Cop watch link dump

Blog post for people to post links to stories about police brutality and violence. Trigger warning for police violence and sexual violence.

Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2012

For a while I have thought it would be good for someone to have a blog on libcom dedicated to keeping track of police violence.

However, in the absence of anyone volunteering to do that I thought I could put up this blog post and then anyone can post links with short summaries in the comments below as a kind of repository of news of police brutality and abuse of their power.

Even though I have no faith in the police as an institution there to protect us in any way, I have been shocked by the sheer number and sheer outrageousness of police abuses recently that it has prompted me to actually post this up.

So, please post your links and summaries below, and if somebody wants to take on contributing this sort of thing to libcom on a running basis please let me know.



12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2012

Georgia police officer not punished after kicking a nine month pregnant woman in the stomach (12/5/12):

Unarmed college student in California shot seven times THEN handcuffed, killed by police (12/5/12):


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on May 14, 2012

Really good initiative, I've been thinking along similar lines. How about also adding examples of people successfully fighting back though? Otherwise it will become too depressing.

This is a recent one - Kelly Thomas, homeless man in California, repeatedly tasered and beaten to death by cops:

On July 5, 2011, at about 8:30 PM, officers of the Fullerton Police Department responded to a call of someone vandalizing cars near the Fullerton Transportation Center. While investigating, they encountered the shirtless and disheveled Thomas and attempted to search him. According to statements given by the officers, Thomas was uncooperative and resisted when they attempted to search him, so backup was called. The officers then repeatedly shocked Thomas with Tasers, beat him with the butts of the Tasers and flashlights, and slammed him into the ground. A video of the event surfaced, and Thomas can be heard repeatedly screaming in pain while officers tasered him (up to five times according to a witness statement) in the video, and screaming "Dad! Dad!". Six officers were involved in subduing Thomas, who was unarmed and had a history of mental illness. Thomas was initially taken to St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton but was transferred immediately to the UC Irvine Medical Center with severe injuries to his head, face, and neck.

Orange County district attorney Tony Rackauckas gave a detailed account of the events during a press conference on September 21, 2011. Using digital audio recording devices carried by the officers, surveillance video from a pole camera at the Fullerton Transportation Center, and other evidence, Rackauckas provided evidence that Thomas did comply with orders from Officer Ramos, who had put on latex gloves and asked Thomas "Now see my fists? They are getting ready to fuck you up." Rackauckas went on to describe how Thomas begged for his life, before being beaten to death.


Kelly Thomas, after a fatal beating by officers of the Fullerton, California Police Department:

P.S. shouldn't there be a massive trigger warning on this thread?

Chilli Sauce

12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on May 14, 2012


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2012

Chilli sauce, and anyone else thanks for your comments but please don't just post links - no one will click on them unless they have a short explanation of what they are, as well as ideally the date of the article

no1, I appreciate your point about fighting back but I think that would be better in a separate thread


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 14, 2012



12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 14, 2012


'"On Saturday 3rd March 2012 at 7.20pm an incident took place at Jackson Street car park in Culcheth. Where a man was murdered by Greater Manchester Police. After using excessive tactics and force (blocking in the vehicle, shooting out two tyres with a shotgun, a CS gas canister was also deployed by hand into the vehicle), a fatal with a Heckler and Koch MP5 went directly to the heart of an unarmed man

His family and friends are pleading for answers so they can come to terms with why the police can shoot an unarmed man (no weapons at all) sat in the corner of a dark car park. If the police thought he was up to no good then the question is why didn't they pull over the car before reaching Culcheth?"

So do they think Anthony Grainger's death was an execution? They both answer `Yes'.

"The IPCC has already declared it was no accident" says Chrissy, and Gail adds "It was a pre-planned execution, which is the worst about it."'



12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by westphalia on May 14, 2012

i actually started a tumblr just the other day for this exact purpose. here's the ones i posted so far. the blog is at but as with all projects of mine i'm not sure if i'll manage to maintain it so maybe i'll just post stuff here from time to time.


Insiders warn Rikers Island violence is getting “out of control.”

Officer Wheeler kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach, leaving a large bruise. Five supervisors approved the action. Baby was born healthy two weeks later.

NYCLU reveals that stop-and-frisks conducted by NYPD on black males aged 14-24 exceeded the number of black males of that age category living in NYC.

87 percent of marijuana arrests in NYC are of black and hispanic people.

Video of Kelly Thomas beating released.

NY1 reveals cover-up in Jatiek Reed beating.

David Graeber: Sexual assault as police tactic at Occupy protests?


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Tart on May 14, 2012

Amsterdam cops bust up some squatters 13th May


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on May 14, 2012

Student forced to drink own urine after being abandoned in cell.


Women left brain dead after police tasering


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 14, 2012

i've been keeping a file of my own.


A former New York City police detective who was convicted of planting drugs on two people has been sentenced to probation after asking a judge not to send him to jail.


The Seattle cop who threatened to "make stuff up" - fabricate felony robbery charges - after arresting two Seattle men for a misdemeanor, was only "bantering" with them, police now say. His comment was deemed by SPD as merely "inappropriate" since he never actually made up any charges.


Thousands of Florida officers remain on the job despite arrests or evidence implicating them in crimes that could have landed them in prison, a Herald-Tribune investigation has found.

Even those officers with multiple offenses have been given chance after chance through a disciplinary system that has been reshaped in their favor by the state's politically influential police unions. As a result, officers around Florida carry personnel files that are anything but heroic.

Corrections officer Kurt Stout, already dogged by allegations he groped and had sex with prisoners, was arrested on allegations he raped two teenage girls. Nick Viaggio capped a string of violent outbursts at the Ocala Police Department by attacking his girlfriend in a crowded nightclub until bouncers dragged him away. Palm Beach County deputy Craig Knowles-Hiller, under investigation for sleeping with a 14-year old, had to explain why the girl's DNA was found on one of his sex toys.

In each case, state law enforcement officials let the men keep their badges.

san antonio:

Since 2006, Alvarado's supervisors at the Northside Independent School District Police Department had reprimanded or counseled him on at least 12 occasions — six for not following orders. In other cases, Alvarado failed to show up for assignments, and his bosses appeared to suspect him of lying.

Alvarado was suspended at least four times, and his supervisors warned of impending termination four times — once even recommending it.

But Alvarado, 46, never was fired. Six months after the death of student Derek Lopez, as an investigation into the shooting continues, the 17-year veteran of the Police Department remains with the school district.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 14, 2012


Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.

In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer's entry.


Returning to his Sandy home on May 2, 2009, Andrew Mismash, 42, came across a crash involving a motorcycle and a truck in front of his yard. He asked the motorcyclist, who was bleeding profusely from his head, if he needed help and then retrieved first aid supplies from his house, according to the complaint filed Friday in U.S. District Court.

Mismash, the suit says, was helping the man when a Sandy police officer started verbally abusing the victim. The motorcyclist asked the officer to call for medical assistance, but the officer told him to shut up, the lawsuit states.

Mismash, too, requested that police call for medical help and was told to leave the scene, the suit says.

As he walked toward his house, two officers pushed him from behind onto the tailgate of a truck parked in his driveway, according to the suit. A third officer then punched him in the back before the other two slammed him to the ground. An officer, the suit says, continued to strike him in the back, grab and pull at his arms, and then drove a knee into his calves.


A homeowner says a Phoenix police officer shot him six times in the back during a 911 home-invasion call, and the 911 tape recorded the officer's partner saying, "That's all right. Don't worry about it. I got your back. ... We clear?" The family says the officers were not aware that the 911 call was still recording as they spoke about covering up the shooting.

nyc, the critical mass cop

A former New York City police officer convicted of lying about a confrontation with a bicyclist in Times Square was given a conditional discharge on Wednesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

The former officer, Patrick Pogan, had faced up to four years in prison, but will avoid any time behind bars. He also will not be placed on probation.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 14, 2012


A POLICEMAN who rammed a fire hose down a handcuffed man's throat during a brutal bashing in a police station has been jailed.


Video shows officer involved in shooting planting crack pipe on homeless woman

Surveillance footage captured in August 2005 landed Officer Richard Chrisman on a list of 'problem police officers' years before his involvement in a deadly shooting.


Police first floated the story that Aiyana's grandmother had grabbed Weekley's gun. Then, realizing that sounded implausible, they said she'd brushed the gun as she ran past the door. But the grandmother says she was lying on the far side of the couch, away from the door.

Compounding the tragedy is the fact that the police threw the grenade into the wrong apartment. The suspect fingered for Blake's murder, Chauncey Owens, lived in the upstairs flat, with Charles Jones' sister.

Plus, grenades are rarely used when rounding up suspects, even murder suspects. But it was dark. And TV may have needed some pyrotechnics.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 14, 2012

a reformist but worthwhile website:

We highlight the double standard that some grant to those with badges by pointing to and supporting those harmed. By documenting police actions whether they are illegal, immoral or just a waste of time and resources then putting direct pressure on the individuals responsible (ideally while recording and then later sharing), we can work together to bring about transparency and have a real impact.

they have a 'propaganda' section


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 15, 2012

By documenting police actions... we can work together to bring about transparency and have a real impact.

Just a tad naive...


Frequently I get stopped by the gammon, coz my whip looks like it should be owned by Jeremy Clarkson or Richard Hammond, Feds pull me like im a drug baron, chattin bare shit, can’t understand em - JME (2012)

Lyrics from JME’s ‘96 Fuckries’ that came 41 in the charts earlier on in the year via JMEs own Boy Better Know label.

That line subtly highlights all the police stops JME encounters on a regular basis, which he records and shares via youtube. The series is called ‘Chatty Policeman’ and it shares a lot of dark truths about the police today. Enjoy


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 15, 2012

Another attack on a pregnant woman. This time cops in Seattle get off after tasering a seven months pregnant woman multiple times for speeding (15/5/12):


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 15, 2012






12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 15, 2012

Here's some more I recall from recently:

February 2012: Police in Nevada beat a man, Adam Greene to the ground and kicked him in the face for going into diabetic shock. With video:

March 2012: recording released of London police strangling and racially abusing an innocent 21-year-old black man:

August 2011: British police kill unarmed man with taser:

March 2012: UK police shoot and kill unarmed man in a Cheshire village:


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 15, 2012

April 2012: Multiple US border agents filmed beating and tasering a migrant worker, Anastasio Hernández-Rojas, a construction worker who lived in the US for 25 years, to death. He was hogtied and handcuffed as they beat him in May 2010, and of course none of the officers were punished:


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 15, 2012

By documenting police actions... we can work together to bring about transparency and have a real impact.

Just a tad naive...

In the UK, according to the makers behind the documentary Injustice, between 1969 and 1999 over one thousand people died in police custody in England and not one police officer has ever been convicted for any of these deaths. Similarly, a total of 333 people have died in or following police custody between 1998 and 2010, but again no officer has been successfully prosecuted. That's without mentioning the stop and searches, harassment, etc.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by knotwho on May 15, 2012

The Facebook group Filming Cops has a lot of links, mostly videos.

There was a pretty cool one on there of this guy tackling a Baltimore cop while he's hassling someone. Looks like that video has been disappeared, though.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 16, 2012

From the ongoing Quebec student general strike (now in its 14th week):[youtube]cL1Gd1qjqEg[/youtube]

Warning on Saturday for any tourists courtesy of M'sieur Zen, himself a cameraman subject to tear gas:

Notice to tourists: in Quebec, the political occupation of public space is liable to corporal punishment ranging from simple shots of sticks to the amputation of eyes or the fracturing of skulls #SPVM #republiquedebananes #1984 In addition, certain techniques of punishment of the masses are used by various toxic gases. Use the greatest caution in the expression of your views.

A post yesterday from News from the 2012 Quebec student general strike:

It keeps getting worse...this student [below] lost his eye after Quebec police shot him with a plastic bullet. Another was shot in the head and was in a coma for a night. We came this close to seeing a protester killed in our streets. Yet, the media talks about broken windows.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by tastybrain on May 15, 2012

Going through this thread has made me pretty angry, even though I've heard about most of the U.S. cases before.

Here's another murder perpetrated by capitalism's gestapo.

An elderly black Marine veteran was shot in his apartment after accidentally setting off his medical alert button.

Police went to Chamberlain's apartment in response to a report that his medical alert had gone off. Chamberlain had a heart condition. Family members said Chamberlain told officers he was OK, but police insisted on seeing him. What followed was apparently nearly two hours of unsuccessful negotiations, culminating with Chamberlain's death. He was shot twice in the chest.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by tastybrain on May 16, 2012

I don't know if this case has been mentioned yet, please delete this post if it has.

John T. Williams, a homeless 50 year old American Indian man, was murdered by a white Seattle cop for no reason. He was shot in the right side, indicating he wasn't even facing the pig when killed. He was shot 4 times only 4 seconds after the pig ordered him to drop his knife (which he had been using to carve wood).



12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 16, 2012

video compendium


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by tastybrain on May 17, 2012

US Marshals shot and critically wounded a fugitive yesterday on the south side of Milwaukee, WI. He was apparently shot 5 times while running without being ordered to stop given any commands whatsoever. A gun was supposedly recovered from him. He is in the hospital in critical condition. He was on the run from the law after violating the terms of his release from a previous weapons violation (not an assault or anything, probably just possession of an unregistered firearm or an illegal modification to a legal weapon).

This article is pretty shit, as it relies almost entirely on the cops' perspective, but the video of the eyewitness is worth watching. Notice the contrast between the jocular reporter attempting to justify the shooting and the clearly disturbed witness.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 18, 2012

November 2011: plainclothed UK police smash up the car of an IKEA worker with baseball bats and a pickaxe handle:


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Crow on May 18, 2012

Might it be useful to index or in some way organise these to make browsing a little easier?

Perhaps by region, deaths, extent of injuries, riots/ demonstrations, discrimination or whatever so people could use it as a reference tool.

A long list of links isn't always that useful imho.

Good idea for a thread anyway.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by westphalia on May 18, 2012

feds tell baltimore police it's illegal to attack people for taking a picture

right-wing apostate glenn loury on the rotten legacy of his one-time ally james q. wilson


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by soc on May 18, 2012

The real problem is with this, that there are so many, so-so-so many times when people encounter with police violence, indeed complete police repression that we will never know. Think about India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South America, China, etc. What we can see is the tip of a massive ice berg.

Just looking at the videos, reports on this thread I wonder, how with all these evidence, people stick to the police, try to defend him, try to address as a problems with "bad cops". In some countries, they play the "good cops, bad cop" game with us, we getting smiling CSO's telling us which way we should go, on the other hand... we're just fucking subjects of police operation.

The sad fact is, that we are producing more gadgets, more weapons, more personnel to this gang of bullies and murderers. This is boiling my blood. There has to be a war against them. Civil war against all repression.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on May 18, 2012

Cops beats some protesting paramedics in Karachi, Pakistan


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by tastybrain on May 18, 2012


Might it be useful to index or in some way organise these to make browsing a little easier?

Perhaps by region, deaths, extent of injuries, riots/ demonstrations, discrimination or whatever so people could use it as a reference tool.

A long list of links isn't always that useful imho.

Good idea for a thread anyway.

Seconded. It would be a lot of work for mods, but if we could get something going where we have several "child pages" for different regions/continents and then break the incidents up within that by country and further organize it chronologically like:

North America

-United States

2009: Oscar Grant was murdered by BART police
2010: John T. Williams was murdered by Seattle police
2011: Thomas Kelly was beaten to death by Fullerton, CA police
2012: Kendric McDade was murdered by Pasadena police

And so forth. This will create an easily accessible and navigable compilation of police brutality


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 18, 2012

Hi, I'm afraid like I said we don't even have the capacity to have a dedicated blog to police brutality. That's why I started this thread which will end up being vaguely chronological.

If someone else wants to take on building and keeping up-to-date a comprehensive archive then send me a private message and we can work out details. But someone has to be able to commit to it long-term. Failing that, let's just post the links here with an introduction.


12 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by knotwho on May 19, 2012


Now tell me who protects me from you?
I got people that buy tek's and weed from you
And all ah nigga see in the news
Is cop corruption niggas gettin popped for nothing
And niggas get stopped for nothing
And cops pull out the glock and bust em
Ya'll need to get shot for nothing!
Cause we don't hold back


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 19, 2012

May 18, 2012: all-white jury clears white policemen innocent despite video showing him and several others beating Chad Holley, black teenager, who was defenceless on the ground:


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by bastarx on May 19, 2012

This might cheer people up a bit:



12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by westphalia on May 19, 2012

Bad week PR-wise for the NYPD:

First two OWS-related trials result in two acquittals; in both cases officers were shown to be fabricating their testimony

Federal judge grants class-action status to stop-and-frisk lawsuit ...

... NYPD commish Kelly responds by promising to reform practice ...

... while racist prick Bloomberg freaks out

US Rep introduces anti-NYPD spying amendment; over half of NY's congressional delegation votes for it

I realize my posts are a little region-biased but keeping track of NYPD is just about a full-time job it seems.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by westphalia on May 19, 2012

Activists in Chicago arrested, charged with "providing material support for terrorism," held at $1.5 million bail a piece. Earlier in the week, they had posted a video on YouTube of Chicago police harassing them.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by westphalia on May 20, 2012

one more resource, similar in function to this thread


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 22, 2012

22/05/12 - NYPD cop filmed threatening suspect with his gun and sexual assault. Claims he was "doing God's work":


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 23, 2012

not violence, but the blue wall could be a separate category

Newly obtained police reports show former state trooper Charles Noyes smelled of alcohol, could not maintain his balance, and had no memory of slamming his Cadillac Escalade into a utility pole in West Newbury March 30 before driving into Haverhill with his air bags deployed.

But Haverhill police did not arrest the 62-year-old highly decorated trooper or charge him with drunken driving after his mangled luxury SUV was found in the travel lane on Amesbury Line Road within minutes of the West Newbury accident — and Haverhill officials are still refusing to say why.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on May 26, 2012


Police shoot, kill naked man near MacArthur Causeway in Miami

One man was shot to death, and another man wounded, by Miami police on the MacArthur Causeway off ramp, after the men were reportedly running across the bridge naked.

The bloodshed began about 2 p.m. when a series of gunshots were heard on the ramp, which is along NE 13th Street, just south of The Miami Herald building. Witnesses said a woman saw the two naked men and called police. Miami police were on the scene, as one of the victims’ body lay face down naked on the pedestrian walkway.

The second shooting victim was taken away in an ambulance. His condition is unknown.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 28, 2012

while there's no excuse, there may be more to that story


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on May 28, 2012


there may be more to that story

fair point


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 29, 2012

May 11, 2012 - two of Tyne & Wear police fined for torturing a suspect:


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by dohball on May 29, 2012

Two police officers have been accused of abducting two teenage girls in Easter Ross and forcing them to stand handcuffed and shoeless in manure.


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 29, 2012

#ACAB :p


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 9, 2012

NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly and spokesman Paul Browne told the Queens Chronicle that only one "actual reporter" was arrested on the November 15 raid on Zuccotti Park.


In fact, eleven journalists were arrested by NYPD during the November 15 raid on Zuccotti Park that day. Here are the details of each.



12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 9, 2012

8 June 2012 - Chicago police taser an eight-month pregnant woman for a parking violation:


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 11, 2012

June 6 2012: Commission set up to investigate the forced confessions of over 100 people gained by torture by the Chicago police Department is shut down after only investigating a handful of cases:


12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 12, 2012

Indiana is the first U.S. state to specifically allow force against officers, according to the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys in Washington, which represents and supports prosecutors. The National Rifle Association pushed for the law, saying an unfavorable court decision made the need clear and that it would allow homeowners to defend themselves during a violent, unjustified attack

A police officer will be prosecuted on manslaughter charges in the shooting death of Ramarley Graham, an 18-year-old who was killed by a single police bullet in his bathroom after a team of narcotics officers broke into his Bronx home, three people briefed on the charges said Monday.


12 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 22, 2012

not violence, but important

Everyone knows the cops have tools to get inside your phone. But what do they do? They suck your iPhone's entire soul in 15 minutes. With one single click. This is what it looks like.

Lantern 2 is an incredibly powerful piece of software. Plug your iPhone in. Click "Acquire." Wait for a progress bar to complete. After about fifteen minutes, I had the entire contents of my phone in an extremely user-friendly interface—even with a lock screen activated. Anything you would want to know—or didn't even know you'd want to know—about my phone is easy to tap. An entire minute by minute chronology of my text exchanges. Every picture I'd ever taken. My bookmarks. My cookies. Every Skype call I've ever placed. My entire Facebook friend list. Every cell tower my phone has touched, with longitude and latitude coordinates. All there.


12 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by knotwho on June 28, 2012

The Albuquerque PD is trying hard to be the shittiest force in the US.

Recent accomplishments include fending off a Department of Justice investigation after 24 police shootings in the last two years, 17 of which were fatal.

In addition, the police union pays officers $500 after they're involved in a shooting so they can leave town and clear their minds.

Lots of straight up brutality, too. I met a guy at the bar who was beat horribly after talking back to a cop who stopped him while changing a flat tire! He sued, and won.

Now this:

The gang squad has been using a noose on its letterhead. The spokesman said, "The simple way I look at it is that it’s a rope, and it’s the ROP (Repeat Offender Project) team. I don’t read into the hangman’s noose. I don’t know a whole lot about knots”. What a dick.


12 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Standfield on June 29, 2012

In the past four years, there were 56 cases involving police officers and a handful of community support officers who either were found to have abused their position to rape, sexually assault or harass women and young people or were investigated over such allegations.


12 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 12, 2012

June 18, 2012 - Minneapolis cop hospitalises man in a bar fight:


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on July 19, 2012


There have been nearly 1500 deaths in police custody or following police contact since 1990, according to INQUEST casework and monitoring. No police officer has ever been convicted of manslaughter in modern history. There have been attempts to prosecute police in 6 cases since 1990, none of which have been successful.

For full data see our section of our website on unlawful killing verdicts and prosecutions

Since 1990 unlawful killing verdicts have been returned in nine deaths in police custody/following police contact cases. The verdict of unlawful killing can only be returned on the criminal standard of proof where a jury is sure beyond reasonable doubt that the death was the result of gross negligence manslaughter or murder.

There is a lack of proper data concerning police prosecutions (in particular for lesser offences). According to the IPCC’s Deaths in Custody study published in 2010, in the 10 years leading up to 2010 just 1 civilian member of police staff was found guilty of misconduct and given a six month sentence. There were no other successful prosecutions during this period.

lol too predictable


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on July 19, 2012


Officers with the San Francisco Police Department in Northern California shot a man believed to have a knife this morning, but preliminary reports suggest that the victim was in handcuffs while the authorities opened fire.

Police officers with the SFPD allegedly opened fire on a man armed with a knife at around 10:30 a.m. local time on Wednesday after responding to reports that someone had been stabbed near the city’s Pier 17.

The Bay City News Service reported minutes later that there was an “officer-involved” shooting but did provide any other details. The San Francisco Chronicle reported at 11:30 a.m. local time that the man was shot by police after he refused to drop a knife that they believe was used in a stabbing earlier that morning. Fire Department Capt. Jeanne Seyler confirms to the paper that the victim was being transported for life threatening wounds, but did not provide any more details.

A video uploaded to YouTube less than 30 minutes after that report includes a testimony from an eyewitness who alleges that the police shot the suspect after placing him in handcuffs.

“So what happened here?” the cameraman asks an unidentified witness.

“The police shot somebody. In the chest, twice,” he responds. “They said that the man had a gun or something but he didn’t. He was just a civilian.”

“What was he doing?” the videographer asks.

“Nothing. They had him in cuffs. And they shot him. Twice.”

“They shot him in cuffs?” he asks in bewilderment.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on July 23, 2012



12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 26, 2012

The NYPD practices documented in the report include:

• Aggressive, unnecessary and excessive police force against peaceful protesters, bystanders, legal observers, and journalists. This included the use of batons, pepper spray, metal barricades, scooters, and horses.

• Obstruction of press freedoms and independent legal monitoring, including arrests of at least 10 journalists, and multiple cases of preventing journalists from reporting on protests or barring and evicting them from specific sites.

• Pervasive surveillance of peaceful political activity.

• Violent late-night raids on peaceful encampments.

• Unjustified closure of public spaces, dispersal of peaceful assemblies, and trapping of protesters.

• Arbitrary and selective rule enforcement and baseless arrests.

• Failures to ensure transparency about government policies.

• Failures to ensure accountability for those allegedly responsible for abuses.

Caiman del Barrio

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on July 27, 2012

Couple of days old now, but shit got real in Anaheim after 2 shootings earlier this week:


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by soc on July 27, 2012

I have just been to Brazil and one of the guy I met was a teacher at a University in Salvador. He said that they had been on strike for 96 days at the time. Just the day before we met his friend and fellow teacher was killed according to him. By the police, a bullet in the head.
Now, I couldn't find any English article for confirmation so this is so far fairly shakey. However just googling around dropped me this This is tough stuff. A territory like Brazil walks the path of intensive capitalist development. This means that the discipline of work and the property boundaries are enforced by full police terror, the petit bourgeois is busy to hide to well defended residential blocks from the poor and the flourishing crime, which contributes a significant portion of the primitive accumulation: organized crime in forms of large scale corruption, robbing and mugging, drug trade.
It is quite likely that we will see decades of full scale police terror on any organization attempt of labour. Don't forget we are talking about a country where the police engaged the extermination of large number of street kids only two decades. Life is war where capital is the rule.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on July 28, 2012


27th July 2012 19:30pm In the early stages of the Monthly Critical mass Bike ride a British Transport Police Officer PepperSprayed a Disabled Man in a shoprider who had been apparently hit by a car along with several others. During the melee as the officer is pulling out the pepper spray , A fellow Female police medic attempts to stop the action, but is struck back and the officer sprays the Disabled man and most of us in the crowd, not satisfied, he then whips out his telescopic truncheon and trys to apply a wrist lock / neck Lock on the Disabled man using the truncheon. Eventually a real Police officer arrives with 3 vans and about 50 Backups. The disabled man is arrested and the British Transport Cop is led away by some other officers. 27th July 2012.

Caiman del Barrio

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on July 28, 2012



27th July 2012 19:30pm In the early stages of the Monthly Critical mass Bike ride a British Transport Police Officer PepperSprayed a Disabled Man in a shoprider who had been apparently hit by a car along with several others. During the melee as the officer is pulling out the pepper spray , A fellow Female police medic attempts to stop the action, but is struck back and the officer sprays the Disabled man and most of us in the crowd, not satisfied, he then whips out his telescopic truncheon and trys to apply a wrist lock / neck Lock on the Disabled man using the truncheon. Eventually a real Police officer arrives with 3 vans and about 50 Backups. The disabled man is arrested and the British Transport Cop is led away by some other officers. 27th July 2012.

Video. It's BTP #4125.


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on July 6, 2013




12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on July 29, 2012

Caiman del Barrio

Couple of days old now, but shit got real in Anaheim after 2 shootings earlier this week:

ORIGINAL POST, JULY 27, 10:26 A.M.: Facebook is currently abuzz with members of Kelly's Army who were at the Anaheim protest on Tuesday alleging that they caught a police plant.

According to onlookers, a blonde woman was shouting pro-police slogans in front of City Hall, at one point flashing her wrist and showing off a tattoo that seemed to be a badge number. But an hour later, they claim the same woman was seen yelling anti-police slogans and throwing water bottles at the police.

Taken from my Facebook page...alleged undercover is at right, flashing ugly tattoo

Witnesses tell the Weekly she was parading in front of the police line outside of City Hall, saying "These are good cops. You don't know the hard work they do. They're getting rid of gangsters."

Afterward, though, onlookers claim she began throwing bottles later that night. Multiple people saw her, and there's apparently video of the same woman playing the part of anarchist.

No one at the scene knew who this woman was.

Videos - of both her pro- and anti-police positions - in the article.


Video. It's BTP #4125.

Bloody hell. :(


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on July 31, 2012

Anaheim police with grenade launchers


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 1, 2012

July 2012 - Argentinian activist squatter dies in police custody under suspicious circumstances after being beaten by police in Spain:


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by petey on August 1, 2012

Three people who said they were pepper-sprayed by police officers during an Occupy Wall Street demonstration in September filed lawsuits on Tuesday against the City of New York, the Police Department and several officers.



12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on August 1, 2012


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by snipfool on August 2, 2012

Jonesboro, Arkansas. Man, handcuffed behind the back and body searched, shot "himself" in the head in the back of a police car...


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on August 2, 2012

Baboon and Fleurnoire, can you write little intros to your links as well just so people might have an idea of what they're clicking onto.. people are more likely to click a link if it has some relevance to them (country, city, what happened) than if they don't know anything about it..


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on August 2, 2012

Fair enough. My post refers to yet another man killed in custody by the police. I think it's well over a thousand now over the past ten years and no cop has ever been charged. The senior man interveiwed on the news last night was asked if anyone would face any disciplinary over this death. He said he couldn't comment because investigations are ongoing. This four years after the lad's death and the jury saying that the police officers lied on oath.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on August 2, 2012

Very sorry, was just posting and running ( and being lazy.)
Mine was about a 12 year old girl being tased by police, who were apprehending her mother for parking offences, in a shopping mall.


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 6, 2012

Tacoma police taser and detain deaf victim of crime without an interpreter:


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 8, 2012

From Private Eye:


12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on August 11, 2012

The vast majority of posts have quite rightly concentrated on the repressive, "above the law" aspects of the police. They are not just bastards though, but incompetent, stupid bastards when it comes to what we are told they do - solve crime.

Their antics around the recent disappearance in Surrey of the 12-year-old schoolgirl Tia Sharp is strongly reminiscent of the murders a few years ago of two poor young schoolgirls in Soham. Here, Ian Huntley, a sexual predator with form and the last person to see the girls alive, run rings around the police in front of the TV cameras night after night. Because of the national interest there were many reporters present that Huntley the half-wit also conned. With all the resources available to them the police were shown as incompetent, useless bastards. The police Family Liaison Officer appointed to the distraught families turned out to be a paedophile whose nefarious activities were covered up by another serving female officer.

Similar things are happening over poor Tia. Three searches of the house where she was last seen over a week and nothing. Now a body has been found there. Either it was there all the time or someone has brought a body in right under the nose of the police. The last person to speak to Tia, a boyfriend of her Grandmother with a string of various criminal convictions, was allowed to go by police and disappeared. What useless cunts.

Early reports on the BBC yesterday said that a growing crowd of locals were getting increasingly angry with the police and converged on the scene protesting. The police brought in reinforcements. These reports disappeared on later bulletins.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on August 21, 2012



12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 2, 2012

30 August - Los Angeles: two police officers arrest female nurse in routine traffic stop, slam her face first into the pavement, handcuff her then slam her face first into the pavement again, then exchange fist bump:

30 August - Los Angeles again: five police officers under investigation following death of overweight woman handcuffed, stomped on in the genitals and put in back of police car:


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 2, 2012

So that it's linked to from here: August 2012 - South Africa: police murder 34 miners and seriously injure 78 others. Then rub salt in the wound by charging 270 arrested miners (many of whom were assaulted in custody) with the murder of their colleagues!

1 September - London: police break the shoulder of a wheelchair user in peaceful protest of disabled activists at the DWP


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on September 7, 2012

Cop knocks over dog in the street, and euthanizes it by hitting it with a baton and then stomping on its skull. Police don't bother to let the owners know.

A 50 year old woman is detained by police over a missing subway ticket, has her nose broken and is arrested.

It's mind boggling how the police manage to scour the earth so well for the scummiest of people.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on September 7, 2012

Also, found a couple of sites dedicated to this sort of thing already.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on September 10, 2012

More details to come out on Wednesday about the cop's complicity in this massacre. David Cameron will express his "regret", apparantly, about the 96 deaths at Hillsborough.


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by petey on September 10, 2012

The shaky and frenetic video, lasting less than a minute, appears to show two New York police officers holding a man on the floor, with one officer repeatedly slamming his right fist into the man’s face.

The man, Luis Solivan, 19, was later charged with assaulting an officer, but his case was dismissed after a grand jury watched the video, which an acquaintance shot through an apartment window in the Bronx, his lawyers say. Now, that same footage may emerge as crucial evidence in a civil rights lawsuit filed by Mr. Solivan’s lawyers on Monday in Federal District Court in Manhattan.

the video is at the link


12 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 13, 2012

12 September 2012 - Texas police shoot unarmed man 41 times, confiscate the camera of a witness who took photos and delete his pictures:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 21, 2012

Mr Hughes insisted it was not actually a joke, and that he was merely pointing out to the audience that more civilians died in police custody than officers did in the line of duty.

However, it prompted an inspector from Greater Manchester Police to walk out in disgust.

Comedian Steve Hughes apologises for 'tasteless comment' about police officers killed in Hattersley

Caiman del Barrio

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on September 23, 2012

Protestors associated with Occupy Oakland shut down a council meeting in support of the Justice for Alan Blueford Campaign:

More on Blueford from this (horribly cold) page:


The high school senior was approached by patrolling officers just after midnight and ran, provoking an officer to chase him. Blueford allegedly pointed a gun at the officer who then fired four shots, three which hit Blueford and one which hit his own foot. The shot to the officer's foot was initially blamed on the teen, and police were referring to the incident as a shoot-out between the two men, until it was discovered the officer had shot himself. Community is waiting for evidence connecting gun found at the scene to Blueford


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 24, 2012

The cop who killed Ian Tomlinson is now being sued for carrying out a racist attack on a 12-year-old black girl:

August 20, 2012 - Four LAPD cops hold down a skateboarder for skating on the wrong side of the street and punch him in the face, breaking his nose and cheek bone:

August 23, 2012 - Michigan police shoot mentally ill homeless man 46 times as he walks away from them:


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on October 3, 2012

Tunisian civil society is rallying in support of a young woman who was raped by police officers in what they say is part of a broader assault on women's rights by religious conservatives.

There is widespread outrage after 27-year-old victim was summoned by the investigating judge on Wednesday to face charges of "indecency" from the two men accused of raping her, in what many argue is an attempt by the authorities to intimidate her.
The young woman and her fiancé had been "apprehended" by police on September 3 in Ain Zaghouan, suburb of Tunis.

In an interview with the French news organisation France 24 published on Thursday, her fiance said the couple was arrested in their car.

They demanded money from him, handcuffed him, and took his partner in the back of their car where they raped her, he said...



12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 2, 2012

video link in the link

The video shows a crowd of blue-shirted police officers standing in the middle of a street, around a car. Someone on the left appears to throw something resembling silly string or a liquid on the cops. An officer in a white shirt rushes out of the crowd and goes after a woman with long, dark hair and a black T-shirt.

Her back is to the camera so it is unclear if she was saying anything to him. The officer appears to punch her in the face and then hit her in the back of the head. She falls to the ground where two officers apprehend her and lead her off. As she passes the camera, blood can be seen streaming down her face.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on October 4, 2012

Number of deaths in police custody 1969-2011

Who Polices The Police?

(52minutes/UK/2012/Ken Fero/Migrant Media)

Sean Rigg dies in a caged area in Brixton Police Station in August 2008 and the Independent Police Complaint Commission (IPCC) are called in to investigate. Sean's family are shocked at the death and this soon turns to anger when the government appointed IPCC begin to make error after error in its inquiry - is it incompetence or collusion? Sean's family begin a four year struggle to investigate the death themselves and in the process ask 'Who Polices The Police?'

The film is a blow-by-blow account of their journey as they question the police officers accounts, visit the crime scene, speak to witnesses, examine evidence. Harrowing footage emerges that show the last moments of Sean's life. The family watch in horror. The conclusion they come to -

Sean died at the hands of the police.
Using powerful testimonies, poetry and a political analysis of police violence the film explores the tactics of the IPCC and, through the family of Sean Rigg, challenge its claim that it is independent of the police. Meanwhile the deaths the IPCC oversees continue.

Protecting the image of the police becomes an alter on which hundreds of people that have died in police custody are sacrificed. The IPCC administer last rites and no officers are ever successfully prosecuted for their crimes. In the film the facts of political appointments and ex-police officers leading the investigation teams are exposed. The might of the state is challenged by one family.

'Who Polices The Police?' builds fragments of reality, of memory and of resistance into a powerful document about a struggle for justice.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 5, 2012

A New York police detective shot and killed an unarmed man, whose hands, a witness said, were on the steering wheel of his Honda, after he had been pulled over early Thursday for cutting off two police trucks on the Grand Central Parkway in Queens, the authorities said.

The shooting, which occurred at 5:15 a.m., was the latest in a series of episodes in which police officers fatally shot or wounded civilians. While the Police Department had explanations in the other instances, it could not immediately provide one for the shooting on Thursday.


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 6, 2012

The 27-year-old coffee barista died in April after being struck by an NYPD squad car that began chasing him as he swiped paver stones in the predawn light at his Brooklyn housing project.

Now his mom’s being chased anew, hounded by a collection agency hired by the city with a cruel final demand, the Daily News has learned.

The city has ordered her to pay the $710 cost of repairing the police car that killed her boy.

i find this one hard to believe, will try to follow it.

e2a: update (already):

On Friday, the law firm handling the collection effort said it had formally dropped the effort. Paul J. Browne, a spokesman for the Police Department, said his agency did not send out the letter and referred the matter to the city’s Law Department.

“We don’t know any instance where we send letters like that,” he said. “I’m not sure how it came out.”

Kate Ahlers, a spokeswoman for the Law Department, said the notice had been sent in error after her department received a referral from a unit of the Police Department. “We regret that Mr. Robinson’s family received a collection notice,” she said in a statement, adding, “We recognize that this involves a tragic case.”


12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 8, 2012

October 3: in Baltimore, a man's death in police custody is determined as homicide, after police initially claimed he choked on drugs


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 16, 2012

The video, posted online on Sunday night by, shows Officer Vega punching the head and body of Ehud Halevy, 21, and another officer from the 71st Precinct, Yelena Bruzzese, battering Mr. Halevy with a baton for more than two minutes last week as he tries to fend off the blows.

According to a criminal complaint, the officers said Mr. Halevy had attacked them, causing one to suffer a sprained wrist, during an encounter on Oct. 8 in the Alternative Learning Institute for Young Adults on East New York Avenue in Crown Heights. Mr. Halevy was charged with a felony count of assault on police officers.

But the seven-minute video seems to contradict the officers’ account: It does not show Mr. Halevy striking either officer, though he does pull away from Officer Vega, using an arm to push off the officer and break free. The video was taken by a surveillance camera in the center’s lounge.


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on October 25, 2012

An NYPD officer was charged in a bizarre plan to kidnap his girlfriend, and possibly up to 100 other women, and cook them.

Officer Gilberto Valle has been an NYPD officer for 6 years.

The NYPD has not commented on his arrest, only saying he's been suspended without pay.

Valle is described as quiet by his neighbors, but investigator say he wanted to be a kidnapper and cannibal. He's charged with conspiracy to abduct, torture, rape, cook and eat women.


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on October 28, 2012


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on November 12, 2012

Police in Kent have arrested a man for posting a picture of him burning a poppy on Facebook.

No really, it’s not a joke.

A tweet alerted us to the story.

Kent 999s @Kent_999s

AYLESHAM nr Dover: An Aylesham man has been arrested tonight after posting a picture of a burning poppy on Facebook.
11 Nov 12

The story has been confirmed by This is Kent:

POLICE have tonight arrested an Aylesham man after a picture of a burning poppy was posted online.

Kent Police say the man has been held on the evening of Remembrance Sunday on suspicion of malicious telecommunications after the image of the poppy was posted on a social networking site.

The suspect is tonight in police custody awaiting interview.


12 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on November 12, 2012

The former British police spy Mark Kennedy is being accused of making fake claims after leaked documents indicated he was the source behind claims that French activists were learning to make homemade bombs.

Ten French leftwing activists are under investigation over an alleged terror plot to overthrow the state in a case that has convulsed France and drawn criticism from human rights lawyers.

Leaked documents seen by the Guardian reveal how claims against some of the activists, including the suggestion they discussed and "practised" building improvised explosive devices (IED)s, came from the British police unit Kennedy worked for.

The French authorities are not pursuing charges on this element of the inquiry. Instead, the activists are under formal investigation for allegedly sabotaging high-speed train lines with metal hooks, after damage to lines in November 2008 caused delays for thousands but no casualties. Accused of targeting the SNCF railway as the ultimate symbol of the French state, they deny all charges against them.

Kennedy, a police spy who used the alias Mark Stone during the seven years he was undercover, met French campaigners at least twice; once in the south of France and again in New York.

He is a discredited figure in the UK, where he has admitted to having sexual relationships with female activists.

His bungled operations led to the quashing of 20 convictions against activists and there are more potential miscarriages currently under review. Senior judges said he had arguably been acting as an agent provocateur.

Kennedy's role in the inquiry into the French anti-capitalists could jeopardise what is the most high-profile legal case on leftist activism in recent years. It is known as the "Tarnac affair" after more than a hundred French police in balaclavas swooped on the tiny rural village of Tarnac in November 2008, arresting anti-capitalists who were living on a communal farm and running a village shop. In a vast media operation, Nicolas Sarkozy's government and French authorities alleged they were a cell of dangerous subversives intent on anarchist armed insurrection to overthrow the state.


12 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by petey on December 3, 2012

Sarasota, Florida - The video seems to show a Sarasota police officer slamming a homeless man into a wall. It was captured by a surveillance camera on October 6.


This isn't the first time Sarasota Police have been caught on tape abusing a suspect. In 2009, an officer kicked a handcuffed man while he was down. And last August, an officer repeatedly punched a man in the face.

video at the link


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on December 23, 2012

California cop shoots unarmed man eleven times

The day after prosecutors cleared a police officer for shooting a man eleven times and killing him, attorneys representing the victim released a graphic video showing the shooting.

The San Joaquin Country district attorney’s office concluded that California Police Officer James Moody had been legally justified in shooting 34-year-old Ernesto Duenez Jr., but the video might bring the case back to court.

On June 8, 2011, the officer ordered Duenez to get out of his pickup truck, which was parked in the driveway of his house. Duenez was on parole and was wanted in connection with a domestic-violence incident that occurred earlier that day. When the man exited his vehicle, Officer Moody immediately opened fire, shooting 13 times and riddling the man with 11 bullets in 4.2 seconds as he rolled on the ground.

Duenez was shot once in the head, eight times in his body and twice in his extremities. Four of these shots occurred while he was already on the ground. He died shortly thereafter from gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen.

While the officer was firing his gun, the victim’s wife ran out of the house, screaming at the officer and subsequently crying over her husband’s dead body.

Moody claims he shot the victim because he saw Duenez holding a knife. An 8-inch knife with a 4-inch blade was later found in the bed of the truck, but Duenez was not carrying it at the time of the shooting. The footage also shows the victim’s foot getting stuck in the seatbelt while he was trying to exit the vehicle.

The camera footage contradicts the story told by the officer, showing a situation in which Duenez posed no threat to the police.

“This is more barbaric than even the Oscar Grant shooting,” Oakland attorney John Burris, who filed a wrongful-death lawsuit, told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Even though Duenez was a known gang member who had violated his parole by failing a drug test, prosecutors claim he was in the wrong by fatally shooting the unarmed man.

Rosemary Duenez, the victim’s mother, agreed to release the video in response to the court decision to clear the officer of the crime. After Burris showed it to her, the 58-year-old woman said she hopes the video will garner support from others.

“As heartbreaking as it is, people need to see what happened,” she told the Chronicle. “They need to know what we see, and what we’re fighting for.”

Video of the shooting


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 9, 2013

January 2013, USA: woman wins $1.5 million in damages after being raped at work by a robber and not believed by police, who instead accused her of robbing her employer. Trigger warning for sexual violence:


12 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Tian on January 12, 2013

Redwinged Blackbird

12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Redwinged Blackbird on January 16, 2013

recent write up of action rally thing in Liberal Madison, WI I attended...

Chilli Sauce

12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on January 28, 2013

Starving asylum seeker choked for shoplifing a sandwich.

Police brutality combined with private security brutality (and even some brutality thrown in by a regular Sainsbury's employee and a passerby).

CCTV footage here:

CCTV reveals store's treatment of teenage shoplifter

A teenage asylum seeker has said he feared he was going to die after he was pinned to the ground, grabbed around the neck and restrained by five people in a Sainsbury's supermarket after he stole a sandwich.

Amine Ahnini, from Algeria, who was 18 at the time of the incident in May last year, was challenged by a security guard as he left the Canterbury store with a sandwich and a few other food items. He admitted he had not paid for them, saying he was starving and had no money.

While there are no official figures, Data is not routinely collected but there is anecdotal evidence from charities and police forces that there has been a rise in thefts linked to hunger.

Ahnini agreed to go back into the store with the guard and return the items. CCTV footage shows that after he had put the food down the guard grabbed him and pushed him to the ground. Other employees and a member of the public helped the guard restrain him. The guard said he acted because he feared the 18-year-old was going to assault him.

"The security guard had his hands around my neck, I couldn't breathe and thought I was dying," said Ahnini. "My arms and legs were pinned down so I couldn't move. All I could think about was getting the guard's hands off my neck so I could breathe again so I bit his hand."

Police were called and arrested Ahnini. He was convicted of theft and assault by Canterbury magistrates last November and in December was ordered to do community service, pay £100 compensation to the guard and £250 towards court costs. He is appealing against the convictions.

The prosecution's case was that Ahnini became aggressive when challenged by the guard, threatened him and pushed him. Ahnini denies this.

When police viewed the CCTV footage their log states: "The IP [injured party] is shown to use force to pick up and throw the suspect to the floor and appears to show the IP is holding the suspect around the neck as he alleges." A later police log entry states: "It is felt that a further statement would be required from the IP as the original one is of insufficient detail in terms of the justification for the level of force used etc." Police took photographs of the injuries to Ahnini's neck at the police station. He said he collapsed at the police station and was checked over by a custody nurse who said he was all right.

He added: "I suffered a lot of trauma in Algeria and have a very big scar on my neck from an accident I had while trying to escape from there. I've been given medication to help me with this trauma but I get very nervous when people touch me. When the security guard put his hands round my neck I was scared the scar would open up again. My parents were arrested and taken away in Algeria and I had a lot of nightmares about it. The nightmares had faded but since this incident they have come back and I'm getting flashbacks about what happened to me when I was restrained.

"I stole the food because I was starving and had no idea all these bad things would happen. I don't even have enough money to eat so don't know how I'm going to pay the money the court has asked for. If I'd known all this was going to happen I never would have done this. It would have been better to starve."

Vaughan Jones, chief executive of Praxis, a charity working with vulnerable migrants, expressed concern about the incident and said that an increasing number of their clients were experiencing hunger and using food banks.

"No one would condone anyone committing crime but we have to understand the circumstances of people who find themselves in this situation. The state should be able to deal sensitively with these cases but increasingly the state is bypassing its duty and its responsibility."

A Sainsbury's spokeswoman said: "Where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that someone has taken goods without paying in-store security officers and store colleagues have a statutory right to stop that person. In some circumstances – and always when violence has been used – the police may also be called. The police will then decide whether, given the evidence, it is in the public interest to prosecute. In this case, the offender was prosecuted, and was found guilty of assault and theft. "

Sainsbury's employs security guards trained and licensed by the Security Industry Authority. However, they do not receive training in physical intervention. (Door supervisors for businesses such as pubs and clubs licensed by the authority do have this training.)

An SIA spokesman said "only training packages which avoid the neck are approved by us".

He added: "Any forceful restraint can lead to medical complications, sudden death or permanent disability especially where situational and individual risk factors are present. Although some of the above is lawful, under certain circumstances, such interventions will require high levels of justification and training."

Asked about Ahnini's treatment in custody, a Kent police spokesman said: "Generally speaking, all our custody staff are fully trained professionals and work to a set of high standards. Kent police follows strict custody guidelines and is subject to regular internal and external inspections. We deal with all injury and illness cases according to risk to ensure those in need of urgent medical attention receive the most appropriate response.

With regard to the police's request for a further statement from Sainsbury's to justify the level of force used on Ahnini, the police spokesman said: "It is not necessarily common practice to ask witnesses to complete additional statements, but is perfectly reasonable to expect a supervisor to seek to get the best evidence for every allegation of a criminal offence. Sometimes this means additional statements are taken."


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by petey on February 10, 2013

A 23-year-old man who was beaten by three Denver police officers after he questioned their authority to search the trunk of his car says the Justice Department has decided not to charge any of the officers with civil-rights violations stemming from the case.

Alexander Landau tells The Denver Post that representatives of the department and the FBI told him Friday there was insufficient evidence to bring federal charges.

pic at the link


12 years ago

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Submitted by petey on February 15, 2013

A Queens grand jury voted to not indict a decorated detective who fatally shot an unarmed driver during a highway traffic stop last year, the Queens district attorney, Richard A. Brown, said on Thursday.


In the ensuing encounter on the side of the road, a single shot was fired into the car, killing the driver, Noel Polanco, 22. A police officer had ordered those inside the car to show their hands; a passenger has said that Mr. Polanco had his hands on the steering wheel when he was shot by the detective, Hassan Hamdy.

Detective Hamdy’s lawyer has said that Mr. Polanco had reached down to the floor of the car, and that the detective believed that he was reaching for a gun. No weapon was found in the car, although a small power drill was found on the floor of the driver’s side.


12 years ago

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Submitted by petey on February 17, 2013

The car barreled down a county road at more than 100 mph before it slammed into a Mitsubishi Galant, killing one woman, seriously injuring another and hurtling a child through the windshield.

At the wheel of the speeding vehicle: an on-duty Florida Highway Patrol trooper.

FHP found the trooper, Detrick McClellan, at fault in the horrific crash, fired him, and cited him with three traffic violations.

But when his case came up in court, the trooper who issued the citations wasn't there. Another trooper in attendance said that though he couldn't represent the agency, he would not object to dismissing the tickets, and the judge did just that.

McClellan walked out with no consequences, and even got handshakes from his fellow law enforcement officers.

"If the FHP allows it to stand, what they're saying is the law does not apply to us, even if we kill people," said Dennis Kenney, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and a former Florida police officer.,0,5990362.story

Caiman del Barrio

12 years ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on February 18, 2013

Cops asphyxiate a cinema-goer with Downs over the price of a cinema ticket:


12 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 20, 2013

Man brutally beaten by Philadelphia police found not guilty:


12 years ago

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Submitted by petey on February 20, 2013

A 10-year-old boy attending a Tularosa, N.M., Intermediate School’s Career Day expected it to be fun and educational, but instead he ended up in the emergency room.

The boy, identified as R.D., blacked out after receiving 50,000 volts of electricity when struck by a police officer’s Taser gun.


The lawsuit claims police officers drove their patrol cars onto the intermediate school campus, where Webb asked a group of boys which one would like to clean his patrol unit.

R.D. raised his hand to say he did not want to clean the police officer’s car.

Webb then said, according to the lawsuit, “Let me show what happens to people who do not listen to the police.” He then “shot his Taser gun at the boy’s chest,” said the family’s attorney Shannon Kennedy of the Kennedy Law Firm of Albuquerque.

Bedridden and on oxygen, Lona Varner of El Reno, Oklahoma, was zapped by police using Taser guns after she acted in an “aggressive” manner in her bed. Officers showed up at Varner’s residence after her grandson, Lonnie Tinsley, called 911 seeking medical assistance for his grandmother. But instead of helping the 86-year-old woman, police officers Thomas Duran and Joseph Sandberg Tasered her, causing her to pass out. “Don’t Taze my granny!” Tinsley says he shouted at the officers, who also are accused of stepping on Varner’s oxygen hose.


12 years ago

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Submitted by Uncreative on February 21, 2013

This is pretty fucked up.

Eyewitnesses claim London police officers threw a trans person to the ground, handcuffed her and caused deliberate pain while saying she is 'not normal'


12 years ago

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Submitted by petey on March 6, 2013

After two brain surgeries and nearly 40 hours on life-support, a Ramsey father of four reportedly knocked to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer last weekend was showing small signs of recovery.

Meanwhile, the officer -- Sgt. David Clifford, 47, of Andover, who was charged Monday with third-degree assault -- claimed he acted in self-defense.


According to the criminal complaint, Clifford said he was with his wife and acquaintances when he heard Brian Vander Lee using offensive language at a nearby table. He said he asked Vander Lee to stop, which he reportedly did for a time, but when he started up again, Clifford approached his table. Fearing Vander Lee was going to strike him, Clifford said,
he punched him.

Clifford fled across the street, where his wife picked him up, the complaint said.

He admitted he avoided officers when they came looking for him at his home Saturday night; Clifford surrendered at the Anoka County Jail the next day.

Witnesses told investigators they did not hear Vander Lee using offensive language, the complaint said.


12 years ago

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Submitted by petey on March 7, 2013

a follow-up

Justice Department reps chose Friday at 6:30 p.m. to inform Alex Landau that they would not be charging the three Denver police officers who brutally beat him with federal civil rights violations.


The attack caused Landau to fall, but the beating continued for several minutes, with one officer yelling, "He's going for the gun." (Landau was unarmed.) Once they finally stopped the assault, one officer reportedly put the following question to him: "Where's that warrant now, you fucking nigger?"


12 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 11, 2013

Police officer in Rochester, New York, tells rape victim "blow me you little whore" and another then mocks her for crying:


12 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 11, 2013

UK student protester nearly killed by police is cleared of violent disorder, after blatantly being fitted up to try to excuse him being nearly killed by a police baton:


11 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on March 18, 2013


On the 15th of March every year, a demonstration is held in Montreal for the International Day Against Police Brutality.

However, because the protesters never tell the police where they're planning on marching, there have only been two peaceful demonstrations in the last 16 years – the other 14 have all ended in the police getting angry and inflicting the kind of brutality everyone there is rallying against.

This year was no exception, with police arresting demonstrators before the march had even begun and ending the day with over 250 arrests, some presumably carried out normally and others – like the one above – by launching a bike at someone and slamming them to the floor, which isn't really a normal way to arrest an unarmed citizen.

You'd have thought that the police would be well aware of the irony of their actions and tone it down a little, but who can blame them? We all know how quickly reputation and self-awareness go out of the window as soon as you get the chance to crack some fucking skulls.


11 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 18, 2013

In the US, 40% of police families experience domestic violence, 2 to 4 times the level of the general population. And importantly:

One of the most disturbing parts is that police departments often handle cases of police family violence informally; without an "official report, investigation, or even check of the victim's safety."


11 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on March 18, 2013

Some background on the Montreal March against Police Brutality. It was the 17th one and usually there is actually a march, for a while at least, with people at the head of it holding pictures of friends, family killed by the SPVM. The police do seem to have had a total irony bypass that they always break up the march against police brutality with lashings of police brutality. This year it was declared illegal straight away, there were hundred of cops in place before hand, people were surrounded and some 250 rounded up onto buses and taken away. The SPVM were making announcements all day leading up to it, masks won't be tolerated, this won't be tolerated, that won't be tolerated, there was never any intention of letting people demonstrate. What the Vice article didn't mention was the use of pepper spray, tear gas and stun grenades. They are very, very fond of their stun grenades, which they fire into the crowds. Someone lost an eye to one last year, I'm surprised that there haven't been more even more serious injuries. At least the Vice article noted the 250 arrests, the late local news (in English) had the number at 4. There were 4 arrests under more serious criminal codes, apparently the other 250, including local MSM journalists, didn't count. There were also pre-emptive arrests earlier in the day, which aren't really very legal, but I'm not sure how many of the usual suspects were rounded up...

I want to point out that I wasn't there, I was nowhere near, there was not a chance in hell this was going to go quietly and peacefully, last year's went on well into the night with a lot of broken windows & torched police cruisers and particularly after the SPVM made it's announcement back in the autumn that they were more "muscular" and better prepared, I was expecting this to be actually much worst than it was.
I was out and about downtown yesterday and there were tons of police doing crowd control for the post parade St Patrick's Day revelries and I have to say it is really, really weird to me to see them in their normal uniforms. For the last year or so, whenever cops have grouped together on the streets of Montreal, they've been in riot gear, armed to the teeth with their IDs covered up with duct tape.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 2, 2013

24 March 2013: Omaha cops beat one guy, then when loads of other cops turn up they arrest a guy filming the abuse, knocking over and handcuffing a woman in a wheelchair, then probably delete the film. Luckily, someone else filmed the whole thing:


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by vicent on April 8, 2013

well they've finally admitted it:

great article on racist police


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on April 22, 2013

During the Occupy Wall Street protests and their aftermath, they were the online-video symbols for those who said the New York Police Department was using excessive force:

Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, in his white commander’s shirt, walking up to a crowd of people and appearing to pepper-spray protesters at random. And Deputy Inspector Johnny Cardona, who appears to turn around a protester who is walking away and punch him in the face.

Inspector Bologna was found by the Police Department to have violated internal guidelines and was docked 10 vacation days. Both men are facing civil lawsuits in which the city has declined to defend them.

But there will be no criminal charges against either commander, the office of the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., said Friday afternoon.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 22, 2013

21 April 2013: Sussex police using bogus terrorism legislation to search journalists at anti-racist demonstration:

claimed they were using public order legislation, but gave this to a journalist:


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on April 24, 2013

PC Matthew Fisher "brought disgrace" on police force

A POLICE officer who “abused his position of authority for the sake of his own gratification”, has been warned he faces jail.

PC Matthew Daniel Fisher, 37, used a police database to find mobile numbers for women, and engaged in sexual activity while on duty, a seven-day trial at Hull Crown Court heard.

Fisher, who had a 12-year career with North Yorkshire Police and was based in Selby, had sexual activity with one woman in a police van outside Selby Bus Station, bombarded others with telephone calls, and gave drunken women lifts home in a police van.

Charges were levelled against him by five women, and he was acquitted yesterday of the most serious charge of attempted rape, but found guilty of three other sex offences. He was also found guilty of one count of misconduct in public office, and admitted two further charges of the same.


He said: “He has targeted women he wished to have sexual contact with and in some instances has tracked down their personal details using police information systems.

“He targetted some of these women confident in the belief that they wouldn’t bring themselves to report him - for example, that they had been the victim of an offence that he was there to assist them with or that they had criminal records which made them think that they would never be believed over a police officer or simply that they were drunk. In each instance he was content to take advantage of those vulnerabilities.”


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on April 28, 2013

James Herbert died after being left naked on the floor of a police sell in Somerset in June 2010. He had a history of mental health problems and was arrested after running in and out of traffic. He died of a cardiac arrest in the police station after having taken a legal high (no one seems to be saying what he actually took). The police are saying the case highlights the dangers of legal highs. The family are criticising the police for not getting medical help for James, not communicating about his mental health problems and previous incidents, and not monitoring him while in custody.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 3, 2013

The Opa-Locka Police Department in Florida on Wednesday argued before an arbitrator that one of their own officers deserved to be fired — for the sixth time — because he left his department AR-15 assault-style rifle with a friend.


According to WFOR, Bosque has been fired eight times by three police departments in Florida, including six firings from his job at Opa-locka. WFOR noted that Bosque was the “most disciplined, fined, fired, arrested police officer in the state.”

Over the years, he has faced allegations of busting the skull of a suspect, beating juveniles, having drugs in a patrol car, stealing from suspects, falsifying reports, conducting an unauthorized car chased where four people were killed and “calling in sick…from Cancun.”


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by jonthom on May 12, 2013

A California father of four died Wednesday shortly after a group of police allegedly beat him with batons as he lay defenseless on the sidewalk. Cops, before confiscating witness' cameras, also reportedly unleashed a canine unit on him.

David Sal Silva, 33, allegedly resisted when police approached him to ask if he was who neighbors called about to complain of an intoxicated man in the area. The officers called for backup and, witnesses told the Bakersfield Californian, Silva was soon being beaten in the face and upper body by as many as nine policemen and their batons. At least one of the cops reportedly held a German Shepherd on a leash nearby.

Witnesses who had recorded the events on their cell phone cameras had the devices confiscated by officers, who claimed the footage was part of a police investigation that could yield evidence. The Sherriff’s Department has released the names of seven officers who were on the scene, but the identities of the California Highway Patrol police who were also there have not yet been made public.

“When I got outside I saw two officers beating a man with batons, and they were hitting his head so every time they would swing, I could hear the blows to his head,” said witness Ruben Ceballos, who told the Californian the noise was so loud it woke him up.


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 12, 2013

12 May: New report reveals widespread racist attitudes in the Met police, 20 years on from the murder of Steven Lawrence


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2013

May 10, 2013, Baltimore: police beat up a woman and smash a camera for filming them beating up a man, telling her "You want to film something bitch? Film this!"


11 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on May 16, 2013


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 20, 2013

19 May 2013 - Philadelphia: "hero cop" charged with raping two women at gunpoint and assaulting another, also has a history of violence (trigger warning for serious sexual violence)

17 May 2013 - UK: gay black police officer hounded from the force for challenging racism and homophobia


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 26, 2013

Cell phone footage that was confiscated after the police beating death of a Bakersfield man was released this week, not showing much as far as the beating goes, but capturing David Silva’s horrific screams during the last moments of his life.

However, footage from the second phone that was confiscated that was more incriminating, showing the actual swinging of the batons, was apparently deleted.


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on May 30, 2013

Fourteen-year-old Tremaine McMillian didn't threaten police. He didn't attack them. He wasn't armed. All the black teenager did was appear threatening by shooting Miami-Dade police officers a few "dehumanizing stares," and that was apparently enough for the officers to decide to slam him against the ground and put him in a chokehold.


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 3, 2013

The Edison police officer charged this month with torching his captain’s home was recently ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation and transferred to a new shift after receiving his 11th excessive force complaint in a decade, three law enforcement officials with knowledge of the situation said.


Anderko’s Monroe Township home was set ablaze with an accelerant before sunrise May 20 as he, his wife, his two young children and his 92-year-old mother slept inside. All escaped unharmed, though the house was heavily damaged.


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on June 3, 2013

A hearing impaired woman with learning disabilities in WA beaten by police. It seems the offence was using a cell phone while driving.


11 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on June 12, 2013

Cop sexually assaults a woman at a divorce court, then arrests her for making a complaint.. news report below..


Edit: the embedding isn't working so here's the link..


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 18, 2013

June 12, 2013: cop in Ohio shoots and kills a litter of kittens in front of screaming children. Bosses say he did nothing wrong:

June 11, 2013: cops in Georgia police guilty to planting drugs on a female assault victim who had complained about a judge offering to exchange legal favours for sex. The same judge is now also subject to separate lawsuits from three female court employees:


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 23, 2013

New article on cops' T-shirts and what it says about their culture:


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 24, 2013

June 23, 2013 UK: undercover police in the anti-activist Special Demonstration Squad tried to discredit the family and friends of murdered black teenager Steven Lawrence, as well as campaign groups for justice:

also, for reference:
June, Brazil: police violence against demonstrations against public transport fare increases leads to mass demonstrations and riots in dozens of cities across the country for weeks:

June, Turkey: police violence against demonstration against turning a park in Istanbul into a shopping mall sparked nationwide anti-government uprising:


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by petey on June 26, 2013


New article on cops' T-shirts and what it says about their culture:

these things are popular also amongst military, i've seen shirts reading "takin out the trash" with "bad guys" (i.e. people in turbans) being the "trash"


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 9, 2013

June 08 2012, US: police officer charged with murder of a Sunday school teacher had previously been disciplined and had issues before being hired:

Joseph Kay

11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 13, 2013

A List of 19 Children Recently Arrested For Trivial Things

Joseph Kay

11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 13, 2013

Drunk banker yells racial abuse at couple, gets punched, the black guy is arrested.


11 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013 - Police, security guards and vigilantes kill one black man every 28 hours in the US:

July 14, 2013 - Open season effectively declared on black boys following acquittal of the killer of Trayvon Martin:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 21, 2013

Thames Valley police carry out sustained campaign of harassment against the ex-girlfriend of one of its officers, including blocking several jobs:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 22, 2013

22 July 2013, UK: anti-fascist protester has leg broken by police, then they interrogate her in accident and emergency:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 22, 2013

9 July 2013, US: NYPD cop reveals what a waste of time their policing strategy is, ticketing people for non-offences to get numbers:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on July 25, 2013

Cynthia Jarrett died in 1985 during a police raid and PC Blakelock died in the ensuing riot.

The police campaign of revenge for this involved fitting up various local people off the estate - long since exposed, but the police have long memories and now 28 years later have decided to pin it all on one person just 17 years old back then.

There is an article about this by Stafford Scott formerly of the Broadwater Farm Defense Campaign in todays UK Guardian newspaper with some background to this.


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 26, 2013

July 2013, US: NYPD cop forwards naked photos and videos to himself from a woman who was arrested-


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 29, 2013

July 27, 2013, US: 60-year-old black man shot by police in his own front garden getting a cigarette from his mother's car in the driveway after putting his hands up


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 29, 2013

29 July 2013, US: East Baton Rouge police entrap gay men and arrest them for agreeing to private consensual sex, using an anti-sodomy law that was ruled unconstitutional a decade ago:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on July 30, 2013

18 year old Sammy Yatim shot dead by Toronto police in a streetcar. There were at least a dozen police and nine bullets were discharged, after which they boarded the streetcar and tazered him. The video is pretty clear what happened.


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by commieprincess on July 30, 2013

Police in Brazil line up dozens of naked prisoners to shoot and gas them.


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2013


Police in Brazil line up dozens of naked prisoners to shoot and gas them.

yeah, I've seen this doing the rounds this morning, but not from any major news outlets. Some websites for claiming these were public transport price protesters, however some comments on them were saying that this footage is from a while ago (maybe January this year) and is unconnected to the protests. If anyone can find out when it is from that would be great


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Cooked on July 30, 2013

Swedish police beat harmless drunk. Made the news big time. I hesitated to post it as it has a few to many ingredients that fits the media narrative and makes it newsworthy.


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by commieprincess on July 30, 2013



Police in Brazil line up dozens of naked prisoners to shoot and gas them.

yeah, I've seen this doing the rounds this morning, but not from any major news outlets. Some websites for claiming these were public transport price protesters, however some comments on them were saying that this footage is from a while ago (maybe January this year) and is unconnected to the protests. If anyone can find out when it is from that would be great

Yeah as far as I could tell, it looked like it was filmed in January. Still tho, maybe gives a bit of context to the protests if that's the sort of shit that happens to prisoners :(


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2013


Yeah as far as I could tell, it looked like it was filmed in January. Still tho, maybe gives a bit of context to the protests if that's the sort of shit that happens to prisoners :(

yeah definitely, and it wasn't even long ago that this happened:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2013

29 July 2013, US: uniformed police officers in Detroit pistol whipping and robbing civilians at gunpoint:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2013

July 27, 2013, US: a police informant is caught on tape planting crack on a black shop owner who police then charged with possession and dealing:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 31, 2013

July 27, 2013, US: Nevada court police officer sexually assaults woman in family court then arrests her for complaining about it in front of the judge, who ignores the complainant completely

Chilli Sauce

11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on August 1, 2013

Don't know if this has already made the list, but a university student was arrested at a 420 celebration and then locked in a jail cell for 4 days without food and water. The police claim they forgot about and no officer has been charged in the incident:

Joseph Kay

11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on August 2, 2013

Police fine man $147 for sitting under tree


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on August 2, 2013

Police fine man $147 for sitting under tree

Possibly not the most severe example of police abuse of power but it is causing a fair amount of ambient fury here. I had no idea it was illegal to sit on the grass here and the rationale that the police routinely fine homeless people for sitting on the grass, so they only think it's fair to fine non-homeless people now :confused:
Also today, a woman was fined $219 for not having exact change for the bus. Having spent the day in the ER with her toddler, didn't have the right change, got busted by the transport police and told she was really lucky and the fine could have been a lot higher. They seem to be going out of their way to fine people, bypassing giving people a warning first.
Mass arrests seem to be in vogue with the SPVM these days. As soon as a group gathers together, they're kettled and arrested. In response to the Student Strike, various by-laws were passed and they seem to be enforcing them with great gusto.
eg: Mass arrests at critical mass demo

Honestly, they've been given an extension of their power and they're damned determined to make sure they exercise it.

EDIT: I'm going to find a nice spot of public grass and I'm going to bloody well sit on it later today.


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 3, 2013

2 August, 2013, US: apparently for the second time in recent weeks, three Minneapolis police are under internal investigation for racially abusing black men at a bar and getting involved in a brawl:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on August 3, 2013

Warwickshire cop taking upskirt photos and found with indecent images of a child receives a community order sentence:


11 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 9, 2013

07/08/13, US: Miami police taser and kill an 18-year-old spraying graffiti on an empty building already covered with graffiti, then high-five as he dies


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 17, 2013

August 15, 2013, Indiana: police threatened to taser black firefighter and pastor in the face for waving at them:

August 13, 2013, Texas: cop goes nuts at three black kids for filming outside a Walmart, threatening to taser them:


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 30, 2013

29/08/13 US: video released of Georgia prison officers beating prisoners taking part in the state's 2010 strike against prison slave labour with hammer. No officers were charged or disciplined in any way:


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 30, 2013

30/08/13, US: Rochester, NY police officer filmed punching pregnant woman in the head and throwing her to the ground:


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on August 30, 2013

29/08/13 NYPD beat 12 year old and 14 year old girls, and rip off their hijabs. Two young men assaulted and arrested for filming the incident and trying to intervene.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 30, 2013

23/08/13 Colombia: police murder a young man during a nationwide general strike, then flee on a motorbike, caught on graphic video:


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Alasdair on August 31, 2013

01/06/13 Hasani and Asanti Williams, two black men were violently attacked by armed officers in Woolwich while driving home. At no time did the officers identify themselves. Instead they smashed the windows of their car, shot out its tires, and proceeded to beat both men with their guns, causing serious injuries to both brothers. Once out of the car, both Hasani and Asanti were subject to racist abuse and continued and prolonged assault, as well as tasering. At no point had either brother shown any sign resistance or attempt to fight back.

The police are now attempting to prosecute Hasani for a minor charge of possession, taking him to Crown Court for an offence that would usually result in a caution.

FB event for demonstration outside Woolwich Crown Court on Weds 4th Sept

Joseph Kay

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 2, 2013

Not content with causing the Hillsborough disaster, the cops also robbed the dead and paid the money into the force's bank account:

The Independent

The police force accused of covering up Britain’s worst-ever sporting disaster profited from the tragedy by keeping money found among the dead and dying at Hillsborough, The Independent can reveal.


11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by flaneur on September 2, 2013

"The Met said it had voluntarily referred the actions of officers who went to the scene to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for assessment" after a 17 year old boy died from his injuries in a fight. The article says he didn't want treatment but on BBC London's 6 o'clock news, they reported he was told there was no ambulances available and if he wanted to be seen, he should get the bus:

Rob Ray

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on September 12, 2013

Parliamentary researcher Alex Bryce on winning his civil case against Met officers who brutalised him and his partner before prosecuting them both for "assaulting a police officer."

“If it wasn't for the CCTV footage our whole lives could have been ruined by the lies of these two officers. The irony is that while I was immediately suspended from Parliament after working there for six years and having done nothing wrong, these officers have kept their jobs ‘guarding’ the House of Commons; this is despite the fact that they physically attacked us and repeatedly lied, including on oath in court, in a determined attempt to secure a false prosecution against us. I can't think of another profession that would tolerate such spectacular levels of misconduct. It is shocking that the Metropolitan Police Service’s standards are so low that these two men are still considered as fit to serve as police officers.”


Which just goes to show that even if you're at the heart of the beast and training to help it eat the working classes you ain't safe from the thugs your masters hired to protect themselves.

Joseph Kay

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 15, 2013

NYPD Shoots Two Bystanders While Firing on Unarmed Man:

And in North Carolina, they shot an unarmed man who'd been in a car crash, apparently he ran towards them for help:

Mike S.

11 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Mike S. on September 15, 2013

Joseph Kay

NYPD Shoots Two Bystanders While Firing on Unarmed Man:

And in North Carolina, they shot an unarmed man who'd been in a car crash, apparently he ran towards them for help:

They tried to lie at first and say they tazed him and that he kept running at him but now the story has changed to the tazer gun didn't fire. The cop has been arrested for involuntary manslaughter but me thinks they will let this case sit until, they hope, media attention does down and the cop will probably, at worst, lose his job.

Sad moral of the story? If you're a black male don't go to the police for help. They'll kill you.


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 16, 2013

In that case Joseph mentions in North Carolina it has been ruled that the use of firearm was "unlawful" but the cop is only facing charges of killing in "self defence":

Joseph Kay

11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 16, 2013

Cops, judiciary and the 'I'PCC still fucking the Duggan family off, two years after the shooting of Mark Duggan, which triggered the August riots:

Mark Duggan's brother

If Mark had been killed by anyone other than a police officer we would be much further down the road by now of knowing what happened.

Caiman del Barrio

11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on September 16, 2013

Turkish cops have gone totally fucking insane over the last week or so, with two more protestors dying since last Sunday, leading to a renewed bout of protests in major cities across the country.

Yesterday there was a big solidarity concert in the liberal, student neighbourhood of Kadikoey in Istanbul, which the cops suddenly attacked, leading to barricades and roaming blocs running all over the neighbourhood. The cops responded with volleys of tear gas and plastic bullets fired at close range. One leading journalist was arrested and a middle aged teacher hospitalised with a horrific bullet injury.

This is the kinda distance at which they're firing plastic bullets:

Caiman del Barrio

11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on September 16, 2013

There's also the forced eviction of the CNTE teachers' union's camp in the Zócalo of Mexico City to make way for the President's Independence Day parade last Friday. The assault was led by federal police with black hawk helicopters (provided by Bush specifically for the drugs war) & the army (yes, THE ARMY) on standby. One of a million videos here: 32 arrests happened, with rumours of a large number of undercovers in amongst the teachers & some targeted detentions of CNTE leaders.

The operation happened more or less at the same time as similar evictions in Xalapa, Veracruz & Cd Campeche, Campeche. In Chiapas, the teachers left voluntarily, fearful of what might happen.

The CNTE movt has effectively brought Mexico City to a standstill at points over the last month, even forcing Parliament to change venue after blockading the Asamblea Nacional (fortunately, Banamex were on hand to rent them their conference centre ;) ). I've been covering it @latinlibnews, but I honestly don't have time to go into detail.

Caiman del Barrio

11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Caiman del Barrio on September 16, 2013

Back to Turkey (sorry), here's a useful diagram on how to mitigate against TOMAs:


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 16, 2013

15/09/13, US: police in New York shoot two female bystanders while trying to stop an erratic driver who made gun fingers with his hand:


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 16, 2013

11/09: 'Black teen who was at police station during street robbery held for 15 hours as a suspect: Shakeil Jackson was inside Thornhill Road police station reporting his motorbike stolen at the time of the crime he was later arrested over'


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by hellfrozeover on September 16, 2013

This was a couple of months ago, finally found the links.

RIOT police armed with sub-machine guns stormed a city flat following a four-hour stand-off which was sparked when a knife-wielding man in a hockey mask confronted gas workers.

Witnesses told how a battalion of officers – wielding weapons, shields and battering rams – laid siege to the property in Dumbiedykes after the man became “aggressive” when gas engineers attempted to switch his supply to a pre-pay meter.

Scottish Gas called police to the flat on Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh just before 1pm on Thursday.

They had tried to get in to cut off the gas after the man did not pay his bills.


11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by commieprincess on September 24, 2013

Seat Belt Violation Results in Florida Police Running African American Man Over:

Joseph Kay

11 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 25, 2013

UK cops admit involvement in illegal construction blacklisting: