The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
The funniest thing I read today was Laura Barnett's piece hailing royal succession gender equality as a victory for feminism.
What was the funniest thing you read today?
Just stumbled across
Just stumbled across this:
What is this, I don't even. Was looking for stuff by Kozo Uno and what I get is this? Internet is trolling me
that's ... i don't know what
that's ... i don't know what
why not organizing a protest
why not organizing a protest against the Transit of Venus?
Railyon wrote: Just stumbled
goldmine. thanks!
again a brilliant
again a brilliant contribution on German Indymedia:
Entdinglichung wrote: again a
It's hidden.
Lumpen wrote: Entdinglichung
it simply displayed a picture of "Skeletor"
I wasn't quite sure what to
I wasn't quite sure what to make of that, didn't really tell me anything about what that was all about...
the usual trolling on
the usual trolling on Indymedia Germany
Good, if the working class
Good, if the working class are to be successful in the civil war they will need military training and skills. Labour once again bringing the revolution in by the back door.
(No subject)
They censored 'junk'.
They censored 'junk'.
Red Hulk would kick both their asses though.
Red Hulk??
Red Hulk??
proletarian. wrote: Good, if
Go Labour! The foremost workers party for working people who work!
wojtek wrote: Red
Basically Hulk on steroids.
There was an Orange Hulk before in Marvel VS Capcom, he was just as badass though he was not a separate character per se...
Railyon wrote: wojtek
I'm betting with you Rail ;)
(had to look him up)
(No subject)
I've become a bit neutral on
I've become a bit neutral on Red Hulk. He's been okay in the Avengers. (I am truly sorry I have an opinion on that).
This made me laugh today:
Quote: Harrison wrote: Go
China taking the piss lol
What is Albert Meltzer doing
What is Albert Meltzer doing here? :lol:
wojtek wrote: What is Albert
Keyboard Meltzer, play off the individualists anarchists.
probably not funny:
probably not funny:
The reality is that socialists in places like China and Latin America have much to teach socialists in Britain. Whereas British socialists have very few achievements or insights to share with them. A bit of humility and reality is in order.
Comments are a goldmine!
or this one
build the people's aircraft
build the people's aircraft carrier!
A quid says they'll be silly
A quid says they'll be silly enough to back China over the Senkanku Islands dispute (which seems to be just a re-run of the falklands without the inhabitants, well human ones anyway).
Quote: This war on affluence
If only!
Today's local newspaper:
Today's local newspaper:
'CDU don't care about the German economy anymore'
Now that was a knee-slapper!
"UK recession is over,
"UK recession is over, economists claim"
I was going to say all the
I was going to say all the lefty outrage at Miliband's wooden, nationalistic speech (EIN VOLK EIN REICH) given that the LRC at its founding conference in 1900 threw out a motion calling for 'a distinct party... based upon the recognition of the class war', but then there doesn't seem to be any....
Funny #1: In my federal
Funny #1: In my federal state, the Federation of Expellees (pretty much the dinosaurs of German nationalism) are the only ones to commemorate German Unity Day
Funny #2: Newspaper say Germany could do well with some more patriotism
And I was like, nah look at Greece dude! Certainly don't need them fash patrolling the streets kthx.
edit: argh stuff it a plague
edit: argh stuff it a plague on all their houses
(No subject)
Lol he has a pictures of
Lol he has a pictures of Guevara AND Kennedy on his mantelpiece, yep he not confused at all...
I think they want our support lol.
I usually get up in the
I usually get up in the morning and have a good shout at the news, but my routine was interupted by this stellar bit of satire today,
I know that the Nobel Peace Prize is an utterly meaningless thing, but it did give me a bit of a laugh.
They fucking gave one to
They fucking gave one to Obama, I think that tells you everything you need to know...
And Henry Kissinger and
And Henry Kissinger and Motherfucking Theresa.
Emergency services cop
Emergency services cop yesterday on Channel 4's "999 What's your Emergency?":
(paraphrasing) I serve the people who pay their taxes, the taxpayers. Unfortunately, I routinely have to handle and deal with the people who don't pay taxes.
note: she didn't mean the rich non-doms
not read, but heard the
not read, but heard the awl-cpgb 'debate' on israel & palestine
probably someone should
probably someone should create a second thread called Funniest thing you read today on "Socialist Unity":
the youth org of the
the youth org of the Arbeiterbund für den Wiederaufbau der KPD celebrates the the 63rd anniversary of the foundation of the German Democratic Republic:
Oh my fucking god... never
Oh my fucking god... never thought we still had them around. That said I take great pleasure in Stalinists calling them revisionists while the DDR guys think they were doing what Lenin taught them to do.
Quote: Conal Urquhart for The
unfortunate choice of words methinks
I'm guessing that the Radical
I'm guessing that the Radical Workers' feeder bloc in the Vice article, is the same as the one mentioned on Libcom, in which case I have a question to ask. So, which one of you is really Harriet Harman?
weinstein has been getting aggro for years
another one from Andy Newman:
another one from Andy Newman:
The biggest obstacle to communism in the UK is UK communists and socialists....
Liberal activist seemingly
Liberal activist seemingly with writer's block and little historical knowledge naively complains about the state and falls for classic divide and rule tactic re violence:
How much do you get paid these days for a submission in the Guardian? It's not just this article, but what counts for 'serious' political commentary in the liberal press currently is a joke! Has it always been so? Perhaps I'm suffering from a residual deference to professionalism I don't know...
the first line is pure comedy gold.
the new WW:
the new WW:
Celtic 2 Barcelona 1.
Celtic 2 Barcelona 1.
"Phillip Schofield:
"Phillip Schofield: paedo-finder general."
Entdinglichung wrote: the new
:-O is this for reals?
or probably is funnier
(No subject)
Quote: The London-based
A considered and well structured rebuttal
leftists when they think
leftists when they think millbank wasn't a small minority
CPUSA is doing a series about the, apparently again pervasive, infantile disorder of left wing communism. The link above about the party has a lot more all-caps in it than the one about ultra-left opposition to trade unions. You can almost feel the anger he feels toward those long dead German ultra-lefts. I almost doubt he knows people still have such ideas- it's like finding out Santa Claus was fuckin real the whole time when you turn like 26.
Quote: People worry that
(No subject)
Entdinglichung wrote: I
I really wish that a higher percentage of that blog was Zizek gifs with Kesha quotes instead of the other way around.
the title page of the new
the title page of the new Weekly Worker:
Glenn Beck is Planning a $2
Glenn Beck is Planning a $2 Billion Libertarian Commune in Texas
sabot wrote: Glenn Beck is
Are you there, God? Please, if you do one thing this year, let it be this. I cannot wait to read reports about this dystopia.
Ethos wrote: sabot
I'd pay good money to see this shit.
sabot wrote: Glenn Beck is
That article ends with the line, "Anyways, it's best not to think too hard about it." I don't know why the author, or anybody would feel that way. I'm going to be thinking about this all day with a huge shit eating grin. Its going to be a libertarian capitalist utopia? I can totally see this ending lord of the flies style. Its going to be soooo awesome. Why wouldn't I want to think about it?
There's another capitalist
There's another capitalist dystopia in the works.
Check out what the report says about private-property and funding in this one.
sabot wrote: Glenn Beck is
and he recently has [s]plagiarized[/s] published a dystopian novel:
Celebrity anarchism: Alicia Keys
[Its a bit old news though.]
the new WW's title page,
the new WW's title page, featuring the SWP's emperor (at the bottom [sic!])
(No subject)
Not funny 'ha-ha' I
Not funny 'ha-ha' I suppose p.8, from the SWP's CC:
(No subject)
I know this is supposed to be
I know this is supposed to be funniest thing "read", but this made me laugh.
oh no, it isn't
oh no, it isn't funny
Ethos wrote: ...but this made
I couldn't even watch that beyond the first 20 or so seconds. It was hilarious but also seriously cringe inducing.
laborbund wrote: Ethos
In all honesty, the first time I watched I couldn't believe what I heard. Then I thought, "He's probably fucking around. By tomorrow it'll be established that he's an up and coming comedian", but no it turns out that he has a "white student union" at his university and everything.
In keeping with the theme of "Members of major right-wing party in the U.S. say the darndest things", here's the latest.
Ethos wrote: In keeping with
the latest in a very long line. it's the local republican parties where you get the choicest loony.
I thought this thread was
I thought this thread was locked last I checked. Oh well, continuing on with the funnies:
I have brought it BACK FROM
I have brought it BACK FROM THE DEAD
i would feel more educated after watching an episode of teletubbies....
Steven. wrote: I have brought
And you know what to do when something comes back from the dead: shoot it in the head! (Unless you're a doctor, in which case: well done!)
Steven. wrote: I have brought
so you're God and this thread is Jesus?
I'm the Father, Steven's the Holy Spirit?
Or maybe I'm Mary.
This is meant to happen next weekend.
I'm stopping this now.
Reading is for nerds
Reading is for nerds
Railyon wrote: Just stumbled
Karl Marx
I'm not so sure if this is
I'm not so sure if this is the funniest thing I read today or an off-broadway rendition of my very own personal hell.
The Anthem - A radical New Musical.
All singing and all dancing, based on a novella by Ayn Rand, brought to us by the same man who made Brave New World - The Musical.
New Age bullshit generator
New Age bullshit generator
(Caliban at Sunset I stood
(Caliban at Sunset
I stood with a man
Watching the sun go down.
The air was full of murmurous summer scents
And a brave breeze sang like a bugle
From a sky that smouldered in the west,
A sky of crimson, amethyst, gold and sepia
And blue as blue were the eyes of Helen
When she sat
Gazing from some high tower in Ilium
Upon the Grecian tents darkling below.
And he,
This man who stood beside me,
Gaped like some dull, half-witted animal
And said,
"I say,
Doesn't that sunset remind you
Of a slice
Of underdone roast beef?"
-- P G Wodehouse
Mark. wrote: New Age bullshit
Can we not connect one up to the other and stand really far back and watch the internet explode?
Conspiracy theory generator.
Conspiracy theory generator.
communization generator
communization generator
bad religion generator
bad religion generator
Hey, has automatic
Hey, has automatic insurrection gone dark?
iexist wrote: -Spoilers for
Does it still count as a spoiler if I don't understand what you're talking about?
Quote: The only people
I was wondering too, and I've read the books and know who did it. But I think there might be a clue in
http://en.internationalism.or ... or probably not funny at all?!
Yeah, read it last week. It
Yeah, read it last week. It is completely bizarre and why it has been their front page for so long without a moment of clarity that would see it being removed. I was going to ask here as there are a few members of icc and ict, but didnt want to add fuel to the worlds smallest fire.
Yes, I don't think its funny.
Yes, I don't think its funny. I think it's deeply sad.
That ICC thing is very
That ICC thing is very bizarre…
Funniest thing I've read has to be this insult of libcom from a Stalinist cretin on Twitter today:
Dialectical ability;
Dialectical ability; priceless...
That ICC thing is a bit tl;dr. Is it just paranoia?
A reactionary referring too
A reactionary referring too UKIP's European election gains as a 'revolution' and calling UKIP supporters and supporters of far right and nationalist parties in Europe his 'comrades'. :(
Steven. wrote: That ICC thing
That made me smile.
"We will do our utmost that
"We will do our utmost that none shall lack aught, that not a single man shall be forced to sell the strength of his right arm to obtain a bare subsistence for himself and his babes"
-Peter Kropotkin
So sweethearted
"A policeman was reportedly injured in the leg by an arrow shot during the scuffles."
Brazil World Cup protests
that's pretty cool.
Quote: "A policeman was
I see nothing 'cool' about a fellow human being getting seriously injured.
Just kidding - what I actually thought was HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Webby wrote: Quote: "A
xtranormal never went away,
xtranormal never went away, apparently
(No subject)
(No subject)
From twitter: yeah boss sorry
From twitter:
yeah boss sorry i cant make it in today, I have 1500 articles about gun control to comment “WHY DONT WE BAN CARS” on
also a thread about open carrying in gamestop
"We're dealing with fiery
"We're dealing with fiery darts aaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll day long...and the devil is trying to find an opening where he can get a fiery dart through."
There's some serious sexual repression coming through in that vid, Ent.
Chilli Sauce wrote: "We're
Chilli Sauce
Karl Teschitz (Karl Motesiczky), a Reichian analyst did some field research among protestant fundamentalist in Scandinavia during the 30ies, he stated basically that their bodily states when "speaking in tongues", etc. was quite similar to his experiences when having an orgasm
Entdinglichung wrote: Chilli
The God Experiments
(while interesting, in fairness Choccy's excellent article on "Neuromania" seems very relevant here.)
he even can copy a Spart's
he even can copy a Spart's facial expression ...
The ecstasy of St Theresa of Avila. Who wrote in her journal that she sometimes doubted whether the consecrated host could really be the body of Christ. Because it didn't feel big enough in her mouth.
the button wrote: jonthom
the button
The most common (by a country mile) metaphors for sex in all medieval stuff are religious or feudal and the saints lives are ridiculously full of sexual overtones (and sado-masochism, Sade lifted lots from Saints' lives and claimed to use them to get off iirc). They also take the bride of christ stuff to a rather 'earthy' place.
There's one text where a character talks about what would happen if you exchanged the word relic with balls and then describes what you would do with them.
So an early example of the joke about christian rock (just swap Jesus for baby) which I think I first heard in Peep show but can't find it for now.
Chilli Sauce wrote: "We're
Chilli Sauce
now, he did the step from "fiery darts" to "consuming fire"
The best thing I saw in the
The best thing I saw in the V&A Renaissance section today. Every museum should have a kids section. WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT.
After 7 fascists came down to
After 7 fascists came down to Cricklewood against 300 anti-fascists. This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
(No subject)
Saw this at the bookstore
Saw this at the bookstore today, it looks like a sci-fi novel starring Marx as a space-wizard on Planet Proleteniusol
(No subject)
"Outside of Germany, the term nipster has also been used to mean different things, including Asian hipsters and fans of male breasts."
" and at least one vegan neo-Nazi cooking show exists"
Question for everyone in UK:
Question for everyone in UK: Is the word "chav" considered offensive?
I didn't want to start a whole new thread for a pretty trivial question, and this thread seems non-serious enough that it would be ok to derail just for a moment.
I live in Canada so don't know. I heard the term used on a TV show and just assumed it was a non-derogatory description for white youth with a certain fashion style and who are generally poor. I assumed people like this in the UK refer to themselves as chav as a chosen self-descriptive. But is it actually just an insult?
boomerang wrote: Question for
CHAV was originally a tabloid acronym and means Council House Associated Vermin. It was coined to demonise poor kids. It is an insult and I don't know of anyone who chooses to call themselves that.
Its the youth equivalent of calling poor adults benefit scroungers.
I suppose some people might
I suppose some people might use it as a self description but every time i've heard its a negative.
Boomerang - yeah it's
Boomerang - yeah it's derogatory, but at the same time quite acceptable to use in mainstream society. I find it pretty offensive, yet I hear my mates use it all the time, my family too, even though looking back ten, fifteen years, we'd be labelled a chavs too. But now we're mostly all out of that estate, it makes me sick to my stomach when my friends use that word, like, "where the fuck do you think you're from? Look at who you're calling that word, then look in the mirror". Pisses me off to no end really, but every society needs a folk devil.
From 10:15 this rapper from East London talks about it in a TED talk, I think he explains it pretty well.
Reddebrek wrote: CHAV was
Nah, it was originally a gyspy/Romany word to mean little child. "Chavi". The papers just adopted it as they do.
You can see for yourself how
You can see for yourself how people use it
That's actually a great
That's actually a great example. Those tweets are horrible.
Boomerang, I could be taking
Boomerang, I could be taking your username at face value ;) but when I was in Australia I heard a lot of people use the words "derro" and "bogan". I could be wrong, but I think it's the equivalent of chav.
Boomerang I think it's pretty
I think it's pretty derogatory, whatever it's etymology. I'm from the UK and I live in Canada and I can't really think of a specific Canadian equivalent, possibly because the class system has different nuances here than in England. I suppose the nearest would be trailer trash but even that isn't quite the same. It's a pretty nasty.
Thanks everyone! It's
Thanks everyone! It's important to know this. The show I saw that used the word was years ago, so I can't remember the exact context, but I got the impression it wasn't meant to be negative, but a subculture label like skater or goth or raver. So for years I've had it in my mind that this is an acceptable label. I've never used the word because nobody here does, but it was in my head categorized as a neutral word. I'm going to have to make my brain relearn that chav=offensive.
That's harder than you might think.... In grade 8, I went to a school for 6 months where all the white and black kids referred to the brown kids as "Pakis" -- but they didn't say it with malice, just as a way of describing someone. The brown kids mostly hung out with each other, so I didn't hear their reactions to it, but there was this one brown kid who hung out with black and white kids, and he called himself a "Paki" so I got it in my head that this was actually the appropriate term for a person of Pakistani descent, kind of like people from Britain are called Brits or people from Serbia called Serbs. So even after I got into my late teens and early 20s and started hanging out with progressive folks, I still thought it was an appropriate term. I was stunned to learn it's a racist slur! And it took a long time to retrain my brain. A few times I almost caught myself using it...
(No subject)
(No subject)
Brazilian police list Bakunin
Brazilian police list Bakunin as a suspect
Lifestyle Walmart ice cream
Walmart ice cream sandwich left in sun, doesn't melt
Oh I thought this was saddest thing you read today
found at
found at
Quote: England's James
are they now accepted into the Proletarian Milieu?
Entdinglichung wrote: Who's
Who's the Green Goblin in that picture?
Read how this Wikipedia entry
Read how this Wikipedia entry changed one man's life
(No subject)
found at
found at
(No subject)
(No subject)
But what if prole owns a cat?
But what if prole owns a cat? Labour aristocracy?
I have found the craigslist
I have found the craigslist ad to beat all craigslist ads - the invitation to spend the oncoming apocalypse in a hole in a ground in Vermont. A man in Boston needs a fertile woman to share this opportunity with him.
I thought I'd copy-paste the text, just incase the stampede of women wishing to take him up on this offer means that he takes his ad down soon.
That Craigslist ad made my
That Craigslist ad made my day. It's been removed, but I saved the image locations before it was, and somehow those are still available. So here's a look at the bunker and the armored van that goes with it:
I know, it's irresistible,
I know, it's irresistible, isn't it? Form an orderly line, ladies. It's not every day you hear about an offer like this.
Meh delete.
Meh delete.
Entdinglichung wrote: I
I love both cats AND dogs.
But when I read this, I couldn't help but think about how fitting it is for a Stalinist to prefer "faithful" and "hard working" dogs (i.e. obedient little proles) vs. independent anarchist-like cats. (Based on exaggerated caricatures of their species, but still.)
Then today when I saw this on Reddit I remember what our Stalinist friend Žižek wrote and couldn't help myself:
Cats are anarchists and
Cats are anarchists and fascists simultaneously.
This was from a few years
This was from a few years ago. Somebody mentioned it in the pub yesterday. I managed to find a short report about it in English:
I think you have to live or
I think you have to live or have lived here to appreciate the exact degree of surrealness in the phrase "pro-PKK protest at York Minster".
jonthom wrote: I think you
Can this thread be re-titled
Can this thread be re-titled The Least Funny Thing You Read Today?
Quote: Mr. Jolly
Was wondering too. I lived in York for 4 years and don't find this surreal. Am I missing something?
Ahh is it the PKK protects
Ahh is it the PKK protects bit? Didn't see that....
(No subject)
Alan Woods & Co. have made an
Alan Woods & Co. have made an amazing discovery:
but in England, Labour isn't yet discredited ;-)
Hmmm, I knew there was something familiar about the taste of a good Starbucks.
(No subject)
Another new gimmick to add 30 cents to the price of a coffee :)
This is a true thing that
This is a true thing that happened during the riots & general strike in Paris, May 1968:
''The scene was an echo of Paris's long tradition of insurrectionary barricades. The Belgian Trotskyist Ernest Mandel is said to have climbed on to a barricade and declared "How beautiful! It's the Revolution!" He was watching his own car burn.''
(Source: Revolutionary Rehearsals)
I took a long pause from
I took a long pause from internet and seeing this on twitter from today has made me laugh: "Masterchef UK has to be the least intersectional show ever. Always white men competing and winning. Like, literally always."
Lulz Bachmann... Quote: The
Lulz Bachmann...
The man has serious PR skills.
Talking of Hitler
Talking of Hitler lookalikees, there's these posh new houses down the road from me which, if you look directly at them from one side, look a lot like Hitler.
Serge Forward wrote: Talking
Serge Forward
Haha. Priceless - got a lol from the whole family with that!
Is it just me, or does it also look like a house off of Mary, Mungo and Midge?
for a second I thought that
for a second I thought that was Anton Newcombe and I was about as temporarily concerned about him as I was excited for his upcoming black metal record...
From the comments section of
From the comments section of
Peter sez
Quote: Talking of Hitler
And here's a pic from a better angle, which really makes you wonder, what the fuck were the architects thinking????
Serge Forward
Serge Forward
Perhaps it was commissioned by the owners of a certain vegan cake shop?
Head of the Australian Labour
Head of the Australian Labour Party in the Northern Territory travels to Syria to join the YPG
Obama dispensing wisdom to
Obama dispensing wisdom to the common man.
Dalai Lama has given up from
Dalai Lama has given up from next dalai lama cause Tibetan buddism has changed normal institution, whit capitalist aims. People from US thought that capitalism, selling Buddhism as books etc would help them fight back to china. That did not work but was against ideological aims what every self respecting philosophy has. Funny thing is that dalai lama is from royal family, his Highness is against whole hierarchy of Tibetan monks : ) Aint that nice, him has been get know Marxism at all, and speaking for it, as contrast to modern Chinese people whit new technology.
or not
or not funny?
(No subject)
Funny as fuck that Is that
Funny as fuck that :D
Is that from an actual test paper?
" "
I thought it was funny...
From wikipedia today.
From wikipedia today.
This isn't technically
This isn't technically reading but I think this is still rather apt
From youtubes number one `Marxist`
Plus a few of those comments should be worth a laugh or two if you can stomach them.
my great-grandmother had the
my great-grandmother had the same surname ... probably we are related
Entdinglichung wrote: my
Ouch, which one MRN or Alejandro etc?
So I was listening to this
So I was listening to this podcast where they were discussing an actual statue of the founder of the KKK, that I guess exists somewhere in the South. But one of the things they mentioned was how ugly it was. OMG, I looked it up and it's laughably bad. You have to check it out. I'm literally laughing out loud. Literally
Is that thing real? It's like
Is that thing real? It's like someone was taking the piss whilst drunk.
Lol, yes. Google: "Nathan
Lol, yes. Google: "Nathan Bedford Forrest statue I-65"
Quote: Is that thing real?
I dont know, it rather captures the white supremicist. Its the eyes I think.
This, from that unrepentant
This, from that unrepentant ignoramus, Louis Proyect
What a boob. I always suspected this guy never read Capital. This proves it.
Happy Ides of
Happy Ides of March!
Glad to see someone standing
Glad to see someone standing up for our soldiers
Soapy wrote: Glad to see
What a massive bell end :D
From John Boehner's twitter
From John Boehner's twitter :
"House Republicans have called on Secretary Clinton to hand over her email server to an independent arbiter. The Benghazi Select Committee needs to see all these emails, and the American people deserve the facts."
So apparently the Benghazi Select Committee is a thing.
(No subject)
(No subject)
i ... i just ... what the ...'re a're a horse.
Not at all political, but definitely the funniest thing I've read today.
some academic wrote an essay
some academic wrote an essay on the origins of the latin word for dick
wojtek wrote: some academic
non ridiculum, immo mihi valde interest
That having a rich 1% is a
That having a rich 1% is a statistical requirement.
(No subject)
(No subject)
Re #263 I have it on good
Re #263
I have it on good authority that Craig did receive a hasty reply:
Dear Craig
Fuck off you racist cunt.
Tesco Customer Service
Ah, if only...
(No subject)
@ Soapy Why do you always use
@ Soapy
Why do you always use that gif?
Soapy wrote: THE GIF IS AT
That GIF is the language of spectator? How so?
How about this one:
How about this one:
Agent of the Fifth
Agent of the Fifth International
lol idk, im just typing nonsense, for some reason the charleton heston gif is funny to me
Soapy wrote: Agent of the
It is funny, as well as weird. Is that from a movie? That makes a weird scene. It sort of Bollywood-ish.
Not sure what it's from, I
Not sure what it's from, I think I find it funny because Heston is laughing SO epically hard in the gif that it is like saying "the joke you just made was so funny that I am now forever at peace with the world"
On that note there is also this gif

which I think is also hilarious because it is like Robert Redford, this ultimate image of the impossibly masculine handsome guy, is giving his modest nod of approval to what you did. So it's like saying that I'm such an epically amazing person and yes I Soapy have awarded you with my approval so you should feel forever grateful.
All sarcastic of course.
There's lots more
There's lots more alternatives here on a quick google search. But the bottom two are def funny.
Group laugh:

Creepy and diabolical:

[I think I might go with the second one]
(No subject)
(No subject)
https://socialistcampaignfora ... or probably the "Saddest thing you read today"
Dont worry, it hasnt worked all those times we did the same things before, but this time it's going to be different!
Oh Christ. Reading that actually translated into physical pain. It was nearly as bad as listening to a jazz saxophonist.
Webby wrote: Entdinglichung
petey wrote: Entdinglichung
I couldn;t make it through the first page without hysterics. I must have this book! Of course I want to get in touch with my inner Bonobo. Who wouldn't? (apart from the author of the review). Kudos
ocelot wrote: petey
I'm still waiting for Chris Knight's review of the book ;-)
There is no way that that is
There is no way that that is not Zach Galifinakis.
I didn't have the patience for more than few paragraphs. What the hell is he even arguing?
Webby wrote: Entdinglichung
do you mean listening to a saxophonist playing jazz or listening to Gilad Atzmon ranting?
(No subject)
Entdinglichung wrote: Webby
Both. I don't hear jazz sax, I feel it as though I'm getting a kicking from a bunch of guys wearing winkle picker shoes! Reading that heap of bollocks gave me a very similar sensation.
"If ICC is in trouble so is
"If ICC is in trouble so is the working class." (here)
jura wrote: "If ICC is in
therefore, they're asking LibCommers for help:
Oddly no mention of the dog-whistle antisemitism?
AM: Turkish students' Jedi
AM: Turkish students' Jedi temple protest
(No subject)
Libcom? More like GLIBCOM.
Libcom? More like GLIBCOM. A
Aw, shame.
Webby #297 Webby I am not
Webby #297
Webby I am not getting at you here, but that rich b****rd’s sob story just makes me so f***ing angry.
Asset rich and cash poor, do me a favour! My mum and I lived for years in a room and kitchen. I slept in a bed recess off the kitchen and mum slept on a sofa bed in the main room. Some poor sods have to live in single ends.
I bathed in Govan public baths for years and except for the mile walk each way rather enjoyed the high jinks that went on. My mum washed half way down and half way up using the kitchen sink. In the Glasgow hurricane the chimney stack collapsed and as we lived at the top of the tenement, we were told the only reason my mum was not killed, was because there was a false ceiling in the front room which trapped most of the bricks. We then had years waiting for our factor to repair the f***ing roof!
Recently a comrade asked me if the tenement was still there and as I’ve wondered that myself - I found it using Google maps.
So to hell with the ‘impoverished aristocracy’ - there are tens of thousands of working class people, who still have to put up with sub-standard living and working conditions. Turn all these stately piles into something of social use.
Rant over.
Hehe, though a million miles
Hehe, though a million miles from your eloquence Auld Bod, my 'Aw, shame' comment was intended to convey EXACTLY the same meaning. I mean, his embarrassment at being a van driver was nothing short of revolting.
Honestly, if you're so skint then sell the fusty old pile you daft bastard.
I hope you don't think it's in bad taste for me to laugh at this splendid chaps 'misfortune' in the light of the true poverty that him and his kind have created? If offence was caused though I'm sorry for it.
No offence taken, it’s the
No offence taken, it’s the effrontery of these rich gits to publically whine about their hard lives, I want to throttle them!
Most people suffer in silence and there lies the real shame of it.
this thread
this thread
I didn't red it but here is
I didn't red it but here is something my alex-jones-conspiracy-theory-christian-college new co-worker said:
Straight faced the whole time. I replied: Man, I guess that's *kind of* ironic huh?
Does anyone else play
Does anyone else play reactionary bingo in their heads with co-workers? In the space of thirty seconds, two english lads called a driver a puff, another a paki bastard and said they'd 'pog' two mothers walking past because 'they go all the way'. *facepalm*
radicalgraffiti wrote: this
wojtek wrote: Does anyone
I've been working with a guy on and off for 10 years, have socialised with him as well and never thought of him as anything but a decent easygoing chap. Recently though we went to do a job in Devon and shared a cottage for 2 weeks. I turns out that his preferred TV viewing is the military channel, something I didn't even know existed. He then said that we could do with a the 'boys' at the borders to keep 'the fucking Eastern Europeans out'. I tried to engage him in conversation about this but his conclusion was that 'they look wrong, they smell wrong and they are wrong.'
The next day I tackled him again and we had a bit of a tear up. I left it alone after that but now thank god he's quit. Possibly he no longer wanted to work with a 'commie cunt'?
lol, his conclusion's
lol, his conclusion's hilarious. you should've asked him to explain further.
What in the hell is that?
What in the hell is that?
the prospective new MP for
the prospective new MP for South Thanet
that facebook page raises
that facebook page raises more questions than it gives answers
1. Wtf?
2. Is that some trolling?
3. So confused
4. Please explain what the "Afro-Thanetian Zaliphate" is dear god wtf