This is a thread for new users to say hi, say how they found the site and ask any questions which they may not want to post a new thread about.
Coming into a community where everybody is throwing their Kropotkins and Bakunins about like tennis balls can often be daunting. In-jokes and people's cliques can seem off-putting, but every community has them - you will find that most people are pretty friendly once you start posting.
Don't forget to fill out your profile information by click on 'my account' at the top of the page.
Try and keep complex crap, in-jokes, flames and arguments off this thread and lets let newcomers feel at home :) A good way to get a basic introduction is to check out our posting guidelines.
Cheers, and welcome to our new users from the libcom.org crew 8-)
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Hi there.
I would like a nice quiet life with a wife and kids and a boring job. Thanks in roughly equal measures to capitalism's ongoing destruction of the earth and the human mind, as well as this poxy revolution everyone keeps talking about, this easy life of mine will never come. This makes me angry and mad all at once. So i decided it's best to be inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in, so here i am trying to learn and develop with only the pretentious swine on this forum for help.
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y'know, this thread just isn't working. maybe its because theres only one post on it and its like walking into a party first and being stuck near the lukewarm pizza in an empty room.....
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Well, being a fan of luke-warm pizza and also being new here I'll say Hi.
I'm currently a student studying software engineering. I have a big interest in Free (libre) software and from that have developed an interest in anarchy (My first real introduction to anarchism was finding an anarchist FAQ in the Debian GNU/Linux package repositories).
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Welcome to the forums....
If you havent already seen them elsewhere there are a couple of links to interesting radical tech. links on our page at :
Which is embarrisngly out of date :oops: :oops:
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Thanks, there were a couple of quite interesting articles that I hadn't read before.
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Welcome to the boards elleo! 8)
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Hey - me too! When I came across that I think it was the first time I actually realised that anarchism was a serious philosophy and movement, rather than just masked-up rioters who just want chaos for its own sake as news coverage of May Days implied!
Shameless self promotion: my follow-up to that article on free software as anarchism in action is called The Limits of Free Software. Worth a read if I do say so myself.
Updates needed to that link page: add:
AktiviX: free email and mailing lists for activists. Maybe webhosting soon. A riseup.net style collective here in the UK. - www.aktivix.org
Bittorrent, the most efficient and most decentralised P2P system currently in existance - http://bittorrent.com
Wikipedia: a great project with some problems (e.g. the Zionists tend to rule the Israel/Palestine stuff) - www.wikipedia.org
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Nice article. Shows quite well how Free software is only one small part of the neccessary social/economic changes and how Free software itself is constrained in the freedom it can offer by external factors.
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Thanks. Yea I thought that was somthing important to talk about after writing the first article singing the praises of FLOSS. Freedom published that first article in two parts, interested in the second John?
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Hello there,
I would be happy with a nine-to-five, a plasma telly, and twenty pints of Stella at Yates Wine Lodge of a saturday night, but I am a sad loser with no job, no money and no friends, so I decided to be a trouble-maker instead. Here is some trivia that you may not find interesting:
I am a bit older than my teeth.
I collect stones and spanners when I am not busy thinking, eating or sleeping.
I can't play the cazoo.
Paul the Pixie
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Hi new people. :)
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Apparently the newest regeistered user is God, just wanted to be the first to say hi to the big man himself, 'bout ye God?
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Hi,all.I'm new here and thought i'd introduce myselff! :@:
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Welcome. Tell us all about yourself...
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deja vu...
are you by any chance a Conflict fan, Ungovernable?
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Yeah,mate,I am! :@:
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Hello there. I like the idea of a new peoples thread. Nice and friendly. Now where's the nibbles?
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hi dash-of-lime, welcome to the boards!
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Cheers Gav :)
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Hello swarthy thug
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After being held inbetween mike slowcums thighs,im back and rejuvinated.
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yeah, well welcome. I'm kropotkin on That Other Site.
Let the bagelling and cobwebbing commence
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Do you flit between both sites then.
is kroptkin a more sedate creature than pingtiao?.
Do you wear dreadful dreads.
Do i want some? Yes I do swarthy boy . Feed me , feed me!
"Bob Ebay" wrote: "MR
Bob Ebay
not coming from the cosmopollitain south ive never actully had a bagel.
So go ahead stuff yer face and spit them out in galloways ugly mush.
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As I've had cause to point out elsewhere on these boards, caramelised onion & poppy-seed bagels are the weekend breakfast of choice for all class-conscious workers.
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the button
You sound like "the beast" lindsey german.
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Damn.... exposed. And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those pesky U-75 exiles. :D
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Oh yeah. I forgot.
Hello, and all that.
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the button
You should be put in a cage so you can stop writing about those groovy ethnics and there wonderuos spicy foods.
she should flung in one and never let out.
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Welcome to the boards, New Noise -- and welcome to a small, select band of posters whose names are inspired by Refused :wink: (They'll be along later)
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Oh well. It could be worse. I could of have called myself Green Day.
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I've just been banned from U75 at work, so finally got around to registering here, have been reading the forums for a while but never got round to registering / posting
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Hey oisleep, I'm a u75er aswell - was this a voluntary ban? Or did the boss catch you?
Welcome to the boards 8)
Er libcom? what? :confused:
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Welcome aboard, oisleep. I post on U-75 too, although not for long. Hope you didn't get into too much shit at work for your U-75ery.
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thanks for the welcome guys
not a voluntary ban, just the site banned at work, not sure how long before they ban this one as well!
interesting view of u75 from some of the people here, i agree to an extent, but at the same time it's not meant to be any particular type of board, so it shouldn't be a great surprise that it's packed full of liberals & student trot types, but it doesn't mean that everyone who posts there are chareacterised by that image
it does seem a bit more serious here though, and I appreciate the reaons why, so i'll try to keep to topic
didn't know swarthy was here either!!
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so when will the actual site name change and logos and stuff?
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Mayday. Should be smooth, we hope.
Welcome anyway (kropotkin from urban here)
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Ah right - on May 1st
Yeah totally - I like u75, it's a completely different kind of place to here.
Lol some people think this forum's way too silly + not serious! I'd probably say it's still finding its natural balance... but anyhow enjoy!
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[pic of owner of u75 removed by admin.
stop doing this or i'll ban you- not hard.
It will create bad feeling between the boards that we do not want.
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up your arse swarthy!
there's more choice of smilies here, but i'll stick with mr green
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Gotcha wil stop it,for the sake of comminty relations.
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what a friendly bunch
see swarthy if you'd kindly desisted from doing that over the road you'd still be there!
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I doubt it, the editor and the rest had it in for me from the beginning.
Its only when my "serail killer narrative pictures" where on that sight they started harresing me.Plus my bad spelling did not seem to go down well.
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yeah i know, i was being sarcastic :bb:
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Can never get sarkyness on message boards.It needs a picture of alexsis sayell or a headmaster to help me out
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random picture
admin edit: pic removed
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what's with the howdys
I prefer to remain anonymous.
I refuse to say Gidday.
But none the less I am here, therefore I am.
I wish I could come up with an issue to discuss. I can't believe Andrea Dworkin's death bought me here (to this forum). Is there no end to the impact her life is having on the cosmos?
[edit admin- annoying "whatever" sig removed]
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Hi, so this is the thread where everyone says they post on Urban, I found this place on Urban today and I'd already registered a month ago. My head hurts.
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Welcome :) enjoy!
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Im back!!! ( under certain contractual stipulations under the rules of subsection 3 paragraph 45 line two).
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welcome back squire
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Evening all. Hope everybody is good today.
New and scared!
Hey everyone, I'm new to this malarkey and worried that everyone'll think I'm a twat cos I've never read Baudrillard. Please be nice.
Re: New and scared!
Alright Lucy and GRL. I've never read Baudrillard either :oops:
Hope you enjoy the boards though 8)
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Hi. I'm new here, joined today. I am a member on www.revolutionaryleft.com which is cool if you're not already a member. I am a Castroist mainly and I have very strong socialist beliefs. I am 15 years old and...well...hi!
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Hi Che... welcome to the boards...
Where are you from?
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I'm from a small village called Grundisburgh near Ipswich in Suffolk, you?
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South East London... I was born in ipswich tho ;)
Have u met the Ipswich anarchist lot at all? There's info on them:
What do you mean when you say you have "mainly Castroist beliefs"?
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Well I am not totally anarchist, I do have anarchistic views but I am more of a 'Fidel Castro believer' (Castroist). I joined these forums as they were mentioned on RevLeft and it said they were British. I might try and find out about the Ipswich anarchists meetings etc. though, should be good to get involved in. But I am more towards the Communist side of socialism rather than the anarchist side, although I am a great believer in fundamentals of both. I just think we should kind of 'mix the two together' (i.e. Castro). I guess I'm sort of anarcho-communist, I'm not really sure.
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I see... i dont really understand how Castro could be thought of as anarchist (or communist for that matter). Many people might say that the communist side of socialism - is the anarchist side. Anyway you might wanna check out this page just to see the terms im talking in...
Can you post a link to the revleft thread? I registered ages ago (and just re-regiestered there actually) but never really get stuck into it much...
Welcome to the boards!
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No Castro isn't anarchist or communist (anymore). www.revolutionaryleft.com
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Beware the liberals in communist clothing on this site, Che1990...I'll leave you on that point
Hello everyone
Just joined the forum about a week ago, but have been coming to the site for quite a while to read about the latest happening.
I live in the West Midlands near Wolverhampton but I’m originally from Yorkshire. I grew up in a mining and farming community which of course is now a posh commuter suburb of Leeds. My mother was always old school labour, with a bit of Liberal thrown in, so my anarchist leanings started there.
While I have to admit I have been pretty quiet on the getting off my arse and doing anything front. I realised that had to change after the election and my continuing war with the local council. Also I have become increasingly bitter over the last few years over the way the mainstream press lies to us or reports the news several weeks after the fact.
Just got in touch with the WMA on this board, so I should be around for a while.
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Hi Lydia.. welcome to the forums... hope you enjoy...
How'd you come across it?
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Umm can’t quite remember, I think I just followed a link from some place else?
Well I am happy to be here amongst like minded folk.
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Hey. I'm from Canada. Joined a few days ago. This place seems pretty cool so far (nice to get away from Leninists once in a while).
I found this site from a link somewhere on revolutionaryleft.com (probably the same one as che1990), but, unlike him, I'm no Castroist. I'm a libertarian Marxist and, uh, ya. That's my introduction.
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Hello new people!
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Alright there mate- welcome.
Wher ein Canada are you? I lived in Whistler for a year...
[I'm no toff though- worked for poverty wages!]
Hi / need to talk to someone about hosting
Hiya all,
The main reason I've signed up is that I'm trying to sort out the libcom-hosted website for Liverpool Social Forum. I was told that "john" had been dealing with it, & I left a pm for him on Monday, but no reply yet
What we desperately need to get sorted (so that we can stick it on posters and stuff) is hooking a domain name up to the site. Does libcom have a preferred/recommended domain registrar?
Would really appreciate quick reply about this. Could also do with knowing: can we use MySQL? what about any mailboxes using the LSF domain once we have it?
general intro: i work in a bookshop, I'm involved with Liverpool Defy ID, I've read the bookjacket blurb for every thinker that gets name-checked on these forums but haven't ever had the time to actually read any of them, I'll probably be mostly lurking to start with.
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Hi maria, welcome to the boards!
I never got a PM from you - I guess you must've sent it to "john", rather than me, "John."
Am sending you one now :)
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Hello all
I've joined cos... do you know, I'm not entirely sure...
I haven't even heard of most of the folks you chat about, and don't know what my 'politico classification' would be :oops:
Saying all that, I do love a good dialogue...
educate me!
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...and why does it say 'Grim up North London'?
...I'm quie a Ludditte
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i havn't heard most of the folks they talk about either, apparently they were big a hundred years ago or so
welcome to the site by the way, hope you have a pleasant stay
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i've never read most of these books either ... (it makes me yawn)
i don't give a shit either what my politico classification is...
but hiya feistyfish, educate people back. politics doesn't just come out of books.
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hello everybody
i'm gail jones. i'm a student at keele university. i'm very interested in anarchism and am going to the G8.
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Hi gail, welcome to the boards. I'm not going to the G8, but look after yourself up there, y'hear.
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Welcome new users!
FeistyFish - Grim up north london is cutting edge social commentary ;) it will change once your post count increases or scroll to the top of the page and, clikc profile and you can change your title in there :)
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hi i am also relitively new.
i have taken in interest in anarchism after studying the Spanish Civil War recently.
i agree with anarchists on some issues but disagree on others. But it is a very interesting topic to talk about.
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Welcome to the boards, er, ptti(?) 8)
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Hello (again!). Welcome to the boards from another South Londoner. Truly we are at the heart of the struggle. :wink:
Oh yeah..... and I'm old enough to be your dad. :shock:
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Welcome to the boards :)
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can i ask what was the site you came from?
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Damn you oisleep, are there any female posters you won't tease and seduce before cruelly revealing your existing girlfriend?
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i only go as far as teasing a pic or two out of them though saii, none of that genitial intermingling :bb:
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New here so thought I should say hello.
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afternoon squire, not a native of plymouth i presume?
do you know pilgrim from the trident ploughshares?
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oisleep you'r like a professional greeter. there is a guy at work whose job it is to greet people. you do it very well. i'm going to sign on again just to be greeted with carnations
cheesy as fuck
evenin' squire :wink:
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why thank you kind madam <courtseys>
i dunno maybe she thought it was too much personal info, maybe us people who quoted her should edit our posts as well to get rid of it?
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well 16, lives in london, goes to college - way to much personal info there. or could it be the guy greeting her with the carnation? clearly theres a customer services training issue there oisleep. :P
sorry powertotheimagination hi to you and RedCelt
seeing as i'm greeting people today. :)
this is a boring job. i mean its not the customers but the pay is lousy and the working conditions are poor.
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what's the deal with you and editing posts this evening, your all over the place woman!
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my intelligence is running ahead of my words. its not my fault. the words are to slow.
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Ello redcelt, welcome to the boards :)
why does it say grim up north?
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such sillyness that is libcom
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Grim Up North London.
Have none of you people ever read Private Eye?
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Why? I haven't posted any opinions yet. :confused:
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I've got a feeling that that wont matter to revol68... :twisted:
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The clue would be in the name...
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..... yeah, revol's more orange
[/runs for cover]
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don't worry it's all part and parcel, judging people before they have even opened their mouths
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didn't seem to work there did it, get yourself over to the east anglia forums to see how it's done :wink:
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I live in South - Bavaria and found that forum when I looked about some news about the G8 Summit in Scotland.
At the time I think about coming, but I still have school and it´s nit so easy to come cheep from Germany to Scotland.
I will se...
(Sorry for my bad English)
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Welcome to the boards. And don't worry about your English -- I can guarantee, it's a lot better than my German.
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yeah welcome to the boards mate, do you know of many people coming to the G8 from germany?
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the button
And your english! b
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Brighton Bomber
cheaky cnut! :P
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Yes, I think that especially from the North of Germany will come a lot people,
some of my friends from Munich want to come,too.
With some groups from Berlin, you can fly for 20 € to Britain(I don`t know to what city).
That`s very good, cause a normal flight is too expensive (for the most people), "only" to come to the G8 summit.
I think, it´s to late that I can come too, but the next G8 summit is in Germany, so see you there!
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ahem *creeps in timidly*
I'm Cinders. I'm from the wrong country (Aus.). I'm moving to the UK soon for part of my degree.
I am an armchair anarchist at the moment. Yay!
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Welcome to the boards, Cinders. Whereabouts in the UK will you be based?
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Exeter. Middle of bloody nowhere!
Cinders x
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Hi Cinders welcome to the boards!
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Hello folks, I've just finished uni, temporarily, and have been an anarchist for the past few years, though I've not done much of a practical nature, just made minimal contributions to a Post-Platformist organisation, and taken lots of prescription drugs to stop me thinking. Although it doesn't work :shock: Anyhoo, just glad to be on the show.
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Hi Bodach gun bhrigh, welcome to the boards :)
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Welcome. :)
Hello folks.
Salutations from the cultural metropolis that is Hull.
Where's the hobnobs and who do I have to lend a fiver to?
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hello longdog- kropotkin from u75 here.
Welcome to the boards. No hobnobs here I'm afraid, and mutual aid sorts out the lending of fivers. Screw over your fellow workers though, and they are prone to witholding the necessities of life.
Heartless bastards :bb:
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No hobnobs?
Fuck that! I'm off :(
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No, don't go...
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I love you Lazy Riser.
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And I love you.
Hi all
Well here I am all the way from U75 having been banned yet again by the ego known as XXXX. I have anarchist leanings but am far removed from the 18 year old loon running around with CW that I once was 20 years ago. :)
editted by pingtiao to remove real name of U75 owner
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Hi tallchris99. Welcome to the boards.
We're not interested in becoming an slagging forum for urban75 bannees, far less becoming involved in disputes from there, but I'm sure you're here to discuss non-bbs politics so welcome again!
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Oh I can talk about all sort of subjects. I will not mention another board here again so help me Stalin.
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Welcome (back ern[?]) to the boards, chris. Have fun! :)
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Now I know who you are reffering too and the Stalin crack by me may suggest that I am Mr Lynch, but no, tis I Topcat and not the one known as Ernesto...
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A thousand apologies. Welcome to the boards, former Topcat. It's just, ern got a month ban this morning, and I got to thinking........ :wink:
Edited to add: I don't post on Urban that much, but understand you've been having a rough time of it lately, so it's good to see you here.
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5 points to me- I guessed it.
Welcome topcat- haven't seen you around anywhere for a long time. kropotkin on u75 here.
Welcome to libcom mate.
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Well hello to you all. I am indeed much better than I was expecting to be, in rude good health in fact. I noticed that ernie got a ban, I can still view but not post as it were.
Lots of heavy threads here, no trivia? :)
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Hey Chris - icepick from u75 here, welcome!
Great to hear you're in good health, do you mean like you're properly better/cured etc.?
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There is trivia.
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Hello hello hello, names Alex....naive 18 year old anarchist looking for some involvement.
And just to make this sound even more like a lonely hearts ad, I'm a Pisces I'll have you know :bb:
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big al
Hey there.
Now is that girl Alex or boy Alex?
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That would be a boy Alex.....sailor :wink:
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they must have been the campest band of the 70's, i remember watching them on top o the pops, god I feel so old.
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hey there. I'm Tom, an anarchist from Oldham. Not overly sure what to say, but there you go anyhoo.
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Hi Tom! Welcome to the boards!
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thank you very muchly
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Howdy Tom, I'm Volin but you can call me Volly :wink:
what brought you to the boards?
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Hey Volly. Well, I'm in the Anarchist Federation so really I guess I should have been on a while ago, but i never really got round to it.
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he's following in the steps of his daddy! :wink:
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*cough* you completely forgot my mum there - i'm soo gonna tell her. lol!
jeez, like - honest, i did the whole anarchist thing myself. im a black sheep of a black sheep family, thats all.
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Shallow Be Thy Game
ah, but does she post on here?
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no, my mum has this thing with computers. she refuses to know how to use them (or so she says :confused: )
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Shallow Be Thy Game
A real black sheep would have joined SolFed! :wink:
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come on - the AF is very friendly and nice and ONE day we will bring revolution.
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OK, I am Clyde.
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im going to cry you a river
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I'd cry a river over you...
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i wondered what knightrose was going on about when he said Shallow Be My Game. I thought the lack of beer had gone to his head...
anyway hiya Tom, or was that Chris? :D
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It's amazing how quick total trivia finds it's way round the movement, however, I'm doing fine on cider, wine and gin - not always at the same time... :)
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allergic to hops?
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if only it was hops ... but enough whining. Greens do a very nice and totally acceptable and strong ale.
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shaggy 2 dopes checkin in...
havent checked in yet only resgitered...
love u all!
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Hi there I'm Billy. Not an anarchist but sympathetic in some ways. Not really into web boards but thought I'd give this a go and maybe ask some questions as they occur to me.
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Hi Billy, welcome to the boards!
Which direction are you sympathetic from?
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I’m from an old Labour/leftwing socialist background looking for alternatives. I didn’t know that much about anarchism until I met a guy through my old job who was a member of the Solidarity Federation. I’m still not 100% convinced and I had a bad encounter with some anarchists on another web board who seemed intent on taking the piss and insulting me which didn’t help. Haven’t got much time to contribute but will check out the stuff on here and maybe chip in time to time.
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er, quite a lot of that goes on here, although generally new posters are exempt and 90% of it is good natured.
What was the other web board? If you don't mind telling.
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Yeah I've noticed but if I ask something on the introductory thought it will be ok? Not that I'm that sensitive or anything just I think people behave differently on web boards than they would face to face.
The other board was Burnley voice but there only seems about four people who post on there.
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introductory thought is flame-free nearly all the time.
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dang it, so no marshmallows on sticks?
dang it thrice
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hi everybody! i'm not from britain! :shock:
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hey, newyawker, hope you enjoy the boards 8)
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thanks john! :P
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Hi, im only 15 but left school early so now have allot time to burn and will end up spamming this forum.
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Welcome to the boards!
Mind if I ask how come you left school so early?
Admin edit - 2 posts of off-topic insults removed, below
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welcome - i left school when i was 15 8) (though i did go back for my gcses) are you planning to?
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Kind of expelled but not really. Got suspended for 2 weeks and in those weeks the school did allot to try and get rid of me (called the police, social services) so decided to go back for a 2 days to say goodbye and then leave.
I took 4 gcse's through the NEC last year and passed them all. I'm currently going to night school to get a gcse in English. (I left school when i was 14 btw, only just found this board though.)
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Im new to this board and intersted in persueing more libertarian politics that arent expressed in the scene- i.e The WOMBLES etc...
I align myself with libertarian communism and find it difficult to associate myself as an ANARCHIST. Are there regular socials or is this just online chat?
look forward to hearing from you,
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Hi Q -- welcome to the boards. (Did you get your username from the book?).
As for offline meetings, a few of us know each other socially & through involvement in the same groups, but libcom is pretty much a website rather than a political grouping.
Unless they just haven't told me about it. :(
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Hi button,
I'm reading Q now and it was lying infront of me when I decided to register on libcom.
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Welcome Q - how'd u hear about the site?
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Q was rubbish, it was really dull and confusing.
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Hey - welcome to the boards!
How'd you find the site?
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I've heard rumours about it for quite some time but thought it was an urban myth as everytime I came here it was down
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an urban75 myth, or just an urban myth?
We should be up all the time from now on with our lovely, lovely new hosts 8)
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I've just registered and I don't know how much time I will spend here. I don't even know if I'm welcome here since I'm not from Britain.
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Welcome to the boards! I saw you're post on the other thread about riff raff, are you involved with them?
My other question since you're from Sweden is do you know much about Democratic Alternative and what do you think of them? A mate of mine knew some of the people involved, but I've never seen any information on them in English anywhere.
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Butty said
of course we haven't you boring bald-headed moron:wink:
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I've split the posts on Democratic Alternative to a new thread so it doesn't divert this one.
We should do a "lurkers say hi here" thread one day.
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Hi there folks, thought I'd finally start posting, have been checking the boards every now and then for a while but was worried that if I registered then I'd end up spending more time on here than was healthy. Which I probably will :) How do i change my thing that says 'grim up north london'?
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Click "Profile" near the top of the page, then change your Custom Title.
Are you posting from home, or at work? If you're working, the more posts the healthier, surely?
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Yeah, unfortunately not possible, posting from home.
I'm new to this forum... been reading the threads on-line for a while as a 'guest' :bb: but never got around to registering... so here I am.
Bit of info on my profile... currently working in wholefood co-op, not sure for how much longer!
Sorry if I annoyed anyone with initial post re: vegan festival... ah well.
Lisa x
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Welcome! How did you find libcom?
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hi, found libcom via class war london site and being a member of IWW - saw the london bombing statement.
taken a look over the last few months, and suddenly felt the urge to type.
likes: sex, drugs, rock'n'roll
dislikes: aids, pop, repression
'mon the fucking jags and FTOF
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I found the libcom forums through the link on the AF website.
Lisa x
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hello! just check out my blog. thanks.
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its alright Lisa. you should meet JDMF in the Northwest forum. He even has a JDMFist follower on these boards. And hes vegan. So's Spike in the NW. Your not alone.
and they are all sweet. 8)
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gday gday. how you going. what do ya know? will strike a light
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Welcome australianirishcatholic!
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I'm saying nufink copper!!!
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Mornin' Dilzybhoy. Have we met somewhere before?
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dunno have we?
Hi revol.
scandinavian greetings
howdy comrades!
my name is martin, and i'm a twenty-one year old guy from the middle parts of sweden (thus not being a native english speaker, so please excuse me in advance for all the upcoming spelling- and grammatical errors).
since i graduated from highschool, i've attended this and that university course in different towns, but at the moment i work in the communication proletariat as a phone salesman (selling subscriptions of regional and local newspapers).
i'm not quite sure why i ended up here, since i would hestitate entiteling myself "libertarian communist". i started out as a leftist way back in 1999, when i joined a openly stalinist organisation called revolutionary communist youth, then and still the largest of the non-parliament left-wing youth groups/leagues in sweden (unfortunately), both regarding number of members (between 400-500 members would be a realistic approximation) as well as levels of activity.
eventually, i became somewhat of a cadre, and in 2002 i was elected into the central board. finally dropped out of the cult, for obvious reasons, you might think, in the later half of 2004.
today, i'm actually not very sure where i "stand" politically, but i suppose a title as good as anyone would be anarcho-communist, with a few negri-istic tendencies, and leaning heavily towards the ideas and standpoints of the journal [b]riff-raff[/b] (which, as i understand, has a few "representatives" here on the forums).
wow, this was an overly long introduction post. anyone who actually read it all is worthy of the order of lenin.
Re: scandinavian greetings
I don't think you made any. In fact I was just thinking about how excellent all the Swedish comrades' English is. Puts us to shame really. God bless cultural imperialism anyway, it is sowing the seeds of its own destruction by allowing communication across the world proletariat. Ha ha. Anyway welcome to the boards kindhorse!
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welcome to the boards kindhorse! I'm going to get you mixed up with knightrose, but you seem to be a pretty sensible marxist too, so no damage done 8)
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Oops! I hadn't found this thread, so I'll just write a small presentation now instead. :)
Just as kindhorse I'm from Sweden, if you hadn't already noticed. Right now I'm in the middle of studies but in less than two years I'll be out on the harsh labour market trying to sell my only goods: my labour-power. :(
I'm associated with the journal riff-raff (English texts here: http://www.riff-raff.se/en/ or in the libcom archive). Earlier I have been mostly involved in activism of all sorts, but mainly mainstream bullshit like leaflet handouts. My abandonment of activism came quite naturally after a while, when the futility of this kind of practice became obvious and since I had criticized the ideological concepts on which it was based for almost two years I realised it was time to draw the conclusions of my own practice (both theoretically and workplace-related) and abandon activism once and for all.
I'm not what one would call "libertarian communist", since I find this notion somewhat ideological (no offense ;)). I'm a Marxist communist, even if I'm not a traditional Marxist. I base my theories largely on the critique of political economy proposed by Marx, however on points where I believe he can be superseded I will not hesitate to do so. :)
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Ello all, first of all, cheers so much for the mr T smiley :mrt:
Roite, serious this as this is the first forum ive joined that isnt related to music or footy.
London based 26 yr old teacher, dont really know how to class myself, wouldnt call myself a communist per se, but have deffinate leanings to the left (I teach Economics so I try and remain slightly impartial so I dont skew my kids too much, exam boards dont like all their essays written towards marx). Very interested in the effects of Communism on national economies, both historically and in more contemporary senses. Found Kapital to be a quality read (I know I know) - highly useful in the classroom.
Very anti-facist, would like more involvement in that respect, hopefully time will tell!
so ello all, good to be here.
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Welcome submerge! Hope you enjoy it :)
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there's a forum for antifascist stuff
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Hello comrades,
I am yet another swedish commie invading this board. I'm associated with the Batko group and we publish the journal Dissident (in swedish only so far). I have efficiently avoided all forms of activism, and favour informal workplace organising, faceless resistance and militant inquiry etc.. I come from an anarchist communist background, but now I'm influenced by a broad set of theories; everything from classic anarchists to "heretical" marxists, via insurrectionary anarchists and french ultraleft, to postoperaists and Deleuze & Guattari etc.
I also want to excuse myself in advance for all upcoming spelling- and grammatical errors.
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Welcome to the boards selig and Submerge.
Man another Swede! Any of you guys in Gothenburg? I'll probably be over there some point this year...
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Welcome to the boards, guys!
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Greetings, I'm fat and clueless - I aspire to be slim and knowledgeable.
I think a fair few of you here have met me in real life at Jack's birthday, I was otherwise referred to as "fatty" hence the alias. I may have also been introduced to you as "Kieran" ;)
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Oh man fatty, you beast
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Don't give in to capitalist propaganda comrade.
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Oh, I'm very anti-capitalist, but not the anti-capitalists who want to assume control mind you.
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Uh-oh, you have a lot of dirt on me! ;)
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I might blackmail you later on but for now we can be friends :wink:
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I don't have any dirt on you, it's not fair :(
You best have a damn decent justification for any blackmailing. Any way I can bribe you out of it if you ever do take it into consideration? ;)
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Well I'm actually a Nazi but tell no one.
Hmmm let me think, you could send me various food treats of the biscuit kind
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You want to bribe someone so that they won't blackmail you, what precisely do you think blackmail is?
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I was being contradictive, you were meant to laugh ;)
EDIT: In fact, I think I'm going to laugh just because you said that. Hah. *cue applause here*
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I'll be honest, I got in my LMAOMOBILE
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I jumped in my ROFLCOPTER.
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Did you strap on your LOLERSKATEZ?
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Whilst eating my LOLLYLOPS yes.
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Oh man I've never heard that one before bumbumbum!
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I'll PM you some dirt on our little shoes now, don't you worry. Welcome to the boards. You're not even fat though.
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Oh I am, just in my head (and Jack's head).
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Traitor! Me and you John....on the rocks!
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Its not my fault there's no deadpan smiley.
contradictive is not a word you smug bastard.
now as an act of solidarity I think someone say something that is actually funny and then claim I said it to them first :rb:
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Awwww because you're pretty I'll say pebbles
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Woo! If I was a cool internet kid would I say "awesome, bumbumbum <3 !!11!!1!" now?
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Jef Costello
Haha, so damn good.
No, it's not a word, but the dictionary people know that people use it ;)
Pebbles are good, pebbles are fun, pebbles fit perfectly, up aimee's bum.
Why thankyou *bows*
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I couldn't be arsed to check and it really shouldn't be.
Anyway getting shown up by the fat new kid is really harming my cred, I'm heading off to introductory thought, I'm going to beat up the tiny kid with glasses and take his dinner money.
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Jef Costello
That'll be me then ;)
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Aw crap. I think I'll spit out the window at a law student or two at work.
Don't try to follow me I have a cab waiting.
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i think you just won the "Post of the year 2006" award there, and we're only half way through january...
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GT every time I talk to you I feel good :wink: I bum you
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Thought as I've started posting in these forums thought I'd introduce myself. Rochelle, born in South Africa, left in '89. Been anarchist since my mid-teens, currently active in Manchester SolFed. Married to my toyboy JDMF (but don't hold that against me)
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Hi Rochelle! Hope JDMF doesn't see revol proposing to you on that other thread... :mrt:
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he's actually checking out tickets to Belfast at the moment...
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Did the being an anarchist and living in SA overlap? I've deliberately not added up the years in my head so please don't be offended if that would make you out to be really old!
So hmmm that's got to be what 4 couples on here now? You + JDMF, rkn+zobag, Wayne+lucy_parsons, Grace+Fatty. I can't wait till our first online lovers' tiff (and jack and revol don't count) 8)
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Does that mean we get a nobbing and sobbing forum?
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yes, anarchism and living in SA did overlap. I'm 35, left when I was 18. So yep, I'm pretty old.
Thanks to a 'zine putting a letter from me in one of it's issues in 1986, I ended up having lots of anarchists from all over the world writing to me, I guess many people were interested in what it was like to be radically left under apartheid. I wouldn't classify myself as explicitly anarchist when I wrote the letter to the zine, but I was sent so much anarchist literature than I quickly identified as an anarchist.
I never actually met another South African anarchist until a couple of years ago, then I met 3 all at once- two of which only lived about 60 km away from where I grew up, and are in my age group, but yeah, we never met. Now of course I'm in touch with Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation and I think they are interesting. I'm not really a platformist though but I like their focused approach, and will certainly work with them when JDMF and I move to SA.
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Some people should change their locations then.
Jef Costello
I'm seriously hard up right now.
(God that's a killer line, I think I've started.)
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Jef Costello
Just because I have a fat boyfriend doesn't mean I'm not beautiful any more. Hmph. I feel most indignant. :P
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No one said that. I just assumed Fatty was the new guy posting as Fatty and that you and Revol should change al the references to each other. Unless poor old Fatty is a stopgap. But he is a pleasant chap with a large cock so I reckon he's a keeper. :wink:
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Jef Costello
You prude :P But yeah he is a keeper. For sure. 8)
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But you did change it (and Revol's out of prison too!). Might want to remove Revol68 from your hobbies too, just so Fatty doesn't get insecure. Might keep him on his toes tho...
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I just signed up and thought I should introduce myself....
I'm an "Ultra-Left" Marxist from Swansea and I'm 18.
Well I guess that's a decent introduction. :)
Anyway hello everyone!
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who's your influences when it comes to 'Ultra-leftism'?
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Well first and foremost, I'd have to "Citizen Marx". However, I have read some Anarchist literature (mainly short pieces and FAQ's) and a lot of what I've read does impress me and I have also been impressed by some of the Left-Communist, Council Communist etc. literature I've read.
I suppose it could be said that I "gravitated" towards the "Ultra-Left" and then read pieces by people who would be considered "Ultra-Left" which confirmed (and expressed better) the views I already had.
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anarchist greetings from Slovakia to all here...
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I know a girl in Slovakia in CSAF... Sandra, d'you know her?
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Hi paboy! Welcome to libcom 8)
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to John: I know one person who is in CSAf and is Slovak. Unfortunately, It s not Sandra. I hear about her but I dont have chance to met her.
:| :wink:
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hey, im chris...
currently live in watford, uk....occupation:school.
i belong to a group called hackbloc, dont know how well known they are.
we have just had a major overhaul, which has included a complete recoding of several sites.
hackbloc UK is under development.
hackbloc UK is an anarchist group, but who have specialities. we use our skills as computer hackers/computer programmers to help in our cause.
the community is active, and has recently undertaken, and will continue to undertake computer related attacks against opposition.
so....if you need help securing your website, or want help in computer related subjects, id be happy to help.
i dunno what else to say really...so eeerrr...*dances*
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If you’re so good, why don’t you get Dunnes stores payroll to dish Joanne Delaney a nice big number? Or make all their goods magically free? Or wipe out working class debt?
What is the greatest extent of the help provided by hacking? It’s a friendly enquiry.
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Lazy Riser
lol :D :D
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Lazy Riser
well, firstly dont mistake this for a cop out...hell, we plan to be as active on the streets as off them.
however, in all reality, no lasting revolutions, or even changes happen without public support.
and think about the number of people who are connected to the internet. computers are a central part of life in todays capitalist society, they power everything from your mobile phones to space rockets.
ignoring this very big oppertunity to reach people, would be irresponsible at best.
and dont mistake the term computer hacker. the fact that we can hack, means we have a very complex and complete understanding of computers, and a very large range of related subjects.
things like web design are important if people want to get noticed. some rubbish looking site that looks really seedy and fake is only going to make people avoid it.
and there are right wing organisations that also attempt to destroy online sources of left wing news and infomation. how can a group of anarchists with relitively little experience in computer security hope to prevent attacks and such activities.
also, certain issues that relate to computers, directly or indirectly, need to be tackled, and there are many groups dedicated to changing the ways computers are seen and used.
for example, when you print something off, certain models of printers, especially in USA encode data in the a few dots of the image, which contains infomation about your pc. infomation that could be used to identify you.
the fact that you use an operating system such as windows means you are supporting capitalist multi national companies.
in america, there are many examples.
one cannot tackle, and overthrow a capitalist, corrupt system, and ignor a very large heart of it.
you cannot destroy a company like microsoft, without offering reasonable alternatives. no matter how many riots happen in the streets, how perfect a society we set up, it will not last if all parts are not subtably changed.
hell, you are using a computer to read what i am typing, so it shows how vital they can be.
lol, i assume your not actually serious about that.
do you think that if i hacked into a bank, and transfered a load of money, the bank, victim, and police would just say "oh...ok...fair play...let them keep it"
all that would happen is the person who recieved the money would be arrested, the account would be frozen, and eventually the money transfered back, in most cases. not to mention, the fact that the govt seem to fabricate charges, and for such an act i could face a charge of computer terrorism, which can carry similar penalties to ordinary terrorism charges? ok, if there would be a gain from it, it could be worth it, but all that it would achieve is a life sentance for a few people.
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3600 - welcome to libcom!
Just prepare yourself for when Jack come's online - he <3 the microsoft.
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Say you did it to 50 million people.
Then the landlord won’t get paid. Anyway, hack it open again.
You’d have thought so, but the government is about to write-off a lot of computer-error overpayments. Not enough though, so fair enough.
I deserved that. Sorry.
What country are you in?
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Good answers 3600, I think Lazy is joking, or he may be testing you to see if you're dumb enough to admit to crimes on the net.
If you were to hack their computers and reactivate her on the payroll then no one would notice.
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Welcome 3600.... good to see a radical tech. person pop-up... dont worry about lazy-riser ;)
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I would like to apologise for being such a confrontational phreek. Please forgive me, my tactless response to 3600’s opening post was totally uncalled for.
Ho ho. Really? Show me please. That would have to be planted at driver level wouldn’t it? I assume, therefore, that it can’t apply to clean room operating systems. In which case, what’s it got to do with the model of the printer?
Or is it just USB printers that perhaps can query the PC hardware? Please enlighten me.
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while it doesnt leak infomation to the extent of ip and such, it leaks serial numbers, and since the american secret service seem to use it, it must be pretty useful.
and there are also examples of the america secret services requesting that makers of routers, such as Cisco, put backdoors in their routers. obviously there isnt that much infomation around about the specifics.
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Lazy Riser
Yes it would - otherwise it would have to be third party software. Sony did the same thing with their CD drives. If the driver was removed then it would disable the drive. It is done by companies obviously as Sony proved it.
Also yes, it's dependant on the printer manufacturer, it couldn't be done just for any printer as it'd have to be implemented via the drivers which are made by the manufacturers
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Ah well I thought I'd ask!
Welcome to the boards 3600 8)
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Aaaah I see. The serial number of the printer (not the PC). I can see how that would be useful for a number of uses, nefarious included. Like when they traced people through the idiomatic impact signature of their typewriters.
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HI :mrt: supports :@:
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Hi, TM - how'd you come across the site?
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My friend at school told me about it in IT at school, i think his account on here is the last man.
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That's right TM but It wasn't I.T, not that you care.
I somehow found my way here from Antifa.net.
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Well it was at school and we were on computers. =/
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The Last Man
hi the last man and tangomash, welcome to the boards.
judging by your post, you might find these sites interesting:
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I've been on AntiFA loads of times, but i'll check out iNO Parasan now. :rb:
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Hi. Thanks but I've been on both before. )
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Hey, I'm Nate fom America. I'm an anarchist-communist and draw heavely on historical materialism.
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Hi Huggy 8)
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hi nate, i'm a yank too. where you from?
dig it
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North Carolina
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i lived in carrboro for a little bit
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Cool, I used to go to shows at Cats Cradle whenever the band was worth the drive.
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it used to be located up franklin st in chapel hill. saw fleshtones there once. it was quite a hole, not in a good way.
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Hey I'm Ian, I just signed up and thought I would introduce myself.
I'm from Livingston, near Edinburgh. I've been interested in leftist politics for a long time but only really got involved in the past year or so, particularly with the G8 summit so near-by. I've been involved with the SSP/SSY recently but I really don't agree with them on so, so much, or any of the parties that take part in electoral politics. I've read a lot of anarchist stuff recently and found it appeals to me and fits with the ideas that I had beforehand.
Cheers :mrt:
Hi from an Australian Anarchist
Hey all, I'm aketus and from Melbourne in Australia. Looks like this place is somewhat focused on Britain but it looks like a really active forum that I'm interested in participating in. Not sure if there are other Australians here or even any non-british, I haven't delved too deeply into the forum yet.
I am also found on the Australian Anarchist Forums as well as FightDemBack.org, and I run http://aketus.wordpress.com and also http://anarcobase.com
Good to see such an active forum. Look forward to discussing stuff :)
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Hi Ian and Aketus!
Aketus, there's a fair number of non-British posters, no Australians I can think of though. Have you seen the rest of the site yet?
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yah - the main site looks cool - heaps of condensed information.
Ah looks like there are other Aussies here. Dave Antagonism for one, I noticed. Cool
Cheers for the welcome!
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Hey aketus and Ian, hope you have fun here! Yeah good to see some australian comrades on here. We don't hear that much from those parts...
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Since there seem to be some others from the islands posting here, might as well introduce myself. I'm a communist living in Japan. I despise almost all of the Japanese left spectrum and don't have a lot of hope for a movement based on emancipation emerging. That said, it's where I'm at so I might as well have a go at it. I also speak passable spanish and am trying to learn arabic.
Bagels and hummus, fuck.
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Welcome, sphinx!
Oh dear... care to start a thread giving us a quick run down of why?
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I suppose I could do something with full disclaimers as to my limited knowledge of the subject. What forum should I post it in?
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Probably Thought. I'd be interested to hear it.
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Hello, I'm Scott. I'm 18, from the US, and I'm an anarchist communist.
I like, uh, art. Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, and Georgio De Chirico.
I enjoy reading, especially Kropotkin, Berkman, and Bookchin. And I like good music.