The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
holy moly, so everything i've heard is true
Hey, this is great - I'm
Hey, this is great - I'm gonna become a Patriotic Socialist for the duration of Euro 2016. Well at least until England bomb.
i'll wager somebody here
i'll wager somebody here knows something
Perhaps they've just decided
Perhaps they've just decided that the word 'comrade' needs further adjectives attached to it, and are putting forwards putative options for this. This is how most Maoist variants came about, for instance.
The females are just modelling adjectives. It's like Keeping up with the Kardashians, except with adjectives and long vowels in lieu of Kardashians. Perhaps their problems would be solved with a systematic purging of adjectives.
They seem to use 'anarcho' rather than 'anarcha,' which is suspect. Perhaps this is why they feel cold-hearted.
(No subject)
(No subject)
Are they Libcom users,
Are they Libcom users, though?
They are on Twitter, I guess.
I mean, the law against poisoning is generally an individual law rather than a mode of 'regulation' of such things, so it wouldn't have much to do with most of them. The punch-line is decent, though, could do with further development in such a format.
Honestly, something more simple like, 'Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan have unprotected sex. They contract Gonorrhea,' could work.
The ILLUMINATI KINGDOM has implemented the second initiation for the year 2016, Are you a business man or woman, political, musician,
student and you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant riches in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world. for registration into the brotherhood, so as to acquire a identity code. Registration commences May 2016. If you are truly interested call or whatsapp me via:+2348077357453 or email: [email protected].
In UK it is the monarch who
In UK it is the monarch who decides when something becomes a city :S
Crust Punk Squatting in White
Crust Punk Squatting in White House For 15 Years Now Legally President
Fleur wrote: Crust Punk
Following that link I encountered this! Watch for atleast 30 seconds.
derickwhite wrote: The
'We are not to be confused for the noble Knights of Labor. We are strict Kautskyites and not a part of the international Bakounist conspiracy.'
I suppose that true Christians would contact them via Whatsapp, being enthusiastic about this after seeing their e-mail address, but yeah.
(No subject)
Kaun banega Crorepati?
Kaun banega Crorepati? Clearly not Tony Blair, then.
It's said that when you're as Christian as Tony Blair, if you donate enough to charity you might be infected with keratisis.
The Symbionese Liberation
The Symbionese Liberation Army's kidnapping of Patty Hearst. Apparently they menaced her fiance with a wine bottle. How's that for middle class revolution? "You want to get clobbered with a bad year motherfucker?"
(No subject)
Champion Ruby wrote: The
Champion Ruby
I hate to be the one who ruins a joke, but you can actually kill someone by cracking them with a full and sealed bottle. Plus I'm pretty sure they were armed with guns and beat him up and tied him down.
Meaningful work not created,
Meaningful work not created, only destroyed, by bosses, study finds:
(No subject)
gram negative
gram negative
Haha!! Suprise, suprise.
Quote: Al-Qaeda presents
After all this time someone finally opted to show the Western socialist movements how it's done.
This Diagram Explains Trump's
This Diagram Explains Trump's Response To Orlando
(No subject)
Anarchists who have chosen to work within the Momentum movement and Labour party for strategic, class-struggle reasons: because a Corbyn government would mean a weaker class enemy than a Tory one
Building an Anarchist Momentum
Facepalm, so much facepalm.
Urgh, that's not funny.
Urgh, that's not funny. That's sad!
Kinnock calling Corbyn an
Kinnock calling Corbyn an anarcho-syndicalist yesterday evening.
from Reds and the Green, p.
from Reds and the Green, p. 122:
"The impecunious WPI was unable to afford representation at the plenum but Larkin was sufficiently stirred to attend, though recovering from illness, probably pneumonia: an ECCI transcript described it as 'serious Rumania.' "
This is the funniest thing
This is the funniest thing I've read so far today
This is the funniest thing
This is the funniest thing I've seen so far today
Crude Drawings Of Cocks Drawn
Crude Drawings Of Cocks Drawn On The Cartoons In Solidarity
(No subject)
(No subject)
the wobs make the News!
monday, karl rove called the cops on jones.
And this why Rove called the
And this why Rove called the cops on him
Surely thats harrassment? Hilarious :)
This is the fight at the protest, although it looks more like shoving
Personally I find that Jones is an endless supply of hilarity, this is him losing his shit over Bill O'Reilly
From the BBC: A soldier from
From the BBC:
A soldier from an RAF base is approached by two men wielding a knife. Norfolk Police were "unable to discount terrorism".
Meanwhile, in Sydney Australia, a man sets light to his car containing several gas canisters and rams it into a police station. "A top police official said there was no indication of any terrorist connection."
Toby Young just used the
Toby Young just used the phrase "manufacturing consent" on the news. If ever there was a man not fit to quote Chomsky, it's him.
Jon Snow is trying not to
Jon Snow is trying not to laugh.
An MP who quit Labour's front
An MP who quit Labour's front bench during a revolt against Jeremy Corbyn has been reinstated after asking for her old job back.
Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham, has retracted her resignation as shadow minister for preventing child abuse and domestic violence.
Ms Champion is on an overseas trip but her office confirmed that she had "retaken" her old job.
The BBC's Norman Smith said it was an "extraordinary development".
HILARIOUS! You gotta , you gotta hand it to the soffy ol britts, they really put a hammer in the gob, by god , by god
This is the funniest thing
This is the funniest thing I've seen today
Someone told me that Michael
Someone told me that Michael Gove was the best education secretary ever, and then, during a discussion on communism, the person, after using the USSR and China to "refute" communism, said:
"Capitalism has its flaws, but at least it doesn't murder, starve and opress people."
At this point I gave up.
Psuedonym wrote: Someone told
Why did u give up? All you had to do was saying anarchism also doesnt kill people in mass numbers plus it has no flaws
its him again:
its him again:
or this:
or this:
This had gone on for about an
This had gone on for about an hour; I was tired and I had already explained why these countries were not communist, and had talked about places like Catalonia. They simply weren't listening.
Entdinglichung wrote: its him
i was just wondering the other day if that still existed. Is it just me or has his aesthetic got even worse?
he called for a vote for V ("The Left", liberal) and SP ("Centre Party", agrarian centre-left) in the last Norwegian local elections ... Love him, love him, love him, he's a Liberal!?
BBC accidentally broadcasts
BBC accidentally broadcasts Aziz Ansari subtitles over nature show.
What would be really funny to
What would be really funny to see is the post on Libcom last year(I think) about the young guy that took a hiding from some Greek anarchists. The classic line was 'you're breaking the NAP'. Anyone know what thread it was?
This one I think.
This one I think.
Oh shit, there's getting on
Oh shit, there's getting on for 700 posts on here. I'll never find that.
Wow! I found it, posted by
Wow! I found it, posted by comrade graffiti.
this is the
this is the post
Ha! Beat you to it!
Ha! Beat you to it!
Noah Fence wrote: Wow! I
Noah Fence
That made me laugh so much.
It has to be a troll.
It has to be a troll.
Psuedonym wrote: It has to be
If so that's some quality trolling. Either way it's hilarious.
If that dude was a troll, he
If that dude was a troll, he should be crowned the troll King.
this is like the leftist version of Sokal.
Psuedonym wrote: It has to be
No man he is an anarcho capitalist, and ancaps have like no real understanding of society. That dude is legit :D
It was undeniably brilliant,
It was undeniably brilliant, but I find it so hilariously surreal to picture a wealthy American with an An-Cap bowtie and fanny-pack going up to a black bloc in Greece, and shouting about the NAP when he's getting kicked, to think it actually happened.
an An-Cap
:D an An-Cap bowtie
If there is such a thing as a
If there is such a thing as a guy saying 'stop initiating force against me' while getting a kicking, then I want one as a pet.
Lib-Soc bow
Lib-Soc bow tie:
Psuedonym wrote: Lib-Soc bow
Or an anarchist bowtie... but then again i dont see many anarchists wearing a bowtie. Could be funny to wear one at the carnival though. People are dressed up there anyway
(No subject)
Had a dream there was a
Had a dream there was a national referendum on reducing acetaminophen levels in advil in order to spite Hillary Clinton. Also, for some reason Sanders owned a theater full of cats.
Entdinglichung wrote: you
you knew it
following on the ancap story
following on the ancap story

teh - when I first found
teh - when I first found Libcom I was told I was an ancap. I didn't think I was but your picture confirms it! What an asshole I am!
Last night on the news at
Last night on the news at least once per news program a journalist awkwardly asked a member of a socialist party who support Corbyn "so are you a Trotskyite?", sounding like your mum talking about drugs. It was pretty funny but maybe you had to see it to appreciate it. They all denied it but one bloke probably spoiled the effect by saying he thought Lenin had the right idea at the time.
Donald Trump quotes read by
Donald Trump quotes read by the Zapp Brannigan voice actor from Futurama
Weird shit.
in German:
in German: ...
an Austrian "freeman" got banged up for obstructing an officer in the performance of his duty, he stopped resisting after being sentenced after an higher authority (his father) told him to be sensible
(No subject)
Hey, yeah I downloaded some
Hey, yeah I downloaded some torrents by the same guy too. And yes it is a proper manifesto included in torrent archives of cartoons.
Speaking of cartoons
High ranking North Korea
High ranking North Korea official defects to the South
(No subject)
Drunk Women Takes Policeman's
Drunk Women Takes Policeman's Baton And Attacks Him
Her surname made me laugh.
Edit- Actually I just read the story in full and it's got a sad side. not really funny when you read it through properly. Her surname did make me laugh though considering what happened.
A homophobic Christian
A homophobic Christian lobbyist who claims natural disasters are a punishment on gay people has had his house destroyed by a flood
I read that Trump hours
I read that Trump hours before he was set to receive his first confidential intelligence briefing says he does not believe or trust US intelligence services and if he becomes President he won't use them.
Really looks like he is throwing in the towel y'all or this was a charade all along. O.o
Nigel Farage set to music
Nigel Farage set to music
klas batalo : As a US
klas batalo :
As a US president i dont think you have the choice to not use the secret service
London estate-agents fired
London estate-agents fired after brawl with Class War protestors (outside Boris Johnson's house).
Craftwork wrote: London
It's not really funny, Bone's partner was knocked to the ground, unconscious and suffered a head injury. Having seen the pictures and the blood, I don't find it at all amusing.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers Still A Thing
potrokin wrote: Craftwork
I know - I'm not laughing at the fight itself, simply the fact that the estate agent was fired.
a musical pressure group?
Craftwork wrote: potrokin
How to Get Out of Jury
How to Get Out of Jury Duty
This made me laugh
This made me laugh too
Tony Robinson on Time Team
Tony Robinson on Time Team said something about Marx and Engels coming up with a radical new theory called communism. I was all like, I didn't know Marx invented communism. I'm still chuckling, also a bit unsure who is right, me or Tony Robinson.
I am pretty sure that this
I am pretty sure that this cactus9 fella has his/her facts straight.
It's saturday, don't be too
It's saturday, don't be too busy buzzin'
(No subject)
More weird shit Don't Hug Me
More weird shit
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared- The Healthy Song
Alterative fur Deutschland
Alterative fur Deutschland guy hit with cake.
(No subject)
No comment.
No comment.
One more.
One more.
Craftwork wrote: One
Tragic if you ask me-who are these people then?
More info on FB here .
More info on FB here .
The Green Rainbow Party of
The Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts? Really? And the same with the pro-Taliban guy too? I would have thought it would be some Stalinist or Trotskyist group/party, the Spartacists came to mind- aren't they pro- North Korea?
The guy = David Rolde.
The guy = David Rolde.
I ran into him for the first
I ran into him for the first time a couple weeks ago at a Sacco and Vanzetti commemoration. When I saw that Assad paper pinned to his shirt I almost had a seizure.
Bevan: Quote: "No amount of
Bevan: [quote]"No amount of cajolery could eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin," he went on. "They condemned millions of people to semi-starvation. I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying, do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. They have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse."[quote]
Corbyn:[quote] " And at a very human level, at a very socially compassionate level we got on very well on that issue at that time.
He also found common ground with Mr Cameron on their shared love of cycling.
He added: "As a fellow cyclist I wish him well on his bike. I'm not going to say "on yer bike", I'm going to say good luck... on your bike. " [quote]
This actually made me angry but what the hell.
(No subject)
Trump Calls For Instant Ban
Trump Calls For Instant Ban on Pressure Cookers lol!
(spoof news)
Funniest thing seen today so
Funniest thing seen today so far
Donald Trump as Zapp
Donald Trump as Zapp Brannigan Part 2
and there at last is our t-shirt
Funniest (and cutest) thing
Funniest (and cutest) thing I've seen today
Anarchist Compilation of
Anarchist Compilation of Doom
Man bitten by spider on
Man bitten by spider on penis... again! Poor guy.
I'm sure he'll see the funny side once the swelling subsides.
Spoof news again, but often I can't tell the difference between spoof news and real 'news'.
FB-fascist comment:
FB-fascist comment:
(No subject)
Teresa May wants the tories
Teresa May wants the tories to become a "workers party" and Nigel Farage is leading UKIP again. Beyond parody, etc.
Also Teresa May using a
Also Teresa May using a refrain from a civil rights anthem (a change is gonna come) as the theme of her speech today but to be fair I was breathless with rage about that rather than actually laughing.
Responsible capitalism. I think it might be time to finally stop reading and watching the news.
Hey, it gets funnier
Hey, it gets funnier
These videos made me laugh
These videos made me laugh today
i believe that wins the internet for 2016
(No subject)
(No subject)
American right-wing news site
American right-wing news site claims Ed Miliband is Hillary Clinton's hitman.
A saw a British pub called
A saw a British pub called 'Celtic Tiger' *scratches head*
Are ancaps actually real? I
Are ancaps actually real? I only ever hear about them on meme pages. Do they actually do anything off the internet?
Apsych wrote: Are ancaps
I remember a few years ago they organised events to support bitcoin, and one Ancap who wandered onto the boards said something about a community in Cambodia.
Can't think of anything else really.
Oh and yesterday I came across this
found on Facebook: Quote: IF
found on Facebook:
There's nothing funny about
There's nothing funny about today.
Yes. That post Entdinlichgung
Yes. That post Entdinlichgung just posted is fucking hilarious. And, I might add, a policy with which I completely concur.
Quote: There's nothing funny
Au contraire! From today's Guardian:
In this new world, now is the time to support fearless, independent journalism
We got the UK election wrong, we got Corbynism wrong, we've spent the last 20 years supporting a sort of mealy-mouthed Blairism while patronising working class people, and now we've gotten the US election wrong while outright slagging off working class Americans as irredeemable racists when it was mostly the well-off who voted him in. Give us money!
(No subject)
I thought that was actually a really sad article and photo, maybe it's just me. Poignant maybe rather than sad.
from SF's facebook page
from SF's facebook page

Funniest thing I heard was
Funniest thing I heard was from an Anarchist on Twitter taking the piss out of the SWP tweeting
"Get your paper, were only two paper sales away from revolution!"
This comment on a book review
This comment on a book review of Socialism and Left Unity by Peter Taaffe made me laugh out loud
As usual I did not read it
As usual I did not read it but it made me smile that Tescos Christmas advert is basically promoting Christmas as a feat of endurance. The world is so f***ed.
John Coal-Train:
John Coal-Train:
(No subject)
(No subject)
e2a don't know why Entding's image won't show?
Craftwork wrote: Is that
Is that for real or a joke?
Not gonna lie -- this is
Not gonna lie -- this is exactly what 2016 was like.
In the
In the Grauniad:
"Previous studies had presented women with 2D, flaccid penises, so this is the first research to provide hard evidence that women’s ideal penises are slightly larger than average penis size."
Draft Constitution of the
Draft Constitution of the World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by the guy who calls himself Communist International (Stalinist-Hoxhaists)
A successful investment
A successful investment banker parked his brand new Porsche in front of the office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he got out, a bus came along and completely tore off the driver's side. The banker immediately whipped out his phone and dialed 911. It wasn't more than 5 minutes before a policeman pulled up.
Before the policeman had a chance to ask any questions, the banker started screaming how his car, which he just picked up that day, was completely ruined and would never be the same again.
After the banker finally finished his rant, the policeman shook his head in disbelief.
"I can't believe how materialistic you finance guys are," he said "You're so focused on your possessions, you don't care about anything else!"
"How can you say that?" asked the banker, angrily.
The policeman replied, "Didn't you realize that your left arm is missing from your elbow down? It's been completely torn off from when the truck hit you!"
The banker looked down in absolute horror.
"Fucking Hell!" he screamed... "Where's my Rolex!?"
ajjohnstone wrote: A
That's always been one of my favorite jokes.
Russian ambassador to Turkey
Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead.
I've had that video dropped
I've had that video dropped on my social media. Absolutely the funniest thing I saw today. What larks, couldn't stop laughing, nothing quite as funny and entertaining as someone being shot to death.
Really, what the fuck? I really doesn't matter who was killed, who the assassin is, or what the motivation for the assassination was but if you find footage of someone unloading a gun into someone until they're dead funny, it makes you a bit of a sick fuck. I know the youtube footage was taken down but you might want to consider that other people don't have the same sense of humour about watching someone get murdered as you do.
I have sympathy for Syrian
I have sympathy for Syrian victims of this wretched war, not Russian spies (diplomats being in the business of espionage).
And you clearly have no fucks
And you clearly have no fucks to give about people who may not want to watch someone being shot. A curse on all you thoughtless fucks who think it's acceptable to show people being killed, maimed, or torture porn of any variety, without nary a trigger warning and without a care how it might affect other people, for whatever political point you want to make. The casual not giving a shit about how people will react, whether or not violence has touched upon them personally, the way dead bodies are shared in an angry, macho sort of way. Some years back, my neighbours were shot dead by an abusive man. Thanks to the internet, I now know probably what it looked like. Cheers for that.
Oh yeah, solidarity with the people of Syria. Now let's all have a good giggle at yet another dead body. That'll bring the dead back.
Ah I see. Apologies. I take
Ah I see. Apologies. I take your point about failing to add a content warning.
However, I'm not going to not rejoice at the come-uppance of these assholes. Pity it wasn't his President.
(No subject)
I won't be crying any tears
I won't be crying any tears over the death of the Russian ambassador. It should be remembered though that he's been taken out by the far right. I'd presume that if the BNP had just murdered someone you wouldn't be cheering it on.
I haven't seen anything about
I haven't seen anything about the assassin's political commitments. But, in general, far-left, far-right, centre; Grey Wolves, TAK, ... It's all bourgeois politics, part of the same system.
To be clear, I don't consider terrorism or assassination a good/revolutionary method.
Perhaps the Turkish state will pin it on the Gülenists.
The Turkish state has already
The Turkish state has already started to pin it on the Gülenists. His politics are right wing religious.
You seemed to be rejoicing about it before. Would you endorse a far right assaination in your own country like that?
Vampires celebrating their
Vampires celebrating their favourite time of year
You seemed to be rejoicing
Who's endorsing anything? I'm making fun of his murder in the same way that, say, one can laugh at that video of a Brussel's police-chief getting attacked/knocked-out (he could have died if he hit his head hard enough) without endorsing trade unionism.
Ultimately, they both deserve what they get, but the acts are certainly not going to bring about progressive change. It's simply humour, all in jest.
I also enjoyed this classic
I also enjoyed this classic video from France, when the Airport workers ripped the clothes off their bosses.
A few days ago I received an
A few days ago I received an E-mail from a member of the SPGB and this made me laugh:
‘A letter in today's Times recalled a nativity play in Scotland, where the small boy playing the innkeeper felt he couldn't betray Scottish principles of hospitality, and when he was asked if there was room at the inn said reluctantly there was no room, but added, "But now you're here, come in for a dram anyway."
Auld-bod wrote: A few days
(No subject)
(No subject)
LOL! Love the ALex Jones
LOL! Love the ALex Jones metal aswell.
Drowning Pool Feat. Alex
Drowning Pool Feat. Alex Jones 'Bodies'
Ralph Wiggum Spits
Ralph Wiggum Spits Fire
What happens when you combine
What happens when you combine libcom and Elmo's tweets?
(No subject)
We appear to have an idiot on
We appear to have an idiot on the programme...
"Murder pills! Suicide
"Murder pills! Suicide pills!"
(No subject)
We need a separate Alex Jones
We need a separate Alex Jones thread. Anybody see this, Jones trying to conduct an interview with Chomsky? Spoiler: it ends with Chomsky hanging up frustrated and Jones calling him a NWO shill.
"When everybody realizes
"When everybody realizes Walmart doesn't have enough security to stop everybody":
I assume this is related to
I assume this is related to the oil protests in Mexico:
(No subject)
(No subject)
"Great-gran, 79, who
"Great-gran, 79, who shoplifts ‘because she’s bored’ convicted for 39th time"
Trump asking whether we live
Trump asking whether we live in Nazi Germany.
(No subject)
That's just mind blowing.
That's just mind blowing. Everyone on the right is just so confused, thinking they're anarchists and what not. I knew this was going to happen: first they steal the word libertarian, then anarchist, and next thing you know they're calling themselves communists. lmfao
(No subject)
I got a kick out of the SNL
I got a kick out of the SNL parody of Trump's press conference. In continuing his politically incorrect crusade (a strange new way of saying stupid and vulgar) he lashed out at reporters, calling their news organizations 'failing pile of garbage' and 'fake news.'
(No subject)
Fuck me. They even managed to
Fuck me. They even managed to fit Qadaffy on the banner.
Colombian guerrilla group
Colombian guerrilla group praises Malcom in the Middle.
(No subject)
(No subject)
"Police Taser their own race
"Police Taser their own race relations adviser in Bristol":
I don’t think the video is
I don’t think the video is funny - those cops were totally out of order. Because he was a race relations advisor he deserved it? Big joke!
It's the incompetence of the
It's the incompetence of the police that makes it funny, certainly not the misfortune of the "advisor".
Text: Line at which
Text: Line at which nationalism becomes "anti-imperialism".
White nationalist Richard
White nationalist Richard Spencer got punched in the face
:D :D :D
How gratifying, haha.
How gratifying, haha. Perfecting timing too, prevented him from talking about that stupid frog. Now Spencer and company will moan about how "intolerant" and "unreasonable" anti-fascists are, as if there's anything to discuss with a white nationalist.
This is just the
This is just the best.
Craftwork wrote: Text: Line
This is perfect! Do you know if it's available in higher res?
jura wrote: Craftwork
This is the maximum:
In the US:
In the US:
(No subject)
Craftwork wrote: holy moly
holy moly
(No subject)
Simple Sabotage Field
Simple Sabotage Field Manual.
The golden ratio is
The golden ratio is everywhere in nature:
petey wrote: Simple Sabotage
That is amazing: we should have the key bits of this up in the library here
(No subject)
Entdinglichung wrote: Seen
Seen this guy several times irl.
think I might give him a bell later if I get bored at work
Steven. wrote: Craftwork
it's him:
(No subject)
(No subject)
(No subject)
(No subject)
This deserves to go viral.
This deserves to go viral.
(No subject)
(No subject)
I'm pinching it
I'm pinching it
(No subject)
Could someone tell me what's
Could someone tell me what's in the Galloway tweet? He's blocked me.
Funniest thing I read today was a text I received at work from my daughter who was working at home. It said "We have no power." She then followed it up with " I don't mean we have no power and all power to the people, I mean the electricity is out."
I love that she felt that she needed to clarify that one.
Haha, what a great text. The
Haha, what a great text.
The Galloway tweet says "Trump is a change agent." Excuse me while I go vomit.
Someones made a version of
Someones made a version of the original Wolfenstein 3-D with nag screens asking if it is OK to shoot nazis.
It's just about unplayable, but that's the point.
From a thread annoyed at all
From a thread annoyed at all the "tolerant left" cartoons about the UC Berkley protests.
Quote: Why don't you come
Family friendly and makes for
Family friendly and makes for a surreal date.
(No subject)
[It's a gif, so you have to
[It's a gif, so you have to view it on FB.]
Japanese men's group say
Japanese men's group say Valentine's Day is conspiracy, hurt their feelings
I particularly love the picture they have chosen to illustrate the story.
that is funny to any sane person, but this is not a theme limited to alex jones and his type. versions of it are cropping up with increasing frequency in "mainstream" outlets. trump is ferreting out his enemies in the govt who are trying to undermine him, you know, and the just cashiered michael flynn is a registered democrat who rose under obama, so connect the dots, like.
(No subject)
Young Engels complaining
Young Engels complaining about his family in a letter to Marx:
Tony Blair's latest
Tony Blair's latest incarnation would be funny only it's beyond parody and just adds to the dystopia vibe.
Donald Trump: Drugs are
Donald Trump: Drugs are cheaper than candy bars
John Oliver's farcical
John Oliver's farcical portrayal of the US as a force for good in the world with "some problems here and there, but nothing that compares to Russia." I don't usually agree with Trump (I never do), but he was spot on (whether intentional or not) when he questioned America's innocence. The fact that Oliver was so taken aback by that statement just makes my skin crawl. Someone needs to remind Oliver how the US has been overthrowing democratically-elected presidents for decades now, or how the US is ranked in world polls as one of the greatest threats to world peace.
This is certainly funny
That is truly hilarious.
Trump wishing everyone a
Trump wishing everyone a happy presidents' day...
(No subject)
to be fair, that performance was well over the top. Normally love Beyonce but on this occasion Katy Perry's performance topped it
Masturbation- halaal or
Masturbation- halaal or haraam?
Is Oral Sex Permissable?
I need more time to develop appealing policies says Corbyn. How much fucking time do you need there?
found on the brilliant FB
found on the brilliant FB page called I fucking love Chaos Magick ... any bordigist-dauveist critique?
(No subject)
Alex Jones explaining the
Alex Jones explaining the connection between Satan and the left (and then promoting his vitamins.) Important stuff.
The Guardian view on George W
The Guardian view on George W Bush: a welcome return
A polarising president, Mr Bush sounds a lot better out of office than in it. His swipe at Donald Trump’s brand of populism may mark a turning point for Republicans. We hope so.
This @jacobinmag lede should
That is fucking funny.
That is fucking funny.
Industrial Union 690. That's
Industrial Union 690. That's neat.
Why is it funny zugzwang?
Why is it funny zugzwang?
Nothing funny about the
Nothing funny about the sector; it's just they decided to put it at the end... 69... you know?
Ah, yes, now I geddit. That
Ah, yes, now I geddit. That is funny. Putting two and two together can be hard at times...
The billionaire CEO telling
The billionaire CEO telling one of his drivers how capitalism works, and also that if he works hard enough, he'll someday join the super-rich club that he's in (the irony being that CEO's write their own checks and do no useful labor themselves.)
"We have to [act in anti-social ways]; we have competitors, or else we'll go out of business. ... Some people don't like to take responsibility for their own shit; they blame everything in their life on somebody else. ... Good luck."
Ignore the "economic
Ignore the "economic philosophy" bit.
Engels, send more snacks
Engels, send more snacks
The Left of Capital and the
The Left of Capital and the Right of Capital in combat: