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- Eclipse and re-emergence of the communist movement - Gilles Dauvé and François Martin
- The conquest of bread - Peter Kropotkin
- The Kronstadt uprising of 1921 - Ida Mett
- Social anarchism or lifestyle anarchism: an unbridgeable chasm - Murray Bookchin
- The role of the revolutionary organisation, 1991 edition - Anarchist Federation
- Hungary '56 - Andy Anderson
- Manifesto of Libertarian Communism - Georges Fontenis
- Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft)
- Marxism, freedom and the state - Mikhail Bakunin
- You can't blow up a social relationship - the anarchist case against terrorism
- Value, price and profit - Karl Marx
- 1912: The Miners' Next Step
- The mass strike - Rosa Luxemburg
- Searchlight for Beginners - Larry O' Hara
- Untying the knot
- The revolution of everyday life - Raoul Vaneigem
- Leninism or Marxism - Rosa Luxemburg
- Anarchism and the Black Revolution - Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
- The Bolsheviks and workers' control: the state and counter-revolution - Maurice Brinton
- As we see it / Don't see it - Solidarity
- The Commune of Paris - Peter Kropotkin
- The Paris Commune and the idea of the state - Mikhail Bakunin
- The civil war in France - Karl Marx
- Letters from "Correspondance de Michel Bakounine"
- God and the state - Mikhail Bakunin
- From Articles for El Progress
- Anarchist Morality
- The Irrational in Politics - Maurice Brinton
- Paris: May 1968 - Maurice Brinton's diary
- The state: Its historic role - Peter Kropotkin
- Negative Dialectics - Theodor Adorno
- Class composition and the theory of the party at the origins of the workers' council movement
- Deleuze, Marx and Politics
- Aufheben on Decadence
- Social Democracy: No Future?
- From the Analysis of Bureaucracy to Workers Management - Castoriadis
- Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat (1923)
- Mao Tse Tung and the Chinese Revolution
- The Contradiction of Trotsky - Claude Lefort
- Theses on the Chinese revolution - Cajo Brendel
- Fundamental principles of communist production and distribution
- Class War on the home front - revolutionary opposition to the Second World War: the Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation
- Study guide for Capital - Harry Cleaver
- Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory
- The struggle against the state and other essays - Nestor Makhno
- Community and Communism in Russia - Jacques Camatte
- Economics, Politics and The Age of Inflation - Paul Mattick
- Society of the spectacle - Guy Debord
- Workers' councils - Anton Pannekoek
- The struggle against fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism - Otto Ruhle
- Black capitalism - Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
- 1995-1997: Mersey docks dispute - Dave Graham
- The right to be lazy - Paul Lafargue
- The Origins of Modern Leftism - Richard Gombin
- The Radical Tradition - Richard Gombin
- 1920s: Communism vs. Reforms: Mistakes of the Communist Party in Ireland
- On the condition of the English working class - Fredrich Engel
- Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy
- The holy family, or critique of critical criticism - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
- The housing question - Frederick Engels
- Engels' Articles for Labour Standard
- Engels on Marx's Death
- The Peasant Question in France and Germany
- Dialectics of Nature
- Synopsis of Capital
- The Peasant War in Germany - Friedrich Engels
- Anti-Duhring
- Principles of Communism
- The origin of the family, private property and the state - Frederick Engels
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
- The Wilhelmshaven revolt, 1918-1919 - Ikarus
- Origins of the Movement for Workers' Councils in Germany
- Ubu saved from drowning: worker insurgency and statist containment in Portugal and Spain, 1974-1977 - Loren Goldner
- Portugal: the impossible revolution? - Phil Mailer
- Russian anarchists and the civil war - Paul Avrich
- Anarchists in the Russian Revolution - Paul Avrich
- Beyond Kronstadt - the Bolsheviks in Power - "MK"
- Bolshevik opposition to Lenin: G. T. Miasnikov and the Workers' Group - Paul Avrich
- Politics, Not Economics Was the Key - Vladimir Brovkin
- The Commune State in Moscow in 1918 - Richard Sakwa
- Urbanisation and Deurbanisation in the Russian Revolution and Civil War - Diane Koenker
- The Evolution of Local Soviets in Petrograd - Alexander Rabinowich
- Reading capital politically - Harry Cleaver
- Chapter 4: The Two-fold Character of Labour
- Kronstadt Izvestia
- 1950: The Times on London Mayday
- The tragedy of Spain - Rudolf Rocker
- The soul of man under socialism - Oscar Wilde
- Fascists and police routed: the battle of Cable Street - Reg Weston
- Anarcho-syndicalism - Rudolf Rocker
- Goodbye to the Unions! - A Controversy About Autonomous Class Struggle in Great Britain
- Leaving out the ugly part - Hakim Bey/Peter Lamborn Wilson
- My disillusionment in Russia - Emma Goldman
- Institution Building in Soviet Russia: The Case of "State Kontrol" - Thomas Remington
- More than One Piece is Missing in the Puzzle - Moshe Lewin
- The Menshevik's Political Comeback Spring 1918 Vladimir Brovkin
- Peasants into Russians: The Utopian Essence of War Communism - Bertrand M Patenaude
- Reply to Moshe and Brovkin - William G Rosenberg
- Russian Labour and Bolshevik Power after October - William Rosenberg
- The third revolution? Peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government
- Worker Activism and Social Polarisation in Petrograd and Moscow March to October 1917 - Rosenberg/Koenker
- Worker Unrest and the Bolsheviks' Response in 1919 - Vladimir Brovkin
- Buenaventura Durruti - Peter E Newell
- Agrarian Collectives during the Spanish Civil War - Michael Seidman
- Individualisms in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War - Michael Seidman
- Workers against work: labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts - Michael Seidman
- Quiet fronts in the Spanish civil war - Michael Seidman
- Towards a History of Workers' Resistance to Work - Michael Seidman
- Women's subversive individualism in Barcelona during the 1930s - Michael Seidman
- The Indian Hierarchy: Culture, Ideology and Consciousness in Bengali Village Politics - Arild Engelsen Ruud
- Can a Muslim Be an Indian? - Gyanendra Pandey
- 1917-1945: Anti-Parliamentary Communism: The movement for workers councils in Britain - Mark Shipway
- The incomplete Marx - Felton C. Shortall
- Electricity and the Politics of Struggle for People's Needs in Tembisa - Franco Barchiesi
- 1968-1971: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers - A. Muhammad Ahmad
- The Lordstown struggle and the real crisis in production - Ken Weller
- The Workers' Opposition in Nazi Germany - Tim Mason
- A Study of the South African Automobile Assembly Industry - Franco Barchiesi
- Anarchism: from theory to practice - Daniel Guerin
- Kronstadt 1921: An analysis of Bolshevik propaganda - David Schaich
- Dignity's revolt - John Holloway
- The Middlesex Declaration of the European Precariat - Beyond ESF 2004
- The Bolsheviks, the Civil War, and Red Fascism
- 1946: The Oakland general strike - Stan Weir
- The olive drab rebels: military organising during the Vietnam era - Matthew Rinaldi
- Harass the brass: some notes toward the subversion of the US armed forces
- The power of women and the subversion of the community - Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Selma James
- Unholy alliance - The seamen's strike: an analysis - George Foulser
- 1926: The social general strike - why 1926 failed - Tom Brown
- A day mournful and overcast... An account of the Iron Column
- The Tragic Week in May: the May Days Barcelona 1937 - Augustin Souchy
- An account of agrarian collectives in Aragon - Augustin Souchy
- Industrial collectivisation during the Spanish revolution - Deirdre Hogan
- Internationale Situationniste journal
- Worker-student action committees, France May '68 - Roger Gregoire and Fredy Perlman
- 1988: Scenes from the Uprising - Noam Chomsky
- 1939-1945: Anarchist activity in France during World War II
- Lenin's Terror within the Bolshevik Party - Maximov
- The Commune: Paris 1871 – P. Guillaume and Martin Grainger
- The Paris Commune of 1871 - Undercurrent
- Karl Marx and the Paris Commune - CLR James
- "The Barricades Must Be Torn Down": Moscow-Fascism in Spain - Paul Mattick
- Report from Moscow, 3rd International congress, 1920 - Otto Ruhle
- Collectives in the Spanish revolution - Gaston Leval
- On the Founding of the KAPD
- Meetings in the Kremlin in Moscow 1921 - interview with Bernhard Reichenbach
- Syndicalists in the Russian Revolution - Maximov
- What is anarchism? - Alexander Berkman
- Still on strike! Recollections of a Bisbee deportee - Fred Watson
- Melbourne tram dispute and lockout 1990 - anarcho-syndicalism in practice
- The Kurdistan shoras resistance - Anarchist Federation
- The Paris Commune, 1871: a short account - Workers Solidarity Movement
- May 1968 Documents - Situationist International
- 1980: The Remaking of the American Working Class - Loren Goldner
- On the History of Early Christianity - Engels
- Bruno Bauer and Early Christianity - Engels
- 1936-1938: The Workers of the Paris Region During the Popular Front - Michael Seidman
- An Introduction to Left Communism in Germany from 1914 to 1923
- The Revolutionary Movement in Germany, 1917-1923
- On the History of the Communist League, 1836-1852 - Engels
- The Russian Revolution and the Communist Party - Alex Berkman
- The Russian Tragedy - Alex Berkman
- Interview with an Edelweiss Pirate - Walter Mayer
- White Rose documents
- 1990-1992: Britain and the politics of the European exchange rate mechanism
- 1920: The Communist Party - Provisional Resolutions towards a Programme
- 1996: Classrooms First! - A History of the 1996 Oakland Teacher's Strike
- Mutual aid: a factor of evolution - Peter Kropotkin
- 2005: Dead city - accounts of Hurricane Katrina
- GI opposition to the Vietnam War, 1965-1973 - Howard Zinn
- 1989-2001 UK water privatisation
- Beyond the New Left Part 2 - Muto Ichiyo and Inoue Reiko
- 1990s: Control, resistance and death in the Japanese school system - Okamura Tatsuo
- 1990-91 Immigrant Labour in Japan - selections from the AMPO journal
- Japan's Corporate Society and Democratic Education - Kumazawa Makoto
- Kanri Shakai - The Managed Society - C Douglas Lewis & Kogawa Tetsuo
- Life in the Yoseba - Kobayashi Kengo
- Living without school - confessions of a refuser
- Building Japan's Corporate Society - Totsuka Hideo
- Okuzai Kenzo's crusade
- 1989 - Opposition to the Emperor System
- Tenno vs. the People part 2
- Speaking Out on the Emperor System
- The Emperor System and the Limits of Post-War Democracy
- The Emperor's Legions - A History of Japan's Right Wing
- The Japanese Labour Movement - Towards Total Dissolution?
- 1980s-1990s: The Myths of the Toyota System
- The roots of subservience - Kan Takayuki
- 1990: Kamagasaki riot (video clip)
- 1994 - Nous Sommes Tous Des Casseurs
- A Brief History of Liberia 1822-1991
- 1945-84: Class struggle on the shop floor, the Japanese case - Muto Ichiyo
- 1960s: Beyond the New Left Part 2- Muto Ichiyo & Inoue Reiko
- Unfinished Business - The politics of Class War
- The anarchist movement in Japan, 1906-1996 - John Crump
- 1865-2001: Cuban Anarchism: The history of a movement - Frank Fernandez
- Guy Debord obituary
- 1900-1990: The co-operative movement in Quebec - Larry Gambone
- None shall escape: Radical perspectives in the Caribbean
- Jaime Balius and The Friends of Durruti
- 1982: The death of Neil Roberts - Class War Aotearoa
- Stuart Christie's account of his actions in a Franco assassination attempt, 1964
- Israeli pilots refuse to fly assassination missions, 2003
- 2001: The JeffBoat workers wildcat strike
- site notes
- A people's history of the United States - Howard Zinn
- Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
- Aufheben
- Everyday manifesto
- Primitivism, anarcho-primitivism and anti-civilisationism - criticism
- libcom introductory guide
- Pensions crisis
- Aviation: Two struggles in Britain and Belgium
- Community struggles in South Africa, 1994-2004
- Anarchism vs primitivism - Brian Oliver Sheppard
- The couriers are revolting! The Despatch Industry Workers Union, 1989-1992
- Bash the fash: anti-fascist recollections, 1984-1993 - K Bullstreet
- A Grammar of the Multitude - Paolo Virno
- Like a summer with a thousand Julys …and other seasons…
- A ballad against work - Kamunist Kranti
- The Truth about Kronstadt
- The Workers' Opposition - Alexandra Kollontai
- Organized labor versus "the revolt against work" - John Zerzan
- The communist manifesto - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
- Italy 1977-8: Living with an earthquake - Red Notes
- Towards a Fresh Revolution - Friends of Durruti
- Organise
- Chapter 13; Miner Conflicts - Major Contradictions
- Our activity in the late 1980s and 1990s: activity and balance sheet - Antagonism
- The communist left in Germany 1918-1921 - Gilles Dauvé and Denis Authier
- Parecon or libertarian communism?
- Mutiny in the RAF: the air force strikes of 1946 - David Duncan
- Bailouts, co-operatives or class struggle - a debate
- Anarchists who turned to the Bolsheviks - Nick Heath
- The slow burning fuse: the lost history of the British anarchists - John Quail
- Greek riots 2008 eyewitness reports
- What's it all about? Questions and answers - Troploin
- Notes from the class struggle: small group workplace organising
- The American Worker - Paul Romano and Ria Stone
- States of emergency: cultures of revolt in Italy from 1968 to 1978 - Robert Lumley
- خهباتی ڕاستهوخۆ - Emile Pouget
- Processed World magazine
- Hotlines - call centre | inquiry | communism
- Ceylon: the JVP uprising of April 1971 - Solidarity
- Fargate Calling
- Nihilist communism - Monsieur Dupont
- May-June 1968 - A Situation Lacking in Workers' Autonomy
- Eight Theses on Militant Historiography
- The factory-society relationship as an historical category - Sergio Bologna
- Working class autonomy and the crisis - Red Notes
- Gurgaon Workers' News #29 - August 2010
- Under the banner of Marxism
- McSues magazine
- The heavy stuff - MWR
- Alternative crew handbook - McDonalds Workers Resistance
- Are you getting screwed at work? - McDonalds Workers Resistance
- Jan Waclaw Machajski: A radical critic of the Russian intelligensia and socialism - Marshall S. Shatz
- Origin and function of the party form - Jacques Camatte
- History of the Makhnovist movement, 1918-1921 - Peter Arshinov
- The unknown revolution, 1917-1921 - Volin
- In and against the state
- The workers themselves - Wayne Thorpe
- Sabotage - Emile Pouget
- We are an image from the future: the Greek revolt of December 2008
- Program of anarcho-syndicalism - G. P. Maximoff
- The floodgates of anarchy - Stuart Christie and Albert Meltzer
- After the Revolution: Economic Reconstruction in Spain - Diego Abad de Santillán
- Syndicalism and anarcho-syndicalism in Germany
- I couldn't paint golden angels: Sixty years of commonplace life and anarchist agitation - Albert Meltzer
- War on the waterfront - Tom Bramble
- After the waterfront - the workers are quiet - LeftPress Collective
- Storming heaven: class composition and struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism - Steve Wright
- Libero International
- The Cuban revolution: A critical perspective - Sam Dolgoff
- Marx beyond Marx: lessons on the Grundrisse - Antonio Negri
- Revolution retrieved: writings on Marx, Keynes, capitalist crisis and new social subjects - Antonio Negri
- Student radicals: An incomplete history of protest at the University of Sussex, 1971-75
- Resistance - Anarchist Federation
- Interventions by the KAPD at the 3rd Congress of the Communist International, 1921
- Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism
- The poverty of statism: Anarchism vs Marxism
- Notes on the Midwest Libertarian Conference, May 28-31, 1976
- Counter Information newsletter
- Catalyst - Solidarity Federation
- Gurgaon Workers News
- Solidarity - Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement
- Anarcho-syndicalism in the 20th Century - Vadim Damier
- The making of the English working class - E. P. Thompson
- Wisconsin: South Central Federation of Labor's general strike packet
- Class, culture and conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937 - Chris Ealham
- Riff-Raff journal
- The Red Menace newsletter
- The Organizer - Twin Cities IWW
- Change the world without taking power - John Holloway
- Change the World Without Taking Power? Or Take Power to Change the World? A Debate on Strategies on How to Build Another World
- On the line - Libertarian Workers Group/Workers Solidarity Alliance
- Black Flag magazine
- Early Spring for the Badger
- Greece: The fiscal crisis of the state puts the need for an independent workers' politics on the agenda - Mouvement Communiste
- Basic anarcho-syndicalism
- Subversion journal
- The general strike - Ralph Chaplin
- Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a 'black' terrorist - Stuart Christie
- Weakening the dam - Twin Cities IWW
- Balance sheet of Maruti Suzuki workers' strike - Gurgaon Workers News
- The mining industry and miners' struggles in India
- The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-39 - Agustin Guilamòn
- The IWW and the Profintern
- Nationalism and culture - Rudolf Rocker
- फरीदाबाद मजदूर समाचार
- Open Letter from TPTG
- Communization and its discontents: Contestation, critique, and contemporary struggles
- Singlejack solidarity - Stan Weir
- Gender, power, and struggle
- Workers' power
- Debate on 'direct unionism'
- Communism has not yet begun - Claude Bitot
- Occupy Oakland: Advance the Struggle’s political reflection
- The age of... series - Eric Hobsbawm
- Imperialism, the world war and social democracy - Herman Gorter
- Anarchism without tears
- Marxism: Last refuge of the bourgeoisie? - Paul Mattick
- History of the bourses du travail - Fernand Pelloutier
- Fighting Talk magazine - Anti Fascist Action
- Anarchy and organisation - Rudolf Rocker
- Drug use, the labour market and class conflict - John Helmer and Thomas Vietorisz
- Year one of the revolution - Victor Serge
- Autonomia: Post-Political Politics
- Workplace papers - Sojourner Truth Organization
- Domination and resistance in the transatlantic world - Max Schwarz
- Syndicalism and the co-operative commonwealth
- The Playtime omnibus: A miscellany for young people
- Introductions to political theories -
- Four Star Digest
- تئوری بحران مارکس -پل ماتيک
- A worker's critique of parecon
- Poland 1980-1982: Class struggle and the crisis of capital - Henri Simon
- Armed joy - Alfredo Bonanno
- This Is Not A Love Story: Armed Struggle Against The Institutions Of Patriarchy
- Communique for the bombing of the Athens Stock Exchange
- The origin and ideals of the Modern School - Francisco Ferrer
- The Duties of the Revolutionary toward Himself
- The Relations of the Revolutionary toward his Comrades
- The Relations of the Revolutionary toward Society
- The Attitude of the Society toward the People
- National Catechism
- The end of anarchism? - Luigi Galleani
- Winn, Ross: digging up a Tennessee anarchist
- Revolutionary government - Peter Kropotkin
- The great French revolution, 1789-1793 - Peter Kropotkin
- Anarchism and other essays - Emma Goldman
- Part I
- Who is Oakland: anti-oppression activism, the politics of safety, and state co-optation
- The making of an Atlantic ruling class - Kees van der Pijl
- Wars and Capitalism - Kropotkin
- Anarchy and Organization: The Debate at the 1907 International Anarchist Congress
- Stirner: the ego and his own - Max Baginski
- Does God Exist? Twelve Proofs of the Nonexistence of God
- Workers and capital - Mario Tronti
- The American revolution: Pages from a negro worker's notebook
- Insurrectionalist Anarchism — Part One
- At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics
- Seventy days in Russia: What I saw - Angel Pestaña
- Letter to Albert Richard - Mikhail Bakunin
- On the Program of the Alliance
- Unconditional defense of the December 1st vandals
- Ravachol - Octave Mirbeau
- Radical America
- Dohball's reading guides
- reading guide
- The Westcountry Mutineer
- Vengeance
- Once upon a time there was a place called Nothing Hill Gate…
- Anarchy magazine (series 2)
- Sparks bulletin
- Communication Worker bulletin
- Shift magazine
- The One Big Union Monthly
- Fighting for ourselves: Anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle - Solidarity Federation
- Spectacular Times
- 'Don't be a soldier!' The radical anti-war movement in north London 1914-1918 - Ken Weller
- Revolutionary self-theory: A beginners' manual - Larry Law
- Pyrate Captain Mission - Larry Law
- Unity: Voice of concerned postal workers
- Anarchy: a journal of anarchist ideas
- Khamsin: Journal of revolutionary socialists of the Middle-East
- Resignation letter - John Crump
- A collection of essays on feminism and sexism in the anarchist movement
- The French strikes of May-June 1968 - Bruno Astarian
- The Raven: anarchist quarterly
- Apocalypse and survival - Francesco Santini
- Animal Farm, a fairy story - George Orwell
- The 1918 treaty of Brest-Litovsk: curbing the revolution - Guy Sabatier
- A world without money: communism - Les Amis de 4 Millions de Jeunes Travailleurs
- The liberation of society from the state: What is communist anarchism? - Erich Mühsam
- The tenant movement in New York City, 1904-1984
- Zerowork journal
- Manifesto of the fast food worker - Socialist Alternative (U.S.)
- Rank and file or broad left? A short history of the Building Worker Group
- Occupation as dead end?
- The peasants war in Germany 1525-1526 - Ernest Belfort Bax
- Jean Paul Marat: A Historico-Biographical Sketch - Ernest Belfort Bax
- The Paris Commune - Ernest Belfort Bax
- An investigation of this supposedly victorious capitalism - Claude Bitot
- Poll Tax Rebellion - Danny Burns
- A moving story: with afterword - Jocelyn Cohn and James Frey
- Strike! - Jeremy Brecher
- Autobiographies of the Haymarket martyrs
- Detroit: I do mind dying. A study in urban revolution - Dan Georgakas and Marvin Surkin
- Obsolete communism: The left wing alternative - Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit
- Hungarian Tragedy - Peter Fryer
- The veritable report on the last chance to save capitalism in Italy - Censor
- Mortar volume 1
- The Seattle Solidarity Network: a new kind of working class social movement
- Novara - Resonance FM
- Radical journal
- Collectivizations: The constructive achievements of the Spanish Revolution. Essays, documents and reports - Augustin Souchy and Paul Folgare
- Organize to strike, fight to win! Quebec's 2012 student strike
- The Russian revolution in Ukraine (March 1917 - April 1918) - Nestor Makhno
- Revolution and counter-revolution in Germany - Frederick Engels
- How to overthrow the Illuminati
- Solidarité: Journal of the Radical Left
- Solidarity motor bulletins
- Workers' councils and the economics of self-managed society - Cornelius Castoriadis
- One hundred years of workers' solidarity : The history of “Solidaridad Obrera”
- Solidarity: for workers' power (Aberdeen)
- The advancing proletariat - Abner E. Woodruff
- Solidarity for workers' full control - Solidarity (South London)
- Tea break bulletin
- Edinburgh Muckraker
- Essays on Marx's theory of value - Isaak Rubin
- The Heavy Stuff - Class War
- The Blast newspaper
- Kapital - Karl Marx
- Forgotten revolution: Limerick soviet, 1919 - Liam Cahill
- Barricades in Barcelona: The CNT from the victory of July 1936 to the necessary defeat of May 1937 - Agustín Guillamón
- Situationist International anthology - Ken Knabb
- A short history of Ireland - BBC Radio 7
- Against the Grain - Pacifica Radio
- Viewpoint Magazine
- The NGO sector: The Trojan horse of capitalism
- Endnotes journal
- How fast it all blows up: some lessons from the 2001 Cincinnati riots
- The Sheffield Anarchist
- The East End Eye
- The factors of race and nation in Marxist theory - Amadeo Bordiga
- Direct Action journal
- Root & Branch: a libertarian socialist journal
- Communist Interventions series of readers
- A history of socialist thought - G.D.H. Cole
- Selections from Perspectivas Antidesarrollistas – Miguel Amorós
- Solidarity for workers' full control - Solidarity (West London)
- Solidarity (North West) journal
- The Voice of the People newspaper
- The autobiography of Mother Jones
- Cienfuegos Press anarchist review
- In the cauldron of the negative - Jean-Marc Mandosio
- Industrial Worker newspaper
- After the collapse: notes on the technological utopia (excerpts) - Jean-Marc Mandosio
- Sic: international journal for communisation
- The mad history of the world - Michel Bounan
- The guillotine at work - Gregori Maximov
- English language discussion bulletin - DAM, WSA and ASF
- Class War – Programmatical positions
- Internationale monthly review - International Workers Association
- Industrial Pioneer
- Politics journal
- The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation
- The obsolescence of man, vol I , part 2: The world as phantom and as matrix: philosophical considerations on radio and television - Günther Anders
- International Council Correspondence - United Workers Party of America
- Zerowork: the background
- Slippery slopes (the anarchists in Spain) - Manuel Azaretto
- Burning River Revolutionary Anarchist Collective documents
- Race Traitor: the journal of new abolitionism
- The Monument: The story of the Socialist Party of Great Britain - Robert Barltrop
- Black Star: an anarchist review
- Man!: a journal of the anarchist ideal and movement
- International Socialist Review
- La Rivoluzione Spagnola: pubblicazione quindicinale del Partito Operaio D'Unificazione Marxista
- Trans 101 for Wobblies
- The CNT in the Spanish revolution - José Peirats
- The anarchists in the Spanish civil war - Robert Alexander
- Lesser Known Wobblies series
- Of Sweatshops & Starbucks
- Reflections on The lump by Dave Lamb - Dave Walton
- Who killed Patrick Quinn? The framing of Malcolm Kennedy
- Communalism: from its origins to the 20th century - Kenneth Rexroth
- Conquered city - Victor Serge
- TACT: Temporary anti-Capitalist Teams
- Class struggle and mental health: Live to fight another day
- Notes on dialectics: part II the Hegelian logic - CLR James
- Outline study course in Marxian economics - Paul Mattick
- Left-Wing Lies Ken Ellis
- The Socialist Labor Party 1876-1991: A Short History - Frank Girard and Ben Perry
- Review: The forgotten International - Vadim Damier
- Fragments: a memoir - Sam Dolgoff
- Freedom
- Points of unity - Black Rose Anarchist Federation
- Debate on "liquidationism"
- Electoralism or class struggle? - Phil Dickens
- Food and climate
- Here and Now magazine
- Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Canada 1944
- On the union debate
- Marx and Engels collected works
- The IWW since 1932 - George Pearce
- Lib Ed magazine
- Virus magazine
- Anarchism: a solution to world problems
- Vanguard: a libertarian communist journal
- Living Marxism
- The Revolutionary Anarchist
- The Fighting-call bulletin
- The Road to Freedom
- Authentic organizing: ideas for reviving the grassroots
- Open Vistas: a bi-monthly of life and letters
- Praxis
- Anarchism in Germany (Volume 1: the early movement) - Andrew R. Carlson
- A 5-year plan for Sheffield IWW
- Don't mark his face: Hull prison riot, 1976
- Eclipse e reemergência do movimento comunista - Jean Barrot/Gilles Dauvé e François Martin
- Hipsterphobia - Cava Sundays
- News from everywhere
- Modern times
- The workers' movement in Africa
- Marxian economics - Edgar Hardcastle
- Law of Value: the series
- Workers Wild West
- Trumpism - Alexander Reid Ross
- Colonialism in modern America: the Appalachian case
- The Working-Class Movement in America: Eleanor Marx
- The Working Class Movement in England: Eleanor Marx
- The Mandate of Heaven - Nigel Harris
- Les guides d'introduction de libcom
- Communist Bulletin
- Mother Earth
- Value and its abolition - Bruno Astarian
- Jacques Camatte and the new politics of liberation - Dave Antagonism
- Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa newsletter
- Resistance - An Anarchist Monthly (New York 1947-1954)
- Industrial Solidarity newspaper
- The People newspaper
- The New Solidarity newspaper
- The Situationist Times
- Mémoires - Guy Debord and Asger Jorn
- From outbreaks to ‘inbreaks’ until exhaustion - Roland Simon
- Théorie Communiste
- Spain and the world newspaper
- Views and Comments
- Retort
- Anarchos
- The Marine Worker
- Why?
- New Trends
- Yard Roots
- Workers Solidarity
- Alternative
- Workers' Opposition
- Fondements critiques d’une théorie de la révolution - Roland Simon
- Soil of Liberty newsletter
- The fundamentals of revolutionary communism - Amadeo Bordiga
- Willful Disobedience - Wolfi Landstreicher
- Emancipation
- Revolution, defeat and theoretical underdevelopment - Loren Goldner (2016)
- Libertarian analysis
- The Black Voice
- Las guías introductorias de libcom
- libcom tanıtım kılavuzu
- Du féminisme illustré - éditions Blast & Meor
- Califat et Barbarie - Tristan Leoni
- La konkero de la pano: Petro Kropotkino
- Guia introdutório libcom
- Problems of the Period of Transition – Bilan
- Libcom inleidingen: een overzicht
- Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Maximilien Rubel, John Crump (editors)
- Echanges: bulletin of the network Echanges et Mouvement, (1975–1996)
- Meeting - Revue Internationale pour la Communisation
- Revolutionary Spain: Karl Marx
- The Commonweal
- Labor under Trump
- Not the Coorier: The open bulletin of the libertarian socialists
- Yakov Sverdlov - Klavdiya Sverdlova
- Flight from freedom: philosophic myth-making and the literary avant-gardism - Yuri Davydov
- Karl Marx: man and fighter - Boris Nicolaievsky and Otto Maenchen-Helfen
- Monetary crisis of capitalism: origin, development - Aleksei Stadnichenko
- Rebel Roo
- Role of Black people in the South African War
- Aus der Werkstatt der deutschen Revolution - Emil Barth
- The international McStrike, 2002
- アナキスト FAQ
- Bordiga: Early political views
- Gay Left: A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay Men
- A history of separation (Endnotes #4)
- Red & black: an anarchist journal
- Freedom (New York)
- Guida introduttiva di libcom
- Venezuela: Capitalism and Class Struggle
- A libertarian communist fighting with the YPG
- Extracts from the Tragedy of a Jewish Teenager - Stanislaw Smajzner
- Revolt
- The Woman Rebel
- Rebellion: Made up of Dreams and Dynamite
- The pink triangle: the Nazi war against homosexuals
- The New Movement - Henri Simon
- Solidarity (Glasgow)
- Solidarity (Clydeside)
- Solidarity (Swansea)
- On the home front: Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth
- Kala Tara: paper of the Asian Youth Movement Bradford
- World Socialist Review
- Forum Journal
- The Labour Process and Class Strategies
- Universally interconnected/interdependent conditions of existence - humanaesfera
- Woman's Voice
- “To Struggle Means We’re Alive”: Prisoners Speak Out on Ferguson, Baltimore, and the Ongoing Revolt Against the Police
- Campaign to Redistribute the Pain 2018
- About the Turkish army’s aggression on the canton of Afrin (Rojava)
- Strategy After Ferguson
- Re-enchanting humanity - Murray Bookchin
- Class War 06/2018: From Gaza to Iran to the whole World… Down with the exploiters!
- Where’s the Winter Palace? On the Marxist-Leninist Trend in the United States
- Ideas on Social Organisation - James Guillaume
- Bulgaria the New Spain - The Communist Terror in Bulgaria
- Ethiopia and Socialist Theory: The Blood on the Wall
- Marx at the Millennium - Cyril Smith
- Anarchist Soviet Bulletin
- Class War 07/2018: Airstrikes On Syria! Third World War? Show Or Reality? No War But The Class War!
- Syria: no war but the class war!
- Midnight Notes Journal
- Make War on War: Solidarity with Proletarians in Syria
- How Nonviolence Protects the State - Peter Gelderloos
- 在工作中组织起来
- Anti Work Essays - Audio Anarchy
- The explosion point of ideology in Kurdistan – VP & GEH
- Radio Anarchy - Audio Anarchy
- Class War 08/2018: Against the capitalist catastrophe
- The rebellion of truck drivers at a crossroads - Iniciativa Revolução Universal
- Documents from the 2017 Vaughn Uprising
- Reflections on June 18, 1999
- Solid Black Fist - Prison Strike Newsletter
- From Krasnoyarsk, Russia With Love – No War But The Class war
- The Seattle Worker
- Socialism from Below: A History of Anarchism
- Zero magazine
- Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States
- Smash Hits: A Discussion Bulletin For Revolutionary Ideas
- Hamilton Tenant
- North American Anarchist newspaper
- Soziale Befreiung - Writings on the Russian Revolution (1917-1921)
- Heatwave magazine, 1966
- This World We Must Leave and Other Essays - Jacques Camatte
- Class War newspaper
- The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982 - M. Hassan Kakar
- Sloop de restaurants — Een werkerskritiek op de cateringindustrie
- Wildcat journal (UK)
- Intercom: The Ultra-Left Review
- Wob Bulletin (Canada)
- Bad: The autobiography of James Carr
- Theses on the 2018 proletarian struggles in the Near and Middle East and their prospects
- Radical Chains journal
- Libertarian Socialism in South America: A Roundtable Interview/Socialismo Libertario en Sur America: Una Entrevista Mesa Redonda
- World Labour News (1960s)
- Flux: a magazine of libertarian socialism
- Tides of Flame
- Stop The City 1983/4 - Documentation and Attitudes To Policing
- The ELT Worker Bulletin
- Notts University Worker
- The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto
- Nanni Balestrini (1935-2019): "If you read this, you must no longer fear anything"
- 12 Rules for What podcast
- Anarcho Agony Aunts
- Popola Fronto: 1936-1939
- Metropoliteno - Vladimir Varankin
- Public Secrets: Collected Skirmishes of Ken Knabb, 1970-1997
- The book of pleasures - Raoul Vaneigem
- Anarchism in the 21st century
- Enragés and Situationists in the occupation movement, France, May ’68
- Evade Chile Communiqués
- Hunting Specters: A Political History of the Purges in the Communist Party of the Philippines
- Ka Popoy: Selected Writings
- Make Rojava Green Again
- Liberation - Paper of the Anarchist Communist Federation (1986-87)
- Platformo de organizo de la Ĝenerala Unuiĝo de Anarkiisto
- Libera Laboristo
- Fascism and anti-Fascism in the Medway Towns 1927-1940 - David Turner
- Lizard Talk: Or, Ten Plagues and Another - Peter Linebaugh
- Sennaciulo: Oficiala organo de Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda
- Libertarian Struggle/Anarchist Worker
- The Workers' Dreadnought
- London Workers Group Bulletin
- The Red Menace newsletter (UK)
- Libertarian Communist Review
- Libertarian Communist, paper of the Libertarian Communist Group
- Spies at Work
- Liverpool Anarchist newsletter
- Layers of Injustice: Re-Examining Lucasville
- Red Attitude
- Bread & Roses - Paper of the Anarchist Communist Association (c1978-1980)
- Der Klasen Kampf
- דער קלאסען קאמפּף
- Democracy and the SWP
- The Pickles Papers
- Striking Stuff - Jean A. Gittins
- Cable Street Beat Review
- Fighting Talk Edinburgh: Broadsheet of Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Action
- Direct Action: Paper of the Direct Action Movement (1980s)
- Direct Action: Paper of the Syndicalist Workers' Federation (1950s-1970s)
- Xtra! The Paper for Armchair Terrorists
- Crowbar magazine
- The Wolverine - Gay Voices of Hostility
- Invergordon Mutineer - Len Wincott
- Base Publication
- The Occupied Times of London
- Chuǎng journal
- Newham Monitoring Project annual reports
- Barricade Bulletin - Derry Anarchists
- Anarchist Black Dragon
- Angry Workers' Bulletin
- Love & Rage newspaper
- London Notes: autonomist magazine #1 1992
- Balance sheet of a revolution / Bilan d'une révolution
- The Alliance Syndicaliste on Kropotkin, Malatesta and Bakunin
- Squatting In West Berlin - Hooligan Press
- Reflections on Mayday 2000
- Undercurrent journal
- Do Or Die magazine - Voices From Earth First!
- Class Struggles in the USSR, Third Period: 1930-1941 - Charles Bettelheim
- Colombia’s burning!
- Scottish Anarchist magazine
- Wildcat (London, 1970s)
- Almost half a century after the military coup: we can neither forget nor forgive [Chile]
- The Commoner journal
- Solidarity journals on Libcom
- Social Revolution journal
- Principia Dialectica magazine
- Debates around the Workers Solidarity Movement
- Red and Black Revolution
- Irish Anarchist Review
- Outline of Marx’s Capital Volume I - Raya Dunavevskaya
- Anarchists debate the war in Ukraine
- Ainriail / Raveiw magazine
- Big Flame: Educational Bulletin Of The Anarchist Federation
- Direct Action: Magazine of the Solidarity Federation (1990s-2000s)
- Education Worker: Bulletin of the Education Workers Network
- Amazon Workers' Bulletin
- The Whinger - Paul Petard
- Virus #1 (2019)
- Evading Standards spoof newspaper
- Revolt!
- prol-position news
- Marx’s Capital and Today’s Global Crisis - Raya Dunavevskaya
- ¡The Blast! newspaper (1990s)
- Encyclopedie des Nuisances
- Point-Blank! Journal (1972)
- Counter-Planning from the Kitchen - Nicole Cox and Silvia Federici
- The End of Music: Punk, New Wave, Reggae, a critique - David and Stuart Wise
- Views & Comments
- SchNEWS newsletter
- SchNEWS Annuals
- Class Power on Zero-Hours - Angry Workers
- King Mob Echo
- Up Against The Wall Motherfucker anthology
- Cuddon's Cosmopolitan Review
- October #79: Guy Debord and the Internationale situationniste
- The Veritable Split in the International - Situationist International
- Diversion #1 (1973)
- A Critical Hidden History of King Mob - David Wise
- June 1953 - Proletarian uprising in East Germany
- No Blood For Oil: Energy, Class Struggle, and War, 1998-2004 - George Caffentzis
- The Voice of Industry
- Anti Exchange & Mart
- Inside Story
- Cracking the Movement: Squatting beyond the media - ADILKNO
- Open Marxism
- The Labour Debate: An Investigation into the Theory and Reality of Capitalist Work - Ana C. Dinerstein & Michael Neary
- Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality - Yavor Tarinski
- Timperley Village Anarchist / TV-AM
- Rebel Worker Dec. 2023 - Jan. 2024
- Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money - Werner Bonefeld and John Holloway
- The Shadow
- Catalyst: Anarcho-Syndicalist Quarterly #1 1987
- Alive & Kicking: Cambridge Anarchist News
- Insurgent Notes: Journal of Communist Theory and Practice
- Arsenal: Surrealist Subversion
- "The thirst for gold will leave us without water" - graffiti in Latin America and Spain
- Communism - central organ of the Internationalist Communist Group
- [GCI-ICG] The West-Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem,... in response to the proletarian struggle the bourgeoisie is once again preparing a massacre!! [1988]
- Black Autonomy
- Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration
- Kämpfe & Kündigungen
- Money and the Human Condition - Michael Neary and Graham Taylor
- Falling Wall Review
- Women in Struggle journal
- Committee Against Repression in Italy bulletin
- Wages For Housework Notebooks
- Power of Women journal
- Implications #1 (1975)
- Leaving the 20th Century - The incomplete works of the Situationist International
- The Rebel Worker journal
- Stock Exchange Speculator’s Manual by P.J Proudhon
- Anarchist Youth journal
- Freedom: A Journal of Constructive Anarchism
- Direct Action - Solidarity Federation
- Workers' Scud newsletter (July 1991)
- Lost Ones Around King Mob
- Caribbean Correspondence journal
- Dialectical Butterflies archive on Libcom
- ACAB Fight Back (1985)
- Love & Rage - WOMBLES zine
- Direct Action: Paper of the Anarchist Federation of Britain (1945-1950)
- Three essays on the new mandarins - Lee Yu See
- Chinese Takeaway: or a slow boat back from China
- Al Amal Newsletter