Revolution and War in Spain 1931-39 – P. Preston
- Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Spain - Morrow
- The Spanish Revolution – Trotsky
- The Spanish Civil War: The View From the Left – Revolutionary History
- The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years 1868-1936 - Bookchin
- To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936 - Bookchin
- Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution - Peirats
- The Comintern and The Spanish Civil War - E.H. Carr
- The Spanish Revolution – Thomas
- Workers against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts (1936-38) - M. Seidman
- The Truth About Spain - Rocker
- The Tragedy of Spain - Rocker
- Spain - Souchy
- Defying Male Civilization – Nash
- Economic Relations Between Nazi Germany and Franco’s Spain: 1936-45
- Memories of Resistance: Women’s Voices in the Spanish Civil War – Mangini
- Mississippi to Madrid – Yates
- The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade – Carroll
- African Americans in the Spanish Civil War – Collum
- Civil War in Spain – Jellinek
- The Spanish Revolution - Payne

- For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway


Third International - further reading guide

Monument to the Third International

libcom's guide to further reading around the Comintern, or Third International.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

*The Italian Left – Philippe Bourrinet
*The German Dutch Left - Philippe Bourrinet
*The German Revolution - H. Powys Greenwood
*The Wilhelmshaven revolt: a chapter of the revolutionary movement in the German Navy 1918-1919 by Icarus
*The Ruhr and Revolution - Tampke
*Revolutionary Hamburg - Comfort
*World Revolution and Communist Tactics – Pannekoek
*Communism versus Reforms – Pankhurst
*Reply to Communism versus Reforms – Pannekoek
*The New Blanquism – Pannekoek
*Pannekoek and Gorter’s Marxism
*Open Letter to Comrade Lenin – Gorter
*The Revolution is Not a Party Affair – Ruhle
*From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution – Ruhle
*Report from Moscow – Ruhle
*Programme of the German Communist Workers’ Party
*The Second Congress of the KAPD (resume)
The Origins of the Movement for Workers’ Councils in Germany – H. Canne Meijer
The KAPD in Retrospect – B. Reichenbach
Eclipse and Re-emergence of the of the Communist Movement – J. Barrot
International Communism in the Era of Lenin - Gruber
Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder - Lenin
The Lost Revolution – Harman
The German Revolutions - Broue
Failure of a Revolution, Germany 1918-19 - Haffner
The First Five Years of the Communist International - Trotsky
Theses, Resolutions and Manifestoes of the 1st 4 Congresses of the 3rd International
Proletarian Order - Williams
The Occupation of The Factories - P. Spriano
History of The World Crisis - Mariategui
The Comintern - D. Hallas
The German Revolution and the Debate on Soviet Power
The Founding of the Third International
History of Socialist Thought, Vol. 4 - Cole
Congress of the Peoples of the East at Baku
The 2nd Congress of the Third International (Documents)
Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism - D.A. Smart, Ed.
The German Revolution, 1918-1919 - Ralph H. Lutz
War and Revolution in Leipzig 1914-1918: Socialist Politics and Urban Evolution in a German City - David McKibbin
*The Socialist Left and the German Revolution : A History of the German Independent Social Democratic Party, 1917-1922 - David W., Morgan
The German Revolution of 1918: A Study of German Socialism in War and Revolt - A. J. Ryder
The German Revolution of 1918 - Henry Friedlander
A German Revolution : Local Change and Continuity in Prussia, 1918-1920 - Stephen C. MacDonald
Stillborn revolution : the Communist bid for power in Germany - Angress
Witness to the German Revolution: writings from Germany 1923 - Serge


United States - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading around the United States, its history, its colonial past and the struggles of workers, women, African Americans and other ordinary people.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

A. General American History

*A People's History of the United States - Zinn
America's Revolutionary Heritage - Novack
*Contours of American History - W.A. Williams
*The Tragedy of American Diplomacy - W.A. Williams
Who Built America? (2 vols.) - H.C. Gutman
Letters To Americans, 1848-1895 - Marx/Engels
Lenin On The United States
The Politics of History - Zinn
Declarations of Independence - Zinn
Year 501 - N. Chomsky

1. Class and Power in The U.S.

*Who Rules America - Domhoff
Who Rules America Now - Domhoff
The Powers That Be – Domhoff
Critical Legal Theory – Kelman
*Inheriting Shame: Eugenics and Racism - Selden
Race & State in Capitalist Development - Greenberg
In the Shadow of the Poorhouse – M. Katz
What's Love Got To Do With It? A History of U.S. Charity - David Wagner
The Counselor as Gatekeeper – Erickson/Schultze
Power, Politics and Crime - Chambliss
Law, Order and Power - Chambliss/Seidman
Whose Law and What Order? A Conflict Approach to Crimnology - Chambliss/Mankoff
History of American Law - Friedman
Crime and punishment in American History - Friedman
A People's History of the Supreme Court - Irons
Race, Crime and Law - Kennedy
Black labor and The American Legal System - Hill
Black Robes, White Justice - Wright
Imagining The Law - Cantor
The Transformation of American Law, 2 Vols. - Horwitz
Crime and Punishment in America - Currie
A Primer in Radical Criminology - Lynch/Groves
Class, State and Crime - Quinney
Critique of Legal Order - Quinney
Capitalism, Patriarchy and Crime - Messerschmidt
Regulating the Poor – Cloward/Fox-Piven
*Sharing The Pie - Brouer
Classes - Erik Olin Wright
Wealth and Power in America - Kolko
Power and The Powerless - Parenti
The Power Elite - Mills
Power and Culture - H.C. Gutman
Militarism, U.S.A. - Donovan
Class And Conflict in American Society - Lejuene
Who Gets What From Government - Page

2. Native American History, General

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - Brown
Black Elk Speaks
Black Hills/White Justice - Lazarus
The Conquest of America - Todorov
Capitalism and Conquest - Broue
Marxism and Native Americans - W. Churchill
The Slaveholding Indians - A. Abel
Red, White, and Black - G. Nash
Redskins, Ruffleshirts, and Rednecks - M. E. Young

Louise Erdrich
The Beet Queen
Love Medicine
The Bingo Palace

House Made of Dawn - Momaday
Ceremony - Silko
Creek Mary's Blood - Brown

3. African-American History, General

*Before the Mayflower - Bennett, Jr.
*Economics of Racism, U.S.A. - Perlo
*The Political Economy of The Black Ghetto - Tabb
*How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America - Marable
*Race Rebels - R.D.G. Kelley
Standing at Armageddon – Painter
Black Workers’ Struggles in Detroit’s Auto Industry - Fujita
American Socialism and Black Americans: From the Age of Jackson to World War II - Philip S. Foner
The Black Worker, 8 Vols. - Philip S. Foner
In Red and Black: Marxian Explorations in Southern and Afro-American History - E. Genovese
From Plantation to Ghetto - Meier/Rudwick
Chronicles of Black Protest - Chambers
The Wages of Whiteness - Roediger
The Rise and Fall of the White Republic - Saxon
Black Protest – Grant
Critical Race Theory -
Black Resistance/White Law - M.F. Berry
Black Self-Determination - Franklin
Neither Black Nor White - Macmillan
Civil Rights and African-Americans - Blaustein/Zangrando, Eds.
The Making of Black America, 2 vols. - Meier/Rudwick, Eds.
*A Documentary History of The Negro People in the U.S., vols. 1-7 - Aptheker

4. Organized Labor, General

*Labor Wars - Lens
*Strike - Brecker
100 Years of Labor in the U.S.A. - Guerrin
*The Negro and The American Labor Movement - Jacobson, Ed.
*Women and The American Labor Movement - Foner
*Organized Labor and The Black Worker - P. Foner
A Short History of Labor Conditions under Capitalism in the United States of America, 1789-1946 - Kuczynski
Our Own Time - Roediger/Foner
Yankee Unions, Go Home! - J. Scott
The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home - Hochschild
The War On Labor and The Left - P. Cayo Sexton
All Day, Every Day - Westwood
Sparrows Point - M. Reutter
The Crisis of American Labor - Lens
American Labor Struggles - Yellen
*Labor's Untold Story - Boyer/Morais

5. Women's History, General

*Women, Work and Protest - Milkman
*Century of Struggle – Flexner
Women’s Legacy: Essays in Race, Sex and Class in American History – B. Aptheker
We Were There - Barbara Mayer Wertheimer
Sex, Race and the Role of Women in the South – Janiewski
Between Women – Domestics and Their Employers – J. Rollins
Women in Movement - Sheila Rowbotham
Women and the Politics of Empowerment – Bookman/Morgen, Eds.
Women and The American Labor Movement - P. Foner
*When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America - P. Giddings
Out to Work - Kessler-Harris
Issei, Nisei, War Bride: Three Generations of Japanese American Women in Domestic Service – E. Nakano Glenn
Nobody Speaks For Me - N. Seifer, Ed.
*Race, Gender and Work - T. Amott/J. Matthaei
Pornography and Silence - Griffin

6. Chicano History, General

*A Documentary History of The Mexican-Americans - W. Moquin, Ed.
Occupied America - Acuña
Chicanos in a Changing Society – Camarillo
Twice a Minority: Mexican American Women – Melville, Ed.
Race and Class in the Southwest - Barrera

B. The American Revolution

*America's Revolutionary Heritage (sections) - George Novack
*A People's History of The United States (sections) - H. Zinn
*An Economic Interpretation of The Constitution - Charles & Mary Beard
*The American Revolution - H. Aptheker
*The American Revolution - Alfred Young
Class Conflict, Slavery and the U.S. Constitution - S. Lynd
Early Years of The Republic - H. Aptheker
Republican Religion: The American Revolution and The Cult of Reason - G. Koch

C. Pre-1860

1. General Overviews

*Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men - E. Foner
Race and Politics - J. Rawley

2. Slavery and African-American History

Herbert Aptheker:
*American Negro Slave Revolts
To Be Free
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Eugene Genovese:
*The Political Economy of Slavery
*From Rebellion to Revolution
*The World the Slaveowners Made
Slavery in the New World - w/L. Foner
*Roll, Jordan, Roll
In Red and Black
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips:
American Negro Slavery
Life and Labor in the Old South
The Slave Economy of the Old South - E. Genovese, Ed.

*Capitalism and Slavery - Williams
*North of Slavery - Leon Litwack
*How The Irish Became White – Ignatiev
*The Invention of the White Race, 2 Vols. – Allen
*Wages of Whiteness – Roediger
*The Rise and Fall of the White Republic – Saxon
Black Majority – P. Wood
The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas - Eltis
Slave Insurrections in the United States - J. C. Carroll
Black Rebellion - T. W. Higginson
Army Life in a Black Regiment - T. W. Higginson
Gentlemen of Property and Standing - Leonard Richards
The Rise and Fall of Black Slavery - C. D. Rice
The Slave Community - J. Blassingame
Black Odyssey: The African-American Ordeal in Slavery - N. Huggins
“This Species of Property”: Slave Life and Culture in the Old South - L. H. Owens
Hard Trials on My Way: Slaver and The Struggle Against It - J. A. Scott
The Negro on the Frontier - K. W. Porter
History of Black Americans: From Africa to the Emergence of the Cotton Kingdoms - P. Foner
Business and Slavery: The New York Merchants and The Irre[ressible Conflict - P. Foner
American Slavery: The Question of Resistance - Bracey, Ed.
The Peculiar Institution - Kenneth Stampp
Industrial Slavery in the Old South - R. Starobin
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Brent
The Nat Turner Rebellion - Duff
Black Cargoes - Mannix/Cowley
Reckoning With Slavery - David, et al.
John Brown - W.E.B. DuBois
The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States - W. E. B. DuBois
*Within the Plantation Household - E. Fox-Genovese
*The Black Family Under Slavery and Freedom - Guttman
Colonists in Bondage - Smith
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Black Culture and Black Consciousness - L. Levine
The Religion of the Slaves - O. Alho
*Tobacco and Slaves – Kulikoff
*American Slavery, American Freedom - Morgan

3. Women's History

*Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 - Pinchbeck
The Origins of Modern Feminism In Britain, France and The United States, 1780-1860 - J. Kendall

D. Civil War and Reconstruction

1. General Overviews

*Marx On America and The Civil War
*On The Civil War in The U.S. - Marx/Engels

2. African-American History

*Black Power, U.S.A. - Lerone Bennett, Jr.
*Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880 - DuBois
*Reconstruction, 1867-1877 - Eric Foner
A Short History of Reconstruction - E. Foner
Reconstruction - Staughton Lynd
The Negro's Civil War - J. McPherson
The Era of Reconstruction - K. Stampp
The History of Black Americans: From the Compromise of 1850 to the End of the Civil War - P. Foner
Freedom Road - Fast
Beloved - Morrison

3. Organized Labor

Black Scare - Wood
History of the Labor Movement in the U.S., Vol. 1 - Phillip Foner
See Also: General American History

4. Women's History

Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in The U.S., 1848-1869 - E.C. DuBois

E. 1860-1890

1. General

Nature's Metropolis - Cronon
Race and Manifest Destiny - Horsman
The Emerging Order: God in The Age of Scarcity - Rifkin/Howard

2. Organized Labor

*History of The Labor Movement in The U.S., Vol. 2 - P. Foner
The Autobiographies of The Haymarket Martyrs - P. Foner
*The Great Rebellion of 1877 - P. Foner
Lucy Parsons: American Revolutionary - Ashbaugh
Beyond the Martyrs: A Social History of Chicago's Anarchists, 1870-1900 - Bruce C. Nelson
See General Labor History

3. African-American History

*The Strange Career of Jim Crow - C. Vann Woodward
*The Rise and Fall of The White Republic - Alexander Saxton
Collected Works of W.E.B. DuBois

4. Women's History

Woman and Labor - Olive Shreiner
The Rising of The Women - M. Tax

F. 1890-1918

1. General Overviews

*The Spanish-Cuban-American War and The Birth of American Imperialism, Vol. 1 & 2 - P. Foner
*The Populist Moment – Goodwyn
Wilson vs. Lenin: Political Origins of the New Diplomacy, 1914-1918 – Arno Mayer
Woodrow Wilson and World Politics – G. Levin

2. Organized Labor

*Autobiography of Big Bill Haywood
*Rebel Girl - Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
*The Socialist Party of America - Shannon
The I.W.W.: Its History, Structure And Methods - V. St. john
The Indispensable Enemy - Alexander Saxton
The Wobblies - Renshaw
We Shall Be All – Dubofsky
Red November, Black November - Salerno
Rebel Voices - Kornbluh
*The Autobiography of Mother Jones
*History of The Labor Movement in the U.S., Vol. 2-7 - P. Foner
Eugene V. Debs Speaks
Industrial Unionism - Trautmann
Direct Action and Sabotage - Trautmann
The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
Rivington Street

3. African-American History

The Souls Of Black Folks - DuBois
*Collected Works of W.E.B. DuBois
*Land of Hope - Grossman
Black Manhattan - James Weldon Johnson
*Race Relations in the Urban South - H. Rabinowitz

4. Women's History

*The Rising of The Women - Meredith Tax
The Ideas of The Woman Suffrage Movement - Aileen Kraditor

G. 1919-1920

1. Organized Labor

*Revolution in Seattle - O'Connor
The Seattle General Strike - Freidheim
*Labor in Crisis: The Steel Strike of 1919
Left, Right and Center - Sydney Lens
*History of The Labor Movement in The U.S., Vol. 8, 9 - P. Foner

2. African-American History

*Black Chicago - Allen Spear
*Race Riot - Tuttle
*Race Riot at East St. Louis - E. Rudwick

H. 1918-1941

1. General

*Class Struggle and the New Deal - R.F. Levine
*New Deal Thought - H. Zinn
The Bolshevik Revolution: Its Impact on American Radicals, Liberals and Labor - P. Foner, Ed.

2. Organized Labor

*The Lean Years - Bernstein
The Letters of Sacco and Vanzetti - Nicola Sacco, et al
All the Right Enemies: The Life and Murder of Carlo Tresca - Dorothy Gallagher
Sacco and Vanzetti
Pages From A Workers' Life - William Z. Foster
Labor Radical - Len Decaux
Steel Workers in America: The Non-Union Era - Brody
*Labor's Giant Step - Preis
Teamster Rebellion
Teamster Power
Teamster Politics
Teamster Bureaucracy

*The Depression of the Thirties - Anderson
*A Union Against Unions: The Minneapolis Citizens’ Alliance - Millikan
*Organize! – Mortimer
The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit - Lichtenstein
*Rank And File Rebellion - Lynd
*The Flint Sit-down Strike (Spark)
*A Black Worker in the Deep South - Hudson
*Hammer and Hoe - Kelley
*Southern Labor and Black Civil Rights - M. Honey
*Communists in Harlem During the Depression – Naison
*We Are All Leaders – Lynd, Ed.
Black Bolshevik - Haywood
American Labor and Consensus Capitalism, 1935-1990 - P. Renshaw
*Mean Things Happening in this Land - Mitchell
Making A New Deal, Industrial Workers in Chicago 1919-39 - L. Cohen
Brother Bill McKie - Bonofsky
Harry Bridges - Larrowe
John L. Lewis - S. Alinsky
Black Detroit and The Rise of The U.A.W. - Meier/Rudwick
The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck*
In Dubious Battle - Steinbeck*
Yonandio from the Thirties - Olsen*
Studs Lonigan - Farrell
Storming Heaven - Giardina*
1919 - Dos Passos
The Big Money - " "
The 42nd Parallel - " "
Union Square - M. Tax

3. The Communist Party in the U.S.: 1918-1945

*The Roots of American Communism - Draper
*The First Ten Years of American Communism - Cannon
*James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism, 1920-28
*American Communism and Soviet Russia - Draper
*The Heyday of American Communism - Klehr
The Romance of American Communism - Gornick
Communists in Harlem During The Great Depression - Naison
Hammer and Hoe - Kelley
A Black Worker in The Deep South - Hudson
American Trade Unionism - W.Z. Foster
New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism - Brown
History of The U.S. Labor Movement, Vol. 9 - P. Foner
Revolutionary Continuity: Birth of the Communist Movement - Dobbs
American Communism and Black Americans: A Documentary History, 2 Vols, 1919-1929 and 1930-1934 - P. Foner

4. Women's History

New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism (sections)
Revolt Against Chivalry - Hall

5. African-American History

*Marcus Garvey and The Vision of Africa - Clarke, Ed.
*Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey - Cronon
Black Power and the Garvey Movement - T. Vincent
Land of Hope - Grossman
A New Deal For Blacks - Sitkoff
Negroes and The Great Depression - Wolters
Revolt Against Chivalry - Hall
Black Milwaukee - Trotter
Southern Labor and Black Civil Rights - M. Honey
*Hammer and Hoe - Kelley
Communists in Harlem During the Depression - Naison
*Fighting Racism in WWII - C.L.R. James
Communist Councilman from Harlem - B.J. Davis
The Negro in Depression and War - Sternsher
Race Relations in The Urban South - H. Rabinowitz
Black Boy - Wright
Native Son - " "
Uncle Tom's Children - " "
Invisible Man - Ellison
Blues For Mister Charlie - Baldwin
Jazz - Morrison
My Soul's High Song, Collected Writings of Countee Cullen

I. World War II

1. General Overviews

See: General Works on American History
*The SWP in World War II - Cannon
*Fighting Racism in WWII - C.L.R. James

2. Organized Labor

*Wartime strikes - Martin Glaberman
*Labor's Giant Step (sections) - Art Preis
*Labor's War At Home - Lichtenstein
*American Labor and Consensus Capitalism, 1935-1990 - P. Renshaw
*Wages and Profits in Wartime (Labor Research Assoc.)
The Politics of War - G. Kolko

Gone To Soldiers - Marge Piercy

J. The Cold War and McCarthyism

*Free World Colossus - Horowitz
*Corporations and The Cold War - Williams
*The Intellectuals And McCarthy - Rogin
*Invitation To An Inquest - Schneir
*Cold War and Counterrevolution - Walton
*The Truman Era - Stone
*The Haunted Fifties - Stone
The Cruel Peace - F. Inglis
Empire and Revolution - D. Horowitz
Lives in the Balance - Nissani
Thirty Years of Treason - E. Bentley
Pax Americana - Steel
*American Communism in Crisis, 1943-1957 - Starobin
America, Russia and The Cold War - Lafeber

K. The Korean War

*Korea: The Unknown War - Cummings/Halliday
*The Hidden History of The Korean War - Stone

L. 1946-1971

1. General

The Socialist Register, 1967-1971
Coming Apart - O'Neill
In A Time of Torment - I.F. Stone
Intervention and Revolution - R. Barnet
Empire and Revolution - D. Horowitz
The End of Liberalism - Lowi
Lives in the Balance - Nissani
Growing Up Before Stonewall - Nardi/Sanders/Marmor

2. Organized Labor

*Labor's Giant Step (sections) - Preis
*Rank and File - Lynd
*An Injury to All – Moody
*Rise of the Workers’ Movements – Root and Branch
Prisoners of the American Dream - Davis
Rank and File Rebellion – LaBotz
The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit - Lichtenstein
*50 Years of the U.A.W. - Anderson
*UAW Politics in the Cold War Era - Martin Halpern
*American Labor and Consensus Capitalism, 1935-1990 - P. Renshaw
*American Labor and U.S. Foreign Policy - Ronald Radosh
The Fight For Union Democracy in Steel (SWP)
Class Struggle Articles
The Politics of Plant Closings - Portz
Crystal Lee - Leiferman
Rivethead - Hamper
Red Baker - Ward
Table Money - Breslin
The Dollmaker - Arnow

3. African-American History

The Civil Rights Movement:
*Negroes with Guns - Williams
*My Soul is Rested - Raines
*Paul Robeson Speaks
But For Birmingham - G. Eskew
Coming of Age in Mississippi - Moody
Black Like Me - Griffin
*In Struggle: SNCC and The Black Awakening of The 1960's - Clayborn Carson
Why We March - Soul Brother No. 44
Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community - M.L. King
Free At Last? - Powledge
Freedom Summer - McAdam
Here I Stand - Paul Robeson

Black Nationalism and Black Power, 1960-71:
*Malcolm X:
Autobiography of Malcolm X
By Any Means Necessary
Last Speeches
The Final Speeches
Malcolm X Speaks
The Last Year of Malcolm X - G. Breitman

*Black Nationalism - Essien-Udom
*The Black Muslims in America - Lincoln
*The Black Panthers Speak - P. Foner, Ed.
Rebellion in Newark - Hayden
To Die For The People - Huey Newton
Revolutionary Suicide - Huey Newton
*Race, Reform and Rebellion, 1945-1984 - Marable
*Black Awakening in Capitalist America - Allen
*Die, Nigger, Die – Brown
The American Revolution – Boggs
Racism and the Class Struggle - Boggs
*James Forman:
The Making of Black Revolutionaries
Sammy Younge, Jr.
The Political Thought of James Forman
High Tide of Black Resistance

If They Come in The Morning - Angela Davis
*A Taste of Power - Elaine Brown
*From The Dead Level with Malcolm X - Jamaal
*The Autobiography of Angela Davis
On The Ideology of the Black Panther Party - E. Cleaver
Soul on Ice - Cleaver
Burn, Baby, Burn - Cohen/Murphy
Revolutionary Notes - J. Lester
*Detroit: I Do Mind Dying - Georgakas/Surkin
*Black Workers’ Struggles in Detroit’s Auto Industry – K. Fujita
*Class, Race and Worker Insurgency: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers - Geshwender
The Myth of Black Capitalism - E. Ofari
Black Macho and The Myth of The Superwoman - M. Wallace
*Black Power - Carmichael
*Seize the Time - Seale
Race Relations in The Urban South - H. Rabinowitz
In The Belly of The Beast - Abbott
The Autobiography of LeRoi Jones
*Blood in My Eye - Jackson
Attica: Report of The New York State Special Commission
Kerner Commission Report on Civil Disturbances
One Year Later (Kerner Commission)
Soledad Brother - Jackson
New Day in Babylon - W. Van Deburg
*If Beale Street Could Talk - Baldwin
Nobody Knows My Name - Baldwin
*Another Country - Baldwin
Tell Me How Long The Train's Been Gone - Baldwin
*The Fire Next Time - Baldwin

4. Women's History

*Personal Politics, The Roots of Women's Liberation in The Civil Rights Movement and The New Left - Sara Evans
Progressive Women in Conservative Times - S. Lynn

5. Native American History

Lakota Woman - M. Brave Bird

6. Gay and Lesbian History

Growing Up Before Stonewall – Nardi/Marmor/Sanders, Eds.

7.Chicano History

United We Win: The Rise and Fall of La Raza Unida Party – I. Garcia
*Youth, Identity, Power - C. Munoz, Jr
La Raza - S. Steiner
Chicanismo - Gonzalez

8. Class and Power

The Legislation of Morality - Duster
The President's Report on Occupational Health and Safety (1972)
Muscle and Blood - Scott
War at Home: Covert Action and What We Can Do About It - B. Glick
COINTELPRO: The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom - N. Blackstone
The Monopoly Makers - Nader Report
The Closed Enterprise System - Nader Report

M. The Vietnam War and The Anti-War Movement

Abuse of Power - Draper
*Fire in The Lake - Fitzgerald
*The Vietnam Wars - M. Young
*Vietnam: Anatomy of War - G. Kolko
*American Labor and The Indochina War - P. Foner
Vietnam - Karnow
*Out Now! - Halsted
*SDS - Sale
We Won't Go - A. Lynd
Everything We Had - Al Santoli
Bloods - W. Terry
In A Time of Torment - I.F. Stone
Working Class -
Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal - H. Zinn
Rethinking Camelot - N. Chomsky
Class Struggle Articles on Vietnam
Vida - Piercy
Born on The Fourth of July - Kovic
Going After Cacciato - O'Brien
If I Die in A Combat Zone - O'Brien
Paco's Story - Heineman
Zombie Jamboree - Merkin

N. 1971-Present

1. General

*Corruptions of Empire - Alexander Cockburn
*Prisoners of The American Dream - Mike Davis
*Discrimination: It's Economic Impact on Blacks, Women and Jews - Cherry
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower - Blum
Derailing Democracy: The America The Media Don't Want You to See - McGowan
After The Cataclysm - N. Chomsky
*Manufacturing Consent - N. Chomsky
Towards a New Cold War - N. Chomsky
City of Quartz - M. Davis
*The Worst Years of Our Lives - B. Ehrenreich
Going To The Territory - R. Ellison
*Longer Hours, Fewer Jobs - M. Yates
Live in the Balance - Nissani
Freedom at Risk - Curry, Ed.
Western State Terrorism - A. George, Ed.
The Gang as an American Enterprise – Padillo
What's Behind The Attack On Politically Correct (International Socialist Organization)
The Socialist Register, 1971-199?

2. Women's History

*Caught in the Crisis – Amott
*Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits: Women's Work, Women's Poverty – R. Albelda/C. Tilly
*Backlash - Faludi
Ain't I A Woman - Bell Hooks
Woman's Body, Woman's Right - Linda Gordon
Sexual Harassment of Working Women - MacKinnon
My Enemy, My Love - Levine
White Women, Race Matters - Frankenberg
Subject Women - A. Oakley
Liberation Now!
The Rights of Women - Deller Ross/A. Barcher
The Past Is Before Us - Rowbotham
Nobody Speaks for Me - N. Seifer
Daring To Be Bad - Alice Echols
Women in the Global Factory - Fuentes/Ehrenreich
Against Our Will - Brownmiller
*The War Against Abortion Rights (Socialist Action)
Deals With the Devil and Other Reasons to Riot - P. Cleage

3. Organized Labor

*The State of Working America (Multiple Editions over the decades)
One Market Under God - T. Frank
The New Rank and File - Lynd/Lynd
No Sweat - A. Ross
Not Your Father's Labor Movement - Mort
*Trade Unions and Socialist Politics - J. Kelly
Lessons of The P-9 Strike (Socialist Action)
American Stalinism in Crisis (Socialist Action)
*Workers of The World Undermined - B. Sims
*American Labor and Consensus Capitalism, 1935-1990 - P. Renshaw
Hard-pressed in the Heartland: Hormel - Rachleff
On Strike At Hormel - Green
A Primer on American Labor law - Gould
See Class Struggle articles

4. Class and Power

Hacktivism – Electronic Disturbance Theatre
Digital Resistance – Critical Art Ensemble
Living on the Edge – Rank
The Battle in Seattle: The Story Behind and Beyond the WTO Demonstrations - Janet Thomas
Gloablization From Below: The Power of Solidarity - Brecher
Global Village or Global Pillage? - Brecher
Globalize This! The Battle Against the WTO - Danaher/Burbach, eds.
The WTO After Seattle - Jeffrey Schott
Whiteout – Cockburn/St. Claire
Five Days that Shook the World – Cockburn/St. Claire
Al Gore: A User’s Guide – Cockburn/St. Claire
*The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison - Reiman
*Wall Street: How It Works and For Whom - D. Henwood
Downsize This – M. Moore
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire – C. Johnson
*The “Underclass” Debate – M. Katz
Triumph of the Market – E. S. Herman
Amway: The Cult of Free Enterprise – Butterfield
The Visible Poor – J. Blau
Corporate Crimes, Corporate Violence - Frank/Lynch
The Cigarette papers - Glantz/Stanton/et al
Corporate Violence: Injury and Death For Profit - Hills/Stuart/et al
Dangerous Premises: An Insider's View of OSHA - Lofgren
Corporate Crime and Violence - Mokhiber
How to Survive in America the poisoned - Regenstein
Toil and Toxics: Workplace Struggles and political Strategies for Occupational Health - Robinson
Capital Crimes - WinslowCriminology and Justice - Voigt/et al
Unnatural Causes: Three Leading Killer Diseases in America - Sondik
Retreat From Safety: Reagan's Attack on America's Health - Claybrook, et al.
Quality of Life in American Neighborhoods: Levels of Affluence, Toxic Waste, and Cancer Mortality in Residential Zip Code Areas - Gould
Serving the Few: Corporate Capitalism and the Bias of Government Policy - Greenberg
Industry and Influence in Federal Regulatory Agencies - Quirk
Legalize It? Debating American Drug policy - Trebach/Inciardi
The Heroin Solution - Trebach
Just Deserts for Corporate Criminals - Schlegel
Unequal Protection: Environmental Justice and Communities of Color - Bullard, ed.
Crime and the Politics of Hysteria - Anderson
Corporate Corruption - Clinard
S & L Hell - Day
Pipe Dream Blues: Racism and the War on Drugs - Lusane
Race and Criminal Justice - Lynch/Patterson
Corporate Crime - Pearce/Snider
Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans - Pizzo, et al.
Elite Deviance - Simon/Eitzen
Crimes in the Streets and Crimes in the Suites - Timmer/Eitzen
Death penalty Sentencing: Research Indicates pattern of Racial Discrimination - U.S. General Accounting Office Report
Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure - Baum
Power, Crime and Mystification - Box
Entertaining Crime - Fishman/Cavender
The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice - Kappeler, Victor, et al.
Media, Crime and Criminal Justice: Images and Realities - Surette
Political Criminality - Turk
Crime Control as Industry - Christie
Making a Killing: The Business of Guns in America - Diaz
The Real War on Crime - Donziger, ed.
The Perpetual Prisoner Machine - Dyer
It's About Time: America's Imprisonment Binge - Irwin/Austin
Did Getting Tough on Crime Pay? - Lynch/Sabol
Land of Opportunity - Adler
The Mirage of Safety - Hunter
Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mama – Danaher
Merchants of Misery – M. Hudson
The New Protectionism - Lang/Hines

5. African-American History

*Two Nations - A. Hacker
*Race, Class and Conservatism - T.D. Boston
The Political Economy of Racism - M.M. Leiman
*Adolph Reed, Jr.:
Class Notes
Stirrings in the Jug
W.E.B. DuBois and American Political Thought
The Jesse Jackson Phenomemon
*Manning Marable:
The Crisis of Color and Democracy : Essays on Race, Class and Power
Black Politics in Conservative America
Blackwater : Historical Studies in Race, Class Consciousness, and Revolution
Black Liberation in Conservative America

Ways With Words - Heath
The Economics of Racism, U.S.A. - V. Perlo
Racial Stratification in America - Geshwender
Confronting Authority - D. Bell
And We Are Not Saved - D. Bell
Out of Order - E. Cashmore/E. McLaughlin
Deals with the Devil and Other Reasons to Riot - P. Cleage
The State of Black America 1990 - National Urban League
Quiet Riots - Harris/Wilkins
Why Black People Shout - R. Wiley
What We Should Do Now - R. Wiley
Black Ice - Lorene Cary
Black Labor and The American Legal System - Hill

6. Chicano/Latino History

*Cutting For Sign - W. Langewiesche
*Huelga – Nelson
Anything But Mexican - Acuña
Cannery Women, Cannery Lives – V. Ruiz
Women’s Work and Chicano Families - Zavella
*Always Running - L. Rodruguez

7. Native American History

Ohitika Woman - M. Brave Bird

8. Gay and Lesbian History

Out of the Past – Miller
No Bath, But Plenty of Bubbles – Power


Women - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading on women, feminism, sexism and patriarchy.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Women and society

Alexandra Kollontai:
*Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle
*Communism and the Family
The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman
Selected Writings

Emma Goldman:
The Hypocrisy of Puritanism
The Traffic in Women
Woman Suffrage
The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation
Marriage and Love

*The Sexual Contract – Carole Pateman
Selected Political Writings - R. Luxemburg
Sex-Pol - W. Reich
The Women, Gender and Development Reader - Visvanatham, Duggan, Nisonoff, Wiegersma, Eds.
Women and Language in Literature and Society – McConnell-Ginet/Borker/Furman, Eds.
Language, Gender and Sex in Comparative Perspective – Goodwin/Goodwin
Familiar Exploitation – Delphy
Materialist Feminism – Ingraham/Hennessey
The Color of Privilege - Hurtado
The Political Economy of Women – Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1
The Liberation of Women – Hamilton
Promissory Notes – Kruks/Rapp/Young, Eds.
Of Marriage and the Market – K. Young, et al, Eds.
Feminism and Materialism – Kuhn/Wolpe
White Women, Race Matters – Frankenberg
Gender and Power – R. W. Connell
Chicana Feminist Thought – Garcia
This Bridge Called My Back – Moraga/Anzaldua
Women and Revolution – Sargent, Ed.
Woman’s Estate - Juliet Mitchell
Women, Culture and Politics – Davis
Patriarchy at Work - Walby
The Feminist Standoint Revisited and Other Essays – Hartsock
Patriarchy and Accumulation on A World Scale - Mies
Women in Class Society - Saffioti
Dreams and Dilemmas - Rowbotham
The Body Politic (collection from '60's and '70's)
Women, Resistance and Revolution - Rowbotham
Eleanor Marx, Vol. 1 & 2 - Kapp
The Sociology of Housework – Oakley
Subject Women - Oakley
Woman’s Work – Oakley
*Women’s Liberation and the Dialectics of Revolution – Dunayevskaya
Familiar Exploitation – Delphy
Of Marriage and the Market – K. Young, et al, Eds.
*Ludic Feminism and After - Ebert

Lise Vogel:
*Marxism and the Oppression of Women
*Woman Questions
Mothers On the Job

Clara Zetkin:
Lenin on the Women's Question
From My Memorandum Book (An Interview with Lenin on the Woman Question)
Only in Conjunction With the Proletarian Woman Will Socialism Be Victorious, 1896
In Defence of Rosa Luxemburg

The Emancipation of Women - Lenin
On Women and The Family – Trotsky
Woman in the Past, Present and Future - Bebel
Origin of the Family, Private Property and the state – Engels
Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism – Eisenstein, Ed.
Marxism and Feminism (Socialist Action)
Feminism and Socialism (Socialist Workers' Party)
Abortion: Every Woman's Right - S. Smith (ISO)
Abortion: A Woman's Right to Choose - R. Brown (ISO)
The Struggle for Women's Liberation - E. Heffernan (ISO)

Feminism in the "developed" countries

What Is Feminism? - A. Oakley/J. Mitchell, Eds.
The Second Sex - Simone DeBeauvoir
The Chalice and The Blade - Eisler
Women's Consciousness, Man's World – Rowbotham
Feminist Social Thought – Meyers, Ed.
Feminism as Critique – Benhabib/Cornell, Eds.
Gender Trouble – Butler
Bodies That Matter – Butler
Critique, Norm and Utopia – Benhabib
The Politics of Truth – Barrett
The Politics of Diversity – Hamilton/Barrett
Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse – Hennesy
The Kristeva Reader – Kristeva
This Bridge Called My Back – Moraga/Anzaldua
The Newly Born Woman – Cixous/Clement
Capitalist Patriarchy and The Case for Socialist Feminism - Eisenstein, Ed.
Liberation Now!
Troubled Pleasures - K. Soper
Backlash – Faludi
Firestone – The Dialectic of Sex
Sexual Politics – Millet
Paradoxes of Gender – Lorber
Who Pays for the Kids? – Folbre
In a Different Voice – Gilligan
Essentially Speaking – Fuss
Marxism and Domination – Balbus
Towards a Feminist Theory of the State – MacKinnon
Feminism Unmodified – MacKinnon
This Sex Which Is Not One - Irigaray

b. hooks:
*Ain't I A Woman
Talking Back

Three Guineas - V. Woolf
Assaults on Convention – Godwin/Hollows/Nye, Eds.
Amazon to Zami – Reinfeider, Ed.
*Contemporary Feminist Thought - H. Eisenstein
Is The Future Female? Troubled Thoughts on Contemporary Feminism - L. Segal
My Enemy, My Love - J. Levine
See also Sylvia Pankhurst

Feminism in the "underdeveloped" countries

Feminism and Nationalism in The Third World - K. Jayawardena
Development, Crises and Alternative Visions - Sen/Grown
The Hidden Face of Eve – el Saadawi
When the Moon Waxes Red – Minh-ha
Woman, Native, Other – Minh-ha
Nationalisms and Sexualities – Parker/Russo/Sommer/Yaeger, Eds.
Third World Women and the politics of Feminism – Mohanty/Russo/Torres
Siting Translation – Niranjana
Outside in the Teaching Machine – Spivak
The Post-Colonial Critic – Spivak
In Other Worlds – Spivak
The Spivak Reader - Spivak



12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Valdyr on July 22, 2012

First, we really have that idiot MacKinnon?

Anyway, I have a few suggestions:

Democracy Begins Between Two - Irigaray
An Ethics of Sexual Difference - Irigaray
Je, tu, nous - Irigaray
Speculum of the Other Woman - Irigaray
To Be Two - Irigaray
Interviews - Kristeva
She Came to Stay - de Beauvoir

If it isn't obvious, I'm really pushing Irigaray

World War I - further reading guide

libcom's guide to further reading around World War I and the collapse of social democracy.

Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2010

Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism - Lenin
The Collapse of the 2nd International - Lenin
The Junius Pamphelet - Luxemburg
Against the Stream – Lenin/Zinoviev
Mutinies – Dave Lamb
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism – Lenin
Socialism and the Great War – G. Haupt
Why War? – K. Nelson/S. Olin, Jr.
International Socialism and the World War – M. Fainsod
Lenin's Struggle for a Revolutionary International
The Balkan Wars – Trotsky
The First Three Internationals - Novack
Political Profiles - Trotsky
On The Spartacus Program - R. Luxemburg
The Guns of August - B. Tuchman
The First World War: An Agrarian Interpretation - A. Offer
The Persistence of The Old Regime - Arno Mayer
The Other Battleground: The Home Fronts - Williams



11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by drowsy on May 7, 2013

Good additions to the World War I reading guide would be these:

The Allied Food Blockade of Germany, 1918-19 by N. P. Howard

Eric J. Leed, No Man's Land: Combat and Identity in World War 1

Edward E. McCullough, How The First World War Began

Wolfgang J Mommsen, Imperial Germany, 1867-1918: Politics, Culture and Society in an Authoritarian State

John Morrow, The Great War: an imperial history

Practical History, 'Churchill, the Cenotaph and May Day 2000'

Woodruff D. Smith, European imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

John Zerzan, 'Origins and Meaning of WWI', Telos, no. 49, Fall 1981


Karen Hagemann, Home/Front; the Military, War and Gender in Twentieth Century Germany,

Gail Braybon, Evidence, History and the Great War

Beverley Engel, 'Subsistence Riots in Russia during World War One', Journal of Modern History, Vol.69.

Ute Daniel, The War from Within: German Women in the First World War

Laura Lee Downs, Manufacturing Inequality: Gender Division in the French and British Metalworking Industries, 1914-39


10 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Frep34 on May 9, 2014

Of all the TV documentaries on World War One this one is certainly the best (even if it is more liberal than revolutionary):

The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century (or check here)

'All Quiet on the Western Front' is still amazing and can be found here:


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 14, 2014

There is a draft World War I reading guide here, when it's complete it would be good to replace the above list: