**Welcome! Say hello and introduce yourself on this thread**

Submitted by Steven. on February 10, 2005


This is a thread for new users to say hi, say how they found the site and ask any questions which they may not want to post a new thread about.

Coming into a community where everybody is throwing their Kropotkins and Bakunins about like tennis balls can often be daunting. In-jokes and people's cliques can seem off-putting, but every community has them - you will find that most people are pretty friendly once you start posting.

Don't forget to fill out your profile information by click on 'my account' at the top of the page.

Try and keep complex crap, in-jokes, flames and arguments off this thread and lets let newcomers feel at home :) A good way to get a basic introduction is to check out our posting guidelines.

Cheers, and welcome to our new users from the libcom.org crew 8-)

Comrade Scott

18 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Comrade Scott on March 3, 2006


Comrade Scott

Hello, I'm Scott. I'm 18, from the US, and I'm an anarchist communist.

I like, uh, art. Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, and Georgio De Chirico.

I enjoy reading, especially Kropotkin, Berkman, and Bookchin. And I like good music.

Welcome Scott,

Hope you have an enjoyable time here. Just before you can be on your merry way may I ask you one question, are you or do you know anyone in this picture?


Haha, no I dont. Quite frankly, I'm glad that I don't. :mrt:

Mike Harman

18 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Mike Harman on March 3, 2006

Comrade Scott

Hello, I'm Scott. I'm 18, from the US, and I'm an anarchist communist.

I like, uh, art. Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, and Georgio De Chirico.

I enjoy reading, especially Kropotkin, Berkman, and Bookchin. And I like good music.

Hi Scott, welcome to libcom. How did you find the site? Did you hear about the anti-fascist stuff going on in Toledo?


big al

18 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by big al on March 4, 2006

Comrade Scott

Hello, I'm Scott. I'm 18, from the US, and I'm an anarchist communist.

I like, uh, art. Diego Rivera, Rene Magritte, and Georgio De Chirico.

I enjoy reading, especially Kropotkin, Berkman, and Bookchin. And I like good music.

I love you Scott. Don't be a lurking non poster like me :wink:

Lone Wolf

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Lone Wolf on March 7, 2006

Hi comrades!

Just wanted to say this seems an excellent community and I'm looking forward to being a part of it. Didn't realise in this crap celeb dominated media nightmare that is Britain today there were so many people with an abundance of brain cells remaining! Good stuff - I find brain cells quite useful me - good for getting me up in the morning and washed/dressed etc. Anyone else have good/bad uses for their brain cells??

I'll save my main intro bit for the "how did you become an anarchist/communist thread" - seems the right place.

In the meantime - cheers!


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by welshy on March 8, 2006

Hi there, i've posted before but had tech probs so hopefuly all is now ok.

I didn't introduce myself properly before so here goes. I'm from Newport in South Wales but have lived in London for 11 years. I used to call myself a socialist but i got disillusioned with the swp types and came to realise that my views were closer to anarchist/libertarian.

I decided to register with libcom as a lot of the discussions are interesting & thought provoking though i won't pretend that i understand all of it. I've been lazy in getting involved apart from some anti fascist stuff, so maybe this may help.

Regards to all out there.

Someone very unsure

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Someone very unsure on March 11, 2006


I'm new here. I hope to exchange some useful dialogue with like-minded misfits. Hopefully anything, which makes me feel even more astranged from er...life I guess.

I have a conventional life really with wife and kids (which I like) and a sodding job in the "belly of the beast" that I don't.

I'm an ex-Trot too. But one day I read some Gramsci, who said that every political party is an embryonic state, which got me thinking and as the Trots only like dishing out orders to drones I thought shit and escaped just in time.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 12, 2006

Someone very unsure

I think I must have found it mentioned in Freedom.

Is it the same people who run this site?

No, me and Tommy Ascaso from here were editors for a year or two recently though, now Saii has taken over. Saii posts on these forums but's not in the collective.

Joseph Kay

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on March 14, 2006

hello. having lurked a bit (from work 8) ) i figured i might as well sign up. does posting on libcom count as "living without dead time"? :P

I like the site. the library's keeping me sane in amongst all these spreadsheets!


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 14, 2006

Joseph K.

hello. having lurked a bit (from work 8) ) i figured i might as well sign up. does posting on libcom count as "living without dead time"? :P

If you're at work - definitely!

I like the site. the library's keeping me sane in amongst all these spreadsheets!

Glad you like it mate, hope you enjoy the forums


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by fjulle on March 15, 2006

Hey there

Iam fjulle (nickname) from Denmark, Odense. What do is keeping up my study in philosphy at my local university meanwhile practicing different forms of direct actions. You know what i mean when saying: Theres so much to do and so little time to do it ... :)

Writing is mostly my priority, absolutely but iam also doing alot of webdesign (unfortunately my private homepage is down right now -- fjulle.dk).

Its cool to visit you blog and find all the information i need from france in english :) Thanks alot.

Me and politricks - Somewhere between individualist anarchism and collectivism (its spelled like that in english?). And dont tell me iam a borgouise bastard child, i hate when people do that!


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Haraldur on March 17, 2006

Greetings, comrades!

My username is my real name also. I live in the village of Netley Abbey, near Southampton (though I will be moving soon, I will still be in Hampshire).

I consider myself both an Anarchist (probably Communist) and a Technocrat (www.technocracy.ca if you care to look), and an Anarchist Technocrat (I am still thinking about this, but they are most definitely compatible, especially if you take the parts of Technocracy I do not like out. :wink: ). I am pretty new to Anarchism, only really first hearing about it as an ideology when I read Homage to Catalonia (I am a mild Orwell fan) in September, which has also resulted in me being more than a bit obsessed about the SR&CW, despite my knowledge of almost no Spanish (except for words such as "miliciano"). I am currently reading The Conquest of Bread.

I got directed here by the user Additives Free at RevLeft.

Salud, camaradas!

EDIT: Oh, and I have also recently e-mailed AFed saying I wanted to join, but I have received no response so far.

jef costello

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jef costello on March 19, 2006


Its cool to visit you blog and find all the information i need from france in english :) Thanks alot.

Hey fjulle, welcome to the boards. Can I ask where you heard about the blog? Did you find libcom from the blog?

borgouise bastard child

we'd only call you that if you'd picked it as your username. There are also threads on the unrest in France:

here here and




18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Acto on March 19, 2006

It was a coincidence. I was looking at www.infoshop.org and at the Flag forums, and tried to sign up but the image from which you have to type a code before you can sign up was not being displayed. I looked through the list of links for other forums, and found this place.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by pingtiao on March 19, 2006

Well, that sort of depends. The point of this site is as a place for anarchists and libertarian communists to discuss theory, history and more importantly: organise for intervention into the class struggle.

If your purpose here was to undermine that goal, it should not be a suprise if were were banned.

But that's not why you are here, is it?


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Acto on March 19, 2006

I came here to share ideas and to learn, however, I do not believe that I can learn much from anyone who will not debate ideas and counter-ideas.

I try not to make judgements without being informed, I'm here to be informed of the ideas of anarchism.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 20, 2006



Hi Diva!

Back atcha from the great Pacific Northwest of the US of Amerikkka :P

you seen our new north america forum?



18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by diva on March 20, 2006




Hi Diva!

Back atcha from the great Pacific Northwest of the US of Amerikkka :P

you seen our new north america forum?


Shall I leave? I do spend a good deal of time on your side of the pond.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 20, 2006



you seen our new north america forum?


Shall I leave? I do spend a good deal of time on your side of the pond.

no not at all, the forums are all linked, but you can use that forum to chat about local stuff to you


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by diva on March 20, 2006




you seen our new north america forum?


Shall I leave? I do spend a good deal of time on your side of the pond.

no not at all, the forums are all linked, but you can use that forum to chat about local stuff to you



18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by lankyleftist on March 22, 2006

i first got interested in anarchist theory after reading 'homage to catalonia' about the spanish civil war.

after doing mental battle with various fuckers on various unfriendly forums, i have decided to retreat to more friendly ground. hello.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by K-TownBootboy on March 22, 2006

hey i'm from denmark (must have taken a wrong turn somewhere on the net to end up on a british forum), hope you don't mind me hanging here (please let me, my son threw up on the floor an hour ago)


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by imposs1904 on March 28, 2006

Should have posted on this thread when I originally joined the list.

An SPGBer* now living in New York. Always interested in what is going on back in Britain.


*No, I wasn't born into the SPGB.

*No, I am not over the age of seventy.

*Yes, I do have an armchair.

*Yes, I have been known to get my hands dirty in life.

* Yes, I've heard most of the jokes and rumours against the small party of geriatric bookworms. :wink:


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 28, 2006


* Yes, I've heard most of the jokes and rumours against the small party of geriatric bookworms. :wink:

Ah I thought it was Good Boys ;)

Welcome to the boards imposs


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by imposs1904 on March 28, 2006



* Yes, I've heard most of the jokes and rumours against the small party of geriatric bookworms. :wink:

Ah I thought it was Good Boys ;)

Welcome to the boards imposs

In fairness, it is Good Boys, but I thought I would come up with my own variation of it. :)


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Zapatista on March 29, 2006

Hu-llo Lib-com-mers! (said in the style of Roger Moore)

I'm the only anarchist I know in Newcastle and also more of a lurker in forums than a poster probly 'cos I'm a bit scared I'll say summit daft (see above for a perfect example!) and everyone'll hate me...though I do need to get involved more in the movement so maybe this'll spur me on to do that.



Joseph Kay

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on March 29, 2006


I'm the only anarchist I know in Newcastle and also more of a lurker in forums than a poster probly 'cos I'm a bit scared I'll say summit daft (see above for a perfect example!) and everyone'll hate me

Hi :) I didn't register for ages probably for those reason too. They're mostly all bark no bite 'round here afterall it seems. I'm sure i've said some daft things and i seem to have got away with it ... so far at least ;)

welcome mate :rb:


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Zapatista on March 29, 2006

Thanks for the welcome Joseph K. and zobag, looking forward to checking out the boards more regularly now I can post on them. But now I've gotta grab me some lunch and go to...work *grumble*


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Proletariat on March 30, 2006

Hello I'm from Canada I post over at revleft,rebel alliance,workers world, Marxism online,and youth for international socialism. I saw a link to this site over at revleft someone was complaining about the banning of a certain individual and they linked to a locked topic on your site. So after a few days of lurking and reading some of your posts I decided to join up.

Jacques Roux

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on March 30, 2006

Hey there... welcome in!

I find RevLeft a really frustrating place. Who was the banned guy? The Maoist?

edit// ah, now i see what u are talking about...

Whats the url for workers world forum?


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Proletariat on March 31, 2006

I find RevLeft a really frustrating place. Who was the banned guy? The Maoist?

Yeah revleft has become increasingly authoritarian and elitist most of this is due to the CC. That's one of the reasons I joined NovelGentry's rebel alliance his forum is much more democratically rumn everyone can have a say and vote on how the board is run.

Whats the url for workers world forum?

http://www.rebelforums.org/forum/index.php?act=idx - this is the one for rebel alliance.

http://www.network54.com/Forum/193761/ -this is the one for workers world


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Proletariat on March 31, 2006

I find RevLeft a really frustrating place. Who was the banned guy? The Maoist?

I dont know who the banned person was however I found the message they posted on your board as well as on ours.


The same Identical topic was posted at revleft.


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by gaf on April 3, 2006

hello,from a french guy living in the netherlands,i know some knows me(RA or Revleft netizens) :wink:

See you around,and time for action ti diou

Jacques Roux

18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on April 3, 2006

Catch 22

When chat moderators threaten banning for talking about "white" as a cultural demarcation (actually happened to me) libertarians tend to get turned off.

I dont understand?!


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on April 4, 2006


I never introduced myslef. Hi, I'm lem. I had never heard of libertarian communism until I stumbled across libcom.

Mind if I ask how you stumbled across libcom then? Welcome, btw 8)


18 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by katie on April 5, 2006

Hi, I'm katie, and I'm growing into anarchy...

I speak french and I'm studying feminist thory at university.

:vb: :@: anarcha-feminism is my current research topic.

All helpful info on lifestyles for anarchafemmes in your neighbourhood would be welcome!



18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by hotautumn on April 5, 2006

Hi, im an old anarcho from London. I was once but I am no longer, interested in petty group rivalries, 'true faith' positions or crude activism, instead Im seeking to chat with peeps about communism and how we can help to bring it about. :rb:

Kate Sharpley

18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Kate Sharpley on April 5, 2006

hello there, gosh little old me on libcom...

will try and be good,



18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by RevolutionReversal on April 7, 2006

Hello all,

In this cyberian wastleand of board activists and computer chair revolutionaries I go by nicknameishly Rev Rev.

I'm not really even into any of these ideological labels anymore, fuck it. I just want people to freely organize themselves into the most libertarian life possible, by gun or pen etc.

Yes I have buggered myself with starting a degree at university, political science, with small parts in sociollgical theory and feminist theory, all it does is make me sound like an ass.

I have definitely some green aspirations in my mind for an idealized society, but really no one anarchy is ever gunna be uniformly across the world nor is anarchy itself. I always think the best one can ever hope for is a world that lets anarchist do their thing and we let others do theirs.

I am from the settler society of Canada, ugh thats it for the intro.



18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by RevolutionReversal on April 7, 2006


hello, revrev. please visit the north america board, and spill the dope on canada.

will do I already notice the culture shock on this board, its funny.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by nunu on April 9, 2006


My name is Nuria, I am from spain so please don´t mind my english very much because obviously is not my first language.

I have been envolved with cnt, fai and Mujeres Libres long time ago, although I am virtually linked with them, I cannot do very much from here.




18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by nunu on April 9, 2006

hi to you all , nice to be here, 8)

Mi partner is a member of Solfed, I use to be a member too. So he told me about this nice place... :wink:

also mentions about I can meet more "compañeros and compañeras" especially anarchofeminist... but it´s taking me long sooo long to read everything ummm

I will try my best to catch up with you guys!


Admin - Discussion about Spain, anarchists, communists and CCOOs under and post-Franco split to here:



18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by tazer on April 13, 2006

Hey there

Im from Gothenburg, Sweden. I guess i found the site from the attention the libcom.org/blog has gotten.

I work with http://socialism.nu, which i guess you could call a swedish counterpart to this community and http://motkraft.net. Motkraft has been around since 1997 and is a newsservice and radical portal of the extraparlamentary left wing in Sweden.

And some local activist groups in my town. Originally from Copenhagen Denmark, so if you are curious about something concerning sweden or denmark, dont hesitate to send a PM or email.




18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Kipper on April 13, 2006

I live in Leicester, I'm an anarcho-communist who, apart from handing out some anti-war stuff when the Iraq war kicked off (they didn't work, and the war went ahead), hasn't done much for the cause.

Lazy bugger, basically.

jef costello

18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jef costello on April 13, 2006

Hi Kipper

there there seem to have been a fair few new posters from leicester and surrounding areas, do you guys know each other or is it just a coincidence?

If you're feeling lazy then head off to libcommunity and make yourself at home. Or get some inspiration here :wink:


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by happychaos on April 16, 2006

Hi, Simon from Aotearoa/New Zealand. Read these forums on and off. Have been involved in activist stuff in A/NZ for a while. Was a union organiser and campaign coordinator/media person for the SupersizeMyPay.com campaign here (organising fast food workers.) I'm an anarchist-communist. Negative, opinionated, talk heaps, frustrated, you name it. (Gotta be honest.) Lot's of energy but frustrated at lack of direction/building things. Need a break! :-) Just quit from the campaign (which involved some of the best stuff I've ever done...) but otherwise currently directionless and looking for inspiration/ideas/campaigns etc etc... hope some leader can put me straight in true anarchist fashion lol :rb:


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by skankfish215 on April 22, 2006


I'm Dom, studying Sociology at Exeter University, England. Erstwhile head of Respect and SWSS on campus. I'm a pacifist dual systems revolutionary marxist (or something like that).

I'm also very glad I found this website, what a great resource


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Imanouel on April 24, 2006


what can i say... i'm an ecologist wannabe...

i am confident we can build something on capitalism, which would wipe it away, and then hopefully get rid of military wars.

i wish to find here people who are as convinced as i am.

we all deal with money, wether we want it or not, don't we?

let's put it together with our differences and create a parallel International Monetary Fund or call it People's Bank,...

red green black from the left or under, but together in peace.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Kicksnare on April 26, 2006

I've been meaning to join-up here for a while.

Just thought I'd say a quick 'hi'.

I don't honestly know how much I'll contribute and how much I'll lurk (hope thats alright). Not much of an arguer but I'll stand-up if theres a point to be made. I enjoy reading the opinions of others, especially if they happen to co-incide with my own and I can reel them off in the pub, so people will think i'm dead clever, loike. :D

Much love


Serge Forward

18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Serge Forward on April 26, 2006


I don't know anyone here (that I'm aware of), but it's encouraging that there are other Leics-based anarchists out there!

Well, like McCormick says, here's one Leicester based anarcho-communist and wobbly for you. Get in touch.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Thora on April 26, 2006


I've been meaning to join-up here for a while.

Just thought I'd say a quick 'hi'.

I don't honestly know how much I'll contribute and how much I'll lurk (hope thats alright). Not much of an arguer but I'll stand-up if theres a point to be made. I enjoy reading the opinions of others, especially if they happen to co-incide with my own and I can reel them off in the pub, so people will think i'm dead clever, loike. :D

Much love


Alright lovely! I think you're dead clever :D


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Thora on April 26, 2006



Hello thora - didn't know you were here too.

Hiya I'm icepick from u75, do we know each other? you can pm me if you wanna keep it on the down-low :bb: :wink:

Don't tell him kicksnare - it's a trap! John is THE MAN!! :bb:


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by blindedbyscience on April 27, 2006

hello all, i sort of used to lurk around this site when it was enrager, without really posting (under the username blueporta) but ive now managed to buy an old computer, so i am hoping to contribute to and learn from these boards from now on. im 35 year old male from a crappy rural town in warwickshire and ive worked with homeless people and drug misusers for about 13 years, most recently with rough sleepers in the midlands. i would describe myself as a libertarian communist i spose, but with a definate 'green' perspective. to be honest, ive got a lot to learn and have a thousand questions about anarchism, so im hoping to ask a few of em in the beginners forum. heavyweight political theory has never come easy to me, i just have an innate hatred of capitalism! i'm quite sceptical about anarchism in some ways, but thats why im here and my scepticism is meant in the right spirit, ie to learn. i am vegan and and a hunt saboteur, which im aware may well incur the wrath of some people round here, somewhat unfairly i have to say, but i believe very deeply in those things, so i aint about to change for anyone. ive never really been a member of any anarchist group, im happy enough to do my own thing. anyway, take care all, s.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on April 27, 2006

Hey there - i remember you blueporta you've been around for ages! Welcome with your new name.


i am vegan and and a hunt saboteur, which im aware may well incur the wrath of some people round here, somewhat unfairly i have to say

Hey don't be silly - a huge proportion of posters here are vegan/veggie/pro-animal rights or whatever. The only issue people take is anarchists who say that all anarchists must be vegan/huntsab/punks whatever. Some critics take the piss out of this and go a bit too far, but it's all in good humour. If anyone did slag you off for your lifestyle choices they would be being as bad as the people they are criticising.

Catch 22

18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Catch 22 on April 27, 2006

Although I do entertain myself for hours waving hamburgers and steaks in front of PETA types(trying to organize a barbecue in front of one dude's house). I have no malice towards non self-righteous animal lib folks.


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Basta on April 28, 2006


i am introducing meself.

this is me.

i'm here

lalalala lets all sing and dance and have fun.

i suspect that i am meant to be more forthcoming with my introduction. but this will do for now, i'm tired.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by retroboy on April 30, 2006

Hi, this is Serge Forward's son, I am interested in anarchism and generally think that it is a very intelligent and fair idea. My dad didn't make me say all this stuff as I am very independant. I'm doing a paper round and want to join the IWW too, and try and get all the other kids organised as well. :rb:


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by retroboy on April 30, 2006


Hi, so this is the thread where everyone says they post on Urban, I found this place on Urban today and I'd already registered a month ago. My head hurts.

Hello freddy, welcome to the boards. (My head hurts too)

Serge Forward

18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Serge Forward on April 30, 2006


Hi, this is Serge Forward's son, I am interested in anarchism and generally think that it is a very intelligent and fair idea. My dad didn't make me say all this stuff as I am very independant. I'm doing a paper round and want to join the IWW too, and try and get all the other kids organised as well. :rb:

Yeah, just don't show me up son - you know well, if there's any showing up to be done, then that's my job :wink:


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by redflag32 on April 30, 2006

Hello comrades,

I am socialist republican from Ireland,im very interested in the site but as yet do not know too mauch about it,i intend to stick around to learn more and hopefully help with the input also.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by redflag32 on April 30, 2006


How'd u find the site RF32?

To be honest i have only got round to reading what the whole libcom movement is about,i had it saved on my pc for ages but never got round to reading up on it.I am delighted with the response and welcome from the members though.that is allways a big plus as many forums can be a bit cold.


18 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by redflag32 on April 30, 2006

Ok you were asking me how did i find the site.lol,Cant remember to be honest,maybe a link of a link of a link sort of thing.Ive had it on my favourites for ages,just never got round to checking it out properly.

Prospekt Mira

18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Prospekt Mira on May 6, 2006

Greetings. I hope you lot don't bite. Well, not too much. Debate is to be expected at a place like this. I have known about this place for a while, mainly from a site called Urban 75, and so have decided to see what this place is like, seen as political discussion has gone downhill over there at that site.

I am not aligned to any group or particular politics in a practical and activist sense, but I am interested in the ideas of anarchism as a tool for workplace organisation. Hopefully I can learn a little bit of something here. I am also interested in feminism, in regard to libertarian class politics that is.

Anyway. "Hello" and all that....

Prospekt Mira

18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Prospekt Mira on May 6, 2006

Hi there. I know you a little from U75, but don't think I have interacted with you on there that much. I won't give away my username from U75...fresh start and all that. U75 had been deteriorating for a while. I don't post on there at all now, and quite a few other posters from there have gone on to make something of their own site - The Tolling Gang, which has become a lively little place.


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Tacks on May 6, 2006

Prospekt Mira

Hi there. I know you a little from U75, but don't think I have interacted with you on there that much. I won't give away my username from U75...fresh start and all that. U75 had been deteriorating for a while. I don't post on there at all now, and quite a few other posters from there have gone on to make something of their own site - The Tolling Gang, which has become a lively little place.

one way of putting it yeah :D


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by milk on May 7, 2006

I'm from the UK and currently reside in the northwest of England. This site has been linked to from posts on other message boards and sites. Being in the UK I came across Urban 75 a few years ago, probably like a lot of peole interested in radical/working class politics. But I no longer post there. The place is too big I feel, overripe and increasingly liberal. and there isn't really much of a sense of community if you know what I mean. I am sure this place will be what I have been looking for in regard to debate, learning and laughs too. :)


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by milk on May 7, 2006

Thanks for the welcome. I have been interested for some time in the IWW. I have never been involved with either radical politics, nor been a member of an established trade union. I am just an ordinary worker, but wish that the influence of the IWW grows. :) I am also interested in feminism, and how that is useful for the working class.



18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by milk on May 7, 2006

Semi-rural I'm afraid. Manchester is a 2 hour train ride though. Not really a hotbed of poltical activity where I live. :P I don't have the confidence to get involved in much, by reasons of experience and knowledge, but will probably offer future support, even if it is donations and the like, to groups like the IWW.


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by dannymc on May 8, 2006

Im from the Northwest too, hour from Manchester, but work there, and can completely empathasise with what Milk said about lack of hotbed of activity!

Oh, hello by the way. Names Danny, 30, Male, and really f*cking disgusted with the way this world is being run. Hence me trying to find a way of doing something about it.

Recieved my welcoem pack thingy off the National Secretary for Al-Fed, is that affiliated with this organisation? Bit confused by the differing sites and groups, all help would be appreciated!


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 8, 2006

Do you mean the Anarchist Federation?

They're not linked to us at libcom.org, though we host their website www.afed.org.uk and host discussion boards for them here:


A lot of their members post here. Welcome to the boards!


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by milk on May 9, 2006


Im from the Northwest too, hour from Manchester, but work there, and can completely empathasise with what Milk said about lack of hotbed of activity!

Oh, hello by the way. Names Danny, 30, Male, and really f*cking disgusted with the way this world is being run. Hence me trying to find a way of doing something about it.

Recieved my welcoem pack thingy off the National Secretary for Al-Fed, is that affiliated with this organisation? Bit confused by the differing sites and groups, all help would be appreciated!

Welcome, fellow noob. :)


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by knightrose on May 9, 2006

Hi New Guys - I'm NW too - live in Oldham. I'm a member of the Anarchist Federation (AF or AFED) and also am in the IWW - there's four of us wobblies in Oldham, but it's early days yet The AF's got members in Manchester, Liverpool and Preston. The NW is also something of a hotbed for the Solidarity Federation (Solfed). There are also anarchists dotted around here and there - Lancaster and Burnley come to mind and thye don't seem to be affiliate dto any group.

Maybe Libcommers should arrange a drinks get together like the Londoners are doing?


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by dannymc on May 11, 2006

Yeah, The Anarchist Federation's the one!

Thanks for the welcome, just feeling myself around (not in that way!) anarchism and what it meas, what it can do. Read Guerin's book on thew history and theory of Anarchism this week, fascinating reading.

A drink sounds good to me, doesnt seem an awful lot going on, from research Ive made so far. Im all ears though! I live in Chester, but work in Manchester, so am pretty flexible location wise as far as meetings and the like go. Everything seems to be down in London.

Viva Zapatista!


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by workingclassandproud on May 11, 2006

Just to say hello and to say this is a great forum to join and look forward to adding my twopennies worth to the subjects on these boards


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by workingclassandproud on May 11, 2006

Well i was told that a website called Lib com was covering the protests in France against the CPE youth employment law so i checked it out and then i started to browse a little and i came across the forum and eventually i decided to join up. The block caps for my name is to emphasise that i am working class and proud.


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 12, 2006

Hey WCP unfortunately we don't permit all caps usernames so yours has been edited. If you'd like it different, say with some capitals, please PM me and I'll sort it.

Enjoy the boards!



18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by knightrose on May 12, 2006

Danny - This is the website from Chester that I wrote about the other day: http://www.freewebs.com/peopleoffreedom/.

If you want to find out more about the AF, then I'm open to a chat over a drink - alcoholic or coffee one evening after work. It's easy enough for me to get into Manchester from Oldham.

jef costello

18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jef costello on May 12, 2006


Hey WCP unfortunately we don't permit all caps usernames so yours has been edited. If you'd like it different, say with some capitals, please PM me and I'll sort it.

Enjoy the boards!



What kind of a nickname is that J-bird?


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by joroberts17 on May 13, 2006

Hi, my name is Joanne, I have just joined this forum and I have a few questions to ask.

1) How and when do Anarchist groups such as the Anarchist Federation hope to achieve revolution? Is it a case of waiting until they have enough recruits? If so, how do groups like the Anarchist Federation go about recruiting?

2) I keep seeing the phrase 'Anarchist Communism'. Maybe I am being naive, but aren't the two things separate? I always thought that communism still involved having leaders, which I am totally opposed to. Does this mean that people involved in 'Anarchist Communism' still want to have leaders? If so, why?

Pardon my ignorance on this matter, I have only just began looking into joining anarchist groups.




18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 13, 2006


Hi, my name is Joanne, I have just joined this forum and I have a few questions to ask.

1) How and when do Anarchist groups such as the Anarchist Federation hope to achieve revolution? Is it a case of waiting until they have enough recruits? If so, how do groups like the Anarchist Federation go about recruiting?

2) I keep seeing the phrase 'Anarchist Communism'. Maybe I am being naive, but aren't the two things separate? I always thought that communism still involved having leaders, which I am totally opposed to. Does this mean that people involved in 'Anarchist Communism' still want to have leaders? If so, why?

Pardon my ignorance on this matter, I have only just began looking into joining anarchist groups.



Hi joanne, I'd recommend taking a bit of a look through the site. The answers to all your questions are around somewhere. For example, your first question you could look at the AF's website www.afed.org.uk or ask on their board here, and your second there's a thread on anarchism + communism in this intro forum. You can also look in our glossary and our thought section. Welcome to the boards!

Jacques Roux

18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on May 13, 2006

Hi Joanne - the AF forum is http://www.libcom.org/forums/index.php?f=62 .

Super quick answers to your Q's -

1. 'how' - people have varying interpretations, but i think everyone agrees on the need for a movement which involves all working people, rather than any sort of minority group who will lead it - be they self-defined anarchists or whoever.

2. Anarchist Communism has nothing to do with wanting leaders. Sorry if this is wrong but i take it your interpretation of the meaning of the word Communist is associated with the old USSR? If so, i dont think you will find anyone here would refer to that as a communist society. As john says - have a look through the glossary.


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by knightrose on May 13, 2006

Hi Joanne. I'm one of the AFers who posts on here. Firstly, if you want to find out more about us, then send an email to either: info{at}afed.org.uk or info{at}af-north.org. I run the af-north site, so if you send me an email you'll get a quick response.

We are anarchist communists. That means we want a society that is communist - with no bosses or workers, just people, co-operatively organised, producing for need, not profit and without money to ration consumption (we reckon enough can be produced to satisfy everyone's needs without having to pay for it). We want a world with no countries, states or governments.

We believe that communism can best be organised in an anarchist way - that means with no state and no institutionalised authority. We try to organise ourselves in that way too.

To be honest, at the moment we are basically an anarchist communist propaganda group. We are trying to spread our ideas as widely as possible. Our belief is that eventually a "community of resistance" will develop and then anarchist ideas and practice will become much more widespread.

We don't just go out and recruit. We want people who are anarchist communists to join us - that means that they agree with our basic principles http://af-north.org/principles.htm, and that they are willing to work with us on some of our activity. that can mean distributing our propaganda - a monthly news sheet called Resistance or our journal Organise - maybe writing for one of them, maybe plastering up stickers - maybe being involved in some workplace or community struggles, but in the process spreading our ideas and keeping us informed of what they are doing (which helps us learn from others.) Members get an equal say in our conferences - which are held four times a year and which decide what we do - and have the chance to take up one of the posts we need to keep going. Oh and we've got an internal email list which they can belong to.

We've got members all over the country. There are groups in London, manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and Nottingham with the prospect of one starting up soon in Halifax too. Members live in many other towns.

Hope that all helps!


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Ch4r on May 14, 2006

Hey, I'm Ch4r. I generally try to stay away from labels, but I'm basically a libertarian communist (and an ex-Marxist-Leninist). A few of you might have seen me around revleft.com. This looks like an interesting and fairly active forum, so I hope to stick around.


18 years 5 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 14, 2006


Hey, I'm Ch4r. I generally try to stay away from labels, but I'm basically a libertarian communist (and an ex-Marxist-Leninist). A few of you might have seen me around revleft.com. This looks like an interesting and fairly active forum, so I hope to stick around.

Welcome! (From another ex-leninist)


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by chris98 on June 19, 2006

Hi I'm Chris. I'm a socialist with anarchist tendencies, non-party member, anti-lifestyle anarchism, pro-working class, pro-green but anti green fascism, anti-violence but not a pacifist, pro-state if under proper electoral control - not found one yet but live in hope - plus I once understood dialectical materialism for 2 whole days immediately before my university finals.

Robert Berry

18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Robert Berry on June 19, 2006

Hi, my name's ... my username. :D

I'm a student of English at Liverpool University. Matt (ticking_fool) was one of my tutors and introduced me to libcom. er ... not sure what else to say.

I was mostly introduced to anarchism through fiction -- The Illuminatus! Trilogy being a bizarre example; Orwell's stuff on the Spanish Civil War perhaps less so. I'm a libcommunist by default; the other options all seem a bit pants, really, and I have a fiery hatred of anything that claims to be an authority. I don't really understand how anything can claim to be ... I don't see there being any grounds for claiming it. I'm interested primarily in gender issues, situationalism and anti-consumerism.

I think we should make July 4th a national flag burning day. "Celebrate your independence this July 4th -- burn your country's flag". That kind of thing. It'd be a good publicity stunt, a reminder to people that people are more important than "countries", and would piss off obsessive, serious football fans, BNP members, and American Republicans, which is always a plus.

er. end.


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Refused on June 19, 2006

Robert Berry

I'm a student of English at Liverpool University. Matt (ticking_fool) was one of my tutors and introduced me to libcom. er ... not sure what else to say.

Newfound respect for tickling_fool. I can imagine him going off on a rant about Kronstadt in the middle of a paragraph from "Wuthering Heights".

Robert Berry

18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Robert Berry on June 19, 2006


Robert Berry

I'm a student of English at Liverpool University. Matt (ticking_fool) was one of my tutors and introduced me to libcom. er ... not sure what else to say.

Newfound respect for tickling_fool. I can imagine him going off on a rant about Kronstadt in the middle of a paragraph from "Wuthering Heights".

One of the articles he asked us to analyse was called "Why I want to fuck Ronald Reagan".


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by magnifico on June 19, 2006

Robert Berry

I think we should make July 4th a national flag burning day. "Celebrate your independence this July 4th -- burn your country's flag". That kind of thing. It'd be a good publicity stunt, a reminder to people that people are more important than "countries", and would piss off obsessive, serious football fans, BNP members, and American Republicans, which is always a plus.

Not all of us! I like to think that I'm slightly less contemptible than a BNP or US Republican member.... :wink:

I like burning flags. I was once pictured in the local paper burning a union jack 8)


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ticking_fool on June 19, 2006

Why couldn't any of my English teachers have been that cool?

I'd like to scotch any rumours about me being cool right now. I nicked the idea of using 'Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan' from an article I read ages ago and kept all ranting to the barest minimum possible.


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Dreamcatcher on June 21, 2006

Hello, hello. (Ignore the poncy name).

Have been snooping around and have decided to plunge into this little place. I am kind of new to the whole anarchist train of thought, but have been finding a wide range of issues that I agree on with most people branded as anarchists. I still read a fair few 'Marxist' writers, but things have been a-changing.

I am a student, hoping to study history from October. Right now I am in mid-exam crisis.

I try to think about things, and write a bit. An example of one of my little tinkerings can be read here: www.action-online.org - a little critique of education and all.

Well, I will probably see you on the forums, but I thought I should let you know that...well, yeah. Hi.


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Ironzide_c on June 26, 2006

Hi. I am Ironzide_c. My pet hates are fascists, tories, trots and fake environmentalists. I love pipe tobacco, proper beer and Stravinsky. Anything else will become apparent later. So yeah, erm, hello


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by farleftprol on June 27, 2006


I am new here.

Not sure what to say about myself really. To pigeon hole myself, I guess I am a Marxist, I post most of the time on www.revleft.com but want to go somewhere that isnt just talk.

What I would like to do, or attempt to do is de-value money, to decrease our dependency on it.

I mean why pay £250.00 for MS Ofiice when Open Office is free and does the same?

I would like to bring things like this to peoples attention.

Last night I was thinking I would like to make stuff (headbands, bandanas, flags etc etc) red and black of course and give them away to anyone who wants them.

Before you ask, no I cant sew haha but I know someone who can and they are willing to teach me.

I live in London, I have been here for 2 years roughly and I don't know many anarchists or communists so I am happy to meet anyone for a chat or to work on projects.




18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by madashell on June 27, 2006

Hey farleftprol, nice to have you with us :)

One small point though.


I mean why pay £250.00 for MS Ofiice when Open Office is free and does the same?

Because you can download the infinitely superior MS Office via bittorrent ;)


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by farleftprol on June 27, 2006


Hey farleftprol, nice to have you with us :)

One small point though.


I mean why pay £250.00 for MS Ofiice when Open Office is free and does the same?

Because you can download the infinitely superior MS Office via bittorrent ;)

Thanks :) quick reply

How is MS Office "infinitely superior" ?

Also some people (not myself) dont liek doing things illegally, so I would say do this instead.


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by madashell on June 27, 2006


How is MS Office "infinitely superior" ?

Open Office is a pain in the arse to use and it's too slow, IME. MS Office works perfectly well for my purposes and it's compatible with the software I already have.

Firefox is a better example, IMO, what with being the nuts and all.

Also some people (not myself) dont liek doing things illegally, so I would say do this instead.

I don't know many people who have a problem with downloading, personally, though I see your point.


18 years 4 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by farleftprol on June 27, 2006



How is MS Office "infinitely superior" ?

Open Office is a pain in the arse to use and it's too slow, IME. MS Office works perfectly well for my purposes and it's compatible with the software I already have.

Firefox is a better example, IMO, what with being the nuts and all.

Also some people (not myself) dont liek doing things illegally, so I would say do this instead.

I don't know many people who have a problem with downloading, personally, though I see your point.

Well that's fair enough, Open does everything I need it to do and is compatible with everything, windows or otherwise.

Sometimes it's nice just to have something that isn't MS :)


18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by JonC on July 10, 2006

Hello, I'm new; I've actually just posted on another thread. I've been an inactive anarchist for a while, and my political trajectory has been from Labour Party Young Socialists in the 80s to the SPGB for a short while in the 90s (I left them because of their lack of activity and fell into absolute inactivity for years) to now. Until very recently I thought of myself as a socialist still, but have drifted into thinking of myself as an anarchist or a libertarian communist, and that seems the most accurate.

So, for now, hello. And could anybody tell me how you get boxes around your quotations when you reply?



Mike Harman

18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Mike Harman on July 10, 2006

Hi JonC.




text you want to quote



(ignore that it says code above it, that's to show you how it works instead of actually quoting).


18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by JonC on July 10, 2006


Hi JonC.




text you want to quote



(ignore that it says code above it, that's to show you how it works instead of actually quoting).

Like this, does this work? Yes it does. Thanks for that.


18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Postal on July 13, 2006

a friend uses the forums here and introduced me to it in the midst of a three-day linux-installing and general nerderie orgy

having recently rediscovered my long-denied love for staring at a VDU screen all day long pretending to be busy fixing the network, thought i'd say hello as browsing wikipedia and downloading all the music i used to listen to when i was a teenager is getting tiresome

to your second question, i'd be surprised if i didn't know some of the glasgow peeps, i haven't been invovled in any groups of any kind for a long while having grown extremely disillusioned with the movement through being let down by unreliable peeps (getting stranded in the highlands the morning after an action cause the driver wanted to go home early was the straw that broke the camel's back) but have decided recently that i need to get involved with stuff again

am specifically interested in the fight against dawn raids and showing solidarityy and helping out the refugees in glasgow, cause the shit they're going through is fucking appaling.

i'll be through in glasgow next week for a few days and would quite like to meet up with Unity and No-Borders, see in what way i can put myself to use in showing this government that the way they're treating these people is unacceptable by any civilized standards, letalone libertarian ones



18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by studs_and_leather on July 19, 2006

hello every one

iv joined this site to learn...

i no about libertarian communism

and agree

but im hear to learn more about

anarchism i have a basic understanding

so if every one could help me

that will be great ....

eney way hello all


18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by sushil_yadav on July 21, 2006

Dear friends,

I am a new member from India. I have posted my article "Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment" in the "Thought Forum". You are requested to kindly read the article. Thank you.



18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Sontaran on July 21, 2006

Hi :)

Heard about the site through the now defunct tollinggang and menwhileatthebar which the new filtering software at work won't let me on at the mo' :x

Great library and resources on here. I look forward to posting!


Joseph Kay

18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 21, 2006

welcome to the boards :)

the filtering software blocks my holiday pics as 'porn' (don't remember it being that exciting), but it has no problem with a libertarian communist site. Hurrah :rb:


18 years 3 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jason on July 22, 2006

Howdy, my names Jason. I live in Australia. Looking forward to some chats.

P.s. This guy looks like our Prime Minister = :shock:

Submitted by Nemo on August 25, 2006

Joseph K.

I'm a tragic hero myself of the kafka variety :P

That's funny, I always pictured you as a six-foot-long insect.

Submitted by Nemo on August 25, 2006

Don't worry I picture everyone as giant insects, it must be the medication. Besides, I gave up reading Kafka because the copy of his short stories I bought had half the full-stops missing!

Apparently I'm a Jules Verne hero. Though I received a dishonourable discharge from the navy. I'd rather not go into why, but lets just say that it took six hours to scrub down the poop deck afterwards.

I see myself more as a Huxlian hero, anyway. Anyone up for a game of naked Centrefugal Bumble-Puppy?

Submitted by Joseph Kay on August 25, 2006


i just thought the full stops thing was Kafka's anarchic disregard for grammar and/or artistic genius ;) The double bluff being i'm actually a giant insect like in starship troopers. As to huxley, anyone have an arpeggiated smell-o-symphony or whatever they're called? ;)

Sorry winstonsmith, i appear to be hijacking your hello into a quick jaunt through distopian literature 8)

Submitted by Nemo on August 25, 2006

Joseph K.

i just thought the full stops thing was Kafka's anarchic disregard for grammar and/or artistic genius ;)

Is that Kafka then, and not just my copy? The print quality in my copy is pretty bad, so I assumed the missing stops were due to that. I've read some Burroughs so, I can put up with bad punctuation if I have to.

Submitted by Joseph Kay on August 25, 2006

i think its a cheap print run, i assume kafka had mastered full stops, capital letters were all there ... :P


18 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by fenella on September 5, 2006

Hi I've just discovered this site whilst looking online for people that would be supportive to an anti-deportation campaign I'm involved with.

I didn't want to just jump in with links etc. Thought I should say hi to you all first and see if it would be ok to promote the campaign via the forum.

Many thanks

Submitted by ticking_fool on September 5, 2006

Hi I've just discovered this site whilst looking online for people that would be supportive to an anti-deportation campaign I'm involved with.

If it's a campaign for a specific person you may be better off asking on the regional boards. I know the North West board covers asylum quite a lot, don't know about the Midlands (does Coventry count as Midlands? I've been there but it didn't register where exactly it was.).

And Hi.

Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 5, 2006


Hi I've just discovered this site whilst looking online for people that would be supportive to an anti-deportation campaign I'm involved with.

I didn't want to just jump in with links etc. Thought I should say hi to you all first and see if it would be ok to promote the campaign via the forum.

Many thanks

Hi, welcome :P

There's an 'Events and Announcements' board here and a midlands regional forum here (yes ticking_fool, coventry's midlands ;)). Any news you have could be posted in current affairs and if you want to try and organise stuff with others online there's the organise forum.

the announcement board is probably better for 'hit and run' type posts whereas the other boards are better if you're looking to stick around and discuss it. best of luck.

Submitted by Crane on September 9, 2006

Hi everyone,

I`m relieved to finally have found an anarchist forum that seems to be up and running :)) Seems like tens and tens of anarchist sites lay there un-updated in the internet?

Anyways, I`m 30-years old,a dad of two and a husband from Helsinki. I`ve been "an extreme leftist" at least for the last ten years,but only quite recently I`ve felt the need to get at least a bit more organized,or at least contacted to others doing the same things,so that`s why I`m writing this.

BTW; I`ve been trying to contact the AFED for a couple of times, as it`S the current secretariat of international affairs of the IAF-IFA, yes? But I`ve received no answers yet,so is it a working e-mail address thats up there? I would be interested in joining the International and starting something here in Helsinki,again,as it seems there`s no groups active here at the moment.

OK;I`ll get into reading stuff through here,and I`ll see you all somewhere there between the posts soon!

Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 9, 2006

Hi Crane, welcome to the boards :P

there are a couple of AFed people on these boards (list here) - hopefully one of them will see this or maybe you could pm them to see if they can help.

There's also at least one other guy from finland here too (though he lives in the UK i think), if that makes any difference to anything :D

Submitted by chinagirl on September 9, 2006

Hi everyone,
I'm on here really to educate myself. I don't have any specific views or political motivations, but will keep reading and educate myself along the way.
I'm 23, come from *cough* Dagenham, but don't live there anymore.

Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 9, 2006

hi chinagirl,

welcome to the boards! ... a good place to start is the thought section here: http://www.libcom.org.uk/thought/ (it's still on the old server, the admins are in the middle of moving the site over and expanding it)


Submitted by Ms Ana on September 10, 2006

hi everyone. for a good few years now i have identified as anarchist but due to smoking too much pot at uni and some desperate shyness i have never immersed myself into the movement. but now i'm looking to right that.
now i want to make much better use of my time and get involved with some proper actions. walk the walk instead of talking the talk you could say.

Submitted by davethemagicweasel on September 10, 2006


Hi I've just discovered this site whilst looking online for people that would be supportive to an anti-deportation campaign I'm involved with.

I didn't want to just jump in with links etc. Thought I should say hi to you all first and see if it would be ok to promote the campaign via the forum.

Many thanks

Hi fenella.

It might also be worth getting in touch with the Birmingham No Borders group (email: noborders-brum[at]lists[dot]aktivix[dot]org).

They're a busy lot, but if they can help I'm sure they will.

Submitted by hairmonster85 on September 11, 2006

hi everyone

i'm luke. i live in leeds, and i don't feel i post enough on this board. was in the CWI, and hated it. looking to join SolFed, but don't know of any members in Leeds.

i've not been doing anything radical since the new year, and i'm looking to be active as soon as

alt media person

Submitted by jef costello on September 11, 2006

Hi Luke, there are regional forums here, I think that this one would be the best place to start if you're looking to get in touch with people in your area. There are a fair few Manchester SolFed people on here, not sure about Leeds.

Submitted by magnifico on September 11, 2006


looking to join SolFed, but don't know of any members in Leeds.

There's a West Yorkshire SolFed group. They don't advertise an email address but I've met one of them so I know they exist! You can write to them at PO Box 75, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8WB. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you, especially if you are indeed capitalism's worst nightmare :wink: Welcome to the boards!


18 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by CoeXisT on September 19, 2006


I found out about this place from a reference @ the revleft forums. I consider myself Anarcho-Pacifist, but I am hesitant to label myself beacuse my opinions on life change so often. I'm in constant argument with myself in an attempt to realize, or hope to understand, how things should be.

I am now a university student studying anthropology and sociology. After undergrad I hope to get my PHD in anthropology focusing on revolutionary theory and the place of theology in society, and if it holds a place in future societies.

Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 19, 2006

hi CoeXist, welcome to the boards! (i just said this on another thread, but this one's specifically for it ;) )

anna x

18 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by anna x on September 22, 2006

Hi, I'm Gregg and am just coming to the surface after laying low by choice for the last few years. My outlook on life has found a home under the umbrella of anarchist-communist thinking. I live quite isolated outside of Brisbane, Australia and am looking to reengage with the community.

Joseph Kay

18 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 22, 2006

hi greg

theres a fair-sized aussie contingent here now ... not sure if anyones near you though, big place and all (there's at least one poster from brisbane ...)


18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by mrsmaintenance on October 8, 2006

My name's Anna - I'm a married mom of one (thankfully, only one; he's a handful!) I'm 25 years old and I live in the United States. For fun I like to dumpster dive and I often live off capitalism's castoffs. I always hate writing these things because I never know what to say about myself. I'm pretty boring, actually. But I'm an anarchist chick who found your forums, so I figured I'd jump in.


18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by caitlin69 on October 26, 2006

hi my name is kate and i live in caerfyrddin in cymru (carmarthen in wales). i am a lone mother aged 47 who has recently recovered from a bout of agitated depression (text-book definition). i am looking for productive activities to stem my consumeristic tendencies, which have been running rampant recently. however rather than indulge in self-chastisement and degradation i have decided to whoop it up to the best of my ability at least until we get regime change in the so-called united (queen)kingdom. i am constantly looking for cheaper ways of doing it. i have produced 3 offspring. a 21year old daughter who studies at warwick university. an 18 year old son who is involved with a family who sell cars and petrol. and a 13 year old son who attends "our monarch" high school. my main interest in the work sphere is permaculture permaculture permaculture. somebody asked me if i was a tree hugger last night and i told him i would rather plant one than hug one. i am in the process of reestablishing myself as a proper human being after a personal disaster this year. i would be interested in being involved with forming an anarcho-syndicalist/ anarchist group or free association node in caerfyrddin/carmarthen if i could find 2 or 3 like- minded individuals who can cope with diversity, flexibility and fluid lines. i think i am going to be starting a woodland skills course and i also like studying the earths crust (geology-ish) my main recreational hobbies are walking and/to beaches especially marros. nuff said

Jacques Roux

18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on October 26, 2006

Hi C. welcome in!

That's some in-depth description ;) Glad things are going better for you... :)


18 years ago

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Submitted by Ramona on October 26, 2006

Hello Caitlin! Glad to hear you have so much energy! Welcome to the boards. Have you checked out the Wales forum?

I wish I could get more walking on beaches done in my life...


18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Nemo on October 26, 2006

Hi caitlin69,

Welcome to the group. I live nowhere near Wales, so I can't help you with that. :( But there is a forum here for Wales [as zobag said] http://libcom.org/forums/wales though it doesn't appear to be very active at the mo. Good luck with it though. And there are plenty of people here (and entries in the library) to answer any questions you might have, or give advice. The Thought and Organise forums would be a good place to start. And you can always socialise in the libcommunity forum.

David W

18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by David W on October 26, 2006

Hello I came across this webforum through searching for Anarchist literature and it seems like a great place .
Im really interested in seeing what real,living anarchists have to say as opposed to 50 year old books on the topic.

So a good day/evening to you all .

Joseph Kay

18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on October 26, 2006

hi david, welcome to the boards! :P

or, as mikhail bakunin said ... just kidding ;)

jef costello

18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jef costello on October 27, 2006


I wish I could get more walking on beaches done in my life...

And swimming in the sea!


18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by casseur on October 29, 2006

Hello there,

For some reason its taken me far too long to join the libcom community...but better late than never eh?!

Where am I coming from? Insurrectionary/class struggle anarchist or ultra-leftist would be useful shorthand I guess, but lots of influences including Frankfurt School and Situs.

To the libcom team: sorry I missed you at the bookfair - but I'm guessing there will be other opportunities!

Jacques Roux

18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on October 29, 2006

Welcome Casseur.

Sorry we missed you too - have we met before?


18 years ago

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Submitted by casseur on October 30, 2006

Hey rkn,

No we haven't but I meant to change that last Sat; unfortunately got their a bit late and ended up trying mostly unsuccessfully to get to seminars whilst tearing myself away from the bookfair part!


18 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by aswad on October 31, 2006

I just heard about this forum last weekend (international @ meetings can be instructive...) and here I am.
I'm from Grrmoney but spent a year in Manchester waaay back in the 70ies and consider this my second home town. I'm also a member of Grrman Forum of German speaking Anarchists.


17 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Sam on November 1, 2006

Hello, I am from Stockport near manchester, i would identify myself as an anarcho-communist, although i am fairly new to the ideology compared with others. I certainly couldn't go back to any statist ideology. I am a second year college student studying politics, sociology and film studies. I look forward to discussing some political events with you all later. Peace and happiness.


17 years 12 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Fustian on November 2, 2006

Hey all,
I've known about libcom for a fair while and saw some of your stuff at the recent A Bookfair.
I'm not too good at discussing theoretical politics as I'm more used to just getting on with what I believe makes a difference on a day to day basis.
However, recently I feel I am becoming increasingly obliged to justify my position just when I feel most isolated from my usual support. So I've come here to, hopefully, gain some strength :-)


17 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by ftony on November 2, 2006

i don't think i've said hello on this thread yet.



17 years 12 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by wangwei on November 2, 2006

Hi all! I've been reading this board and the library at this site since I stumbled across it googling for information during the Student revolts in France last year.

My tag is named after my favorite Chinese poet from the T'ang dynasty.

I really stumbled across anarchism when I walked into an anarchist bookstore and bought "Kropotkin" by Brian Morris in an attempt to disprove the anarchist I was talking to. Well, after actuall reading anarchist literature, instead of just the marxists' interpretations of it, I've been on a quest to fully understand Marx and Anarchism in much more depth.

I fully believe that Marx's dialectical materialism is fundamentally a philosophy of anarchist communism. That anarchist communism is the fundamental dialectic of a communist society. You can't have a struggle for communism without anarchist methods, and you can't have anarchy not burn out into petty rebellion without communism as the goal.

I love this article, as it is one of the few that I've read that really gets to what my position on anarchist communism is. http://www.marxists.org/archive/rubel/1973/marx-anarchism.htm

I'm working on a book in my spare time to illustrate the dialectics of Anarchist Communism. It's tentativley titled Anarchist Communism 101 "Anarchism for Marxists".

So, I took a pretty long path to get to Anarchism, but yeah, that's the pretty long story short of it.


17 years 12 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Tacks on November 2, 2006


I really stumbled across anarchism when I walked into an anarchist bookstore and bought "Kropotkin" by Brian Morris in an attempt to disprove the anarchist I was talking to. Well, after actuall reading anarchist literature, instead of just the marxists' interpretations of it, I've been on a quest to fully understand Marx and Anarchism in much more depth.

Excellent! Welcome to LC.

Fuego Revolucinario

17 years 12 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Fuego Revolucinario on November 3, 2006


I used to be involved in eco protests in last decade and for various reasons I've had to retreat from active politics. They were pretty much on a starting point and pretty fuzzy then but at least it gave me time to soak up more theory and information and have my politics more defined and rooted. I'd like to get more active though therefore I searched for a place to shout out to comrades in the area and found this place and found myself here. I like what I have seen so far and would try to contribute in any way I can.

Within the theory, I'm more heavy informed via Marx. Within the practice, I'm more heavy on the anarchist side.

why aye man

17 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by why aye man on November 5, 2006

hello. i thought i'd say hi. i'm from the north of england, a "normal" family bloke been anarchist since about 1980 when I first heard Crass and all that stuff. Was involved in stuff years ago but family stuff taking priority at the moment. do as much as I can fit in at the mo. just want to hear what other people are up to and not feel so isolated.


17 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by kronstadt on November 10, 2006

Hello, I just joined the forums and thought that I ought to introduce myself.

I'm a Wobbly, originally from Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada, but currently living in Leicester. I'm a first year Phd student in the politics department at Loughborough Uni. I consider myself an anarchist on the libertarian communist side of things.

I've known about Libcom for awhile now, mostly through reading articles in the fantastic on-line library, but hadn't considered joining the forums until moving to England.

Jacques Roux

17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on November 14, 2006

Welcome all :)

And hello to any lurkers out there thinking of joining up!


17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Tacks on November 14, 2006

Fuego Revolucinario

Within the theory, I'm more heavy informed via Marx. Within the practice, I'm more heavy on the anarchist side.

Sounds good to me :))


17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by coversall on November 24, 2006

after saying that i wasn't one to introduce myself on forums on another thread i changed my mind. libcom seems like more of a community than other forums i've been on before so i thought it might be bit rude not to...

anyway, i'm just a young'un still. considered myself a lefty of sort in school although i didn't really have any real knowledge of all the different forms of ideologies etc then. got into anarchism since i found out my dad was a syndicalist back in the day (i had no idea of what anarchism really was until then, just the vague impression of bomb throwing you get from here and there ;) ) and all the things that i read seemed to make a lot of sense. been reading various things since then (two or three years) although mostly along a critical theory line. i'd like to get a better understanding of some sort of practical enactment of theories now. also not entirely sure what i would call myself, anarchist, libertarian communist etc. i suppose i'll just have to read more.

i'll probably take more of a backseat in here and learn what i can for now



17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on November 24, 2006

welcome to coversall and all the other new people who have introduced themselves here (sorry I forgot about this thread and haven't been checking it).

It's always interesting to hear how people discovered libcom as well. So yeah hope you all get something from being on here!


17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Lee on December 1, 2006

I'm new today - just found the site... good stuff.

From an apathetic adolesence I've been inspired by academic studies in History, Economics and Human Geography, particularly emphasis on Marx, and now Chavez (as well as the historic giants). Out of the classroom further encouragement towards a socialist perspective came when our non league close nit community football clubb was fucked over by a builders company, who managed to steal public funds as well as destroy the club... other issues such as the destruction of community services and amenities within Rugby (Warks), where a friend has stood in elections have also cleared the haze of a pathetically biased school based 'liberal' ways of thinking and living. Environmental issues are a biggy, as well as the more general topics of social justice/redistribution of wealth, provision of services, discrimination etc...

I'm currently an undergraduate at University of Northampton (previously at Leeds Metropolitan University), studying Human Geography. I live with my partner and 2 children...


17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on December 4, 2006

Alright Lee, welcome to libcom.


17 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by bugbear on December 5, 2006

Looks like this thread hasn't been getting much love recently so I'll keep things ticking over by introducing myself.

I came upon Anarchist thought via another internet forum and this inspired me to go and learn more about it myself. Ironically, despite being a History student I can't be bothered to read books very often, so most of what I've picked up has been from internet sources (mainly forums) and a couple of books I bought and subsequently skimmed through. I'm very aware of the fact I'm a complete armchair Anarchist right now and I'll probably spend most of my time reading and occasionally chip in. Hopefully I'll get physically involved at some point in the future, but I'm always very concious that I don't really know 'the rules' of being an Anarchist, (yes, I recognise how stupid that sounds, but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say :P) having come upon it from a theoretical angle rather than a social angle.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to being the internet message board equivalent of the guy on the tube that stands too close and breathes heavily while reading your paper over your shoulder. Fondling is optional.

Joseph Kay

17 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on December 5, 2006

hi bugbear, welcome to the boards!

(and try to keep the fondling 'til after 9 o'clock yeah, there might be kids watching ;))


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by rosa_sub_rosa on December 20, 2006

Hi, Im rosa. I don't spend a lot of time on line but I've been browsing the forums here as i've had the chance and I also think that libcom has the most fantastic library I've seen. There is a very engaging quality to the discourse here, one well worth indulging in, so i'll pipe in when I can.

Cheers to the class, and thanks.


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Abood on December 24, 2006

Hello! I'm a Kuwaiti libertarian socialist. I'm 18 years old and I'm in my final year of high school. Nothing much to say really.. ask me anything.



17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by PineNut on December 24, 2006

alright all, am an anarcho communist, with an emphasis on eco issues, though not a primmo, no way, not me! am from worcestershire but currently staying on the hebrides for a while. tend to use the site more for the excellent library, but might dip my toes into the thought and organise forums hopefully. am not really a member of any group, tend to do my own thing, although i want to rejoin the IWW when i get back to blighty as it would be good to get a west midlands local going. all the best, pinenut.


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Durruti on December 25, 2006

hello all, i am a spanish anarchist. i have been reading for a whole day on these forums verry interesting, the best anarchist forum i have seen so far.



17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on December 25, 2006

durruti - welcome! are you in the CNT or FAI? There are a couple of occasional spanish posters here - miguel garcia being one, would be great to get some more of you.

and hello rosa, good to see you getting involved in discussions already. greetings as well to pinenut and abood - from kuwait eh? very interesting! are there many libertarian socialists in kuwait? are you allowed to be one openly? is there much history for radical working class/libertarian movements there?


17 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Durruti on December 30, 2006

Hey, yes i form part of the local CNT, and proud of it.

ah, and john, i pm´d you about making a video library alsow on libcom i thought it might be a good idea.


Faithles xVx

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Faithles xVx on January 7, 2007

Hello all

I'm Faithless

I'm vegan stright-edge (xVx), and gender-queer.

im into veganism, nihiliism, queer/ smashing gender, disrupting the patriarchy, anticapitalism, and some other fun stuff.

Im curently wondering why this fourm has no Animal liberation/ vegan section

Joseph Kay

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 7, 2007

hey Faithles, welcome :)

Faithles xVx

Im curently wondering why this fourm has no Animal liberation/ vegan section

this is a class struggle site, so that's the focus of the forums rather than other issues that tessellate (or not) with anarchist politics. we're not without a vegan/straight edge contingent on the boards though


17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by boozemonarchy on January 7, 2007

hey everybody,

i haven't given a hello on this forum yet. I've probably been using libcom for about a month maybe. I was born in eastern wyoming (usa), and now live in western montana. I've been using anarchist forums to debate theory for about a year and finally came across this one. Libcom is fucking great, so many people and viewpoints. So many people totally unafraid to put their views at there and get them destroyed or defend them, its really refreshing. I live amongst the mountains and the rivers, so I enjoy backpacking, fishing, and the outdoors in general. The best thing in my world is reaching the summit of an unnamed peak, and looking about the world. The worst thing in my world is the local police (they all know my ass). In about a month I'm taking off to visit eastern europe and see the sites. Me and two friends land in athens, greece we will start our journey. I'm excited to meet comrades involved in the struggle throughout eastern europe. If you have any suggestions for places to visit let me know please!


17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on January 8, 2007

Welcome, bozeman!

There are a few eastern european friends here, so you can look out for their posts. You can also see some on our networking pages:


17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by boozemonarchy on January 9, 2007

thanks for the info John!

Faithles xVx

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Faithles xVx on January 15, 2007

Joseph K.

hey Faithles, welcome :)

Faithles xVx

Im curently wondering why this fourm has no Animal liberation/ vegan section

this is a class struggle site, so that's the focus of the forums rather than other issues that tessellate (or not) with anarchist politics. we're not without a vegan/straight edge contingent on the boards though

yeah but im a working class militant vegan....

There are many realitons bewteen anarchism, and animal liberation, and even if some on this fourm refuse to question certin privlages and recognize this, that is no reason why people should not have a place to exchange vegan recipies and talk about freedom for all animals.

Joseph Kay

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 15, 2007

there's a thread here discussing just that. imho, and that of the other admins afaik, there isn't any more necessary connection between class struggle and the lifestyle choice of veganism as there is between class struggle and allotment gardening, or class struggle and listening to punk. I mean it may be complimentary, but there's no necessary connection, and i think an association of class struggle with a particular lifestyle would create the kind of subcultural ghettoisation libcom is trying to avoid. I'm a vegan worker too btw ;)


17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by mikabill on January 28, 2007



This is a thread for new users to say hi

Hi John my name is bill and i live in adelaide australia. I am married with 5 kids and im 44 years old. My political life started with the ALP (Australian Labor Party) and has moved through Socialist groups to where i am now with the Australian Greens. After reading Parliament and democracy by kevin doyle and the IS/SWPs very peculiar Anarchism its like a cloud has moved away from the sun. what great articles. The problem is net sites like http://flag.blackened.net www.struggle.ws and http://surf.to/anarchism are not working. as a person who hungers for info to read im looking or anarchist pdf books etc . can anyone comment?

jef costello

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jef costello on January 28, 2007


as a person who hungers for info to read im looking or anarchist pdf books etc . can anyone comment?

Hi Bill,
http://libcom.org/library is a good place to start. There are also various reading lists and advice on reading put up in the forums, I'd suggest having a look in the 'thought' forum for topics that interest you.


17 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Spassmaschine on January 29, 2007

Hi, I'm Michael from Australia. I was very briefly a Trot in my early uni days in 2002, mostly as they were the only socialist group i was aware of. I wasn't active much at all and quickly moved on from them.

I read some bits and pieces on anarchism and it melded better with my own thoughts. Discovered your site while googling, back when it was still enrager. Came back to it a few months ago to look at your lovely library and have been a forum-voyeur since.

I currently identify as libertarian communist; need to do a lot more reading before i decide on any particular current. My practical activity is currently non-existent, but this may very well change in the future.

Joseph Kay

17 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on January 29, 2007

welcome aboard, captain ;)

there's a fair few melbourners on the boards now:
... and we're not short of former student trots either :P


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by welshboy on February 22, 2007

Hi there, I should have done this months ago :oops: I'm Andy and currently reside in the glorious city of Edinburgh. I've been using Libcom for ages now but rarely post. I'm hopefully only going to be in this country for the next month or so as I want to move to Europe and explore a wee bit. Will probably post a bit more over the next month as I am staying somewhere with an internet connection for the first time in years.:biggrin: :@:


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on February 23, 2007

alright welshboy well look forward to hearing more from you in the near future!

where will you be moving?


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by welshboy on February 23, 2007

Going to stay with some old mates in Amsterdam and Utrecht, also want to be in Germany before this summers spectacular showdown. I've always wanted to go on an anarcho-geek tour round spain. Visit sites from the revolution and what not. I used to live in Belgium years ago but came back about seven years ago and have been threatening to leave this island ever since. Actually going to make it this time.

Lone Wolf

17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Lone Wolf on February 23, 2007


I've always wanted to go on an anarcho-geek tour round spain. Visit sites from the revolution and what not.

Me too!!! :p

Glad you are gonna be here for a lil while at least. You have already been helpful to me on the boards so i am liking you already. :p


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by welshboy on February 23, 2007

Cheers LW, the Mark Thomas thing? Yeah I did a Faslane Peace Camp/CND stall at his show during the Edinburgh festival a few years ago. I must have seen the columbia/coca-cola show five or six times. I can pretty much remember it all by heart. It was funny the first time but I saw part of his show in Brighton last year, was really looking forward to it but couldn't sit through yet another show. Always preferred Bill Hicks.


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by zawapete on March 2, 2007


This is a thread for new users to say hi, say how they found the site and ask any questions which they may not want to post a new thread about.

hi all :)
i'm zawapete (it doesn't mean anything but sounds nice...)

anyone reading the forum these days should know how i found this site ;)

i'm 28 yo from italy, i'm a wannabe screenwriter and a comics editor by passion.
meanwhile i earn minum wage as a php coder


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 2, 2007

er hmm how did you find it?

Do you live in italy? and php coding minimum wage? damn my old work the web guy who did php coding for our website got £40 (€60) an hour for it!


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by zawapete on March 2, 2007


er hmm how did you find it?

there's a censored-title thread where you can find the whole truth ;)


Do you live in italy?

since the day i was born


damn my old work the web guy who did php coding for our website got £40 (€60) an hour for it!

well, i got a third of that an hour and i thought i was well paid until now... ;\

indeed the cost of life in italy is lesser than in uk, so you can't simply make a currency conversion, i think that £1 here has the same purchasing power of £3 or £4 in uk, if it isn't so please tell me 'cause i'll come there in a hurry ;)


17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by robbo203 on March 3, 2007


I'm Robin. I contribute to a number of forums (or should that be fora?) and belong to the world in common group .See:


WiC was set up to promote closer collaboration between individuals and different strands in the braod non-market anti-statist sector

I look forward to interacting with comrades on this site




17 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 4, 2007



er hmm how did you find it?

there's a censored-title thread where you can find the whole truth ;)

ah i see

well, i got a third of that an hour and i thought i was well paid until now... ;\

indeed the cost of life in italy is lesser than in uk, so you can't simply make a currency conversion, i think that £1 here has the same purchasing power of £3 or £4 in uk, if it isn't so please tell me 'cause i'll come there in a hurry ;)

yeah it does - not as much as it used to though since the euro. I'd say it's probably only about 1.5x now, for consumer goods anyway, property it's probably still triple or quadruple. But yeah now worth packing your bags for anyway ;) he was a private freelancer anyway.


17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by holyworrier on March 14, 2007

I'm primarily here to listen and learn, though I'm not a wallflower. Have to get the feel of the place. Cheers.

Jacques Roux

17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on March 15, 2007

Welcome in HW, hope you enjoy :) How'd you come across the site?


17 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by holyworrier on March 15, 2007

I don't recall exactly how I got here. It was a random click on a link on some site. Indymedia perhaps. My reading is limited to current events and related essays, usually. I thought here I might get some theory, some feedback on ideas.


17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by sbeth on March 17, 2007

Hi!! Discovered this site accidentally while researching a paper!
Kind of got distracted by the interesting theology...
Could anyone tell me what ILS is?



17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on March 18, 2007


Hi!! Discovered this site accidentally while researching a paper!
Kind of got distracted by the interesting theology...
Could anyone tell me what ILS is?


Hi sbeth. The only ILS I know is a now-defunct informal network of anarchist groups and syndicalist unions, International Libertarian Solidarity: http://www.ils-sil.org/


17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ChrissyBoy on March 24, 2007

I'm Chris, 18, and I'm a long time lurker, usually coming on at college because its always more interesting than proper work. I live in Stoke-on-Trent but moving to Manchester this year for university. I'm an anarcho-syndicalist and plan on joining SolFed sometime soon. :rb:

Joseph Kay

17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Joseph Kay on March 24, 2007

hey chris, welcome to the boards! (even though you've been here a while, but still :P)

there's a new-ish syndicalist group at manchester uni you might like to check out if you haven't already - student direct action (they might be SolFed linked, not sure but there's overlap of members at least)


17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by canna_fleur on April 2, 2007

[b] :roll:
hy...helloo...my name is monica...and i am happy to find myself here..at this gathering for the FTS* meeting!!!!
it'll do if i mention that i live in...romania....

*Fuck The Society

Jacques Roux

17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Jacques Roux on April 2, 2007

Hi Monica where abouts in Romania are you from?


17 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by scuffer on April 4, 2007

Hello all (comrades?),

Despite having a life-long interest in leftist/anarchist/anarcho-syndicalist politics, I have never really got involved in any way before. Read a bit of the theoretical stuff, the odd paper and magazine, but not up to speed really.

Reading through the Boards confirmed a lot of like-minded individuals, and influences!

I live in Salford, and wondered whether there is a local group?

It's about time I started to do my bit!


Mike Harman

17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Mike Harman on April 4, 2007

There are branches of both solfed and the AF in Manchester - for Salford specific stuff you might want to try the North forum.


17 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Bubbles on April 4, 2007



Manchester IWW

* Phone - 0791 413 1647
* E-Mail [email protected]
If you want to join the IWW, follow this link - www.iww.org.uk - or write to IWW, P O Box 1158, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE99 4XL, UK or e-mail [email protected]


17 years 7 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by scuffer on April 5, 2007

Thanks for the info catch and x357997.

Feels a bit like coming out of a coma or something.

I'm tired of numbly stumbling from one day to the next.


17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by mockbill on April 6, 2007

Hi everyone,

i am a French guy studying in London, i am really glad i found this forum, by chance. Although i have never been involved properly in any politics, i try to keep a critical eye on information and capitalism has always struck me as utterly absurd.

I just finished Leontiev's book, "political economy", which is absolutely brilliant. Not only does it explain very simply marxism, it also tells some things that are not taught in history classes, even in France (lol). Like the fact that, although more than 2 million of people died of hunger during 1934 as a consequence of the black thursday, several millions of railcars of food (cereals, rice, meat) were volontarily distroyed to keep the prices high. But you probably know this already!



Jacques Roux

17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Jacques Roux on April 6, 2007

Welcome Mockbill - how'd you find the site?

(and no i didnt know that ;))


17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Bubbles on April 6, 2007


I just finished Leontiev's book, "political economy", which is absolutely brilliant.

It appears as if there are a few people with that name....



17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by oxfordreview on April 6, 2007

:) Hello all;

Had a look around the forum and you all seem like a decent bunch .
I'm not up to speed on all the ideological stuff, so this is a steep learning curve for me
Hope you can bear with me.

Found the site on www.stumbleupon.com

I'm just a hard working guy trying to the best for his family, and believe a better world is possible.

I always considered my-self to be pretty liberal, but the political landscape has moved so far to the right in recent years I'm moving further and further to the left (don't hold that against me).

The main reason for being here is, I guess, to learn about alternative ideas and to educate my-self.


17 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by mockbill on April 6, 2007


To answer both your questions:

- if i remember well i found the site by trying to find out if there were some open-minded people in London...so, it is not completely "by chance" i guess ;)

- yep, sorry, it is Lev Leontiev. I saw that the book was on a reading list in the libcom library section, I was amazed because I think the book is hard to find (maybe it is not that hard when you know where to look for it). I myself have it from my father (it was published in France after May 68, thanks to the pseudo-revolution climax, under the name "Elements d'économie politique marxiste"), editor Novosti, i am thinking of scanning it...would it be the case, i'll let you know.

See ya!

Mike Harman

17 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Mike Harman on April 6, 2007

Yeah if you scan/OCR please let us know. Welcome to the site mockbill and oxfordreview!


17 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Refused on April 6, 2007

Joseph K.

there's a new-ish syndicalist group at manchester uni you might like to check out if you haven't already - student direct action (they might be SolFed linked, not sure but there's overlap of members at least)

We're not linked with SolFed as far as I'm aware. A couple of members are in SolFed and a couple are in AFed.

Daniel B

17 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Daniel B on April 7, 2007

Hey all, Name's Daniel, as is probably quite obvious, and I happen to be here completely by accident as it happens.
I'm not terribly good at all the talking about myself stuff so in short I'm taking my A levels in Kettering, Northants, I don't follow any doctrine in particular but (and I get the impression this may make me somewhat unpopular) I am a wee bit of a Leninist. I'm by no means well educated on anything political, I just happen to be interested. Cheers.


17 years 6 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by hummingbird on April 7, 2007

hi, just stumbled across this site looking up what 'libertarian communist' meant... and realising it described my views so well that this might be a place I can read interesting stuff and engage with similar minded-people. Seems barmy that I hadn't come across the term before. I got involved with anarchist politics in the early 1980s, miners' strike, greenham, all that kind of stuff, then the tail end of Thatcherism crushed the political will out of me & I escaped abroad and carried on spending as much time out of the country as I could until the late 1990s. Now feel as if I've become all that I swore I'd never be - property-owning, 2 kids, safe job, sensible car etc. - and it's time to get back to some of the things I believe in...