International Council Correspondence - United Workers Party of America

Complete online archive of International Council Correspondence, a council/left communist publication of the United Workers Party of America in the 1930s.

Submitted by Steven. on May 13, 2014



8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 8, 2016

Just seen that the order of this is all messed up. I will try to fix.

Also, someone just let us know that a bunch of high res OCR versions of this have now been put online. So if people could give us a hand moving them into this library as well it would be much appreciated!

Juan Conatz

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 19, 2016

I'm glad people are posting these, but how they are posted needs a lot of work. At the very least a picture of the cover of each issue needs to be added, a list of contents, and then tags of the subjects and authors needs to be added in.

Here's an example:

It's a lot of work, but without having searchable PDFs, doing it this way at least gives some indicator to people of what is in each issue.

Also the order is screwed up still.


8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Qasim on March 20, 2016

I'll add jpg's of the covers for each issue which have a table of contents, and add tags for authors. Not sure why they're listed out of order though. Also for some reason the issues in volume 1 don't seem to be available although I uploaded them.

Juan Conatz

8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 20, 2016

A picture of the cover, while actually typing out the contents like I've done here is preferable.

The order is messed up because they are not 'weighted' correctly. I can take care of that.

Looks like there's some revisions that need to be approved in order for the PDFs that were attached to be visible. I can do that. I can also add a picture, list of contents, and tags to the odd numbered volumes, if you could take the even numbered ones.

Again, thanks for uploading these. I've been reading through them as I go.


8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Qasim on March 20, 2016

OK, thanks Juan. I'll follow your lead and do the even ones.


8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 20, 2016

Thanks so much for your help with this, it's amazing!

Juan Conatz

8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 5, 2016

Looks like a lot of this is done, just a few more to go. I think I'm going to split off Living Marxism into a different parent article. Right now it is labeled as International Council Correspondence, which is not accurate and could be confusing for people searching.

klas batalo

8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on April 6, 2016

Juan Conatz

Looks like a lot of this is done, just a few more to go. I think I'm going to split off Living Marxism into a different parent article. Right now it is labeled as International Council Correspondence, which is not accurate and could be confusing for people searching.

It should then be done for anything that is New Essays as well.


8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Qasim on April 14, 2016

There's a case for keeping it all together given the continuity of the original project. Perhaps your concerns might better be addressed by editing the introduction text to explain the name changes, and tagging everything more clearly with the different titles. Splitting up the material might make it more difficult keep track of things.

klas batalo

8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on August 18, 2016

A lot of the separate articles from these journals seem to be getting put up at the link above as full text articles.

Volume 1

Submitted by klas batalo on October 25, 2013



11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by fnbrill on October 25, 2013

Very cool. Thanks!

klas batalo

11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on October 25, 2013

this is a talks about direct UWPofA collaboration with the GIKH :D

they also had groups not just in chicago, but also buffalo, nyc, and dc.


11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Theft on October 25, 2013

Really nice find, thanks for uploading this.


11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by fnbrill on October 25, 2013

I just found a pdf of Living Marxism from 1940 online earlier today.

klas batalo

11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on October 25, 2013

upload it!!!


11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by muntzer on October 26, 2013

Thanks for posting this! Just a heads up that I've started transcribing/copying Matticks "What is Communism" article from the first issue to make it more readable.

There are also some more issues of Living Marxism here:

No idea on how to rip them though.


11 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by fnbrill on October 26, 2013

Excellent find Muntzer. You can hot the print button then choose to print all pages from front to back. Then print to pdf. It's crashing this computer but I'll switch t stronger one shortly and save these files.

Any other good stuff on the Florida website?


10 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Nate on December 16, 2014

The PDF is volume 1, numbers 1-6, it's not all of volume 1. There's an index of International Council Correspondence here - (that also includes the publications that ICC turned into, Living Marxism and New Essays). It says there's 12 issues in volume 1. Anyone have the other six? The whole series also runs to 6 volumes.


8 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Numbers 7-12 sourced from the Antonie Pannekoek Archives:

klas batalo

8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on March 28, 2016

those archives are such a good resource. also thanks for putting these all up Qasim!

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 1

The Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1934) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by schalken on March 21, 2016


* What is Communism? / [Paul Mattick] [Offprinted as What Communism really is, 1936]
* The U.W.P. Groups / [Paul Mattick]
* Forthcoming Articles in the Council Correspondence
* For Those who read German* Future of the German Labor Movement
* Unity for What? Communist League and the American Workers Party Move to Form New Party
* We Wish to Announce: A Monthly Organ of The International Communist Workers' Council Movement. "Living Marxism"
* The Strike Wave


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 2

The Volume 1, Number 2 (November 1934) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on December 16, 2014


-"The permanent crisis": Henryk Grossman's interpretation of Marx's theory of capitalist accumulation

-The struggle against the reduction of unemployed relief in Amsterdam (From Raetekorrespondenz #4 of the Group of International Communists of Holland)

-The class struggle in Spain

-Upton Sinclair on the road to fascism?

-Home coming: the end of the Trotsky movement


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 3

The Volume 1, Number 3 (December 1934) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on December 16, 2014


-Theses on Bolshevism

-What's behind the "New Deal"?


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 4

The Volume 1, Number 4 (January 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on December 16, 2014


-The Babbitts have a program: on the program of the National Association of Manufacturers

-Capitalism and planning

-On the new program of the "American Workers Party" by Karl Korsch


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 5

The Volume 1, Number 5 (February 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on December 16, 2014


-Leninism or Marxism by Rosa Luxemburg

-The American Federation of Labor and the present crisis

-Marxism without doctors: review of The inevitability of communism by Paul Mattick


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 6

The Volume 1, Number 6 (March 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on December 16, 2014


-Daniel DeLeon by Kristen Svanum

-Capitalism's conservation corps.

-The scum of humanity

-A.F. of L. and administration break


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 7

The Volume 1, Number 7 (April 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-The bases of Japanese imperialism

-Workers' councils and communist organization of economy


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 8

The Volume 1, Number 8 (May 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-Revolutionary Marxism

-The next world crisis, the second world war and the world revolution: a thesis

-Discussion on thesis by Karl Korsch

-Capturing the A.F. of L.


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 9

The Volume 1, Number 9 (June 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-The Americanizing of Marxism

-Marxism and anarchism

-The Franco-Russian pact


-Marxism as a religion

-Guy Aldred's "mission"


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 10

The Volume 1, Number 10 (August 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-The rise of a new labor movement

-The class "in itself" and the class "for itself"

-National socialism

-The struggle for democratic rights

-Class struggle and communism

-The self-movement of the masses

-The new labor movement

-Party or "work groups"


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 11

The Volume 1, Number 11 (September 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-Germany today

-National Bolshevism

-The Brussels conference

-The competitors of fascism

-From the "dictatorship" to the "People's government"

-The Belgian success

-The triumph of the united front

-The last Congress of the Communist International


International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 12

The Volume 1, Number 12 (October 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016


-Revolutionary parliamentarism

-Anti-parliamentarism and council communism

-Report from Denmark: 22nd Congress of the D.S.P.

-The Third International in the opinion of the bourgeoisie

-Critical remarks concerning "The rise of a new labor movement" by H.W.

-The intellectuals


Volume 2

Submitted by Qasim on March 10, 2016

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 1

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 1 (December 1935)
International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 1 (December 1935)

The Vol. 2, No. 1, December 1935 issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 20, 2016


-The Breathing Spell [on cover: Will there be prosperity?] / [Paul Mattick]
-The Lenin Legend / [Paul Mattick]
-On the resolution adopted by the Brussels Conference
-Please Notice
-Portrait of the Counter-Revolution


International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 2

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 2, January 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-Notes on the War Question / [Paul Mattick]
-Please Notice
-Trade-Unionism, by J.H. [=Anton Pannekoek]
-Problems of the New Labor Movement / [Paul Mattick]



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 3-4

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 3-4, March 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016

-The Development of Soviet Russia’s Foreign Policy / [by “Marxistisk Arbejder Politik”]
The Period of the Revolution
The First Defeat of the Bolshevik’s Foreign Policy
The Period of Civil War
The Turn Towards National Self-Assertion
Entering International Diplomacy
Russia Becomes a Factor of International World Politics
The Pacification of Russia’s Western Policy
Russia Turns East
The Betrayal of the Chinese Workers Revolution
On the Way to the “League of Nations”
Peace Diplomacy in the World Crisis of Capitalism
Entry into the League of Nations
The Inner-Political Presuppositions of the Latest Phase of Russian Foreign Policy
The Liquidation of the Comintern
-Current Trends in Czechoslovakia / [Paul Mattick]



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 5

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 5, April 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016

•Election Year / [Paul Mattick]
1. 2. 3.
•Forthcoming Articles in the Council Correspondence
•The Miner’s Strike in Belgium
◦The Situation before the Strike
◦The Strike
◦The Trade-Unions choke the Strike
◦The State Participates
•Boom with Twelve Million Unemployed
•The “Victory” in Spain
•Marx on Social Reform
•Workers’ Councils, by J.H. [=Anton Pannekoek]
•[Quote from Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire]
•Book Reviews / [Paul Mattick]
◦Conze, Edward – The Scientific Method of Thinking. An Introduction to Dialectical Materialism. Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, 1935
◦Uphoff, Walter, H. – The Kohler Strike. Its Socio-Economic Causes and Effects. – Chas. H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1935



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 6

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 6, May 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The Power of the Classes, by J.H. [=Anton Pannekoek]
•Communism and Religion [Anton Pannekoek]
•Forthcoming Articles in the Council Correspondence
•Class Struggle in War (from Räte Korrespondenz)
◦Second World War Inevitable
◦The Ideological Preparation for the Second World War
◦The Jingoism of the “Working Class Movement”
◦National Independence and Leninism
◦The Fourth International (Trotzky Opposition) and “Leninism”
◦Prevention of the War
◦The Enemy is within the Country



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 7

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 7, June 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•On the Communist Party, by J.H. [=Anton Pannekoek]
•The Dictatorship of the Intellectuals (Critical Remarks on the Reflections of Max Nomad) / P.M. [=Paul Mattick]



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 8

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 8, July 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The Defeat in France / [Paul Mattick]
•The Role of Fascism, by J.H. [=Anton Pannekoek]
•Luxemburg versus Lenin / [Paul Mattick]
◦The Collapse of Capitalism
◦Spontaneity and the Role of Organisation



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 9-10

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 9-10, September 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The Land of Promise. Report from Palestine [Tel-Aviv][=Walter Auerbach]
•Masters of Tomorrow, by Max Nomad [reply to Paul Mattick in International Council Correspondence, Vol. II, no 7]
◦II. Fascism and Bolshevism
◦III. “Councils” and Soviets
◦IV. The Permanent Revolution
•The Party and the Working Class [Anton Pannekoek]




8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by whirlwind on March 21, 2016

The first article on Palestine was published in 1936 just at the class struggle in Palestine had erupted but this article chooses instead to concentrate on the inter-bourgeois squabbles in the country and the balance of forces between the Arab and Jew bourgeosies.

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 11

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 11, October 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


The Civil War in Spain / [Paul Mattick]



International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 12

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 12, November 1936

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Work Shop Committees in England (Leeds, England)
•On the Soviet Constitution (open letter to Feuchtwanger taken from the Sozialistische Warte of Aug. 15, 1936, by A. Rudolf, former Soviet official; author of Goodbye to Russia)
•What must be done? Introducing our new pamphlet What Communism Really Is (The Social Average Labor Time as the Basis of Communist Production and Distribution)
•To the Reader
•Max Nomad’s Masters of Tomorrow / P.M. [=Paul Mattick]
•To All the Workers in the World, by The National Confederation of Labor, The Iberian Anarchist Federation
•The “Popular Front” and Fascism
•Democracy in Russia
•Roosevelt's Prosperity




8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by whirlwind on March 21, 2016

The sharpening of the arab-jewish relations, begin-
ning in April 1936... It is only to be observed that in this situation not a
single organization sought to conduct the struggle
against its own bourgeoisie.

This is how the International Council Correspondence attempts to bury the 1936 General Strike of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie in Palestine. It omits to mention the only organisation of any import – the organisation of the working class.

Volume 3

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 5-6

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


International Council Correspondence Vol 3 #5-6

Vol 3 issues 5 & 6 of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by klas batalo on May 12, 2014


icciii-5-6.pdf (12.51 MB)


klas batalo

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on June 7, 2014

I believe this is all that is available via pdf currently, thanks to the Bataille Socialiste website. TBH some of the voluming and editioning might be wrong, which is my bad. But I think it could be easily fixable.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 11-12

The Volume 3, Number 11-12 (December 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016




International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 1

The Volume 3, Number 1 (January 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-The era of good feeling: Roosevelt's second term

-State capitalism and dictatorship by Raete Korrespondenz

-The maritime strike by J.Z.

-A letter from Germany

-Notes on the question of unemployment

-To the right there is no limit


International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 2

The Volume 3, Number 2 (February 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-"Soviet" Russia today by Raetekorrespondenz

-Russia's latest executions: why?

-Fascist corporatism

-New strikes, new methods

-Two new Marxian quarterlies

-Review: Controlling depressions by Paul H. Douglas

-Review: The sociology of invention by S.C. Gilfillan

-Review: An outline history of unemployment by W.T. Colyer

-Review: Studies in the intellectual development of Karl Marx by Sidney Hook


International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 3

The Volume 3, Number 3 (March 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-The end of a strike

-Supreme Court reform: new bllod in the judiciary

-War prevention schemes

-What next in Spain

-The situation in England

-On fluctuation of wages


International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 4

The Volume 3, Number 4 (April 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-The brownshirts of Zionism by Abner Barnatan [=Walter Auerbach]

-Child labor: a class issue

-Wages and prices

-Shop delegates and workers' control

-Notes on productivity and profits

-Trotsky and proletarian dictatorship


The Brownshirts of Zionism - Abner Barnatan

An article by a council communist on the fascistic qualities of 1930s Zionist revisionism. Originally published in "International Council Correspondence", Chicago, USA, Vol. III, No. 4, April 1937.

Submitted by Red Marriott on July 10, 2006

Reprinted by Unpopular Books, London, March 1989.


(by Abner Barnatan, 1937, Tel Aviv.)

A few days after the termination of the Arab strike and revolt in Palestine, two unsuspected and harmless Arabs, passing thru the Jewish town of Tel Aviv in a carriage were fired at and wounded by "unknown assailants". Unknown for the reason that they escaped. Everybody, including the police, knows that they are to be found in the ranks of the "Revisionists" or extreme Zionist nationalists who have never concealed their liking for "direct action" and terrorism Needless to say, they are very vocal, but hardly convincing, in proclaiming their innocence and talking of "Marxist calumnies". Yet the fight against the Arabs, a fight in which all means may be employed, is one of the guiding principles of Revisionism which has justly earned the name of Zionist Fascism. And it deserves to be noted that the Tel Aviv outrage was preceeded by statements from authoritative Revisionist sources which are near to advocating the employment of terrorist tactics. In a statement on the situation in Palestine, made on Sept. 9, 1936, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Duce of Jewish Fascism, said: "During the first weeks of the struggle, the exercise of restraint served a useful purpose. It showed that the Jew, when armed, is content to defend himself and does not attack and try to revenge himself. For this reason, I vetoed all thoughts of retaliation; but now I consider it my duty to proclaim that I have withdrawn my veto".

This unmistakable signal for terrorism was supplemented a few days later by a statement from the Viennese organ of the Revisionists, the "Nation", referring to the situation in Palestine: "It happens nowadays that Jewish newspapers in Palestine publish reports, hidden away in small type between unimportant news, of Arabs killed here and there in Palestine, of Arabs wounded, of Jews arrested and acused, etc. Jewish papers published outside of Palestine go even farther in hiding facts. They talk of Arabs being killed by Arabs. What is the good of all this eyewash? Is it our fault that the world forces us to go its ways? The world today understands no language but that of guns, machine guns and pistols. Now we too begin to learn this language. Let it not be forgotten that ours is a talented people. We have aready learned many lessons. The time has come to learn the language of fire and blood". The shots in Tel Aviv provide the echo to this incitement.

The Jews are no chosen people. They are, in one respect, like other nations under capitalism, so much so, that there is even a Jewish brand of Fascism. This may surprise the casual observer who is inclined to regard Fascism as a kind of Anti-semitism, or, at least, as bound up with Anti-semitism. But it must be remembered that classical Fascism, that of Mussolini, was never Anti-semitic. Fascism is an international epidemic, although in each case profoundly nationalistic. Its roots are basically the same in all countries, and is worth noting that the epidemic has not stopped at the doors of the ghetto or at the border of Palestine.

The principle germ-carriers of Jewish Fascism are everywhere the lower middle classes, although Fascist tendencies are not confined to them alone. Since the war, almost everywhere they are caught between two fires. On the one hand, they are finding it more difficult to escape pauperism; but nothing horrifies them more than the thought of becoming proletarians, This, however, is their fate. In striving to escape from it, their hatred turns against the working class. They look back upon history, to the past that never returns; and because they struggle against their inevitable submergence in the great mass of the proletariat, they are the easy prey of every demagogue who promises them the return of the Golden Age. This is the peculiar function of Fascism, itself born of the same urge, which lures them with its shrill war-cries of "national unity" and "common welfare". Instead of achieving unity with the lower classes, they permit themselves to dream of rising to upper social strata. But the paradise to which the Pied Piper of Fascism leads them inevitably turns out to be the servile state in which the middle classes are crushed and exploited as never before. The Jews have not been able to avoid this contamination...

Their abnormal situation favored the spread of the disease. To the fearful economic need to which they are subjected in all countries of eastern Europe,and in Germany, are also added national persecution, the withdrawal of political rights and even brutal physical terror. While the class-conscious workers among them take part in the social struggle of these countries with a view to solving their own national problem as a by-product of the victory of Socialism, the pressure to which they are subjected generates an inflated nationalism among the numerous petty-bourgeois elements. The fact that many countries which heretofore absorbed Jewish emigrants are now closed to them (U.S.A., Canada, South America), creates the impression that Zionism is the only solution and Palestine their "Promised Land". To them, immigration into Palestine means hopes of a better tuture. Each time Zionism shows itself to be incompatible with reality, the more the demagogues find a fertile field. To the desperate masses, all kinds of quack medicine is appealing. Take for instance the plan recently proposed by the Revisionists which provides for the settlement in Palestine "on both sides of the Jordan" of one and a half million Jews within the next ten years. Obviously this widely advertised plan, which is presented with much ballyhoo, is manifestly absurd. Yet Jabotinsky is hailed as a Messiah by many of the impoverished eastern Jews who cling to every straw.

In regard to Palestine itself, the majority of the Jews who come here are sincere in proclaiming the need of a "restrafication" [restratification?] of the Jewish people. By turning former traders, middlemen and "air"men into productive agricultural and industrial workers, the social structure of the Jewish people will be profoundly altered; the Jews are to be "Normalized", to use the current phrase. This idea, which is essential to Zionism, as to every other nationalism, is often supplemented by vague concepts of a socialist society in Palestine. But there is another group of immigrants composed of traders, middlemen and other unproductive elements unwilling to adjust their lives to the new conditions. To this latter group, Palestine is merely a haven in which to continue their parasitic role. This group within the Jewish community and the Zionist movement, struggling to preserve its identity as being distinct from the working class, is the social basis of Jewish Fascism.

Jabotinsky stands for a "revision" of official Zionism which he accuses of "national treason" and - "Marxism"! The methods are always the same... The Revisionists accuse the Zionist Executive of "being the agency of Arab and Supposed British, rather than of Jewish, interests". They are nationalist diehards, hundred percenters. To them official Zionism is "the renunciation of Zion". Their minimum program provides for the establishment of a Jewish State on both sides of the Jordan, i.e. including the mandated territory of Transjordan, and based on a Jewish majority in the country.

Firmly convinced "that there can be no spontaneous reconciliation with the Palestine Arabs, neither now nor in the future", Jabotinsky rejects the idea of a political parity between the two peoples and demands the creation of a Jewish military force as an indispensable condition for the realization of his aims. "Zionism is impossible without a Jewish Legion... The whole Jewish people must become a people in arms. " The setting up of this Legion is also declared by the Revisionists to be "a prime necessity for the security of the British Empire". At the same time, they declare themselves ready to proceed "with, without or against the British". This flexible formula hides a pro-Italian tendency which has of late become more marked. The military formations of the Revisionists (strangely enough their shirts are brown) are regarded as the nucleus of the Legion whose purpose it is to break by force the opposition of the Arabs to Zionist penetration and to establish a "fait accompli" and possibly more than one.

It has often been remarked that there exists a close resemblance between the phraseology of Zionist Revisionism and that of German National Socialism. But the resemblance is not only one in words. The Revisionists fight "the increasing preponderance of the workers' organizations". They protest against the subsidies given by the official Zionist movement to settlements maintained by the Jewish workers. They insist that private initiative is more important than public funds. The Zionist labor movement is accused of "intransigence and lust of power", "unnecessary insistence on social conflicts", "dogmatic application of the class struggle theory which derives from Europe". All this is the more absurd since every objective observer is forced to admit that extreme nationalism is the beginning and the end of the policy pursued by the Jewish Labour Federation in Palestine. This policy is made completely subservient, in theory as well as in practice, to Zionist nationalism and renounces everything remotely connected with independent class politics. In spite of these well-known and unassailable facts, the ultra-moderate trade unions which make up the bulk of the Zionist Labor Party, are accused by the Revisionists of'Marxist and Bolshevist tendencies as well as of "sacrificing ideals to the golden calf." Compulsory labor arbitration is demanded in order to ensure the "subordination of all particular interests to the prime necessities of national unity." Is it not obvious that, if anything, this program "derives from Europe"?

The Revisionist organization was founded in April 1925 , by Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Russian Zionist journalist, who had organized a corps of Jewish volunteers in Alexandria during the world-war to serve on the Gallipoli front. Even at that early date he stood for power politics, first against Turkey, for some time against England, always against the Arabs and the workers. In 1920, Jabotinsky, then lieutenant, was expelled from Palestine by the British for organizing illegal formations. In 1923 he made a pact, behind the back of the official Zionist Organization, with the representative of the Ukrainian "White" General and ferocious Jew baiter Petlyura, for the creation of a Jewish corps within the frame-work of an anti-bolshevist White Guard in the Ukraine. When the intrigue leaked out, violent protests were made by the Jewish labor organizations compelling Jabotinsky to resign from the Executive of the Zionist Organization. This gave the 'enfant terrible' his chance to play his messianic role with a vengeance. He became a "leader" and, copying the Hitler movement, built up a strictly authoritarian and militarist organization based on centralized direction, the "Leader principle", and an incredible cult of the personality of the "Leader".

The adherents of the movement in Palestine, supplemented by recruits from the backward Oriental Jews, carry on a campaign against the Socialist workers which far outstrips even their terroristic offensive against the Arabs. In Palestine, too, the "extermination of Marxism" is on the agenda. Here too the workers' organizations are to be "smashed". The Revisionists organized strike breakers, their activities resulting in pressing on the wage standard. Parading their Brown-shirts thru the streets, they did everything to provoke the workers. They attacked meetings (a meeting in honor of Brailsford, the English Socialist, was bombarded with stones by their hooligans) and organized gangs to beat up political opponents. Some years ago terrorist groups belonging to their party were discovered in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv. In 1933 the Revisionist speakers and newspapers conducted an incredible campaign of slander, on the lines of the recent Salengro campaign in France, against Dr. Arlosoroff, then leader of the Labor Party and prominent member of the Zionist Executive. On June 15, the Revisionist Organ culminated its "mud-slinging' campaign by depicting him as a"traitor to the Jewish People, its honor and security". Thirty hours later he (Dr. Arlosoroff) was dead - assassinated in Tel Aviv, the 100% Jewish town.
Similar tactics are employed outside of Palestine. The spread of anti-semitism is welcomed by the Revisionists. They do not fight it. Rather they utilize it to further their own ends. While a wave of persecution and torture swept Germany after the Hitler coup, Jabotinsky made a speech in public in Berlin which was nothing less than a wholesale indictment of the Socialists within the Zionist movement. The aforementioned Hebrew Organ of the Revisionists, the "Hasit Ha'am", 1933, glorified Hitler and presented his movement as a shining example to Zionism. They admire Mussolini and Franco.

In Germany the Revisionists carried out raids on labor clubs. In other countries they perform attacks on Socialists. In other words, the peculiar "spirit" and methods of the Brownshirts are shown to be quite compatible with Judaism. Revisionism proper might be described, to use a mathematical formula, as "Zionism plus Hitlerism", or as "Hitlerism minus Anti-semitism".

In 1925 Jabotinsky was able to muster four followers at the Zionist Congress. In 1933 his followers captured twenty per cent of the total poll and sent forty-five delagates to the Congress. Two years later, they left the Zionist Organization and held a separate convention at which, according to their own reports, delegates representing 700,000 members of the "New Zionist Organization" participated.

The Arab revolt of 1936 was a godsend to these Fascists leading as it did to a wave of chauvinism among the Jews. The Revisionists are doing everything to make capital out of this fact. They are playing a dangerous game, since to them "a world war would be the best chance of realizing the Zionist maximum". Their aim is to become universally recognized as the standard bearers of Zionist intransigence and maximalism. Their slogan continues to be:"Judea must be reborn with fire and blood."

(Tel Aviv)



11 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by epk on February 10, 2014

This article is:

1. Racist towards non-European Jews
2. Racist towards Palestinians and dismissive of their struggle against colonialism.
3. Apologetic towards 'labor' Zionism, a.k.a. 'Socialist' Zionism - even though it is the Zionist 'left' which took the leading role in carrying out the Nakba, and even in collaboration with the German Nazi regime in the mid-1930s.

I suggest that it be removed from the site.

Red Marriott

11 years ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on February 11, 2014

Hi epk; this article is, at this point, primarily a historical document some 80 yrs old. I don’t think we should censor, eg, the racism or sexism that can sometimes be found in the writings of Marx and Bakunin. Similarly, nor this text for real or imagined failings of the kind you describe. But you’re free here to make your concrete criticisms so readers of the article can assess them for themselves. Others can if they wish also comment on your observations.

Nymphalis Antiopa

8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Nymphalis Antiopa on March 22, 2016

Seems worth pointing out that Arthur Koestler (famous for his "Darkness at Noon") gives a positively approving quote to the fascist Jabotinsky in his Zionist novel " Thieves in the Night: Chronicle of an Experiment". Also that Adolf Eichmann was pro-Zionist - see this:


8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by akai on March 22, 2016

lsn't this written by Water Auerbach under pseudonym?


8 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Qasim on March 22, 2016

Yes, it is by Walter Auerbach: See also Gary Roth's Marxism in a Lost Century. A biography of Paul Mattick, (Historical Materialism book series vol. 80, Brill: 2014), pp. 176-79.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 7-8

The Volume 3, Number 7-8 (August 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-Much ado about nothing: the future of the CIO

-Control of markets and world capitalism

-"The barricades must be torn down": Moscow fascism in Spain

-Racketering: a phase of class conflict


International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 9-10

The Volume 3, Number 9-10 (October 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


-The war in the Far East

-One year "People's Front" in France

-The old Hegelian dialectic and the new materialistic science

-The non-intervention comedy comes to an end in Spain

-Hitler's National "Socialism"

-Review: After the Revolution: economic reconstruction in Spain today by D.A. Santillan

-Review: The crisis and decline of capitalism by International Council Correspondence

-Review: Economic welfare by Oscar Newfang

-Review: An outline of finance by Arthur Woodburn

-Review: Social security by Abraham Epstein

-Review: Industrial unionism in the American labor movement by Theresa Wolfson and Abraham Weiss

-Review: The labor spy by Gordon Hopkins

-Review: John L. Lewis exposed by Eric Hass

-Review: The Soviets by Albert Rhys Williams

-Review: The letters of Lenin

-Review: The web of thought and action by H. Levy-Watts & Co.

-Review: Review: Earl Browder: Communist or tool of Wall Street by George Marlon

-Review: From Lenin to Stalin by Victor Serge

-Review: The Stalin school of falsification by Leon Trotsky

-Review: World revolution 1917-1936: the rise and fall of the Communist International by C.L.R. James

-Review: The national debt and government credit

-News notes on the CIO


Volume 4

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016

International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 1

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 1, February 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Against the Stream
◦The Future of Unemployment. Unemployment and the Labor Market
◦Unemployment and Accumulation
◦Unemployment and the Unemployed
•Literature on Unemployment
•Planning New Depression (from the book “Karl Marx” by Karl Korsch)
•The Right to Work
•Marxism and Psychology / [Anton Pannekoek]
•Book Reviews
◦Reuben Osborn, Freud and Marx
◦Upton Sinclair, The Flivver King
◦Bruce Minton and John Stuart, Men Who Led Labor



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 2

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 2, March 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Welcome the Depression
•A Bird in the Hand. Thurman W. Arnolds The Folklore of Capitalism
•The Marxist Ideology in Russia / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•The Simple and the Complex / H.
•What can the Unemployed do? (to be continued)
◦Unemployment and the Labor Movement in American History
◦Welfare and the Unemployed
◦“Self-Help” – The American Way
•Book Reviews
Spy Overhead, the Story of Industrial Espionage, by Clinch Calkins. The Labor Spy Racker, by Leo Huberman
Japan and Asia, by W.H. Chamberlin
Forty Years of American-Japanese Relations, by Foster Rhea Dulles
The Origin of American Intervention in North Russia (1918), by Leonid J. Strakhovsky
A Real New Deal, by Charles E. Carpenter
Science in the Light of Marxism (Die Wissenschaft im Lichte des Marxismus), by H. Wallon, M. Prenant, H. Mineur, J. Baby and others



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 3

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 3, May 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•German Fascism on the Offensive/ S.P.
•The Lorelei
•Economics and Politics in Revolutionary Spain / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•The Dominican Republic Solves its Unemployment Problem/ Fritz Hennsler
•What can the Unemployed Do? (to be continued)
◦Bootlegging of Coal in Pennsylvania
◦Beyond the Confines of Private Property
◦The Struggle against Bootlegging
◦The meaning of it all
◦What Bootlegging means for the Workers
◦Nationalization of Coal
•Book Reviews
America’s Stake in International Investments, The Brooking Institution
Caste and Class in a Southern Town, by John Dollard
America on Relief, by Marie Dresden Lane and Francis Steegmuller. Trends in Relief Expenditures, Works Progress Administration
This Question of Relief, Public Affairs Pamphlets



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 4

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 4, August 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Organizations of the Unemployed (to be continued)
•The Masses and the Vanguard
•Communist Production and Distribution
•Marxism and the Present Task of the Proletarian Class Struggle / l.h. [=Karl Korsch]
•Southern Negroes
•Book Reviews
Eagle Forgotten. The Life of John Peter Altgeld, by Harry Barnard



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 5

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 5, November 1938

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The World War in the Making
◦Czechoslovakia – the Stepping Stone
◦The Future of the Danube
◦“They Dress Like Mourners, Yet Rejoice”
◦American “Isolation”
◦We Are All Marxists Now
•Lenin’s Philosophy (Some additional remarks to J. Harper’s recent criticism of Lenin’s book Materialism and Empirio-Ctiticism) / l.h. [=Karl Korsch
◦Leninism Goes West
◦Leninism versus Machism
◦The Present Impact of Lenin’s Materialistic Philosophy
•General Remarks on the Question of Organization / J. Harper [=Anton Pannekoek]
•A “Marxian” Approach to the Jewish Question
•The Workers' Alliance



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 6

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 6, April 1939

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•The Jitterbugs (“Their Ecstacy is without content”, T.W. Adorno)
◦Hitler Lied!
◦Stalin and Hitler
◦The Peoples’ Front
◦Officials make Escape
•Union Unity?
•The Concentration Camp Grows
•Collectivization in Spain / Karl Korsch
•Marxism and Marginal Utility Economics
•Book Reviews
Karl Marx, by Karl Korsch
The School for Dictators, by Ignazio Silone / K.K. [=Karl Korsch]
The Story of the C.I.O., by Benjamin Stolberg. Labor’s New Millions, by Mary Heaton Vorse
Life of a rebel, by Angelica Balabanoff



International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 7

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 7, June 1939

Submitted by Qasim on March 19, 2016


•Karl Kautsky, From Marx to Hitler
•The Struggle for Democracy
•Curbing Big Business? / P.W.
•Discussion. On the Impotence of Revolutionary Groups / Sam Moss
•Book Reviews
The State and the Socialist Revolution, by Martov
Mussolini’s Roman Empire, by Geoffroy T. Garrat
Apostles of Revolution, by Max Nomad
The Origin of the Inequality of the Social Classes, by Gunnar Landtman
American Labor, by Herbert Harris. Union of Their Own Choosing, by Robert R.R. Brooks
The New Deal in Action, by A.M. Schlesinger

